The worldwide shitstorm unleashed by last year’s revelations of abuse of Iraqis at the hands of Americans at Abu Ghraib is due to be revisited, but this time the magnitude of outrage will undoubtedly be much higher. The trickle of photos that sparked the anger will soon be augmented due to the decision of a federal judge:
Judge Alvin Hellerstein, finding the public has a right to see the pictures, told the government Thursday he will sign an order requiring it to release them to the American Civil Liberties Union, the lawyers said.
She said the judge’s findings likely would clear the way for the release of other pictures of detainees taken around the world by U.S. authorities.
“I do think they could be extremely upsetting and depict conduct that would outrage the American public and be truly horrifying,” she said outside court.
We can only hope that the American public would finally become outraged at the actions our government has taken in our name.
The government’s defense against release? A very quaint series of agreements:
Hey asshat, how about you tell your boss not to subject prisoners to humiliation in the first place? M’kay?
The government will undoubtedly appeal. They know full well the range of depravity depicted in the unreleased photos:
By that time, the executive and legislative branches had learned their lesson: Don’t release images. The day after the Berg video, members of Congress were allowed to see a slide show of 1,800 Abu Ghraib photographs. The overwhelming response, besides revulsion, was, in the words of Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Warner (R-Va.), that the pictures “should not be made public.” “I feel,” Warner said, “that it could possibly endanger the men and women of the armed forces as they are serving and at great risk.”
Bushco has reason to fear the release of more images:
Americans can’t hide from this too much longer. For me this is beyond a political issue; it’s a moral one. Our country must come to grips with what our government has done.
Americans can’t hide from this too much longer. For me this is beyond a political issue; it’s a moral one. Our country must come to grips with what our government has done.
It will certainly end this “war” sooner rather than later.
as Alberto Gonzales called the Geneva Conventions in order to justify torture. Now bushco wants to to rely on them to protect the privacy of the tortured???
Is there no end to this madness?
A further descent into doublethink:
in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
well-crafted, and clearly points out the main issue.
The truth is not in our favor. The truth will hurt the cause, galvanzie our enemies, demoralize the supporters of BushCo. and force the resignation of Rumsfeld.
The truth must not come out.
But the truth IS out. We already know. Our enemies already know. The damage is done.
And they have done more damage that any car bomb, IED, or beheading could ever do to America.
These photos need to be released as soon as possible. The US torture needs to be seen by the entire world – and US citizens. We need world-wide condemnation, and US opposition to torture. We need to put an end to this horrendous practice. The acceptance, and promotion of torture is evidence of the total depravity of Bush & Co.
Not that the US hasn’t engaged in torture in Latin America, helping the military coups in Argentina, Chile and Brazil, and funding the Contras and repressive Central American governments to annihilate popular insurgencies, but not on the scale as in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo. It is an abomination.
And please, please don’t let it be out-sourced with more extraordinary renditions.
These pictures should have all come out with the first batch. How many Govt. Tsunami’s does Bush want. This is like inviting a second wave of World hatred upon us. WTF are these people thinking. It is like not giving up the Bolton Documents now, he gets in the UN..and then the Doc’s are released or Leaked and show his is corrupt and a big fat liar. Bring Abu Ghraib right back into the spotlight, keep reminding the world how Horrible we are. What the people around the world are gonna think, upon viewing these new pictures is that the abuse is still happening and our Govt. hasn’t stopped it. Morons, the lot of them.
Releasing those photos now, given the descriptions of Warner, McCain, et. al. would not advance the case against the executive branch. They would simply move up the chain to lower command levels, have a few more show trials, and go on their way.
And on the way people who would otherwise be alive will be dead. It would paint a target on every American citizen outside our borders. Global lynch mob. Sorry, I prefer the courts.
to see the documentation that
A) the merchandise you ordered has been delivered and approved
B) you are held captive by a brutal gang of thugs and in immediate and urgent need of liberation by any means necessary and any hands willing
Consequences were weighed and decisions were made.
You are either with Madeleine Albright or you do not believe it is worth it.
I’ll see your right & duty, and raise you endless images of beheadings, dead children killed in insurgent attacks, G.I.s comforting wounded civilians, and our “leaders” waxing eloquent about their dedication to “justice”. And if one G.I. dies in an attack claimed as retaliation kiss the real investigation goodbye.
Be careful what you wish for ’cause you might not like the backlash.
and I am not without sympathy for your plight.
The warlords have taken from you all the good arguments along with the moral high ground.
As would be the case if Iran invaded the US, the aggressor is, well, the aggressor, and his champions are left scraping the bowl and finding only the argument that victims should meekly accept their fate in the hopes that the aggressors will not murder more of them.
You would be better off sticking with the less politically correct but undeniably classic premise that the invaders are inherently superior beings and masters of the universe by divine mandate. It is no more or less absurd, but it is unashamed and feels no need to veil itself in complicated constructs.
Your reference to a “real” investigation indicates that you may have some misgivings about some of your country’s policies, and that is a very positive sign as far as your personal values are concerned, and if your faith in what you perceive to be your government helps you cope, no one should try to dissuade you from that, and those of us who point out that that faith is not shared by the victims of that governments policies do not do so out of malice.
The only people in the world it seems who are sticking their head in the sand about torture by Americans are Americans themselves.(and the media of course) The rest of the world already has printed and debated and talked about what we are doing in places like Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, our ‘rendition’, Afghanistan and other torture and abuses.
This is a festering, dripping wound on our country that with new pictures or not is going to cause and is causing retaliation to our country and our troops. And we are the only ones who just don’t get it.
The ONLY way to deal with this is to have it out in the open and get the public to face what bushco has done and take steps and I mean real steps with criminal prosecution against all who are perpetrating these crimes.
Keeping it hidden and covered up will only lead to more torture by those who believe they will not pay any price for their illegal, immoral and criminal actions while they try to portray their actions as patriotic. I don’t remember offhand who said that ‘the last refuge of a scoundrel is patriotism’ which describes this whole administrations actions perfectly except I’d say scoundrel is a polite word for criminal.