First, I had to reduce Bolton’s head … that was difficult in itself. Then I had to make about seven layers of swatches of Phil’s hair to make it fit over Bolton’s hand (!) which he had up in the photo, etc.
Lugar is another tool of the Oval Office. He would’ve steamrolled this nomination if Voinovich wouldn’t have spoken up at the committee meeting last month. Hopefully a majority of Senators tell Bush to go screw himself with this nomination. [cross the fingers]
For the next umpty-ump years we will have a loon making decisions in the 5th Circuit. The only good thing I see coming out of her confirmation is her decisions will directly affect the stronghold of nuttery in the US. Perhaps a little ‘tough love’ will cause them to re-think their position.
Democrat Drops Hold on Bolton Nomination
The Associated Press
Updated: 1:10 p.m. ET May 25, 2005
WASHINGTON – John R. Bolton’s prospects for winning Senate approval to become U.N. ambassador have brightened as a key Democrat abandoned her plan to try blocking debate on the confirmation.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., planned to begin debate on Bolton’s nomination on Wednesday, and a vote was expected by week’s end. Republicans said they were confident they would prevail in a chamber they control 55-44, with a Democratic-leaning independent.
A Senate vote would end weeks of wrangling over whether Bolton, an outspoken conservative, mistreated co-workers or took liberties with government intelligence.
On Tuesday, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., decided to drop her plan to use procedural delays to prevent the debate on Bolton from beginning, according to spokeswoman Natalie Ravitz. Her decision came after conferring with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s top Democrat, Joseph Biden of Delaware, and after the resolution of a sharply partisan battle over Senate filibusters that has seemed to take some of the wind out of the opposition to Bolton.
Democrats said they have not ruled out a procedural tactic to postpone a vote, but several said it is unlikely.
“There is no desire for a filibuster,” said Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.
The Democrats’ decision does not mean, however, that Bolton is headed for a smooth sail through the Senate. On Tuesday, Sen. Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, asked colleagues to vote against a “controversial and ineffective ambassador.”
The maverick Republican senator had forced a Foreign Relations committee delay on Bolton’s nomination last month. He then brokered an unusual compromise that sent the nomination to the full Senate without the customary recommendation from a Senate committee.
Voinovich echoed Democratic objections to Bolton, saying his conduct and temperament make him ill-suited for a sensitive diplomatic post. Voinovich planned to make a lengthy case against Bolton on the Senate floor.
Has it occurred to any one that Bolton could still be voted down? The
House just passed stem-cell legislation despite Bush’s threatened veto.
A handful of Republican Senators defied Frist on the nuclear option.
Voinovich, not the maverick the media is painting him as, has circulated a letter asking his associates in the Senate to vote against Bolton.
I sense that the polls and millions of calls and e-mails are driving
some legislators to worry more about their seats than about retaliation
from Frist, Hastert, and Delay.
occurred to me, I think Bolton will be voted down, and especially if what is said about Voinovich is true. Can’t wait to hear him speak.
Biden is really irritating me with all his mistakes with words and phrases. Dilutes what he is saying. He does better when he speaks without written speech.
When is vote scheduled. All this cspan watching is cutting into my soap opera times.
Yes that too, that was great, I thought, yeah well that is what we are thinking of doing. What do you think of the Biden/Sarbanes interface, great huh!!!!!
The back and forth between Sarbanes and Biden is an excellent way of making the points they want to make. Did they plan this maneuver, or did it just happen. Much better than reading from a text. I don’t recall this type of exchange before, does anyone else.
For those without cable, Sarbanes is posing questions to Biden, concerning Bolton and Biden is doing a great job of pointing out his flaws in this interchange. Biden is now very powerful in his speaking.
That list of 10 names that Bolton gotta hold of, the list that the NSA will NOT share with Senators, the list that Bolton shared — against NSA directive — with some of his underlings… I wonder if Valarie Plame was on that list. What possible reason could there be for withholding that info from the Senate Intelligence Committee, from the Foreign Relations Committee, more explicitly, from the eyes of Democratic Senators?
He is just slamming Bush in my opinion. Even tho he is throwing in some good stuff Bush’s way, he is still slamming.
Lots of talk about bad opinion of US. Suggested Karen Hughes, even would make a better Ambassador.
This is for benefit of non cable members. More later…
Boy he is just going on with the slamming Bolton(and by inferrence Bushco.) with Syria, Iran, N. Korea, and in my opinion all of this Bolton stuff from the hearings to this debate seem to make a good criminal case against Bolton, rather than the consideration for UN job.
He should be brought up on charges of something, treason, not sure what!!!!!!
He is kicking serious @$$. I wonder how many Senators actually listen to the speeches given on the floor and vote based on evidence rather than having their puppet strings pulled by Darth Rove. We’ll find out soon I guess. I can’t wait for the Republican rebuttal to Voinovich–more cracks in their ranks.
I am curious to see what the next Rep will say in face of all that Voinovich is saying. He is extremely powerful in his speaking, not just “mumbling” like most Reps.
Bolton is going down!!!!!!!!!!I think!!!!!!!
He just held back tears as he made his last statement, that is really something…..About how he loves this country…….he had a hard time getting his words out his voice broke up.
I missed that, and now I am mad at Oberman, what kind of thing is that? I was very touched by him V. as well, and I am sure the Reps. will make hay with him.
I wrote him a crabby Susan e-mail.
Don’t make fun of Voinovich
He feels very deeply about this, clearly. He’s very worried about the utter lack of diplomacy by the United States and what that means for troubles ahead for his children and grandchildren.
And, the GOP has not been kind to him lately. After he delayed the vote in committee, the GOP ran TV ads against him in his own state of Ohio.
I have been watching Senate (on cspan) for a long time and it’s always like that, but I suspect they may have cspan in their offices. Also aids keep them up to date, but they still have to go on with their daily business.
BTW I don’t know if I can watch Norm, so others please keep me up to date…
Can’t get over Voinovich so emotional, he must be under tremendous pressure….from his side..
dismissing the allegations against Bolton’s past abusive behavior rather than using facts to disprove them. Trying to claim that this is about “policy differences”. Nevermind that he is the paragon of everyone’s worst boss.
The R’s keep mentioning that Bolton has been previously approved by the Senate three times. That has to be the most idiotic defense of their candidate I have ever heard. Who gives a flying frog if he was approved before, this time he is under scrutiny for an appointment to the organization which he has spent most of his professional life trashing.
Dodd is asking his colleagues not to vote for cloture until the NSA intercepts have been shared with the Foreign Relations Committee. The State Dept has been stalling since April. It’s a hint at a filibuster.
worried about 2 bil that goes to the UN, wish he would worry about the 200 billion going to Iraq and Halliburton.
Can’t stand this Allen, son of a football coach, his only claim to fame in my opinion.
Power corrupts,
whereas sound opposition
builds up our free
democratic tradition.
One thing would make a
democracy flower:
having a strong opposition —
in power.
Let’s hope we block this Bolton guy. Not only is he a horrible man and a bad leader, that moustache… Jesus.
What would happen if you crossed John Bolton and Phil Specter?
Other than nightmares I think you have the makings of a hybrid person who could double as the ‘Swamp Creature’ without any added makeup.
For some reason, Bozo the Clown came to mind. I’m sure it has more to do with the name than the looks.
a horse’s ass in a fright wig.
you’d get dead civil servants
I needed the laugh.
ask and you shall receive… now if we only had that image in a leisure suit.
That was hard to do.
First, I had to reduce Bolton’s head … that was difficult in itself. Then I had to make about seven layers of swatches of Phil’s hair to make it fit over Bolton’s hand (!) which he had up in the photo, etc.
if only shrinking his head, would have shrunk his ego…
is one psychedelic mushroom…
But one hallucinated on a suicidal acid trip.
Christo!…where’s the eyewash?
Bolton: I am the walrus.
is a total jackass and a lackey.
At first, I felt sorry for him. But he should have told Bush to go screw himself before Bolton ever was nominated.
Lugar is another tool of the Oval Office. He would’ve steamrolled this nomination if Voinovich wouldn’t have spoken up at the committee meeting last month. Hopefully a majority of Senators tell Bush to go screw himself with this nomination. [cross the fingers]
Was it Nelson-NE that voted for Owen?
Byrd and Landrieu are the two Dems who voted for Owen
The next time I’m having an insomnia attack, remind me to replay Lugar’s speech…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I was just thinking the same…..[snore]
I switched channels a half hour ago and just switched back. He’s still TALKING?!
Oh thank god . he just yielded the floor.
And so it goes.
For the next umpty-ump years we will have a loon making decisions in the 5th Circuit. The only good thing I see coming out of her confirmation is her decisions will directly affect the stronghold of nuttery in the US. Perhaps a little ‘tough love’ will cause them to re-think their position.
Fat chance, uh?
can be found here
(hat tip to catnip at DKos for the link)
Ayes – most Republicans, plus Dems. Byrd & Landrieu
Nayes – most Dems, plus Jeffords & Chafee
Abstain – Inouye (D-Hawaii)
What’s up with this? This was in KOlbermann’s newsletter that I just got:
Democrat Drops Hold on Bolton Nomination
The Associated Press
Updated: 1:10 p.m. ET May 25, 2005
WASHINGTON – John R. Bolton’s prospects for winning Senate approval to become U.N. ambassador have brightened as a key Democrat abandoned her plan to try blocking debate on the confirmation.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., planned to begin debate on Bolton’s nomination on Wednesday, and a vote was expected by week’s end. Republicans said they were confident they would prevail in a chamber they control 55-44, with a Democratic-leaning independent.
A Senate vote would end weeks of wrangling over whether Bolton, an outspoken conservative, mistreated co-workers or took liberties with government intelligence.
On Tuesday, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., decided to drop her plan to use procedural delays to prevent the debate on Bolton from beginning, according to spokeswoman Natalie Ravitz. Her decision came after conferring with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s top Democrat, Joseph Biden of Delaware, and after the resolution of a sharply partisan battle over Senate filibusters that has seemed to take some of the wind out of the opposition to Bolton.
Democrats said they have not ruled out a procedural tactic to postpone a vote, but several said it is unlikely.
“There is no desire for a filibuster,” said Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn.
The Democrats’ decision does not mean, however, that Bolton is headed for a smooth sail through the Senate. On Tuesday, Sen. Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, asked colleagues to vote against a “controversial and ineffective ambassador.”
The maverick Republican senator had forced a Foreign Relations committee delay on Bolton’s nomination last month. He then brokered an unusual compromise that sent the nomination to the full Senate without the customary recommendation from a Senate committee.
Voinovich echoed Democratic objections to Bolton, saying his conduct and temperament make him ill-suited for a sensitive diplomatic post. Voinovich planned to make a lengthy case against Bolton on the Senate floor.
JPol replied to the Boxer article:
Has it occurred to any one that Bolton could still be voted down? The
House just passed stem-cell legislation despite Bush’s threatened veto.
A handful of Republican Senators defied Frist on the nuclear option.
Voinovich, not the maverick the media is painting him as, has circulated a letter asking his associates in the Senate to vote against Bolton.
I sense that the polls and millions of calls and e-mails are driving
some legislators to worry more about their seats than about retaliation
from Frist, Hastert, and Delay.
occurred to me, I think Bolton will be voted down, and especially if what is said about Voinovich is true. Can’t wait to hear him speak.
Biden is really irritating me with all his mistakes with words and phrases. Dilutes what he is saying. He does better when he speaks without written speech.
When is vote scheduled. All this cspan watching is cutting into my soap opera times.
…I did enjoy his comment about talking about invading Iraq, er, Iran, er, Syria. Telling the truth while misspeaking.
Yes that too, that was great, I thought, yeah well that is what we are thinking of doing. What do you think of the Biden/Sarbanes interface, great huh!!!!!
needs a lozenge.
The back and forth between Sarbanes and Biden is an excellent way of making the points they want to make. Did they plan this maneuver, or did it just happen. Much better than reading from a text. I don’t recall this type of exchange before, does anyone else.
For those without cable, Sarbanes is posing questions to Biden, concerning Bolton and Biden is doing a great job of pointing out his flaws in this interchange. Biden is now very powerful in his speaking.
Yeah for capitulation!… Er, I mean “compromise.”
That list of 10 names that Bolton gotta hold of, the list that the NSA will NOT share with Senators, the list that Bolton shared — against NSA directive — with some of his underlings… I wonder if Valarie Plame was on that list. What possible reason could there be for withholding that info from the Senate Intelligence Committee, from the Foreign Relations Committee, more explicitly, from the eyes of Democratic Senators?
to speak now, starts out saying he speaks against Bolton.
I’m going to cherish this backhand slap.
I like him. A decent man.
he is absolutely RIGHT.
And this is what Statemanship is all about. Country before party.
He is just slamming Bush in my opinion. Even tho he is throwing in some good stuff Bush’s way, he is still slamming.
Lots of talk about bad opinion of US. Suggested Karen Hughes, even would make a better Ambassador.
This is for benefit of non cable members. More later…
Boy he is just going on with the slamming Bolton(and by inferrence Bushco.) with Syria, Iran, N. Korea, and in my opinion all of this Bolton stuff from the hearings to this debate seem to make a good criminal case against Bolton, rather than the consideration for UN job.
He should be brought up on charges of something, treason, not sure what!!!!!!
He is kicking serious @$$. I wonder how many Senators actually listen to the speeches given on the floor and vote based on evidence rather than having their puppet strings pulled by Darth Rove. We’ll find out soon I guess. I can’t wait for the Republican rebuttal to Voinovich–more cracks in their ranks.
I am curious to see what the next Rep will say in face of all that Voinovich is saying. He is extremely powerful in his speaking, not just “mumbling” like most Reps.
Bolton is going down!!!!!!!!!!I think!!!!!!!
He just held back tears as he made his last statement, that is really something…..About how he loves this country…….he had a hard time getting his words out his voice broke up.
perfect – takes a real prick to have a straight face to follow up Voinivich with BS repub talking points.
Oh my god … I was so touched by him. It tore me up to hear him talk like that…. doing this for his children and his grandchildren.
He is genuinely fearful that we’re not pursuing diplomacy enough.
What a love. I hope the Republicans listen to him.
Keith O just made fun of Voinovich crying.
Now Dana Milbank is making fun …. “I’m very choked up about this, but let me see if I can get through this [analysis of judicial votes].”
I missed that, and now I am mad at Oberman, what kind of thing is that? I was very touched by him V. as well, and I am sure the Reps. will make hay with him.
I wrote him a crabby Susan e-mail.
Don’t make fun of Voinovich
He feels very deeply about this, clearly. He’s very worried about the utter lack of diplomacy by the United States and what that means for troubles ahead for his children and grandchildren.
And, the GOP has not been kind to him lately. After he delayed the vote in committee, the GOP ran TV ads against him in his own state of Ohio.
he was crying.
That was pure emotion.
Dodd is up now.
The Senate floor looks empty. While I don’t expect them all to sit there all the time, it is still unnerving to see it so desolate.
I have been watching Senate (on cspan) for a long time and it’s always like that, but I suspect they may have cspan in their offices. Also aids keep them up to date, but they still have to go on with their daily business.
BTW I don’t know if I can watch Norm, so others please keep me up to date…
Can’t get over Voinovich so emotional, he must be under tremendous pressure….from his side..
believe his own spin? Excuse me while I put my boots on because the B.S. is getting thick around here.
dismissing the allegations against Bolton’s past abusive behavior rather than using facts to disprove them. Trying to claim that this is about “policy differences”. Nevermind that he is the paragon of everyone’s worst boss.
The R’s keep mentioning that Bolton has been previously approved by the Senate three times. That has to be the most idiotic defense of their candidate I have ever heard. Who gives a flying frog if he was approved before, this time he is under scrutiny for an appointment to the organization which he has spent most of his professional life trashing.
is against nomination… Wow,here we go….
Am right, I have had phone calls to interrupt me, but it sure sounds like it now.
for some reason I was thinking he was Rep. so I do feel a little foolish for last comment.
No need to feel foolish Diane. After hearing Coleman blather on, it’s hard to think straight.
Dodd is asking his colleagues not to vote for cloture until the NSA intercepts have been shared with the Foreign Relations Committee. The State Dept has been stalling since April. It’s a hint at a filibuster.
worried about 2 bil that goes to the UN, wish he would worry about the 200 billion going to Iraq and Halliburton.
Can’t stand this Allen, son of a football coach, his only claim to fame in my opinion.
Constitutional Point
Power corrupts,
whereas sound opposition
builds up our free
democratic tradition.
One thing would make a
democracy flower:
having a strong opposition —
in power.
~ Piet Hein