Via Alternet’s PEEK:
California governor Arnold Schwartzenegger has been filling potholes as part of his campaign to improve transportation in his state.
Thing is, there was no pothole until road workers created one for the governor to fill!
“They just dug it out,” [Nick] Porrovecchio said, shrugging. “There was a crack. But they dug out the whole road this morning.”
More below:
My pal Susan T in Michigan sent me this story earlier. From that news story at the San Francisco Chronicle:
“It’s a lot of money spent on a staged event,” said Matt Vujevich, 74, a retiree whose home faced the crew-made trench that straddled nearly the whole street. “We still have the same problems. Everything’s a press
“For paving the streets, it’s a lot of lighting,” said resident Nick
Porrovecchio, 48, motioning to a team of workmen setting up
Hollywood-style floodlights on the street to bathe the gubernatorial
podium in a soft glow.
Yesterday’s Ahnuld snark: “Beatty: ‘Bulworth Takes on the Terminator'” for anyone interested in dozens/dozens of anti-ahnuld links this is the place to go.
As for another made-up ahnuld photo-op I can only wonder what the fucking point of this was?….I mean why not actually accomplish something and fill in a real goddam pothole for christ’s sake. Talk about wasting money by digging a hole to fill it up for a photo-op seems to me to be about as illogical as everyone who voted for this steroid head in the first place.(and does steroid use cause holes in the head by the way)
I’m beyond wondering how republicans arrive at their presumed logic on anything.
ha ha bood. Don’t know if you were trying for this effect but my first thought was he looks like a Village People type guy….seeing as how it seems half the republicans are turning out to be gay.
Heh. I had the same reaction.
(Aahnod’s accent)
“I’m takin’ on the whoooole CNA….
I’m takin’ their retiiiirement away”
I never knew you appreciated subtlety.
in the “Instant Bad Day” folder.
It would be perfect if the car had a California tag, and the woman was in a nurse’s uniform…