From the LAT via Keith Olbermann’s newsletter today:
In his first-ever commencement speech, Warren Beatty — an Oscar-winning actor-director and liberal citizen-activist — “derided the governor for ‘his reactionary right-wing agenda,’ ‘his bullying of labor and the little guy,’ his plan to spend money on a “totally unnecessary special election” and his refusal to raise taxes on the rich.”
More from the LAT:
“Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Governor, you’re no Kennedy Democrat.”
Over the weekend, Beatty, 68, gave his first commencement speech ever to the graduating class of UC Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy, and used the occasion to humorously but witheringly attack Schwarzenegger — much like the candid candidate Jay Billington Bulworth from his 1998 political satire.
Within hours, Beatty, a blue-chip Hollywood figure famous for 46 years, was swatted down by the Schwarzenegger team. The governor’s communication director, Robert Stutzman, dismissed him as a “crackpot.”
“I don’t think that that’s the most intelligent response for Arnold to have his people give,” Beatty muses a couple of days later, though he seems jazzed by his return to the public policy limelight. “I guess I needed to say some of those things.”
I wonder what Jesse Ventura thinks about it all 🙂
Speaking of which, Beatty would make a hell of a governor, imho.
why not? If pro wrestlers and steroid gobbling body builders can do it, why not Beatty?
Or me? I should be guv.
You might be alright. You wouldn’t host a lot of fake events on fake subjects, I’m guessing.
but I might secede from the Union.
Fine with me! I keep looking across the water to see if Canada’s war ships are enroute.
Saw part of this speech on the news a couple of nights ago andd laughed my ass off. Love the truth tellers and the idiotic responses from the right.
Well, I’ll stick with my rule on this: I don’t like it when anyone–even a Democrat–uses a commencement speech as a political soapbox.
No, I don’t mean ANY mention of politics should be scrapped; after all, politics touches everything, and it’s almost impossible to give more than a “always wear sunscreen” speech without involving politics somehow. And you can also criticize political figures or policies in a way that involves greater principles, or that lifts and inspires the audience.
But if the speech is just one long harangue directed specifically at one person or one party, it seems like an abuse of the speaking privilege, in my opinion.
As I always say, imagine if this was some Repug celebrity absolutely bashing a Democratic governor. Wouldn’t we be seething? Wouldn’t we be sending out action alerts to boycott that school or that celebrity or whatever? Just because our guy is the one making the attack doesn’t make it okay.
But hey, maybe this kind of speech is a Berkeley tradition, and it’s completely expected that someone’s going to be bashing someone else. But as a general rule, I strongly dislike this kind of speech.
I understand what you are saying Johnny and respect your view.
How on earth can you say–wait…what?
Oh, sorry…instinct.
Seriously…we need to work on Warren beatty to run against Schwartzneggar…and I think he is already seriously considering it…consider his well thought out feelings about public policy:
(transcript of Beatty’s speech from UC Berkeley School of Public Policy)
Draft Warren!!!