I was watching the interview with Sen. Brownback and Arlen Specter on ABC, (George S.) this morning and I just have to put up this diary to discuss this issue.
Arlen Specter is for Embryonic Stem Cell research government funding and he revealed he has Hodkins Lymphoma….  Spector said ‘that embryo is not life until it is implanted in a woman and as a victim of cancer with many friends suffering from various illnesses, he feels a necessity to fight this attitude of the Pres. and some member of Congress.
Spector further stated he has put up 1 million dollars to encourage  embryonic adoption but so far only 100 have been adopted, so he does not see that as a viable use of unwanted embryos.
He also said ‘when the American people find out the truth of this matter they will be marching on Washington in numbers we have never seen before’…

Brownback says he will fight this all the way including a fillibuster if he has to.
How do you feel….
I see this as another fracture of the Rep. party another Rep. leaving the fold.