This administration and it’s lackey’s, have done more harm to the United States than all of the terrorists in the world could achieve in 100 lifetimes. My only hope is that in the near future, all of these so called “patriots” are held to a War Crimes Tribunal, leading of with Bushco the talking head and his puppetmaster, Dick I had other priorities Cheney.
These people are criminals, they have sanctioned the worst forms of atrocities in the name of the people of the United States. I will never sanction terrorism, nor condone the killing of innocent people to further some political or religious tenet. I will support the right of any human being to be given due process to disprove or have the state prove they are guilty of a crime. The Nazification of our leadership has appalled me to no end and I can only hope that this administration and its criminal overtones is given due process and suitably punished for it’s war crimes against humanity.
I fear deeply for my country, as I have seen here where I live an unfettered devotion to GW and his policies. So many people here simply state that he is the president, he must know what we need to protect our country. In my mind, he and his administration and many of those that support his policies are war criminals, little better than Hitler or Stalin, in their desire to capture the world for, as they say democracy. I have watched and listened as Bushco talks out of both sides of his mouth. I am a champion of democracy to the world and then we must restrict more of American’s freedoms to protect you. This fascist regime has but one end that it wants to accomplish, that is the total and complete destruction of the Constitution as a viable and living document that promotes, protects and enhances our freedom.
I believe that the Corporate Master’s who control Bushco and his administration would like nothing better than to have the name of the USA changed to the Corporate States of America. The feudal mindset of these corporate master’s is obvious and apparent, yet the peasants continually fail to see the obvious. I say to all progressives, wake them up, shake them up and make them uncomfortable in their slumber.
I have no complaint against capitalism, it pays my bills, gives me a comfortable living and makes life better for my children. I am uncomfortable with the current climate of unadulterated greed and avarice that has seized our country’s movers and shakers and continuing unchecked will destroy our culture and our way of life.
I am a member of the human race that inhabits the planet earth. That makes me and my country responsible to the other members of the human race that inhabits our planet. Our current wannabe King and his crony’s have failed miserably in not only helping to protect those who live outside of the USA, but have repeatedly and without regard to the consequences have increased poverty and despair within our own country.
I once held a profound proudness that I was blessed to have been born an American Citizen. That proudness is wearing thin, by the actions of a criminal element that has infected my government and my country. I wish to live in no other place in the world and I have been to most of the countries in the North and South American hemisphere. I wish for my country to wake up to the criminal actions of our leadership, its illegal and immoral war for profit, its continued abuse of human and civil rights not only in the world but within the US.
I pray that soon, those who have made every effort to destroy our nation will be held accountable for their actions. To my brothers and sisters throughout the world, all I can do is tell you that there are many Americans, who do not contenance the actions of our government and are working diligently to rectify and correct our course and stategy in dealing with the rest of the world. I will to my last breath fight this fight to change my government from being the bully on the block to being the caring friend who helps those less fortunate than themselves. This is the America that I grew up with, this is the America that I have loved, this is the America that was founded on ideals that all human beings are valued for simply being human beings.
I hope that this diary will not offend, I needed to spout off as I have developed a full head of steam from watching all the monsterous actions of this regime.
Good diary. I believe the in the climate say 20 or 30 years ago this administration would have been made to pay for its actions – they make Nixon look really good.
The administration now, with the remnants of the Reagan/Bush 1 eras have designs on Empire, of that I am pretty sure. They do not want to have to answer to anybody for their actions, and they want absolute control. They have shown contempt for human life, international laws, and the laws of this country. The Constitution is a guide they don’t want to have to follow. The American public is a victim of propaganda with makes the Germans look like amateurs.
We can also look at the American people. Twice now there were questions about the legitimacy of the election, and twice now we didn’t follow up on it. If voter fraud occurred within a democracy, it is probably one of the biggest assaults on democracy that I can imagine.
more arrogant
more ignorant
Shrub top to Guckert bottom
Off to the Hague with the lott of ’em
yeah – dream on
for me is that They continue to get away with it on a daily basis. Ghostdancer..I truly believe in what goes around comes around. The repugs are starting to fracture, which I mentioned on another thread somewhere this morning. I KNOW that it may not be as rapidly as we would like or that these WAR CRIMINALS deserve but they will be brought to justice one day. I hope I live to see it.
Justice will happen in the history books of the future.
That’s about the only thing that consoles me right now-that future history books will have this period as a dark, corrupt, criminal and war profiteering era. Which is just the start of their crimes against our country and the world.
Our honorable leader will be placed next to the likes of Caligula. Of course history books can be written with bias. There is a German historian, Gerhard Baudy, who makes a remarkably good case that the fire of Rome was started by the Christians and not Nero. I don’t want to get into all the apocalyptic interpretations of the Christians at the time – however this is not something the Christians want in their history, the Inquisition and the Crusades are bad enough. Nero was a hunter of Christians, but according to Baudy not without reason. Sorry there is no translation of his work into English – that should tell you something right there.
Baudy says that around that time, the Christians were circulating apocalyptic texts which foretold the end of the world after a firey destruction. Also, an ancient Egyptian prophecy foretold the destruction of Rome on July 19th, 64 AD — exactly the day the fire started. He thinks they either started it or contributed to one that had already started. All of what he gives, though, is circumstantial.
Circumstantial – yes, but quite a coincidence. He does go into quite a bit more detail than that – there was also a heavenly alignment important to the Christians, forgive I can’t recall precisely what and I don’t have his book here so I can’t look it up, that happened on that day. Nero didn’t start his dubious reign annihilating Christians. The Romans had been very tolerant of the Christians, as they were with many relgions, it was in fact the Christians that were very intolerant, and not just under Nero. The Romans, being polytheists had no problem welcoming another deity, but the Christians were very adamant that theirs was the only God. What really happened we will never know, unless there are some buried writings in the Vatican that can shed more light. History is written by the victor.
Thanks for the link, I love that show – I catch it when I can. Interestingly if you go to the PBS/Secrets of the Dead it is not mentioned.
Well ghost, if anyone gets offended I’d say that like the t-shirt says: ‘If you’re not outraged then you’re not paying attention’.
Great diary. You did a terrific job of encapsulating all my thoughts about bushco and how I feel about our country and what is happening to us here.
We’re all in agreement — Bushco are war criminals. So, tell me, my European friends, why didn’t you arrest him the last time he was touring over there? Oh, nevermind, I know: Cheney would nuke ya. π
I am so embarrassed to be an American right now, so ashamed. I don’t believe we will recover from the damage done by this administration. China and India will be the new super-powers but we could have kept a place of integrity and respect in the world if only, if only… (chokes back a sob of grief).
Remember the dark days of Richard Nixon, oldsters on this site. Following the death and assination of Kennedy and Vietnam. We thought the world or the country would never heal, but it did and it will again. We must have hope. We must have justice for the criminals and that will speak volumes to the world if that should ever happen.
Great diary Ghostdancer,
Pray that the Great Spirit will bless and heal our country and the world.
Quite sincerely, I view Nixon as an eloquent statesman in comparison to these thugs. (Yeah, I know, Dick had a couple little quirks – but look what he did in China and compare it to the current president’s foreign relations skills.
I feel the raw emotions in your words, Ghostdancer’s Way. We are bearing witness to a very dark time in America’s history. I think the thing that gets to me the most is the torture. No matter what happens, that will always be an open wound for me. I have days when I get overwhelmed and feel so sad and hopeless. But they are outnumbered by my hopeful days. If I didn’t have BooTrib and Dkos, if I couldn’t reach out and take part in the exchange of info and emotion and community… Well, let’s just say I’m glad I’m here.
And in turn, we’re glad you’re here as well.
Gee, thanks… I needed that. π
As one last thought, I don’t fully trust that history will reflect the true ugliness of this administration – with history books in the hands of corporations beholden to this crew.
But the most important historical event of all is out of our control – and most appropriately in the hands of our Creator.
True – but not all historians are from this country! Canada is but a hop, skip and a jump away. This may be covered up here for a while – but not forever.
Thank you for the positive note on my departure for the night.
My best to you, Hanni!