NOTE at 2:02 PM: Pentagon briefing at any moment on Guantanamo accusations. Check CNN or MSNBC.
On the heels of the ACLU’s shocking announcement yesterday, which is headlining U.S. newspapers today (’bout time), that the FBI documented, in 2002 (!), complaints by Gitmo detainees of desecration of the Koran (and which I wrote about yesterday) — comes this from those same FBI documents, which, notably, are different versions of documents released months ago by the FBI:
“Defense Department interrogators, possibly on instructions from high-level officials, went to great lengths to avoid being held accountable for the use of unlawful interrogation methods,” said Jameel Jaffer, a staff attorney with the ACLU. “Apparently Defense Department personnel were willing to use torture but they wanted others to be held responsible for it.”
: : : More below : : :
We already knew that interrogators impersonated attorneys. The actual attorneys for detainees found, when they visited Guantanamo Bay, that they had often had to overcome the fear of their clients that they too were impersonators. (I’ve diaried about this impersonation and will find direct references shortly.)
We know, from the investigative piece that Martin Longman (BooMan) and I did last week, that detainees who had no possibility of comparing stories with each other, reported to their attorneys the same kinds of abuse of the Koran, as well as countless other physical and mental abuses.
More from today’s ACLU press release:
Defense Department Personnel Impersonated State Department Officials in Guantánamo Interrogations, FBI Documents Show
Defense Department And CIA Are Unlawfully Withholding Photographs and Documents Concerning Torture Of Prisoners, ACLU Argues in Court Today
… In December 2004, the FBI released documents stating that Defense Department interrogators impersonated FBI agents in order to avoid being held responsible for the use of “torture techniques.” The new documents provide the first indication that Defense Department interrogators impersonated State Department officials as well.
The documents released by the ACLU today are different versions of documents that the FBI provided to the ACLU several months ago. One of the new documents which was previously redacted refers to “information concerning impersonation by DOD interrogators at Guantánamo representing themselves to be officials of the FBI and U.S. State Department.” The remainder of the document is almost entirely redacted. Another of the newly released documents, dated January 2004, suggests that the FBI would “finally make an arrest” in relation to the “interrogations in June 2003 when an FBI agent was impersonated.”
The FBI released the documents in response to a federal court order that directed the FBI and other government agencies to comply with a request under the Freedom of Information Act filed by the ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Physicians for Human Rights, Veterans for Common Sense and Veterans for Peace. The New York Civil Liberties Union is co-counsel in the case.
Today, the ACLU and the New York Civil Liberties Union will return to federal court to argue for the release of other documents withheld by the Defense Department and the CIA.
“The United States government continues to withhold documents critical for determining who is ultimately responsible for the systemic and widespread abuse of detainees held in U.S. custody abroad,” said Amrit Singh, a staff attorney with the ACLU. “The public has a right to know the full truth about the involvement of high ranking U.S. officials in this scandal.”
“At today’s hearing,” says the ACLU press release, “the ACLU will seek the disclosure of Department of Justice memoranda relating to CIA interrogation methods and a Presidential directive authorizing the CIA to set up secret detention centers in other countries.”
The government agencies named as defendants in the case are: the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of State, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency.
At today’s hearing, Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein will hear oral arguments from attorneys representing the ACLU and the government. The hearing will continue on Tuesday, May 31 at 10 a.m. in Judge Hellerstein’s courtroom at the United States District Court located at 500 Pearl Street in New York.
The lawsuit is being handled by Lawrence Lustberg and Megan Lewis of the New Jersey-based law firm Gibbons, Del Deo, Dolan, Griffinger & Vecchione, P.C. Other attorneys in the case are Singh, Jaffer and Judy Rabinovitz of the ACLU; Arthur N. Eisenberg and Beth Haroules of the NYCLU; and Barbara Olshansky of the Center for Constitutional Rights.
Read the documents yourself that the ACLU and other groups have obtained.
Emphases mine.
Cross-posted at Kos
Mr. Jaffer sounds touchingly young.
John Ashcroft? Karl Rove? Dick Cheney? All those loyal Americans cheering the bombing of Kabul?
But for these groups fighting every inch of the way, and some favorable rulings by the judiciary, this story would not get told at all.
Every little bit that squeezes out, you guys are all over it like Sharon on a buffet table, posting it in faces, and reducing the number who will be able to truthfully say, when asked by their grandchildren one cold night in the cave, “we didn’t know.”
THX! And check out the new diary. We need help going through those FOIA documents. It’s dreary work. But I think we should help the ACLU and we may find some items that we need to publicize.
I believe the reason those documents will never see the light of day is because they directly implicate Rumsfeld, and through rummy, they implicate the white house. Capitalization intentionally withheld. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and their gang of thugs are responsible for the atrocities that are being perpetuated on these individuals, who have yet to be charged with a crime, who have yet to be offered Due Process, who have yet to be treated as human beings and have been systematically abused and tortured in the name of the American People. It is time for the American people to wake up to these criminal acts and demand those responsible to be held accountable and punished accordingly.
Time to stretch my paper-thin donations budget a bit and send a few more centavos to the ACLU.
Agreed! n/t
…by military interrogators, according to a BBC report in December.
Sender unknown
The writer expresses concern that the FBI will be held accountable for abuses of a detainee after impersonation of FBI agents by military interrogators. “If this detainee is ever released or his story made public in any way, Department Of Defence interrogators will not be held accountable because these torture techniques were done [by] the ‘FBI’ interrogators. The FBI will be left holding the bag before the public,” the writer says.
Dated 21 January 2004
Sender unknown
The sender says the technique of impersonating FBI agents, which appeared to have proved unsuccessful, was approved by Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. [My emphasis.]
As I noted in a comment on a copy of this terrific report of yours over at Daily Kos, such impersonations are, of course, a violation of federal law, but nobody has yet been indicted.
There is a great deal of information on the ACLU pages. The download pushes toward 4 megs.
There is a significant need for a data base structure and some files.
For example, I immediately know what AFOSI is, but some fraction of readers will not.
There are very large numbers of names of, e.g., FBI agents, who may appear at multiple places in the files, meaning it is likely desirable to assign a page number to every page, so that there can be crossreferencing.
The fellow who said he was a retired law librarian on daily kos may be able to help.
I have done this sort of thing once, when I disassembled a substantial bribery and irregularity operation. It is a fair piece of work. “Look what I found” does not get you a full analysis.