NEWS for June 1, 2005:

1) Plover (Scott) has set up a page for us at DKosopedia.

2) Plover will set up a “format for describing each dossier” at DKosopedia.

More below : : :

   2a) We need a “dummy’s guide” to using DKosopedia. Can anyone help with that?

   2b) We will need EDITORS/WRITERS to help our volunteers prepare their findings for DKosopedia. If you’re a good writer/editor who can collate and rewrite volunteers’ findings, please send me an e-mail : susanhu at earthlink . net.

3) Plover has transferred Subtropolis’s great new list of acronyms and abbreviations to DKosopedia. (Same list: BooTrib diary.)

4) If you don’t see an open spot in the FOIA diary with the TABLE OF VOLUNTEER ASSIGNMENTS for document research, go here to the ACLU list of FOIA documents, select a document – keeping in mind that some of those links take you to as many as 19 sections — and e-mail me immediately so I can add you to the list below. Check back at the FOIA diary to make sure no one else has taken that document in the interim.

Miscellaneous notes:

We have experts on medical terms (physicians, medical researchers, and veterinarian) and military/government acronyms (veterans, military contractors) who can help you.

However, if the entire document seems to be mostly medical reports and handwritten physician notes, send me an e-mail — susanhu at earthlink . net. I will reassign that document to someone with medical expertise, and I can assign you another document.

At this point — while I’m still assigning new volunteers with tasks — please don’t send me your findings. Sadly, I don’t have time to read them yet. Instead, for now, post your findings in the discussion diary for all volunteers.

Another tip: If you’re working on one section of a large document, consider contacting those who are working on sections immediately BEFORE or AFTER yours. You may have much to share with each other — before you post your findings.

The list of all documents assigned:


Partner diary:

Discussion Diary — PLEASE POST your questions at this diary, not the main FOIA diary.

ALSO: Please post your findings, for discussion, at the discussion diary. When you do, please embed your links so the page doesn’t go too wide. If you need help, e-mail me.

Questions? Ask away!

Important P.S.: I will need organizational help. E-mail me if you’re good at coordinating projects. susanhu at earthlink . net