Just want to make my presence known. I was forwarded this site by Apian, SusanHu, and a few others and just want to say hello.
So here I am. I am Stand Strong over at DailyKos. I’d like to know more about this site. Apian told me it was SusanHu’s design, to serve as a sister site to DailyKos.
A little more info on this site would be greatly appreciated. How long it’s been here, where else it’s linked to or mentioned, etc. I’m well familiar with the workings over at DailyKos but if there’s anything definitively different over here, I’d love to know.
So help me out!
Great to be here, otherwise, and look forward to contributing, cross-posting, and spreading the progressive and democratic movement!
And for those who are aware, I made a reference error that Susan has not yet corrected in her diary. I was cited as the source of my diary, DOD Emails Show Plot To Blame FBI For Torture. The proper reference credit goes to Up2Late, over at DailyKos, although this link is to his DailyKos account, and not his DU account.
Welcome stnnd strong!
I also post on both Booman and kos. Your diary will stay up longer here, and consequently you often get more thoughtful feedback.
Another advantage I have noted at Booman is the presence of an active international community, which is made somewhat more accessible by the additional category of “Recommended World Diaries” which BooMan has provided.
I voted for “Hey, Hot Stuff,” but then I am pretty free with my love.
Thank you for welcoming me. Much appreciated and the World Diaries section sounds very interesting. Think I may take a look at the sitemeter and check the stats. I like worldly stuff.
Welcome to this site, it’s a lot like DK but the best feature here is the recent comment tab at the top where you can keep track of comments.
This site is only about 2 months old and we are not quite a thousand yet, but will be soon.
We are a very friendly bunch and don’t take ourselves too seriously, most of the time.
I hope you will like it here and spend a lot of time on the site. Booman(the proprietor) has let us be a part of getting this site going and making suggestions as to what we like and don’t like so a lot of us feel we have a tiny little part of a really great site.
We are very international and we treasure our brothers and sisters from across the world.
I do a regular tell us about you diary, but since you have already told us about you, I will just invite you to take a look at what some of us have said about ourselves. You can find them on my page. I think we are up to part 5 at this time. (Or you can post a comment if you like on that diary)
So stand strong……and enjoy this site!!!!!!!
All [or none] of the above
● So you missed my vote!The present crew at BooTrib is a pretty mixed bunch. If you love greens in a tossed salad, you’ll love it here at BooTrib. Straightforward, healthy atmosphere, no fancy dressing added but for some foreign flavor. Basic rule no GM allowed.
Enjoy — let us know who you are.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Welcome, Howdy, Guten Tag, and therein my mind went blank for any other international welcoming..However since you mentioned a love connection-I can say I love you in Bohemian or Polish.(about the only phrase I know thanks to my grandmother)
Stick around and enjoy the more comfortable and leisurely pace here which is very good for keeping discussions going.
Having a international cast of characters is the combination that makes this site the best there is and to remind us Americans that, hello there is a great big world out there of which we are only a small part. We are not the center of the universe no matter what some misguided people may believe.
Another great point here is that everyone is very respectful of others opinions even if they happen to disagree-which is always conducive to more open and thoughtful discussions.
And it’s just fun.
Welcome aboard SA. I must admit. . .you caught my attention and accurately stopped me in my tracks with “What?”
Guess I had Super America on my mind.
Welcome aboard Stand Strong!