Our majestic Senate Majority Leader is dusting himself off and talking some smack.
But in an interview, he said he believed his stewardship would be vindicated in the days ahead once he shepherded through a string of legislation and judicial nominees…
“The short-term evaluations, I believe, will prove to be shortsighted and wrong after we get judge after judge after judge after judge through, plus at least one Supreme Court nominee and an energy bill,” Dr. Frist said after a lecture at Harvard, where he received his own medical education. “And we will get Bolton.”
It’s our job to make sure Dr. Frist does not follow through on his predictions and make his threats into some sick, diabolical reality.
Isn’t this the Republicans’ own fault for picking someone with so little political and Senate experience?
Republican criteria seems more to be at this stage as not what you know but who you know -and no doubt how ‘christian’ you are. And I’m scared to death that the truly horrible Brown will get pushed through.
Joint Press Release from the NAACP and People for the American Way. They’re also buying radio and tv time.
And no discernable personal charm or warmth.
namely, that anything is the Republicans’ fault; or, to put it another way, that they can take the blame for anything.
Somehow, they’ll pin Frist* on Clinton.
* and of course, when I say Frist I mean Dobson
I apologize for my assumption, Omir. I beg your forgiveness.
I am after all in a forgiving mood, and it’s Sunday and stuff like that.
It looks like it’ll come down to Bolton. If the center holds, they’ll vote against, and with all dems + 7 he’s gone. Momentum may drive Brown out as well, and Frist could be very isolated out on that limb. Lotta ifs.