Our majestic Senate Majority Leader is dusting himself off and talking some smack.

…Bill Frist, faces a crucial test of whether he can re-establish his authority after a rapid sequence of events that many say diminished his standing and exposed a lack of experience in Congressional intrigue…

But in an interview, he said he believed his stewardship would be vindicated in the days ahead once he shepherded through a string of legislation and judicial nominees…

“The short-term evaluations, I believe, will prove to be shortsighted and wrong after we get judge after judge after judge after judge through, plus at least one Supreme Court nominee and an energy bill,” Dr. Frist said after a lecture at Harvard, where he received his own medical education. “And we will get Bolton.”

It’s our job to make sure Dr. Frist does not follow through on his predictions and make his threats into some sick, diabolical reality.