Welcome to my Champagne Brunch, enjoy the food, the surroundings, the champagne and the friends gatherered here today!!!! Cheers to you all!!!
(UPDATE on MOnday:It’s now Monday noon here in Ca. the end of a holiday weekend and the barbecue is about to get started.)
So this will be a diary about humor, about celebrating the fact that the Dem. party has come out of the pit and has no where to go but up.
This is also going to be about gardening, organic food, pets, gardens, families, children, just about anything that is good and makes you happy.
What are your plans for this weekend, will you be spending much time on the internet or this site? How about posting pics. of any holiday activities you wish to share with us?
I am posting this now and then I will add in contributions later in comments about some of the subject above.
Let’s just have fun on this diary.
Happy Holiday Everyone!!!!!!!! Hugs to you all!!!!!!
This is where the lodge hosts its Sunday brunch. It’s the sunroom at Lake Crescent Lodge in the Olympic National Park, about 15 miles from my home. Additional photos are of the park. And this is where I live.
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First afterthought, (is that an oxymoron) I would be interested in knowing what housing prices are in your neck of the woods. I got into that subject on Susanhu’s diary and I would be interested in your thoughts.
Here is my comment from Susan’s Diary on Seattle Weather:
I am not positive of the exact figure at this precise moment, but last I heard the median price of a home in this county, is over 400,000. Four years ago it was 250,000. I am waiting for a bubble burst in real estate here as everything is so overpriced.
For example a very old 2 bedroom home in the poorest section of Santa Ana, will sell for about 300,000.
A home I lived in in Huntington Beach on 1965, which was originally sold for 12,000, now sells for over $400,000. No I did not own the home……..so no big profit for me.
Anyway I think Roger Dornan was a big rabble rouser on the Rep. side for many years and now Sanchez (Dem)has replaced him, thank heavens.
Shooting up, up, up. A house that five years ago would have sold for $70-80K is now going for twice that. And we’re being overrun by retired Californians — which is actually kind of cool because it may turn this purple county blue!
Holiday Plans: We may go see my mom but she has pneumonia and sounds awful on the phone. And my brother, who’s doing much better since he quit the horrendous radiation/Interferon combo therapy, and my daughter and I plan to get together.
We want to see a movie too, but we’ll probably have to drive 100 miles to see what we want: CRASH — which we hear is utterly great. My daughter’s boss and wife saw it and he said that’s maybe the best movie he’s seen in the last 10 years. plus, it has Don Cheadle — who also co-produced it — and we’re huge fans of him.
Oh, and tonight, HBO is showing that new mini-series with Paul Newman. So, we’ll probably watch that too. “Empire Falls,” I think it’s called. From a best-selling book that I didn’t read. Did any of you?
— Chatty Susan over and out —
written by Richard Russo, Maine resident, former prof at Colby College. Filmed in Skowhegan, home of late Sen. Margaret Chase Smith.
The book won the Pulitzer. Haven’t seen the movie. Russo is a terrific writer. He also wrote “Nobody’s Fool,” also made into a movie starring Paul Newman. Hmmm, I see a pattern here.
I wish you hadn’t mentioned brunch. God, that sounds good. Makes my tummy growl!
I am sitting here trying to down a bowl of shredded wheat and it’s a slow go and I am starving.
Sounds like you have some plans, I am going with the flow which I hope will stop right here and I will not have to leave my house which I hate to do.
More later about housing, after I have had some nourishment and can think and type better. Fingers and spelling are failing me today.
I wonder if the Sunday morning brunch is going again (it’s seasonal) at the Lake Crescent Lodge (where Teddy R. stayed). It’s the most beautiful setting, the lodge is stunning, and the food is good too!
I think there are only a few of us here on board yet, it feels kind of eerie doesn’t it. Susan you just gave me an idea, do you have a pic of the Logde or lunch there, if so, how about posting it in diary section, above, and if you wouldn’t mind, could you pretty up the diary a bit with your tech abilities I do not have, and perhaps agree to be co hostess of this brunch.
I would sure enjoy having you as a co host and I think it might be a fun thing to do. So if you agree could you add that to the diary, at the top, that you are cohost..
Hope you don’t mind! I’m feeling in a party mood today.
Let me see if i can find a neat photo that does the Lodge justice.
Yeah, i think it’s just you and me…. and i’ll be departing in a bit to drive around with my daughter.
AND (!) this place is notable because our very own Lapin, his wife, and his boys spent a WEEK living in the lighthouse recently. (You can sign up to live there, and there’s quite a waiting list.)
Susan, I tried to add to the diary that this was where you live and I cannot edit for some reason, so could you add that before the section of your pics, thanks, and thanks for adding to the diary…
Is that okay now? If I disappear, it’s because my daughter arrived and pulled me outta here by the hair.
I had my trip out of the house yesterday, so I am done for the week.
See you back here later, yes????
Tell us what you did when you get back.
Thanks for the fix on the diary, looks great.!!
At this diary. Oui, I saw you were on site so please get on over here and join the party. We don’t have many guests yet but I hope more will show up soon.

For newbies and perusers of this site this is a good chance to join if you have not yet and to get your feet wet posting in this diary.
You can even tell us about you if you have not before!!!!!!
This is my dog Lady and no she doesn’t have a cigarette in her nouth, it is a stick and she greet every visitor with something in her mouth, paper, bottles, flowers, whatever.!!
This is my daughter Jessica’s cat, named Kitty, who love to snuggle in a cocoon, which my daughter has to prepare for her.
My daughter’s black cat does the same thing! He loves to burrow under blankets and comforters. She’s getting him a Snuggly for cats with her cat litter coupons!
(Hi, Oui! We’re goofin’ off today. Oh, and the food’s over there … just help yourself.)
to the buffet party, I forgot to put that in the invitation. We need some more fantastic food, from all over the world, I hope.
Don’t drink (of the champagne over at the bar) too much folks, we don’t want you to have any accidents on the internet today. Be sure to have a designated driver.
How’s this for a virtual reality party.
Everyone looks lovely so far, how about posting some pics of yourselves. Use your Digital cameras or cam phones, and post some pics.
You and Susan really know how to throw a party!!!!!!
Thanks for the invite! We are half a day ahead of you here in Scandinavia, so it is evening here (21.35) but still light. Not a special holiday here – only a normal working weekend 😉
We just had a barbecue and now back to work on a book design/layout which has to go to print in 7 days!!!
One of our local bars has a Teddy Boy (think Stray Cats) Night tonight – the car park was full of old American cars and hot-rods, and Elvis hair-dos. I saw them as I whizzed out to pick up forgotten stuff for the barbecue from the gas station.
If I wasn’t working I would join them, as I am something of a hero in those circles – having produced several albums of top Rockabilly bands in my misspent youth. Nothing like having your ego massaged he he.
The book is about Elvis BTW. There is an exhibition about him opening on 9.6 in Naantali (Finnish SW coast). The organizer brought over 4 of his guns, his karate belt and some tacky jewellery to the house this afternoon so we could photograph them. Everything is about two weeks late (not our fault) and they are still working on the translations.
Have fun and sun in Socal…
Welcome to the party and for our friends like you in the other half of the world, we can call it a late supper, ok. I hope you brought sushi, my favorite, as you mentioned the other day you had some. I like teka make the best of all sushi. How about you, what is your favorite.
I started to take my kids to sushi/japanese restaurant when they were little and now it is their favorite thing. They didn’t eat sushi when little, but they ate many other Japanese dishes.
I am glad that you got your ego massaged and good luck on the book, I hope you will do a diary on it at some time.
I will bring memme and sima – both homemade Finnish delicacies. The first made from malted birch sugar, the second from fermented raisins.
And of course, a bottle of Koskenkorva and a bottle of Petersens aquavit.
See you under the table later….
I am so glad to see you have finally come to the party. It’s a little dead now, but there is still some fun to be had, I am hoping.
I’m trying to stay away from politics today so I am stuck here on this thread.
BTW did you or anyone see Emmpire Falls tonight, on HBO, I thought it was very good and Paul Newman and his wife, Joanne Woodward, were excellent in the parts they played.
Thanks for the invitation, Diane – and personalized, at that! (blush) I must admit that I avoid all social functions like this administration avoids integrity. (Off-the-charts introvert, I am. That, and I recently got home from supporting a dear friend through a personal crisis all day)
Thanks for the invite! Getting kinda hungry myself. Hey, good champagne!
Here is my front yard
And the back yard is in the shadow of the Tetons
But I think I will spend some time dreaming about where I am planning to move
Hope you don’t mind, but I brought my doggie along, everyone, meet Sundancer, the Queen and protector of my household:
And I really thought at least one of you would comment on my T-shirt
This is a great party, and I brought some nachos for us all to share, so dig in!
to the party. Great that you brought your doggie, do you think he will like mine….
Hey I noticed your tshirt but didn’t want to say anything, but you look lovely in blue.
I just got back for walk around this neighborhood.
First you are late to the party and then the pic you brought was a dud. LOL. BTW I hope you brought a covered dish.
Anxious to see the pic, or was that just another of your clues, Guess what the pic is???? Another lol here.
We are glad to see you here in any case Mr. Booman, so have a glass of champ. and some food. BTW did you bring Mrs. Booman with you. You should you know.
are you saying my picture is not displaying for you?
It just says image, I will go and check it on Foxfire but that’s what I see, all other pics are showing up.
i have no explanation for that.
I checked it on firefox and not even words image are there. Do you want to post it again. Do you see a pic.?
fine to me.
the site must have exceeded its bandwidth, the picture is gone now. I’ll repost from another source.
Martin’s Blog – Dutch Ancestry – Boo(m)man!
BooMan existed in 1666, a century before the United States of America was founded! Talking about strong roots. Way to go Martin.
XIII. Cornelis Arijens Boonman, alias Cornelis Ariens Boomman, wonende “aen de suijtsijde” te Nieuw-Beijerland (1666), overleden na 06.03.1667; trouwt: Ariaentje Cornelisdr. , overleden na 05.10.1664.
[wonende»residing, overleden»died, trouwt»married, gedoopt»baptized]
Perhaps one of the Founding Fathers?
Caleb Johnson’s MayflowerHistory.com
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
HCKZ Field Hockey Youth & Pics
HCKZ Field Hockey Youth & Pictures
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Arizona. I’m at my parent’s house sitting on the porch with my laptop at my side. The heat wave took a break this weekend so we have overcast skies with a light breeze, probly around 80 degrees. I prefer this over the 110 degrees we had last week. My plans for the weekend are fluid, which is fine by me. Oh, and where should I set the tray of red and green chili enchiladas?
if you don’t mind, with the tray of enchaladas. I fear you are getting our weather over there as it is very overcast here with temp of 69 and just last weekend it was almost 90.
Did you try the chanpagne? It is delicious especially with the strawberries from my garden. Aren’t they lovely?
I guess you know everyone here, correct.
Oh I am having such fun at this party, can’t wait for the other guests to arrive.
Welcome! Happy Holliday to you
Have a Pat’s cheesesteak, on me.
Thanks for the Cheesesteak, boy I am starting to get full. BTW I am now looking at pic in question on Explorer and there is now a big empty square, but I can see every other pic and the cheese steak also.
Booman when are you going to post a pic of yourself. We/I want to see what you look like. Some of us have you know.
makes things easy for Negroponte?
your point and raise you one. BTW does anyone play pool here, I see a table off to the side. anyone for a game or two.
Oh you Hustler you. . .sure I’ll rackem, you breakem and we’ll see who really plays pool here!
Gee, I didn’t realize it was a costume party. . .Oh. . .you always dress like this, . . .hmmm I see.
the food is starting to pile up over here, come on in and help yourselves. .
Mmmmmm, sure looks good.
Sorry Shirl, I just noticed that I put a two on your entry above by accident.
It’s pretty lonely over here at the party, everyone left I guess, well maybe there will be some late guests.
Are these homes or shops. It looks overcast there, is it?
Makes me homesick for Pa. although I have never been in Philli.
How is the weather and what are you doing for the holidays?
that is Jessup Street. Those are private homes, and quite small too. Some of them are what we call ‘trinities’, which are tiny, with the kitchen in the basement, and only one bedroom.
I’m getting together with one of my brother’s family on Memorial Day. Other than that, just eating, drinking, and blogging.
The weather here is great. It was HOT and sunny until about an hour ago, not it is overcast and a storm may be coming in.
I just checked the national weather map on weather bug and it looks like most of the US is getting some could activity. Yours in coming down from the North West and partially up from the Southern State, which I think is being fueled by our weather here.
Weather bug I recommend to all, it has satellite and doppler weather maps. Very handy and free, and can be found with a google search.
Are those homes on Jessup Street very old, might they have been from the 1800’s. My ancestors might very well have lived in one of them..If they are old. They lived in Philli, till they moved inland to Somerset Co. and thereabouts.
rolling in.
Yes, those homes are 18th-century in many cases. That’s why they call it Old City 🙂
Booman. I went for a walk too but I ended up in a little different place than you did. . .wonder if it was the champagne?
Fortunate in present location where I live, beautiful landscaped parks of Clingendael, bicycle routes through Wassenaar Meyendel and the dunes north of The Hague through protected National Parks. The dunes are used to filter Rhine water, transported from Biesbosch Natural Habitat, and after filtration by dune sand, pumped to water purification site [pdf file] nearby to be distributed to the city.
On Sunday will spend some time at my favorite field hockey club Klein Zwitserland, will referee an afternoon game, competition for top veterans. Many ex-internationals, playing for fitness, to be competitive still and especially to balance the loss of body fluid by compensation with plenty of beer, during the third half of the game. Even the ref is invited to join, most of the time, depends on attitude during the game. With the vets, 35 years and older, it is always a lot of fun and enjoyable.
Diane, love your diary.
I will send some update info by email to our new Chinese members.
No political comments this weekend?
But, but … I just finished my contribution on DIA and Susan asked for a §§§, in which I failed horribly. Exciting, majority of French are voting Oui!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I have been looking all over for you. Do have some food and drink.
Oui thanks for sending email to Chinese friends, I haven’t heard from them since last week.
No politics you ask, well I am trying to stay away for a few days at least, but go ahead and post your info, I will take a look and see if I can muster a comment.
Hope you have a great time at this party today. Try the pool, it looks cool and inviting and over to the side there you will find a soccer game going on.
Have fun!!!!!!
I reposted it with a smaller image …
This place is starting to JUMP! (none / 1)
Check out this crowd
Adopted Daughter series is Here . . . .Everything is physics
by shirlstars (shirlstars@gmail.com) on Sat May 28th, 2005 at 01:28:48 PM PDT
You are all invited to this party also, so get on over here and have some fun with us.
We are rocking out, but there are some quiet corners too, if you are up to too much frivolity.
The foods good, the company is great, join us one and all.
I may have to step out for some cigarettes later, you will excuse me for that time out will you not. I am down to 3 left, wonder how long that will last. LOL
Indonesian and Chinese Restaurants My Favourites!
Pasar Malam Besar
Recipe: Sateh Ajam – Broiled Chicken
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
It’s Sunday morning here in Socal and I know Sunday night in Europe for all my friends there, just wanted to say hello to all on board at this time and since I have this diary up it is a convenient place to put this. It’s only 7 AM in Cal. and a gloomy day outside so far, but our weather ususally clears later in the day. We are just starting our yearly June Gloom here, a phenomenon I have witnessed for nearly all of the 40+ years I have lived in Orange county, Ca. It generally lasts for the full month of June, to be met in July with a blast of heat that will last until oh, say Oct. or Nov. followed by our ‘Horrible winter’ which is pretty much just Dec. and Jan. where the temp. dips to maybe 50 at night and rises to 65 in the day.
I started this thread yesterday with a comment about housing prices here and asked for info about prices in other places on this globe and I’m hoping people will add to this subject here.
What about Europe, Oui and others, have you seen the same kind of housing price rise as we have in the US. What about the midwest, East coast?
Thanks for the invite!
Real Estate seems to be doing pretty well around here… I thought I might show off our neighbor’s place…
Click to enlarge
This is Candy Sue in front of she and Doc’s place(I don’t know how he came by the name “Doc”, because I’m pretty sure he doesn’t practice anywhere). They’ve been across the street from us since forever… I think they might be putting their place on the market pretty soon, but I’m not for sure, because I haven’t really talked with Doc since he went in… They are good people, even though we sometimes disagree politically.
That’s their dog Reb, over there on the right, and their son Jefferson on the left. Candy Sue is quite creative, and she has marked the entrance to the property with a colorful sculpture made entirely of tin cans… you’d really have to see it to believe it…
Anyways, you should check it out… If you want, drop by later and I’ll throw a couple burgers on for everybody… Gotta go now, my wive is pushing me to do a little yard work today!
Hi Bood and thanks for the visit. I surely will drop over for burgers later, can you give me directions?
Thanks for bringing your note of levity to the site today and I am so impressed with your neighbor’s digs.
I guess it must drive the price of housing up in your area.
Toddler Jeff on sofa, stack of beer cans, pretty Candy Sue on bike, their dog Reb and a garden dwarf standing on the front porch? I believe electricity and telephone lines are down, but the TV aerial is UP!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I am interested in hearing about housing costs in your country. Would you mind filling me in. What about apts., what is the rent rate.
Here it is between 1500.00 and 2000.00 per month for a decent 3 bedroom apt. but surely not on the luxury scale at all,then, that price really skyrockets. Bet New YOrk has us beat tho. Any Newyorkers.
Home ownership and the economy
The Netherlands has seen a rapid rise of prices during last decade, with the exception of last two years where prices have stabilized due to 0.5% economic growth and rise in unemployment to 7%. High unemployment rate of 30% is present in community of foreigners: Moroccans, Turks and Dutch nationals from the Caribbean Antilles Islands. The influx of foreigners is ever increasing due to lack of policy during the “purple” years of Labor party PvdA reign in government from 1994 to 2002. At present the Christian Democrats of PM Jan Peter Balkenende lead the Dutch government along with the right liberal party VVD and the left liberal Democrats D’66.
House ownership is ever on the increase due to attractive tax exemption. Today house ownership and home rental is split 50-50. The Dutch can lower their taxable income by the total amount paid on home loan interest. For the high income bracket it’s especially attractive, as their tax break is 50%, so their netto income increases from home ownership: the State refunds you big money when you buy a home.
Wages: minimum and average
High tax rates in The Netherlands including deduction for welfare benefits: National Health program and SS. Between 35-45% of bruto salary is deducted, this high percentage must be decreased to remain competitive within the European Union, especially the new countries like Poland and Hungary offer labor at half the cost.
Monthly bruto wages:
800 :: $ 1,040 minimum
1,600 :: $ 2,080 low average
2,400 :: $ 3,120 high average
Add 8% vacation allowance, 25 vacation/holidays, and most employers pay a 13th month or major portion thereof.
Prices of Houses, Flats and Appartments
100k :: $ 130k low
250k :: $ 320k middle
500k :: $ 650k high
Indication of prices in Western part of Holland – most expensive – for the province Drenthe and unattractive Northern part of The Netherlands, you can cut the prices in half.
In The Hague over 30 year period:
1975 40k :: $ 52k
2005 320k :: $ 415k
Well positioned, spacious home with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths.
Rental price is difficult to estimate. Depends on family income, as there is a possibility for rent subsidy for the low incomes, the state pays part of the rent.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Which may still be going on here, haven’t checked lately but there may be some stragglers here just waiting for others to join the party.
Come on over it’s ok to talk politics on this diary today.
I would like to talk about ending the war, for example.