Only 9% of America’s born again Christians..


The problem with America’s Christianity today is that, for the most part, it doesn’t exist! What passes for Christianity is instead an anemic, spineless, diluted substitute without convictions or principle.


So, is it Theocrats-those who want Biblical Law instead of Constitutional Law- and like Chuck, the real enemy and not the run of the mill wing-nuts that have been driving us nuts?
More below:

Recently, pollster George Barna released his research regarding the
beliefs and conduct of today’s Christians. The results are shocking!

According to Barna, only 9% of America’s born again Christians have a Biblical worldview. Only 9%!

To determine a Biblical worldview, Barna used the following 8 point criteria:

*Believing that absolute moral truths exist.
*Such truths are defined by the Bible.
*Jesus Christ lived a sinless life.
*God is the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator and still rules today.
*Salvation is a gift of God and cannot be earned.
*Christians have a responsibility to share their faith in Christ.
*Satan is real.
*The Bible is accurate in all its teachings.

As any real Christian can see, these 8 points comprise basic Biblical truth. To think that more than 90% of born again Christians would deny any one of these fundamental truths
suggests that the vast majority of professing

Christians today have no clue as to what being a Christian really means.

As a result, the obvious question that must be asked is, “What in the world are our pastors and church leaders teaching their congregations?” It would appear that whatever they are teaching, it
isn’t the Bible!

George Barna’s research suggests that the real mission field may not be in heathen lands across the seas but in America’s churches right here at home!


Perhaps we need to Identify the Theocrats in power and concentrate on them instead of lumping the ignorant run-of-the-mill republican christians in with them as ‘they truly know not what they speak’ according to this poll.

Author: roseeriter

Published Author Independent Political Junkie Avid Kayaker, Golfer, Snowshoer