In an odd way, people of faith–be it in a god or in a political system (from right and left, in other words)–have emasculated many of us liberals over the past century, ripping from us our confidence in doubt. We have become ashamed to be doubters, when we should be proud.
The first meaning of “doubt” given in the Oxford English Dictionary is “The (subjective) state of uncertainty with regard to the truth or reality of anything; undecidedness of belief or opinion.” This is no lesser state, no step on the way to faith–it is a dynamic state of challenge, or continual questioning. It can keep us intellectually alive and vigorous.
Yet we hide it, many now saying that we on the left should emphasize our values and elide discussions of our doubts.
To me, however, doubt is a core value not only of the left, but of the intellectual forces that created the United States and that, yes, have been the force behind all progress in Western civilization for 2,500 years.
There’s much to be said for serendipity. I’ve been thinking about doubt since responding to a dKos diary last night. The diarist is one I respect most, but he feels quite strongly that doubt should not be accented in discussions by members of the left with those leaning towards rightist fundamentalism. To me, that’s hiding our light. So, this morning, as I was driving, I was pleasantly surprised by a show that came on to NPR, Speaking of Faith; Jennifer Michael Hecht was featured. She is the author of Doubt: A History, a book that celebrates the long history and success of doubt. She speaks of doubt as a “magical quality of human experience.” I agree completely and will celebrate, not hide, my doubts.
Let’s take back enthusiasm for that great value, doubt.
[Crossposted at dKos]
Very nice work. So, so true. It also applies to friendships and other alliances. I had to learn the hard way to be a bit wary when I’ve met a potential new friend, if that person has great confidence and speaks with authority and certitude.
Thinking about this, I realize that hi lack of doubt is one of the reasons I’ve never been comfortable with Ralph Nader. He always elicits just the wort of wariness you speak of.
Thank you for telling me about the book. I have put it on my To-Read list.
“To me, however, doubt is a core value not only of the left, but of the intellectual forces that created the United States and that, yes, have been the force behind all progress in Western civilization for 2,500 years.“
Absolutely agree. I consider Apostle Thomas my patron saint 😉
Progress starts with doubt, triggers rigorous investigation, one finds preliminary answers, and only at the last step does one find answers.
I totally agree (from a frenchman, it is probably not surprising). Doubt is constitutive of the human identity: I doubt, therefore I am…
And doubt is not only value, it is a method, and a powerful one!
We must brandish the standard of our doubt!
and we should brand it “creative doubt” or “constructive doubt”…
Oh, I like those. Both of them. I’ll roll them around on my tongue for a while.
By the way: I like that “Doubt” walked away with four Tony’s this year!