Dahr Jamail confirms our suspicions about the arrest of Sunni party leader Muhsin Abd al-Hamid. Besides the “horrible PR move,” Jamail asks, “Was it an attempt to raise sectarian tensions?” “It just so happens,” notes Jamail, “that his party, the Islamic Party, opposes the new US-backed security operation now engulfing Baghdad because they believe the security forces will disregard the rights of innocent Iraqis.”

Abdul Hamid refused [the U.S.’s] apology in the Arab media, and stated that he was humiliated when US soldiers held their boots on his head for 20 minutes. It was also stated that he accused American soldiers of removing items from his home, including a computer. … More below:

Jamail continues:

This is standard operating procedure with home raids-I can’t tell you how many Iraqis I’ve interviewed after their homes were raided who complained of money, jewelry and other belongings being looted by American soldiers.

The Islamic Party released a statement after the release of Abdul Hamid which said, “The U.S. administration claims it is interested in drawing Sunnis into the political process but it seems that their way of doing so is by raids, arrests and violating human rights.”

For more background, see our BooTrib story on May 30: “U.S. Arrest of Sunni Party Leader Foments Unrest.”