I was watching the interview with Sen. Brownback and Arlen Specter on ABC, (George S.) this morning and I just have to put up this diary to discuss this issue.
Arlen Specter is for Embryonic Stem Cell research government funding and he revealed he has Hodkins Lymphoma…. Spector said ‘that embryo is not life until it is implanted in a woman and as a victim of cancer with many friends suffering from various illnesses, he feels a necessity to fight this attitude of the Pres. and some member of Congress.
Spector further stated he has put up 1 million dollars to encourage embryonic adoption but so far only 100 have been adopted, so he does not see that as a viable use of unwanted embryos.
He also said ‘when the American people find out the truth of this matter they will be marching on Washington in numbers we have never seen before’…
Brownback says he will fight this all the way including a fillibuster if he has to.
How do you feel….
I see this as another fracture of the Rep. party another Rep. leaving the fold.
Add to this stem cell issue the problems many Republicans Congress persons are having with base closures, the 7 Rep.Senators in the recent compromise and the disatisfaction many Reps. have with Bolton as a nominee and you have the Admin. losing ground on many fronts. And then there is the War…..
What would you add to this list.
I couldn’t find a good place to place this info on site so I am putting it here….
“”WASHINGTON — White House officials declined yesterday to give senators the extra documents they are seeking regarding John R. Bolton, President Bush’s choice to become ambassador to the United Nations, setting up a major standoff with Senate Democrats over the long-troubled nomination.””
What’s next????Fillibuster????
Does anyone else have the impression that Diane is sitting in front of 15 monitors tuned to all major TV channels, wuth a battery of computers using every browser know to mankind, a hotline to god knows who, and a rolladex as big as a 707 turbine?
I certainly don’t 😉
Someone finally read my diary and commented.
You are kidding right?LOL Susanhu is the one who I think fits that description above, not I.
I have one computer and moniter, one tv and no roledex file what so ever.I do have cable internet(faster than heck, cable tv and a lot of links.
BTW I also use google alerts to keep me informed when any news breaks on whatever topic I am interested in. Does everyone know about them? At the bottom of search pages.
One of those alerts led me today to a Rep. site reg. Bolton Nom. and he is “surprise” against Bolton’s nomination. I invited him over here to join the gaggle of Boomers.
Was that a smiley face at the bottomSven?
Diane – the smiley was a wink – just to tell you I was only teasing 😉
Another important part of that debate was Brownback hinting at regulating In-Vitro Fertilization. While it may seem crazy to some of us… he really does believe that IVF kills babies. I have a writeup and further analysis on my blog.
Thanks for the additional info on this and you have a very nice write up on your blog, if you care to copy and paste any of it here I would appreciate it.
BTW welcome to the site as I see you are a new user.
I second Diane’s welcome…
Who seem to hold his views. . .really. . .it makes me shake my head just before banging it on my keyboard. To follow their line of thinking, we then have to say that every month when a woman has her mensies, she is aborting human life, and then that leads one to putting all the murderers in prison, right?
I am stunned that they cannot or will not see how irrational their thinking is. Brownback must get a good deal of money from those far, far, far right Religious zealots to push him in this line of thinking. It is difficult to believe that a sane person could get there by themselves.
How can people be this easily mis-led?
Please Shirl, no banging head on keyboard, bad for the keyboard. LOL. I had a visual of you doing that.
To add to your comment, I think the next phase of Bronbacks plan is to force all women to use their eggs at least once a year to conceive so we can add further to the world population.
Does anyone else think about the over population issue. In the 70’s we were very concerned about it, planet not able to support so many people and we were striving for zero pop. growth. What happened to that idea?
Just watched something on PBS about that in the middle of the night last night. It is a program presented as being a documentary from 2020, looking at conditions presumed at that time and commenting on what could have been done in our current time, if we had paid attention.
One of their commentaries was about over population, in conjunction with a new parched earth because of drought caused by global warming. . .very interesting presentation. . .aquifers drying up. . . Showed almost everyone moving off the 2020 deserts (no water, no crops, no work)into horrible city explosions, Mega Cities of 30, 40 60 million, extreme poverty and 9 billion population about half of which is unsustainable do to inability to find farmable lands. Pipelines constructed to pump ocean water to desalination (sp) plants and then sent on to aird areas in hopes of growing and maintaining crops. Farms, or once upon a time farms only able to survive by solar and wind energy farming, producing enough electricity to power the pipelines that will hopefully bring enough water back to the land.
Not the loveliest picture of future possibilities, although they presented it with plenty of hope it still could be turned around, however a much more difficult and overwhelming job than if folks in 2005 had paid attention and done things then to stem the direction of destruction.
Plenty thought provoking.
Made me think of words in the musical Hair. “In 25 25, if man is still alive” is something of how it goes, anyone know the words..
Very interesting show Shirl, wish I would have seen it and now I will check and see if it will be repeated.
Yes, 2525, if man is still alive. . .
The title of the program is “A History of the Future”
Here are the program notes listed on my local PBS:
This is a petition from Act for Change, to shut down Gitmo.
Couldn’t find a good place to put this alert, so I put it in this diary.
Report: Ex- FBI official says he was ‘Deep Throat’
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 Posted: 12:41 PM EDT (1641 GMT)
“”Vanity Fair reports that W. Mark Felt says that he was “Deep Throat.”
NEW YORK (AP) — A former FBI official says he was the source called “Deep Throat” who leaked secrets about President Nixon’s Watergate coverup to The Washington Post, Vanity Fair reported Tuesday.
W. Mark Felt, 91, who was second-in-command at the FBI in the early 1970s, kept the secret even from his family until 2002, when he confided to a friend that he had been Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward’s source, the magazine said.””