Bush speaking in rose garden this morning with offending press corps member in the foreground.
Washington (APE) by Shithead Wallace – Hours ago, the secret service brought an undignified closing to the press conference from the President this morning, by tackling to the ground a reporter who remains unidentified and in custody at this time. They have refused to identify him pending further investigation. The reporter, caught incidentally in the photograph above, was described as presenting a clear and present danger to the President and those in the press conference. After the incident, an unidentified Secret Service agent who participated in the take down stated simply, “He could have put somebody’s eye out.”
The press today was noted to have asked increasingly pointed questions of the President, and he appeared visibly shaken after the incident. Witnesses say that the unidentified reporter was noted to be impatient throughout the press conference and trying desperately to grab the President’s attention to pose a question. Witnesses also state that they heard the man rehearsing his question under his breath throughout the hour long conference, and distinctly heard the phrase “Downing Street” spoken.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan commented, “I think that what you see here is clear evidence that we have been correct all along in our level of protection of the President with the insistence of loyalty oaths and such as a screening tool for his public appearances. When more is known, we will comment further. The truth of the matter is that the investigation is in its early stages, and the medications have just not had enough time to take effect.”
Today’s press conference was the latest in a series of monthly press meetings that the administration agreed to since the first of the year. As today was the last day of May, the President was attempting to squeeze one out.
Thanks for making my day !
hey apian/darling-hello.
Couldn’t have said it better myself! Hooray for the press corps. Hope this guy doesn’t get “disappeared” on us.
Do NOT, repeat do NOT throw temptations like this at my feet. I am in something of a Mood due to certain decisions made regarding dry ice and a certain aggregate of former human tissue in a large desert country famous for horses and dollahos and this is not the time to encourage me to become mischievous and rollicking. 😀
It seems the only time I can stomache seeing bushco anymore is in your diaries and the terrific skewing(or screwing) you do of the above mentioned -insert your own douchebag term.
absolutely awesome. That could be a T-shirt!
This one needs to be blown up into a very large poster and captioned. Any ideas for captions folks?
Actions speak eloquently louder than words.
That’s the one Bood!! God, I love your stuff.
Accomplish this
He shoots – he scores! (Again!) Crowd goes wild!
You are on a roll and thanks for taking us along for the ride!
The Official Bush Salute… works for me!
“Official Bush Salute” ROTFLMAO good one…as always ; )
They must be mistaken. This is not a reporter. This person is too courageous and knowledgeable to be a member of the press. I rather think it is one of Bushes advisors who has his finger to the wind.