…or so says bigot and huckster Lou Sheldon:

Hillary’s got an agenda – and she’s been willing not only to lie, but to enable a rapist to gets what she wants. Now, she wants to be your President.

Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine details the systematic attacks that `Bill and Hill’ have perpetrated on women – the ongoing bullying, coercion and bribery by the Clinton political machine. Until now, their stories have been manipulated, distorted – and even suppressed – to protect Hillary and Bill. Their Lives tells the truth.

Lisa Myers from NBC, interviewing Juanita Broaddrick asked: “You’re saying that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted you, that he raped you?”

Find out how she responded! Download a free chapter of the book; simply click here. It’s fast and easy.

More below, with a poll.
Yes, friends: it’s been weeks since “activist judges” have gotten up to any mischief, and over a year since any perverts have tried to get married. Therefore, the Religious Right needs to drum up a few boogeymen to keep their cash flow even.

The Traditional Values Coalition has dug up Hillary, as we’ve seen. Who else is out there?

Gary Bauer’s never at loss for someone to fling poo at. He’s comes up with Amnesty International:

Amnesty International has gone from being merely irritating to now making obscene charges.  On the eve of Memorial Day weekend the human rights group
compared the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay to the Soviet Gulag (prison system.)  For good measure they also urged that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, Attorney General Gonzales and other U.S. government officials, or “architects of torture” as they referred to them, be brought up for charges of war crimes.

Even the liberal Washington Post was astonished and accused Amnesty of having “lost its bearings.”  Actual prisoners who survived the Gulag, like Natan Sharansky, quickly reminded us that the Soviet Gulag brutalized tens of millions of people.  Millions of those who entered that Russian government-sanctioned hell on earth died of torture, starvation, exposure or execution.  As the Post points out, if Amnesty wants to find something comparable to the Gulag they could look to “the labor camps of North Korea,…China’s Laogai…or, until recently, the prisons of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.”

Meanwhile at our “gulag” at Guantanamo Bay the “scandal” is about whether a Koran was inappropriately handled – a Koran that was one of hundreds we supplied to the prisoners!  Guards who have on occasion violated interrogation guidelines have been charged and punished.  Can Amnesty International really be this blind?

One final thought.  The inmates of the Soviet Gulag were people who, by and large, simply wanted freedom.  For that they suffered horrible torture and death.  The prisoners in Cuba were captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan in the wake of the vicious Al Qaeda attack on our homeland.  It is a testament to the values of Western Civilization that they are still alive.

Meanwhile, Pam notices that the American Family Association has shifted its sights from Disney to Ford:

Donald and Tim Wildmon’s AmTaliban American Family Association couldn’t succeed with a Disney boycott, so now they are refocusing that message of intolerance and wingnuttery — and going after Ford.

   AFA announced it has launched a boycott against the Ford Motor Company because of the company’s track record for supporting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual “marriage.” The pro-family group’s founder and chairman, Donald E. Wildmon, says Ford’s financial support of the homosexual agenda goes far beyond a few donations.

    “From redefining family to include homosexual marriage; to giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to support homosexual groups and their agenda; to forcing managers to attend diversity training on how to promote the acceptance of homosexuality; to sponsoring a commitment ceremony — that is, ‘marriage’; to sponsoring ‘gay pride’ parades, Ford leads the way,” Wildmon states. “The goal of every homosexual organization supported by Ford is to get homosexual marriage legalized.”

    According to Wildmon, there was so much material demonstrating the automaker’s track record on promoting the homosexual agenda that his group decided it was best to simply give it its own website: BoycottFord.com.

Apparently “Ford Tough” just isn’t tough enough anymore.

And and and…well, there’s always the California Legislature to beat up on:




Supporters of Traditional Marriage:

Traditional Values Coalition needs your help!

Two weeks ago the California Legislature did the unthinkable! They have actually said NO to marriage being only between one man and one woman. Under the guise of so-called “equal rights” for same-sex couples, 11 Democrat legislators killed our constitutional amendments that TVC sponsored protecting marriage for one man and one woman.

It is now clear that the California Legislature is determined to force every Californian to accept blatant homosexual marriage. A full-blown homosexual marriage bill (AB 19) is on the verge of being voted on by the entire State Assembly in just a matter of days.

We must stop this from taking place in California! The eyes of the nation are on California. The rest of the country cannot follow California’s lead if they sanction homosexual marriages.

Thank God for those crazy Californians. Who knows how the righteous would raise the dough without them?