Torture Airlines: The CIA and their Front Companies

Today’s New York Times has an article, “CIA Expanding Terror Battle Under Guise of Charter Flights, that does a pretty good job of identifying the ever-growing circle of CIA front companies and aircraft toting individuals around the world for interrogation and detention.

The graphic representation in the link above identifies a double layer of operating companies and a few of the individuals that the companies have in common.

What I want to do here is provide a place for any further identification of facts about these people and these companies.
I have initially focused on Crowell Aviation Technologies, as according to the NYT article, it is the only company that operates with no outside shell. The name I focused on was Laura L. Owen, a name associated with both Crowell Aviation Technologies and Path Corporation in the article.

Searching Nexis business databases, I found only two mentions of a “Laura L. Owen”.



Mailing Address:
 202 N CURRY ST STE 100



Status Date: 3/1/2004

Filing Date: 2/7/2003


Expiration Date: 2/7/2503

State or Country of Incorporation: NEVADA


Registered Agent:
 Creation Date: 2/7/2003
 Companies Represented: 10,083
 Companies in Good Standing: 4,712

Registered Office:
 202 N CURRY ST #100
 CARSON CITY, NV 89703-4121

Members, Managers, Partners:
 CARSON CITY, NV 89703-4121
 Added Date: 2/7/2003

 CARSON CITY, NV 89703-4121
 Added Date: 2/7/2003

 CARSON CITY, NV 89703-4121
 Added Date: 2/7/2003

Filing Number: LLC1822-2003

Annual Report:
 Date Due: 2004
 Report Date: 2/7/2003
 Comments: 60 DAY LIST OF OFFICERS; Number of Officers Reported: 3



Mailing Address:
 202 N CURRY ST STE 100



Status Date: 3/1/2004

Filing Date: 2/7/2003


Expiration Date: 2/7/2503

State or Country of Incorporation: NEVADA


Registered Agent:
 Creation Date: 2/7/2003
 Companies Represented: 10,083
 Companies in Good Standing: 4,712

Registered Office:
 202 N CURRY ST #100
 CARSON CITY, NV 89703-4121

Members, Managers, Partners:
 202 N CURRY ST #100
 Added Date: 2/7/2003

 202 N CURRY ST #100
 Added Date: 2/7/2003

 202 N CURRY ST #100
 Added Date: 2/7/2003

Filing Number: LLC1805-2003

Annual Report:
 Date Due: 2004
 Report Date: 2/7/2003
 Comments: 60 DAY LIST OF OFFICERS; Number of Officers Reported: 3

The addresses listed for the business go back to a Nevada corporation agency, a business that blocks the identites of the individuals and the business. I find the names interesting and suggestive: “Bible Battle Production” and “Heavenly Gems”.

Searching Google, I haven’t found much of anything related for “Heavenly Gems”.

The kicker?

Searching Google, I have found nothing for “Bible Battle Production”. Nada. Zip. Zero.

There are other names associated with these two suspicious companies:

John P. Owen
Deanna M. Miller

I haven’t dug any deeper yet to prove or disprove the legitimacy of these two Nevada businesses and the individuals associated with them; however, at first glance, they appear to be shady.

I hope that people will look at the NYT article, at the businesses and names I’ve presented here, and dig deeper. I’ll keep digging, too, and post here when I find more.

WE hit a ‘1000’:New Members Welcome here

I just happened to see the number 967 User Id and realized we are climbing up the ladder to 1000 users rather fast now and looks like we could reach that number by this weekend.  Thanks to the ACLU diaries by susanhu, I think a lot of new members are coming this way.
To new members we like to hear about “you” so please tell us.  Here is the link to the most recent diary, in this series. Welcome to this site and hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

To see the past 1-4 diaries check my info page.

(A note to new users, the recent comment tab (in toolbar above), and the spellcheck feature are just some of the great parts of this site.  Tell us what you think about this site?)
If you have brought any new member to this site, tell us and we will give you mojo.  

(Update 3:12 PST)
Since this diary has been up for awhile and no comments I decided to add the subject of Guantanamo. Petitions for closing, stories about, how you feel abut it, all those things and what you think if you have been checking any of the aclu documents reg. Gitmo.

Bush Press Conference Turns Ugly

Bush speaking in rose garden this morning with offending press corps member in the foreground.

Washington (APE) by Shithead Wallace – Hours ago, the secret service brought an undignified closing to the press conference from the President this morning, by tackling to the ground a reporter who remains unidentified and in custody at this time. They have refused to identify him pending further investigation. The reporter, caught incidentally in the photograph above, was described as presenting a clear and present danger to the President and those in the press conference. After the incident, an unidentified Secret Service agent who participated in the take down stated simply, “He could have put somebody’s eye out.”

The press today was noted to have asked increasingly pointed questions of the President, and he appeared visibly shaken after the incident. Witnesses say that the unidentified reporter was noted to be impatient throughout the press conference and trying desperately to grab the President’s attention to pose a question. Witnesses also state that they heard the man rehearsing his question under his breath throughout the hour long conference, and distinctly heard the phrase “Downing Street” spoken.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan commented, “I think that what you see here is clear evidence that we have been correct all along in our level of protection of the President with the insistence of loyalty oaths and such as a screening tool for his public appearances. When more is known, we will comment further. The truth of the matter is that the investigation is in its early stages, and the medications have just not had enough time to take effect.”

Today’s press conference was the latest in a series of monthly press meetings that the administration agreed to since the first of the year. As today was the last day of May, the President was attempting to squeeze one out.

Torturing Women in Iraq and Afghanistan

We know alot about male prisoners being tortured by US troops at Bagram, Kandahar, Abu Ghraib, Bagdad International Airport, GITMO and elsewhere. However, not alot has been reported about the torturing of women in Afghanistan and Iraq.

According to reports a common practice by US troops has been to take women as hostages in order to bargain for the surrender of their husbands.

This practice is illegal and a “grave” violation under the Geneva Conventions and has led to the rape and torture of women in US custody.

More below the fold:

Attached below is a great article recently written by Iraqi journalist Ghali Hassan.

Several documents released on 07 March 2005 by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) show 13 cases of rape and abuse of female detainees.

The documents revealed that no action was taken against any soldier or civilian official as a result. “We have to start to ask the question of whether there is a whole layer of abuse out there that we are not seeing because the evidence of abuse has been covered up”, said ACLU staff attorney Jameel Jaffer.

The documents also provide further evidence that U.S. troops have destroyed evidence of abuse and torture in order to avoid a repetition of last year’s Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal.

Aidan Delgado, a 23-year-old U.S. Army reservist with the 320th Military Police Company told Bob Herbert of the New York Times recently, that he “had witnessed an Army sergeant lashed a group of children with a steel Humvee antenna, and a Marine corporal planted a vicious kick in the chest of a kid about 6 years old”.

After he was deployed to Abu Ghraib Prison, Mr. Delgado told Herbert: “The violence [in Abu Ghraib] was sickening, some inmates were beaten nearly to death”. In one of the many detainees’ protests at Abu Ghraib, the “Army authorized lethal force. Four [unarmed] detainees were shot to death”, said Delgado.

An eyewitness female detainee at Abu Ghraib, who identified herself as `Noor’, told Al-Jazeera that `U.S. soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison raped women and, in many occasions, forced them to strip naked in public’. She admitted seeing `many female detainees got pregnant’. Iraqi lawyer Iman Khamas, of International Occupation Watch Centre, said; “One former detainee had recounted the alleged rape of her cell mate in Abu Ghraib.” “[The detainee] had been raped 17 times in one day”, said Khamas.

Professor Huda Shaker Al-Nuaimi, of Baghdad University Political Science Department, told Luke Harding of the Guardian on 12 May 2004, that; `U.S. soldiers in Iraq have raped, sexually humiliated and abused several Iraqi female detainees in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison’.

Al-Nuaimi told Harding that she knows of `Noor’s’ case and other Iraqi females that were arrested, taken to Abu Ghraib prison and raped by the US Military Police. `Iraqi women here are afraid and shy of talking about such subjects’, she added.

Crimes of rape were very rare before the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. Rape is shameful crimes, and was introduced to the Muslim World by Western colonialists as a tool of coercion and intimidation.

Moreover, Iraqi women and their children are being taken hostages by U.S. forces and used as `bargaining chips’.

On 11 April 2005, the Guardian reported, that U.S. forces were accused of violating international law by taking Iraqi women hostages to force their male relatives to surrender.

After taking the women (mother and daughter) from their home in Baghdad, U.S. soldiers left a note on the gate: “Be a man Muhammad Mukhlif and give yourself up and then we will release your sisters. Otherwise they will spend a long time in detention”.

One wonders who is the one to “be a man”, U.S. soldiers who are abusing defenceless women or Mr. Muhammad, who is only defending his country against foreign invaders?

Iraqi women are arrested, detained, abused and tortured not because of anything they have done, but to force their close relatives (spouses, sons and brothers) to collaborate with the Occupation and to inform against the Resistance. Contrary to the Geneva Conventions, which stipulate that no one can “be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed”.

The practices, which have been condemned by the UN and human rights organisations, are widely used by the Israeli Army against Palestinian men, women and children in occupied Palestine.

In another interview, Mithal added; “After that, they took me to a detention centre [near Baghdad International Airport]. There, I heard a young woman crying out from her cell, telling an American soldier to leave her alone. She said, “I am a Muslim woman”. Her voice was high-pitched and shaky. Her husband, who was in a cell down the hall, called out, “She is my wife. She has nothing to do with this”. He hit the bars of his cell with his fists until he fainted. The Americans poured water over his face and made him wake up. When her screams became louder, the soldiers played music over the speakers. Finally, they took her to another room. “I couldn’t hear anything more”, Ms. Mithal told Tara McKelvey of American Prospect.

The courage and clarity of Mithal substantiate the ongoing U.S. brutality against the Iraqi women.

Nicole Choueiry, of Amnesty International, said: “I do not think it is the first time. It is against international law to take civilians and use them as bargaining chips”.

U.S. officials do not admit to any female inmates, but evidence shows that women imprisoned in U.S-run prisons including Abu Ghraib and were subjected to abuses including evidence of sexual misconduct, rape and psychological torture against women.

“Overall, 90 women have been held in various detention facilities in Iraq since August 2003”, Barry Johnson, a public-affairs officer for detainee operations with the U.S. told McKelvey. “More women may be in captivity”, he added, “[U.S. Army] units can capture and keep them up to 14 days”. In addition, “approximately 60 children, or `juveniles’, are being held”, noted Tara McKelvey.

There were nearly 625 women prisoners in Al-Rusafah and 750 women prisoners in Al-Kazimiyah alone, including girls of twelve and women in their sixties. Besides, Iman Kamas head of the Occupation Watch Centre affirms that there are five unknown U.S-run prisons in Iraq apart from the well known ten, which include Abu-Ghraib, Al-Kazimiyah, and Al-Rusafah prisons in Baghdad and Um-Qasir and Al-Nasiriyah prisons.

The number of innocent Iraqi prisoners and detainees are increasing every day, together with dramatic increase in the abuse, torture and rape of Iraqi men, women and children.

The number of prisoners in Iraq today is far greater that that under the former regime of Saddam. The level of sexual abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners and detainees by the former regime was just a fraction in today’s Iraq. Prior to 2003, Western human rights organisations were very vocal and continued to monitor and report the situation in Iraq under the former regime. Iraq was portrayed as a pariah state. But since the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq, they follow the U.S. orders and stop their human rights work.

The miseries of the Iraqi people have more than doubled in the last two years, and Iraqis viewed the Occupation as the cause of their miseries. In addition to the crimes of sexual abuse, torture and rape committed by U.S. soldiers against Iraqi women, all other aspects of Iraqi women’s rights have also deteriorated. Women health and women education have fallen significantly. Unemployment, prostitution and malnutrition, have increased dramatically, and are now widespread among Iraqi women today.

To increase the atrocity, the U.S. provides its soldiers with “self-immunity” from prosecution making it very easy for them to kill Iraqis with institutionalised impunity, as if Iraqis were not human beings.

In addition, evidence shows that the U.S-British forces use banned weapons such as napalm and weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which contaminated and polluted Iraq’s environment, and caused health hazards.

My words:
The horrible practice of taking women as hostages apparently continues although the practice appears to be limited to 14 days at this point. However, taking a hostage for as much as one day is illegal under international law. Where is the LA Times, the Washington Post, New York Times when it comes to the torture, rape and hostage taking of women in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Below is another report citing the taking of women as hostages.

A group calling itself the Saladin Al-Ayyubi Brigades, the military wing of the Sunni Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance, said the occupation troops kidnapped a mother and three girls on August 26 in Al-Latifia district, 70 kilometers south of Baghdad.

“The coward Americans demanded Iraqi resistance fighters in the area to lay down their arms and hand themselves in to release the four female hostages.

“We vow to teach the US troops a lesson for such a cowardly act unless they set the four free and unharmed,” read the statement, a copy of which was obtained by

“Only men with brave hearts could stand up and fight at battle fields, but cowards resort to such mean ways.

“It is high time that the Iraqis, Sunnis, Shiites, Arabs or Kurds, took an action to defend their honor. We are ready to sacrifice ourselves and offer our lives as a simple token to protect our women,” it added.

Here is the personal story of a women raped while in US custody.

Nadia, the name given by a freed Iraqi female prisoner to Al-Wasat, a weekly supplement of the respectable London-based Al-Hayat newspaper, felt it incumbent upon herself to speak out and expose the less-talked-about abuse of female prisoners in US-run detention camps across Iraq.

With tears rolling down her cheeks, she told the paper how she was stripped by her “liberators” of the most precious thing an Arab and Muslim women can have: Her virginity.

“A thrill of fear ran through me when I saw US soldiers laughing hysterically with a female solider telling me mockingly in an Arabic accent “I never heard about female arms dealer in Iraq”, Nadia said.

“As I tried hard to explain to her that I was wrongly rounded up, the female soldier started accosting and kicking me with my cries and pleas falling on dead ears.”

She went on: “She gave me a cup of water and no sooner had I started sipping it than I went into a deep trance to find myself later naked and raped.”

Five soldiers fondled and raped her one after another in a distasteful sex orgy on the tunes of culturally offensive heavy metal music.

“One month later, a soldier showed up and told me in broken Arabic to take a shower. And before finishing my bath, he kicked the door open. I slapped him but he raped me like animals and called two of his colleagues, who forced me to have sex with them,” added Nadia.

“Four months later, the female soldier came along with four male soldiers with a digital camera. She stripped me naked and started fondling me as if she was a man while her male colleagues broke into laughter and started taking photos.

“Reluctant as I was, she fired four shots close to my head and threatened to kill me if I resist. Then, four soldiers raped me sadistically and I lost conscience. Later, she forced me to watch a clip of my raping, saying bluntly: `Your were born to give us pleasure’.”

Here is another report from the Guardian regarding the abuse of women in Iraq.

 For Huda Shaker, the humiliation began at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Baghdad. The American soldiers demanded to search her handbag. When she refused one of the soldiers pointed his gun towards her chest.

“He pointed the laser sight directly in the middle of my chest,” said Professor Shaker, a political scientist at Baghdad University. “Then he pointed to his penis. He told me, ‘Come here, bitch, I’m going to fuck you.'”

“A female colleague of mine was arrested and taken there. When I asked her after she was released what happened at Abu Ghraib she started crying,” Prof Shaker said.

“Ladies here are afraid and shy of talking about such subjects. They say everything is OK. Even in a very advanced society in the west it is very difficult to talk about rape. But I think it happened.”

Human rights campaigners say the US military frequently arrests wives and daughters during raids if the male suspect is not at home.

US officials have acknowledged detaining women in the hope of convincing male relatives to provide information: a strategy that is in violation of international law.

Senior US military officers who escorted journalists around Abu Ghraib on Monday admitted that rape had taken place in the cellblock where 19 “high-value” male detainees are also being held.

Asked how it could have happened, Colonel Dave Quantock, who is now in charge of the prison’s detention facilities, said: “I don’t know. It’s all about leadership. Apparently it wasn’t there.”

Journalists were forbidden from talking to the women, who are kept upstairs in windowless 2.5 metre by 1.5 metre cells. The women wailed and shouted.

They were kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, Col Quantock said, with only a Koran.

Yesterday Prof Shaker said after her ordeal in February her friends dragged her back into the car and drove off. “I vowed never to talk to another American soldier,” she said.

She said the US and Britain should learn from the affair. “You can’t treat human beings in this way. I hope they have learned from this.”

Here is another report summing up the findings of Amnesty International regarding the conditions in Iraq for women.

In a report entitled Iraq – Decades of Suffering, it said that while the systematic repression under Saddam had ended, it had been replaced by
increased murders, and sexual abuse – including by US forces. Washington promised that the overthrow of Saddam would free the Iraqi people from years of oppression and set them on the road to democracy. But Amnesty said post-war insecurity had left women at risk of violence and curtailed their freedoms.

“The lawlessness and increased killings, abductions and rapes that followed the overthrow of the government of Saddam Hussein have restricted women’s freedom of movement and their ability to go to school or to work,” Amnesty said.

“Women have been subjected to sexual threats by members of the US-led forces and some women detained by US forces have been sexually abused, possibly raped.”

Amnesty said several women detained by US troops had spoken in interviews with the group of beatings, threats of rape, humiliating treatment and long periods of solitary confinement.

The Pentagon said it had not seen the report, but took any allegations of detainee abuse seriously.

“We have demonstrated our commitment to ensuring that kind of behaviour is identified and dealt with properly,” spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Joe
Richard said in Washington.

Then there is this article posted on the conservative Lew Rockwell site entitled:

“We Will Rape Your Women, Heck We Will Rape Our Women, But We Would Never Flush the Koran”

This article talks about the great difficulty that the US military is having protecting US female soldiers from being raped by US male soldiers let alone protecting female prisoners from being raped.

Colonel David H. Hackworth wrote, “By April 2004, rapes and assaults of American female soldiers were epidemic in the Middle East. But even after more than 83 incidents were reported during a six-month period in Iraq and Kuwait, the 24-hour rape hotline in Kuwait was still being answered by a machine advising callers to leave a phone number where they could be reached.” This is how we treat American women. This is a reflection on our “culture and values.”

It is widely reported that many American military women serving in Iraq, need guards in order to take a shower because of fear of sexual assaults by their fellow soldiers. Washington wants the world to believe that some of these same troops would never flush a Koran?

American Soldiers have been indicted for raping Iraqi women, but we have no numbers and because we keep no numbers on the number of Iraqi women and children killed in this war, it should be no surprise that we keep no count of Iraqi women reporting that they have been raped by Americans.

In both Iraq and Afghanistan there have been independent and Arab news sources broadcasting the horror of Bush’s Wars. Horrors the American people will never see here at home. The rest of the world sees the carnage taking place every day in Iraq. The bodies of children and their mothers are shown where they died. The horror of an Iraqi hospital can be seen all over the world, except in North America.

In North America, we are not even permitted to see our own Military Hospitals on television, nor the flag draped coffins of our troops who have died in Combat.

My words:
The torture and rape of women in Iraq and particularly Afghanistan have occured with some regularity, but where is the US media; why are they not reporting this. The practice of taking women as hostages and terrorizing women through intrusive house raids continues to occur, but why is no one speaking out?

The horrors that women have felt as a result of this war are tremendous and it needs to stop. The taking of women as hostages needs to stop and the Bush administration needs to allow the Iraqi’s to form the government that they want without forcing upon them “pillars of democracy” and requirements that they set-up a western style democracy.

The safety, health and security of women is largely dependent on the ending of this war and the ending of the practice of taking women as hostages. We all have an obligation to speak out about these atrocities and ask the government to allow the Iraqi people to form an independent government with an Iraqi constitution and work towards removing our troops.

It is now time to talk of an exit strategy and providing compensation to those who have been tortured, abused and seriously hurt as a result of this unnecessary war.

Just yesterday there was a report that the AP received documents relating to the treatment of prisoners at GITMO. Here are a few quotes as reported on Newsmax.

One detainee, whose name and nationality were blacked out like most others in the transcripts, said his medical problems from alleged abuse have not been taken seriously.

“Americans hit me and beat me up so badly I believe I’m sexually dysfunctional. I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep with my wife or not,” he said. “I can’t control my urination, and sometimes I put toilet paper down there so I won’t wet my pants.”

“I point to where the pain is. … I think they take it as a joke and they laugh.”

One man claimed he was working with the Americans and the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance.

“I was working with you and now I am here, and I see those people here that I helped capture in Afghanistan,” said the purported former commander, adding he fears if he’s ever released to his country he will be killed because of information he has provided to the Americans.

Another Muslim prisoner from Uzbekistan talked of abuse he had suffered and how he was given a Bible – not a Quran.

The testimonies also brought up allegations that interrogators – hastily recruited after the Sept. 11 terror attacks – may have manipulated the confessions.

“When I was in the Kandahar prison, the interrogator hit my arm and told me I received training in mortars,” a man said, referring to the U.S. detention camp in western Afghanistan where the Taliban rose to power.

“As he was hitting me, I kept telling him, no I didn’t receive training. I was crying and finally I told him I did receive the training. My hands were tied behind my back and my knees were on the ground and my head was bleeding. I was in a lot of pain. … At that point, with all my suffering, if he had asked me if I was Osama bin Laden, I would have said yes.

“What is my crime? Because of the United States, my hand is handicapped. I can’t work.”

Another man alleged that U.S. troops stripped the prisoners of their clothes in Afghanistan and bullied them into saying things the Americans wanted to hear.

“Americans were beating us really hard, and they had dogs behind us and they said if we didn’t say this, they would release the dogs,” he said.

The tribunal president made no comment and moved on to the next question: Where were you born?

One prisoner told the tribunal that some of his fellow detainees at Guantanamo are sick and elderly. “I found my brothers being tortured in Kandahar and here,” he said.

He compared his detention at Guantanamo to the 1998 Hollywood movie “The Siege,” in which Arabs are indiscriminately hunted down and detained in New York City after a terrorist attack.

“I was shocked, thinking am I in that movie or on a stage in Hollywood? Is this really happening? Sometimes I laugh at myself and say when does that movie end?” he says.

My words:
This stuff matters, human rights matter, using military force when it is not necessary matters, people dying and being tortured matters; our mission to shine a bright light on these atrocities matters.

The Great Communicator Pardoned Deep Throat

Only two FBI officers were ever convicted for the numerous crimes carried out under the CoIntelPro program. One of them was W. Mark Felt. Ronald Reagan pardoned him.

That’s right! The Great Communicator PARDONED Deep Throat.

Update [2005-5-31 13:54:38 by BooMan]:Ronald Reagan’s Presidential Pardons

Albert Alkek- Clemency for withholding information from federal officials regarding an oil price-fixing scheme.

Gilbert Dozier- Commuted sentence for extortion and racketeering.

W. Mark Felt– Clemency for authorizing FBI agents to break into Vietnam protestors’ offices without warrants.

Junior Johnson- Pardoned for liquor offences committed in the 1950s.

Edward Miller- Clemency for authorizing FBI agents to break into Vietnam protestors’ offices without warrants.

George Steinbrenner- Clemency for making illegal contributions to Richard M. Nixon’s 1972 re-election campaign.

Geesh: Camp Kids Had the Deep Throat Scoop

The Gawker digs this up from a high schooler’s 1999 paper about a childhood camp trip:

I was in the “Herons” group along with about fifteen other 8, 9, and 10 year olds …One Friday in July we went on a trip to Long Beach, Sag Harbor, and Jacob [Bernstein] [son of Carl], Max and I ended up sitting in the sand precociously talking about politics. … At some point, the conversation turned to Nixon and Watergate … During the conversation Jacob told me: “Deep Throat was Mark Felt, he’s someone in the FBI. I’m 100% sure.”

The Downing Street Minutes TAKING IT TO COURT

“Reality-based community” is used to suggest that the person takes an objective and empirical view of events.  The term has been defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from their judicious study of discernible reality.”


If any one looked objectively they would know.

If anyone used a dictionary they would know.

If anyone asked a secretary they would know.

If anyone studied judiciously they would know.

A memo is an inter-office communication.

Minutes are the real-time record of a meeting, whose veracity is checked by all members attending, and are given to all members attending, and must be kept by all attending.  Minutes are the true and accurate testimony of what transpired.  If a conspiracy to commit a crime happened during a meeting, and those minutes were made public, and the criminals were government ministers, and the crime was an illegal war — there SHOULD BE HELL TO PAY.  
As evidence, they would weigh in far greater than Nixon’s Rosemary Woods tape.  But until the truth comes out, this story will continue to be managed by the WH Press Corps, Sen. McCain and the spin-doctors.  The basic impetus of this story has been to make it go away.

In the last 30 days I have gone from being insistant that the Downing Street Minutes be called minutes, not “memo”, to being a dissident voice in a only-read-the-headline world, to being a Militant.  On this word I take my stand.

On this word I draw the line.


I don’t give a flaming farthing for who calls them what.  I know what I am looking at.  I know why Conyers’ is taking it to Bush, and why he is circulating his letter to get 100,000 signatures.  I know why he is organizing a Congressional Committee to investigate the Downing Street Minutes in London.  I know why John Bonifaz and the Coalition are demanding an Resolution of Inquiry.

I don’t have to ask the dKos community if this is “politically correct” or “politcally appropriate” or if the timing is not right considering the 2006 election.  I don’t have to frame my language so as not to offend or upset those who have invested in a term that does not reflect the truth.

The Downing Street Minutes are the most damning incontrovertable evidence we have seen in 5 years of a criminal regime.  They are not going to go away.  And neither, I must say, am I.

Criminals Belong in Prison

    By William Rivers Pitt

    t r u t h o u t | Perspective

    Friday 06 May 2005

“There are a hundred or more people wandering around Washington today who have heard the ‘real stuff,’ as they put it – and despite their professional caution when the obvious question arises, there is one reaction they all feel free to agree on: that nobody who felt shocked, depressed or angry after reading the edited White House transcripts should ever be allowed to hear the actual tapes, except under heavy sedation or locked in the trunk of a car. Only a terminal cynic, they say, can listen for any length of time to the real stuff without feeling a compulsion to do something like drive down to the White House and throw a bag of live rats over the fence.” – Hunter S. Thompson, 04 July 1973

We need two exit strategies: one to get our forces out of that country as soon as humanly possible, and the other to get George W. Bush out of the White House and into a cellblock in The Hague. Save a bunk for Mr. Blair, too. Criminals belong in prison.

William Rivers Pitt

The Minneapolis Star Tribune “Gets” The Memo

From Salon’s War Room:

From Downing Street to Minneapolis

The Star Tribune isn’t exactly the Washington Post, but those of you still waiting for the mainstream media to dive into the Downing Street memo can take some solace in the fact that the newspaper from Minneapolis and St. Paul has done so — and with an editorial timed to coincide with Memorial Day, no less.

In an editorial entitled “Memorial Day: Praise bravery, seek forgiveness,” the Star Tribune ties it all together: The American public, the paper says, has failed its fallen soldiers by allowing the Bush administration to spend “their blood in an unnecessary war based on contrived concerns” about Saddam Hussein’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction. “President Bush and those around him lied,” the Star Tribune says, “and the rest of us let them. Harsh? Yes. True? Also yes.” … more below:

At the centerpiece of the paper’s case? That memo from 2002. “At a time when the White House was saying it had ‘no plans’ for an invasion, the British document says [Sir Richard Dearlove, head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service,] reported that there had been a ‘perceptible shift in attitude’ in Washington. ‘Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The [National Security Council] had no patience with the U.N. route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime’s record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath …’

“It turns out,” the Star Tribune says, “that former counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke and former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill were right. Both have been pilloried for writing that by summer 2002 Bush had already decided to invade.”

Both men, it now seems, were right.

The Star Tribune will surely be taking flak for its editorial — especially for its timing, on a holiday when unquestioning allegiance to the military cause seems to be the order … the paper says it’s exactly the right time to make its point: “As this bloody month of car bombs and American deaths — the most since January — comes to a close, as we gather in groups small and large to honor our war dead, let us all sing of their bravery and sacrifice. But let us also ask their forgiveness for sending them to a war that should never have happened. In the 1960s it was Vietnam. Today it is Iraq. Let us resolve to never, ever make this mistake again. Our young people are simply too precious.”

Update: The Boston Globe devotes some ink to the Downing Street memo this morning, too, in the form of an op-ed piece by Ralph Nader and Kevin Zeese. Their conclusion: It’s time to start talking about impeachment.

A Taiwanese Intellectual Discusses Taiwanese Democracy – in China

(cross-posted at the Paper Tiger)

Once again, Eastsouthwestnorth has done us a great public service by translating a huge chunk of an important article that recently appeared in the Chinese press. In ESWN’s words, the article is significant because:

First, the newspaper is the Chinese Youth Daily, an organ of the Chinese Communist Youth League and therefore an article of this nature must have received official blessing from higher up.  The editor-in-chief of Chinese Youth Daily would not dare to publish this without the approval of his superiors at the Chinese Youth League; in turn, they would not have dared to approve this without the approval of someone in the State Council.

    Second, the author is Lung Ying-tai, one of the top public intellectuals brought up in Taiwan, educated in the United States and Germany and presently affiliated with Hong Kong University.  She had been named as one of the top 50 public intellectuals of the Chinese world, and then promptly attacked by official Chinese media for being unduly influential.

    Third, the topic of the article is Taiwan and its mainstream values of democracy and freedom.  This article goes a long way to explaining that the overall reluctance of the people of Taiwan for immediate re-unification has little or nothing to do with any independence movement but much more with a lifestyle that has democracy and freedom ingrained in every aspect of daily life.  The appearance of this article may be interpreted as a relaxation of media control about discussion on the Taiwan issue.  How shall the government or people in mainland China respond to what Lung Ying-tai is saying?

Talk about mixed messages from China regarding the media, with the appearance of this piece virtually coninciding with the detention of the prominent reporter Ching Cheong in Guangzhou.

But one should never assume that the CCP is a monolithic entity these days, with everyone marching in lockstep to the same party line. There are factions that strongly favor reform and greater openness in public discourse, and there are factions which most certainly do not. Still, coming practically on the heels of the Anti-Secession law, you could get whiplash trying to follow the debate on Taiwan, particularly when the article under discussion contains passages like this:

People in Taiwan are accustomed to living in a democratic system.  This means that the democracy system holds the same place in their daily lives as as daily necessities such as tea, rice, cooking oil and salt.

Here is one such person.  His government building is open.  There are no guards at the door to check his documents.  He comes out of the government building just as he would come out of a shopping mall.  If he has to go through a procedure, apply for a document or get a few stamps on some documents, there is no barrier.  He gets a queueing number and he waits, and no one will jump in the line ahead of him.  When his turn comes, the workers will not give him a hard time or cause him trouble.  When he is done, he can wander around the government building, browse in the bookstore and have a cup of coffee.  The coffee and the snack is brought over by a mentally handicapped youth, because the government requires that every government office must employ mentally or physically handicapped people in certain ratios.  He sits in center court to sip his coffee and if he sees the mayor walk past, he can run over to get an autograph.

If he waits too long at the government office, or if the attitude of the government worker was bad, he can cast his vote for another mayoral candidate in four years’ time.

There’s much, much more. Do go and read the whole thing.

Truth Extraction: Never Use Torture

There is an article in the current Atlantic Monthly (sub req’d) by Stephen Budiansky titled “Truth Extraction”.  Subtitled “A classic text on interrogating enemy captives offers a counterintuitive lesson the the best way to get information”.

The salient quote:

“The successful interrogators all had one thing in common in the way they approached their subjects.  They were nice to them.”

[Bold mine].
Budiansky writes about a “small and fairly obscure private association of United States Marine Corps members”  called the Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association [MCITTA].  The quote above was written by Marine Major Sherwood F. Moran in 1943.  From the article:  

Part of why Sherwood Moran became such a legendary figure among military interrorgators was his cool disregard for what he termed the standard “hard-boiled” military attitude.  [edit]  Stripping a prisoner of his dignity, treating him as a still-dangerous threat, forcing him to stand at attention and flanking him with guards throughout his interrogation…invariably backfired.  It made the prisoner “so conscious of his present position and that he was a captured soldier vs. enemy intelligence” that it “played right into [the] hands” of those who were determined not to give away anything of military importance.

One more:

Since [Abu Grahib and Guantanamo] scandals broke, many old hands in the business have pointed out that abusing prisoners is not simply illegal and immoral; it is also remarkably ineffective.

At this point in the ongoing public debate over the abuse of people in U.S. custody, it is vitally important that the facts be applied to the rules.  We have been treated to public denials by this administration far too long.  Beginning with the “Gonzales Memo”, and through the most recent McClellan press conferences, the administration has backtracked, slipped sideways, and built a rather impressive hall of mirrors to deflect any criticism of their actions.

The mirrors are now crack’d.  To the body of evidence putting the truth before the public, including the Veteran Intelligence Officers for Sanity, we may now add the voices of experienced Marine interrogators.

Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?

[Pink Floyd, Comfortably Numb]