I ask your prayers* for our community, the world, and all those in need.
For our community:
- For those who suffer from fibromyalgia or other painful afflictions, and for those whose health insurance is exorbitantly expensive or is too limited in its coverage;
- For those who continue to feel the repercussions of childhood, and who are anxious about their own worth;
- For those who feel held back from taking on a new career, for those who are stuck in work without meaning, and for those who discover that their career is not what they had hope for;
- For those who have tangled with another member of the community, with another online conversation partner, or who have borne the weight of another’s displaced feelings;
- For those who struggle with parenthood, whether their children are young or approaching adulthood;
- And in thanksgiving and hope for those who embark on new beginnings: new marriages, graduations:
We pray* to you, O Source of all Goodness.
*Meditate, hold in good and active thought.
For the world:
- For the victims of senseless violence;
- For those who lose out in inequitable economic systems, and for the souls of those who win big;
- For those who suffer the horrors of rape used as a political weapon;
- For those who cannot control their anger, and for their victims;
- For the gifts of nature, that they may be used wisely, not exploited, and for those who suffer from natural disaster;
- For those who must bear the costs of war:
We pray* to you, O Source of all Goodness.
For all those in need:
- For the young, and the old, that they may be safe from abuse, exploitation and thoughtlessness;
- For immigrants, exiles and refugees, and for all those who long for their home;
- For the GLBT community, and for all who suffer oppression for being different;
- For the poor of all nations;
- For the sick, the sorrowing, and the suffering;
- For Norman and Mary T. and their family, struggling to come to terms with the death of an 8 1/2 year old daughter;
We pray* to you, O Source of all Goodness.
PD, to you, thanks.
I hold you all in my heart with intent for your perfect health, your perfect happiness and your perfect expression of you, for in the “eyes” of the Universe you are indeed perfectly who you are.
Amen, Pastor Dan, amen.
Great Spirit,
Bring forth in our brothers and sisters the greatness that is you.
Help our brothers and sisters find the joy and happiness that is rightfully theirs.
Bless our world with peace and harmony as is the way of our people.
Open the oppressors heart, filling it with kindness, instead of their hatred.
Shower those who would harm us with love and understanding, healing hurtful wounds.
We are the human beings, Great Spirit.
We honor you with our hearts, minds and souls.
Thank you Great Spirit for making me one of the human beings.
Oh, Great Spirit
How can I thank you,
Oh, Great Spirit
for all the happiness
that you have given me?
You have placed my one,
within my life.
Time seems eternal
as we start each day,
But at the same time
it seems we never separate.
Love is stronger each second
when based in true friendship.
We care, listen, respect
and help each other be.
No secrets do we have,
transparency is our law,
because we want our love
to be that . . . true love.
Give me, Oh Great Spirit,
the strength and the hope I need
because sometimes I feel weak
and think it’s only a dream.
Help me live each day
as the first and the last,
Show me how to give the best of me
to You and to my loved one.
Yes, someday it will be
that we will be one for eternity.
special blessings we’ll receive
and our lives will glorify you,
Oh Great Spirit.
It is strangely synchronistic in my life right now.