Bush said that “we’ve had thousands of people detained” and “we’ve investigated every single complaint against the detainees.”
He added, “It seemed like to me they [Amnesty International] based some of their decisions on the word of and the allegations by people that were held in detention, people who hate America, people that have been trained in some instances to disassemble, that means not tell the truth.”
Wash Post: Free Reg
Rove told him to bust out the ‘disassemble’ if he got in trouble…
I mentioned in another comment that Bush’s Presidency was “absurd”. Well, regarding Bush’s inability to speak, “Frankly, I was offended by it,…” </cheney>
So hard to choose, isn’t it? The idiot act is so well-honed, you can almost fall into his trap of believing him to be nothing more than a well-meaning dolt.
I love it when he TELLS us who he is– then dares us to believe it. To quote the mighty Randi Rhodes, “If a man shows you that he’s a liar, BELIEVE HIM.”
The only thing that has been disassembled is Bush’s little brain
If the Wash Post had juevos, they would have put “(sic)” in the quote. Maybe they should change their name to the Washingquote Post.
has a post with a link to a powerful video outlining the lies that Bush and Friends spewed out during the run-up to the war. *warning* there are some graphic pix and loud noises.
on America blogs page the link to the new site a link to this new site TPM Cafe.
John Edwards was a guest blogger today.
Hey Booman, maybe you should post a link to this site there.
Yeah, I check out TPM regularly, the Cafe just launched. There should be lots of interesting commentary since a good chunk of the DLC crew are posting there.
Blog whoring alert
Woodward, Bernstein and the whole WaPo crew seemed stunningly ungracious yesterday in their acknowledgement of Deep Throat’s identity. See my blog post
does not understand that a President is not a king. He is a public servant – he works for us – we pay for his house, his airplane, his staff, and the food he eats. When stuff like this happens:
They need to follow up. Ask him why he stopped the diplomacy to rain down “shock and awe” on Iraq at the cost of tens of thousands of lives and six million dollars per hour when Saddam didn’t even have a weapons program. They need to insist on these follow-up questions even if it means shouting him down to do it.
He works for them. They don’t work for him.
Myeres and Rumsfeld, talking abut “gulag”, etc. I will report later if I can stand to watch the whole thing.
It’s on Cspan and cable.
Interestng timing isn’t it!!!
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The U.S. military released 53 Afghans from its jails in Afghanistan on Wednesday after deciding that they posed no threat, American officials said.
The men were brought from the main American base at Bagram and another U.S. base in the southern city of Kandahar and released in the capital.
Col. James Yonts, the U.S. military spokesman in Afghanistan, said the 53 were “low-level combatants” who committed hostile acts against civilians, Afghan forces and U.S.-led coalition forces.
“These individuals were found no longer a threat to anyone,” he told reporters in Kabul.
American forces have detained thousands of people since entering Afghanistan in 2001 to oust the former Taliban government and end the country’s role as a haven and training ground for al Qaeda militants.
Most have been released, but many have spent years in U.S. jails in Afghanistan or at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Sibghatullah Mujaddedi, head of Afghanistan’s peace and reconciliation commission, told the released prisoners that although some of them may be innocent, they shouldn’t complain, but instead be thankful to be free.
… although some of them may be innocent, they shouldn’t complain, but instead be thankful to be free.
Don’t complain, it could have been so much worse. Be grateful, you aren’t pushing up daisies, Allah Akbar! You have a life’s experience you can share with family, friends and confide with your grandchildren. America’s Dream – 21st Century – appears to be a nightmare.
Ask Pat Tillman.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
How are you this morning. I hope you are not feeling too bad about the election. Hope you have a great day!
The Dutch used to have a silent majority, that suits me well. After the Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh murders, the sleeping giant woke up. They express their opinion in every day life – aggression – and at the polling station.
They won’t ruin my life, but it’s such a waste of argument, campaign and general good-will in society.
Sleep well. Gawn.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité