for quick response on website of John Conyers.
Congressman John Conyers is calling on American citizens to sign on to a letter to the President that demands a response to questions originally posed by Conyers and 88 other members of Congress in a similar letter dated May 5, 2005. Conyers has committed to personally delivering the letter to the White House when it garners 100,000 citizen signatures.
Yahoo News
by BooMan ◊ Sat May 14th, 2005

As many of you know, my website has been overwhelmed with responses to the “Downing Street Minutes” and many citizens sending emails. At times, I am receiving ten emails a minute. To reduce traffic to the site, I am taking down the email box for the time being and starting an open thread, where email traffic will be redirected.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
and let your friends know by email to join as well!
s p r e a d t h e w o r d
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Thanks Oui,
I signed up. . .anyone out there that hasn’t yet. . . What are you waiting for? Let’s get as many signatures as we can and support one of our truly great congresspersons, Representative Conyers. I wish we had a hundred more like him!
Send the link to everyone in your email address book, there’s a start.
So did I. I am very disappointed that it is not up on my local Democrats Abroad website but the website administrator is away on vacation.
Does anybody know how many signatures Rep. John Conyers has rec’d so far? The last I heard, he had over 88,000 signatures. I also heard that Senator John Kerry will call for the impeachment of George Bush (source: Al Jazeera Website).
Here is the link:
I hope this is true.
I just received an update
Blogged by JC on 06.03.05 @ 06:16 PM
Get your emails branched out to friends – easiest multiplier.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Thanks for the update! This is really great news
I hope everyone signs Conyers letter-as I said(on several other diaries) I signed it last week sometime when it was just getting started. It’s going to be up to the Internet blogs to keep this letter going and hopefully(ha ha) MSM might just take Conyers seriously and do some decent reporting on letter and signatures. Well I can hope can’t I?
I just saw Tim Russert on Meet the Press ask Ken Mehlman (is that spelled correctly?) about the Downing Street Minutes. Ken had the nerve to say that the memo has been discredited. He went on to say that other commission hearings have proven that the intelligence was not fixed. Tim came back and said that the Downing Street Memo is authentic.
This is a start. We just have to keep pressing. At least we know what the republican talking points are. I don’t know of any report or commission that shows the intelligence was not fixed. Does anybody know of this?
Don’t you know that’s what they say to everything, it has been descredited, that’s what they say about everything related to Bolton. It’s like, are we seeing the same info they are!!!!!!
I haven’t heard of any commissions that discredited the Downing Memo…I imagine this Kennyboy was talking out his ass as usual.
If there were such commission-other than one by Faux news or Heritage Foundation it would be all over the news.
It continues to amaze me(don’t know why but it still does) at how brazenly all these jackasses lie outright to the media…and never or barely get called on it.
I would love to be a TV anchor or even just a guest on one of these shows and say, “Your lying, quit talking out of your ass”.
Letter to Pres Bush Concerning the “Downing Street Minutes”
The Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
Dear Mr. President:
We the undersigned write because of our concern regarding recent disclosures of a Downing Street Memo in the London Times, comprising the minutes of a meeting of Prime Minister Tony Blair and his top advisers. These minutes indicate that the United States and Great Britain agreed, by the summer of 2002, to attack Iraq, well before the invasion and before you even sought Congressional authority to engage in military action, and that U.S. officials were deliberately manipulating intelligence to justify the war.
Among other things, the British government document quotes a high-ranking British official as stating that by July, 2002, Bush had made up his mind to take military action. Yet, a month later, you stated you were still willing to “look at all options” and that there was “no timetable” for war. Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, flatly stated that “[t]he president has made no such determination that we should go to war with Iraq.”
In addition, the origins of the false contention that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction remain a serious and lingering question about the lead up to the war. There is an ongoing debate about whether this was the result of a “massive intelligence failure,” in other words a mistake, or the result of intentional and deliberate manipulation of intelligence to justify the case for war. The memo appears to resolve that debate as well, quoting the head of British intelligence as indicating that in the United States “the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”
As a result of these concerns, we would ask that you respond to the following questions:
These are the same questions 89 Members of Congress, led by Rep. John Conyers, Jr., submitted to you on May 5, 2005. As citizens and taxpayers, we believe it is imperative that our people be able to trust our government and our commander in chief when you make representations and statements regarding our nation engaging in war. As a result, we would ask that you publicly respond to these questions as promptly as possible.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
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Email Address:
LINK TO JOHN CONYERS Sign-up Letter to Pres Bush
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Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité