When my spirited, sagacious 90-year-old mother calls me to complain about the heat, somethin’ is up! Tillie — that’s her real name — shivers in a sweater even when her thermostat is set at a suffocating, dessicating 88 degrees.
The Seattle TV station anchors are dispensing advice — “keep your cool!” and “spritz with a water spray bottle” — and offering treatments for heat-related illness. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer this morning reports the astonishing news that:
Explain that, Michael Crichton, you global warming denier! And who should be on Book TV as I write this but Denis Boyles – author of Vile France: Fear, Duplicity, Cowardice, and Cheese – who’s describing how the “vile” French let their long-abandoned elderly mothers die in last summer’s heat wave.
Hey, Mom! I’ll be right over to spritz you!
Same temperature as London yesterday. Another record.
I don’t do hot myself very well either.
Oh no, Welshman! I do not do well either … last night, I perched a fan in my bedroom window, which helped a lot. I didn’t even care if robbers climbed through!
I grew up in Eastern WA. We had a “gentleman’s farm” — i.e., my dad had a business, and the farm was an avocation. In August, our pears ripened and had to be picked. We’d all go out — in 102 degree heat — in the dusty rows, to pick the pears. My mom would take a look at me, and say, “Susan, go back in the house. You’re too hot.”
Isn’t it wonderous how providence, well, provides?
Our Islamofascist enemies have huge reserves of a dangerous chemical weapon that over time, when extracted and put in to the atmosphere- will render our homelands tactically suitable to traditional Arab warfare.
We give them money, they export their environment to us.
“We give them money, they export their environment to us. “
That’s truly deep.
“Susan spritzing mother to protest likely “non” vote in EU referendum”
You know, if they can’t spritz their folks, they probably should just surrender the affairs of their nation to Belgians.
I SO HOPE that Jerome A Paris sees the info about that book, and comments! :):)
It’s not a lack of rain, Susan, it’s just been misplaced. Someone dropped it all off over here, in the upper right-hand corner instead of the upper left.
It’s rained for 20 or the last 27 days in eastern Maine. The ground is saturated. Flowers are not yet blooming. Road edges are being undermined. Usually, we get much of our summer moisture from fog–warmer air coming in over cold ocean water = fog. So far this spring, just gloom, cold, and damp.
I do miserably in hot, but this is a bit much. The good news is that it’s suppressing the black flies, the bloodthirsty little beggars. And the dandelions are spectacular.
When, or when, will “authorities” make the connection between abnormal and extreme weather and global climate change? It’s not like I haven’t been ranting about it for, oh, the last 15 years or so. ๐
We’ll be in Seattle in about a week to visit friends and then drive to Vancouver. We could swing by and spritz your mother if necessary. Just let me know.
You’d have to take the ferry to Bainbridge Island. Is it worth the $32 round-trip price to you?*
*my circuitous way of bitching about the price hikes
$32? Hmmmmm.
I’ll just bill you for it, OK?
A few quick comments:
There ya go.
On that, I’m off to vote. May the Schwartz be with us all.
Viva la France!
You’re right about global warming. It’s just that I’ll use the flimsiest of excuses to rail against Michael Crichton, Jon Stossel’s new pet.
Tell us about your voting experience!
Ah, I’m with you concerning Michael Crichton…
Well, my voting experience over at the Consulate General in Vancouver, BC, was very pleasant. People were nice and professional, the event seemed well organized and there was no wait – at least at the time I was there (around midday).
Also, the day was gorgeous. ๐
As to the results, we’ll see. I might comment in the coming diary(ies?) that no doubt will be written about the subject, tomorrow or in the coming days.
Just noticed you changed your screenname spelling and dropped the b, great now it is easier to spell.
All you folks trying to claim Washington’s old weather, we got it here in Socal. Second highest rain ever in recorded history of Socal this year. It’s cloudy and possible rain today.
Of course we traditionally get June Gloom here, to get us good and ready for the heat waves of July to December.
I still say that much of the weather problem is due in addition to global warming and such, to HAARP.
Personally I think we have the best weather right here in Orange County, Ca. of the whole US.
BooMan did that for me. Wasn’t that nice?!
Orange County: And you used to boast the best rightwingers in the U.S.A.! What happened? And what did you have to do with it, Diane?!
Yea for Booman….!!!!
Are you saying we don’t have the best rightwingers here anymore. Shucks, Maybe not in public office but sure enough on the reality show we have here. (Are you thinking Dornan and his ilk?)
I am but a spot of blue in a red, red, county. We do have Sanchez for Rep. for my district, but when you get more to the coast, all the big money people are Reps. I am sure of that. They just love Bushco, I suspect, he makes them richer.
Poor people may outnumber the rich, so it slighty sways the overall county vote.
I just got up and hope I have my making sense hat on when writing comments, if not I shall go and look for it.
You’re making plenty of sense. It’s just that for — for like forever (in the 60s, 70s, 80s) — Orange County was infamous nationwide for its rightwing politics. And I read somewhere, I forget where, that the political climate there has shifted left.
There may be shifting left going on based on the miserable showing of this Pres. but 1/2 of my family voted Rep. and I wouldn’t call them especially conservative. WE don’t talk politics since the election, so I don’t know how they would vote if it was today.
I think we as a county may be somewhere in the middle right now, purple,, mainly due to the extremely wide spectrum of income. The extremely rich, which congregate along the coast and are driving the middle and lower income inland, are probably lower in numbers than the rapidly rising lower class.
I am not positive of the exact figure at this precise moment, but last I heard the median price of a home in this county, is over 400,000. Four years ago it was 250,000. I am waiting for a bubble burst in real estate here as everything is so overpriced.
For example a very old 2 bedroom home in the poorest section of Santa Ana, will sell for about 300,000.
A home I lived in in Huntington Beach on 1965, which was originally sold for 12,000, now sells for over $400,000. No I did not own the home……..so no big profit for me.
Anyway I think Roger Dornan was a big rabble rouser on the Rep. side for many years and now Sanchez (Dem)has replaced him, thank heavens.
hey susan, your whole ‘spritz your mother’ meme has me cracking up. I think this could be the new code phrase to use against the anti-global warming crowd. You know like if they say that glaciers aren’t really melting we just reply well whadya wanna do..’Spritz your mother’…yeah I know it doesn’t make exact sense but then neither do repugs.
As for Jon Stossell, that twit, I’d like to take his mustache and put it where the sun don’t shine..and I’m so disappointed in Micheal Chrichton.