I love Hillary, and it’s not for her politics. I love her sizzle. I love that she is brazen. And I love that all freepers f&*^ing hate her (what more is there to love?).

Ah, remember the good ‘ole days when Bill was in the White House? Those were the good years! A BJ for the Prez in the oval office is so much cooler than a Prez who bombs the heck out of Iraq and considers torture a new kind of entertainment. Desperate Housewife Laura knows what she’s desperate for – a little bit of the good ‘ole days of sweet Clinton action.

And imagine, if Clinton can get elected twice, get impeached, watch his wife get elected to the Senate from a place where she’s never lived before and then get elected as the first man for First Lady – well heck, he’ll be unstoppable. Did I hear Universal Healthcare and payback time for the f&^%khead freepers in freeperville?

My Blog: PoliticalSmartAss.com