Many of us have been very disturbed at the lack of corporate media attention being paid to the Downing Street Minutes. Many point out that the minutes are from a meeting after 9/11 and that even though the war was cooked up, it was probably because Bush and Blair were being extremely cautious post 9/11. The problem is, the Iraq War was planned before 9/11 and it had NOTHING to do with terrorism. The only thing that 9/11 did change was a delay into invading Iraq. From the number of troops that the US committed to Afghanistan and how they waged that war, it is more than obvious that the real war on terror was nothing but a distraction from their pre-9/11 agenda. Here is what I have gathered to show the march to war before 9/11. As a matter of fact these statements were made before and during the first month of Bush’s Presidency.
Bush-Gore Debate #2
October 11, 2000
MODERATOR: People watching here tonight are very interested in Middle East policy, and they are so interested they want to base their vote on differences between the two of you as president how you would handle Middle East policy. Is there any difference?
GORE: I haven’t heard a big difference in the last few exchanges.
BUSH: That’s hard to tell. I think that, you know, I would hope to be able to convince people I could handle the Iraqi situation better.
MODERATOR: Saddam Hussein, you mean, get him out of there?
BUSH: I would like to, of course, and I presume this administration would as well. We don’t know — there are no inspectors now in Iraq, the coalition that was in place isn’t as strong as it used to be. He is a danger. We don’t want him fishing in troubled waters in the Middle East. And it’s going to be hard, it’s going to be important to rebuild that coalition to keep the pressure on him.
It’s curious that Bush says…
It is almost the same wording used here:
Looking back at this first debate, I can see that Bush was setting up two reasons for invading Iraq:
1. The sanctions are being violated
2. Sadam Hussein is developing WPM
His motive was also revealed:
Bush-Gore Debate #3
October 17, 2000
Sorry, there is no direct link for the following but you can purchase Ron Suskind’s book, “The Price of Loyalty” here:
From “The Price of Loyalty”, George W. Bush, The White House, and the Education of Paul O’Neill by Ron Suskind
This meeting took place on January 30, 2001 and it gives us an inside look at the actions that were taking place inside the White House.
All assumed their seats around the table according to longstanding ritual; at the head, the President; to his right, the Vice-President; then O’Neill, CIA director George Tenet, and Condoleeza Rice at the table’s far end; to the President’s left, Powell, Rumsfield, and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton. Andy Card was there, and each principal had brought a top deputy, a backbencher, these assumed seats directly behind their boss.
He (Bush) turned to Rice. “So Condi, what are we going to talk about today? What’s on the agenda?” “How Iraq is destabilizing the region, Mr. President,” Rice said, in what several observers understood was a scripted exchange. She noted that Iraq might be the key to reshaping the entire region.
Rice said the CIA director Tenet would offer a briefing on the latest intelligence on Iraq. Tenet pulled out a long scroll, the size of an architectural blueprint, and flattened it on the table.
It was a grainy photograph of a factory. Tenet said that surveillance planes had just taken this photo. The CIA believed the building might be “a plant that produces either chemical or biological materials for weapons of manufacture.”
Cheney motioned to the deputies, the backbenchers, lining the wall. “Come on up,” he said with uncharacteristic excitement, waving his arm. “You have to take a look at this.”
Those present who had attended NSC meetings of the previous administration – and there were several – noticed a material shift. “In the Clinton administration, there was an enormous reluctance to use American forces on the ground; it was almost a prohibition,” one of them recalled. “That prohibition was clearly gone, and that opened options, options that hadn’t been opened before.”
The hour almost up, Bush had assignments for everyone. Powell and his team would look to draw up a new sanctions regime. Rumsfield and Shelton, he said, “should examine our military options.” That included rebuilding the military coalition from the 1991 Gulf War, examining “how it might look” to use US Ground forces in the north and south of Iraq and who could help challenge Saddam Hussein. Tenet would report on improving our current intelligence. O’Neill would investigate how to financially squeeze the regime. Meeting adjourned.
Ten days in, and it was about Iraq.
Paul O’Neill clearly shows that the war was being planned in the first days of Bush’s presidency. Let’s see what Bush talks about during his first press conference.
Transcript: First Press Conference by President Bush
February 22, 2001
Q: Sir, the Secretary of State is departing for the Middle East tomorrow. One of the things that he will be discussing with Middle East leaders is the possibility of modifying sanctions on Iraq, and I’m wondering what message he will take from this administration to leaders in the Middle East in the area of sanctions that matter, sanctions that are effective on the regime, but do not carry with them the same level of criticism that current sanctions have had in that they affect the Iraqi civilian population more than they do the regime, sir.
THE PRESIDENT: We’re reviewing all policy in all regions of the world, and one of the areas we’ve been spending a lot of time on is the Persian Gulf and the Middle East. The Secretary of State is going to go listen to our allies as to how best to effect a policy, the primary goal of which will be to say to Saddam Hussein, we won’t tolerate you developing weapons of mass destruction and we expect you to leave your neighbors alone.
I have said that the sanction regime is like Swiss cheese. That meant that they weren’t very effective. And we’re going to review current sanction policy, and review options as to how to make the sanctions work. But the primary goal is to make it clear to Saddam that we expect him to be a peaceful neighbor in the region and we expect him not to develop weapons of mass destruction. And if we find him doing so, there will be a consequence.
We took action last week, and it may be on your mind as to that decision I made. The mission was twofold –one was to send him a clear message that this administration will remain engaged in that part of the world. I think we accomplished that mission. We got his attention.
And secondly, the mission was to degrade his capacity to harm our pilots who might be flying in the no-fly zone. And we accomplished that mission, as well.
Q: Sir, if I could follow up —
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, John, go ahead.
Q: How would you characterize sanctions that work, sir?
THE PRESIDENT: Sanctions that work are sanctions that when a — the collective will of the region supports the policy; that we have a coalition of countries that agree with the policy set out by the United States. To me, that’s the most effective form of sanctions.
Many nations in that part of the world aren’t adhering to the sanction policy that had been in place, and as a result, a lot of goods are heading into Iraq that were not supposed to. And so, good sanction policy is one where the United States is able to build a coalition around the strategy.
Q: Sir, on the air strikes in Iraq, the Pentagon is now saying that most of the bombs used in those strikes missed their targets. Given that, what is now your assessment of how successful those strikes were? How much danger do the remaining installations that we missed in those strikes pose to our forces? And would you hit them again if commanders in the field asked for authorization to do so?
THE PRESIDENT: I — we had two missions. One was to send a clear signal to Saddam, and the other was to degrade the capacity of Saddam to injure our pilots. I believe we succeeded in both those missions.
The bomb assessment damage report is ongoing, and I look forward to hear what the Pentagon has to say as they fully assess, completely assess the mission. And I will continue to listen to the commanders in the field. My job as Commander in Chief is to get input from the commanders in the field, and we will do everything needed to protect our pilots, to protect the men and women who wear the uniform.
Q: Mr. President, on Iraq, what is your understanding of the Chinese presence in Iraq, especially with regard to constructing military facilities? And do you see anything that you see as a violation of U.N. sanctions?
THE PRESIDENT: We’re concerned about the Chinese presence in Iraq, and we are — my administration is sending the appropriate response to the Chinese. Yes, it’s troubling that they’d be involved in helping Iraq develop a system that will endanger our pilots.
Q: That is what they’re doing, sir, you’re convinced that is —
THE PRESIDENT: We think that may be the case. Let me just tell you this — it’s risen to the level where we’re going to send a message to the Chinese.
I have to admit, I did not know what they were talking about when they mentioned the Chinese but I do remember the Chinese shooting down one of our spyplanes before 9/11. Here is an article
on March 8, 2001
“We are still examining whether or not it was a specific violation of the sanctions policy and if it was, we will call that to the attention of the sanctions committee so that they can take a firm reaction with respect to China,” Powell said.
Last month, the United States and Britain carried out airstrikes on Iraqi air defense systems near Baghdad. The United States said the radar systems had recently been upgraded, allowing Baghdad to fire more accurately at planes patrolling the no-fly zones over Iraq.
Following the airstrikes, the United States said it carried out the attacks at that precise time to avoid hitting Chinese workers in the area. Later, the United States admitted it had warned the Chinese government on several occasions, dating back to January, to order the Chinese companies to stop their work.
Powell gave no details on what China had told the companies to do and he did not suggest China acknowledged any wrongdoing.
But the reassurances were a shot in the arm to relations ahead of a visit by Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen, a foreign policy expert, on March 18.
As a side note, if your wondering if the relations did improve…
Downed Spy Plane Takes Sino-U.S. Relations To New Level
April 2, 2001
So much for diplomacy. I think the Bushies were planning on using the excuse that Iraq was violating sanctions and were using China as an example as to why sanctions were not working to invade Iraq. Instead, the Bushies totally pissed off China, they fought back and then Bush said he was very very sorry.
Relatives celebrate as US crew prepares to return home
O.K. now back to showing what Bush said and did during his first month in office.
Transcript: Bush, Blair Joint Press Conference at Camp David
Feb. 23, 2001
THE PRESIDENT: We spent a lot of time talking about our mutual interests in Iraq and the Persian Gulf, and from our perspective, as you know, I made the famous statement that our sanctions are like Swiss cheese. That means they’re not very effective. And we’re going to work together to figure out a way to make them more effective.
But I think the Prime Minister and I both recognize that it is going to be important for us to build a consensus in the region to make the sanctions more effective. Colin Powell left today, after lunch, to move around the Middle East, collect thoughts and to listen, with a policy of strengthening our mission to make it clear to Saddam Hussein that he shall not terrorize his neighbors, and not develop weapons of mass destruction.
PRIME MINISTER BLAIR: Yes, I’d like to just add to that. I think that — I mean, of course, we look the whole time to see how we can make sanctions more effective. But don’t be under any doubt at all of our absolute determination to make sure that the threat of Saddam Hussein is contained and that he is not able to develop these weapons of mass destruction that he wishes to do.
And as I constantly point out to people, I mean, this is a man with a record on these issues, both in respect to the murder of thousands of his own people, in respect to the war against Iran, in respect to the annexation of Kuwait. And we know perfectly well, given the chance he will develop these weapons of mass destruction; indeed, he’s trying to do so and will get as much technology as he can to do so.
Now, of course, we’ve got to — we’re all conscious of the fact that our quarrel is not with the Iraqi people who in many ways suffer under the yoke of Saddam Hussein. But — and therefore, it’s important that we make sure that the sanctions hit him, Saddam, as effectively as they possibly can. But we need to contain that threat, and that’s why the action that we took is right and justified.
Q: Mr. President, you talked about Secretary of State Powell going to the Middle East, looking for consensus on how to handle Saddam Hussein. We do know that there is a consensus that sanctions hurt the people of Iraq too much and perhaps Saddam Hussein not enough. Did the two of you discuss ways of changing the sanctions to make them tougher on him and a little less punishing for the people of Iraq? And, if not, how do you hope to keep the coalition together? You already have some NATO allies, even, who are questioning the value of the sanctions.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, that’s the work we’ve got to do. First, our beef is not with the people of Iraq; it’s with Saddam Hussein. And, secondly, any time anybody suffers in Iraq, we’re concerned about it. And I would, however, remind you that Saddam’s got a lot of oil money and it would be helpful if he would apply it to helping his people. Having said that, to the extent the sanctions are hurting the Iraqi people, we’re going to analyze that. Colin is really going to listen. He’s going to solicit opinion from our friends and folks in the Middle East. And prior to formulation of any policy, we will have listened, and then I will, of course, consult with friends and allies such as the Prime Minister here, as we develop a policy that we hope and know will be more realistic. The Prime Minister said something interesting, though. A change in sanctions should not in any way, shape or form, embolden Saddam Hussein. He has got to understand that we are going to watch him carefully and, if we catch him developing weapons of mass destruction, we’ll take the appropriate action. And if we catch him threatening his neighbors, we will take the appropriate action. A change in the sanction regime that is not working should not be any kind of signal whatsoever to him that he should cross any line of — and test our will, because we’re absolutely determined to make that part of the world a more peaceful place by keeping this guy in check.
Bush and Blair lay out very clearly their excuse plan for taking us to war before 9/11.
1. Developing weapons of mass destruction
2. Threatening his neighbors
3. Sanctions not working
Bush and Blair probably tossed the “Sanctions not working” argument after the China-US confrontation on the downing of the US Spyplane. The neighbors were not complaining so that left Bush and Blair with developing weapons of mass destruction. Then came 9/11, it changed everything (for them), they were then able to scare people into war that had nothing to do with 9/11 and terrorism.
Whew. Writing a diary is hard work. Sorry to make it so long but Bush just kept on going on and on about Iraq this, Iraq that, Sadam this, Sadam that. It’s like he only had one thing on his mind.
Having read Paul O’Neill’s account of the advisory meetings with POTUS, including the one-on-one sessions, he was convinced all was scripted. Decisions and policy were set beforehand with Andy Card and VP Cheney. Bush lacked complete contact with Paul O’Neill in any discussion on the financial issues, cannot to be interpreted in any other way.
A shameful act!
Great work Hausfrau – sets clarity how time was spent. No time was wasted on the Peace Settlement of the Palestinian conflict, nor the lethal threat of terror and Osama Bin Laden. Bush was at the ranch in August 2001, isolated from the terror threat, to study the stem cell research legislation. George probably spend more of his time before 9-11 with David Bohigian and the Christian policies to be spread over all the departments of his cabinet members.
David Bohigian was named Director of the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives [pdf file] at the Department of Commerce on July 16, 2004. Mr. Bohigian also serves as the Director of the Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, where he formulates and recommends policy positions and initiatives to the Secretary.
Prior to joining the Commerce Department, Mr. Bohigian served as a Managing Director of Idealab! . Idealab! creates and operates companies, with approximately 50 businesses in various stages of development. With Idealab!, he served in several management positions for various portfolio companies, including Chief Executive Officer of Ice Jewelry. Later, he led operations for Idealab’s London office.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Thanks Oui! I remember very well when Bush spent the month of August at the ranch. He and Karen Hughes were fixated on the stem cell research and to try to find a way to please the Western Taliban without “trying to appear” anti-science. They could care less about curing or saving people. They could care less about religion for that matter. It’s just politics.
I have to go back and take a look at David Bohigian. I thought he quit because he was frustrated that the Faith Based Initiatives wasn’t getting any funding.
Good compilation. Just wanted to add this about Ms. Hughes:
“-PUBLIC DIPLOMACY: U.S. officials must do a better job of spreading a positive message in the Muslim world and speaking out against despotic rule. President Bush named Karen Hughes, a close adviser to the president, to head that effort in the State Department. She begins her job as undersecretary of state for public diplomacy in the fall.”
Wonder what job the dog will get as his cabinet secretaries bail?
I’m sure Karen’s marketing, local tv and lying about Bush
will be great assets in dealing with Middle Eastern leaders. Also, without a doubt she speaks many other
languages. </sarcasm>
wrote that they began: “Iraq, Iraq, Iraq” right after
9/11 but there are some who say Bush AND Cheney had this
plan even before he was appointed President in 2000.
They baited Saddam, and lied to the world. In the months
leading up to the invasion when people all over the world
were protesting, I read that a Washington official said
“The train has left the station.” and I felt so let down.
There was nothing anyone could say or do to stop the
Masters of War.
Here is a link to a letter written by the New American Century in 1998 urging Clinton to remove Sadam Hussein.
It was signed by:
Elliott Abrams
Richard L. Armitage
William J. Bennett
Jeffrey Bergner
John Bolton
Paula Dobriansky
Francis Fukuyama
Robert Kagan
Zalmay Khalilzad
William Kristol
Richard Perle
Peter W. Rodman
Donald Rumsfeld
William Schneider, Jr.
Vin Weber
Paul Wolfowitz
R. James Woolsey
Robert B. Zoellick
I also want to mention that Jeb Bush and Dick Cheney are also members of New American Century.
Those are the Masters of War alright.
I checked out the PNAC website a couple of years ago.
Amazing that they have no shame in putting it right
out in public.
Now, I am reading Naomi Kline’s article Disaster Capitalism.
These means not only do the neo-cons plan their pre-emptive
wars but they are planning the reconstruction even before
the invasions.
. ● Zalmay Khalilzad
Taking care of his own interests —
Unocal was the lead company in the formation of the Centgas consortium, whose purpose was to bring to market natural gas from the Dauletabad Field in southeastern Turkmenistan, one of the world’s largest. The $2 billion project involved a 48-inch diameter pipeline from the Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border, passing near the cities of Herat and Kandahar, crossing into Pakistan near Quetta and linking with existing pipelines at Multan.
Khalilzad also lobbied publicly for a more sympathetic US government policy towards the Taliban. In an op-ed article in the Washington Post in 1998, he defended the Taliban regime against accusations that it was a sponsor of terrorism, writing, ”The Taliban does not practice the anti-U.S. style of fundamentalism practiced by Iran.”
Dr. Khalilzad headed the Bush-Cheney transition team for the Department of Defense and has been a Counselor to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.
From 1985 to 1989 at the Department of State, Dr. Khalilzad served as Special Advisor to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs working policy issues, advising on the Iran-Iraq war and the Soviet War in Afghanistan. Between 1991 and 1992, Dr. Khalilzad served as Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning. Secretary Cheney awarded Dr. Khalilzad’s the Department of Defense medal for outstanding public service.
To prevent the breakdown of Iraq’s troubled transition and a potential civil war, Iraq’s new government appealed to the Bush administration yesterday to take a much more assertive role, particularly on four key political and military issues, according to Iraqi and U.S. officials.
In talks with Vice President Cheney yesterday and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari requested greater U.S. and coalition help in crafting a new constitution. The deadline is now less than three months away, but deliberations have been slowed as Iraq still works on the composition of a constitutional committee.
Khalilzad is due to appear in Senate confirmation hearings next week, according to the State Department. “This is a critical period and he is not there,” Zebari said. The number two diplomatic post in Baghdad, the largest U.S. embassy in the world, has also gone through a transition over the past month.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Definition Right:
NeoCon Right-wing Christian Coalition for New American [21st] Century.
~ Cross-posted from other thread ~
The Bush Crusade
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
The shooting down of the US spy plane by the Chinese was all about sending a message to Bush about his increased arms sales to Taiwan and his belligerent attitude towards Beijing.
The Chinese government sent him a message that they were not going to be intimidated or spied on by a new administration. Their focus was and is on preventing a US-Japanese military defence of Taiwan.
They were and still are slowly building diplomatic relations with the Taiwanese and Japanese governments. The last thing they want is a US bull in the proverbial shop.
Be careful not to equate all the world’s events with Iraq or the war on terror.
The geo-political tensions over Taiwan may yet end in nuclear war for all of us.
Good point. I will try to update my diary here later because my original point does undermine the entire diary. Here is an article dated April 25, 2001 regarding Bush defending Taiwan.
and then later on in the article:
But I do think there was an Iraq component in that they wanted to use China in their “Iraq is violating sanctions excuse”.
Yes there is probably an Iraqi element in that all over the Middle East the superpowers are competing for oil. Compare the situation as was in Iraq with another oil producer, Sudan.
There too, China has completed many industrial projects using their own workers in return for lucrative oil contracts desperatly needed to fuel the booming Chinese economy. Sadly there are also the arms sales. A similar thing is happening in Venezuela with the Chavez regime. Here there is a real possiblity of the US and China clashing head on in America’s traditional backyard.
There is a new colonialism in the world today, the rush for oil.
June 25, 2001 Saudi dissident terrorist Osama bin Laden tried recently to carry out a terrorist attack against Israel and will allegedly make another attempt in the near future. OC Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Malka revealed in an interview on Israel’s Channel 2 television on Saturday night that “Bin Laden has tried, will try to reach us, and may even reach us here in Israel.”
June 26, 2001 Information has appeared that Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi Arabian millionaire terrorist living in Afghanistan, is planning a serious event against US and Israeli interests in the next two weeks.
The claim was made by Bakri Attrani, the correspondent for the Middle East Broadcasting Centre in Pakistan, who claims he met Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Although Bin Laden had said nothing, his supporters said “a severe blow is expected against USA and Israeli interests worldwide”.
Mr. Attrani stated that Bin Laden’s supporters were in a high state of readiness and that there was a general impression that his forces were fully mobilised. He reported the presence of the outlawed Egyptian Jihad group’s leaders, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Abu Hatas al-Masri.
It was claimed by the owner of the Middle East Broadcasting Centre, Waleed al-Ibrahim, who is the brother-in-law of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. Bin laden said nothing because of restrictions placed upon him by the Taliban.
The Taliban, however, deny that Bin Laden is capable of making any terrorist actions because he is controlled and his actions are limited to Afghanistan, which shelters him despite his being the most wanted terrorist in the world. Bin Laden is wanted in the United States for allegedly being the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks on US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, which killed 224 people, including 12 Americans. The Taliban also refuted the authenticity of a video which was shown recently by the MEBC, where Bin Laden appears claiming “It is time to penetrate America and Israel and hit them where it hurts most”.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Bolton’s 10 Story Remark off UN Building & more Bush-Cheney Gang rant on UN Officials …
IRAQ II: State of Invasion Planning
May 6, 2002 — Besides publicly lashing out against inspections, on April 20th the administration successfully led a bid to remove José Bustani, the Brazilian director-general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
Bustani’s principal “crime,” from the Bush administration’s skewed perspective, appears to be that he was in the process of negotiating a new inspection regime for suspected Iraqi chemical weapons sites. An undertaking which could have undercut U.S. efforts to portray an invasion as the only way to eliminate the threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) being developed in Iraq.
May 6, 2002 — In mid-April, the Washington Post reported that Wolfowitz had asked the CIA to investigate the key UN inspections official, Hans Blix, Swedish head of U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission, the replacement for UNSCOM. Wolfowitz told the CIA to examine Blix’s performance as chief of the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which inspected Iraq’s declared nuclear power plants from 1981 to 1997.
The CIA reported to Wolfowitz in January that Blix’s inspections were “fully within the parameters he could operate.” The Washington Post further noted that a former official at the State Department who knew of the CIA report said Wolfowitz, “hit the ceiling” presumably since it did not accomplish the mission of discrediting Blix and consequently the new UN weapons inspection program.
[Source: World Policy Institute May 6, 2002]
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité