(Update) Tonight the Swiss people voted by 58% yes votes to give Gay and Lesbian couples ,,partnership rights”, recognizing that they should have the same rights as straight married couples. Make no mistake, there is more to do here, as this law still prohibits gay adoption and fertility treatments, but is an important first step in recognizing gay/lesbian rights as full citizens. Here’s an article from Swisspolitics.org
The Swiss also voted by 54% to accept a mutual security agreement with the EU
Congratulations to the Swiss for showing political and moral will…
I mistakenly said give rights…but it is more accurate to say recognize rights. It’s an important distinction.
Anyway, it’s late, I’m tired and heading off to bed…but there is also a discussion at Dkos with the same title, should you be interested.
Cheers to the Swiss!!
Is more “civilized” and understanding about the rights of their citizens. Bravo for the Swiss.
The US seems to be becoming a 3rd world country right before our eyes.
“This law still prohibits gay adoption.”
Seems so sad to have such wonderful common sense from the Swiss people (Well Done People!!) but fail at this hurdle. What is with Europeans, their spin off cultures (sorry US jus joking) and morality non-questions like this?
As a gay single woman in China (!not the bastion of human rights!!)I adopted my teenage daughter with relative ease. The questions asked were about my job, financial security for her, my housing and the feelings of daughter, remaining family and my (friendly) relations with them.
No one asked who I slept with, they just checked I was who she wanted as a mum.
Permit change to come with steady, but by individual steps. “Liberal” the Netherlands took the same steps to become where it is today, only this year the law will be changed to make it possible for single-sex couples to adopt children and have International legitimacy.
What I do not grasp, some jet set Dutch gay men, were not able to adopt in the Netherlands, they traveled to the US for adoption of their children! Is the law in the US, some States perhaps, more progressive than in Europe?
Hail to the Swiss, a society I have great difficulty to understand what it is about and how it addresses the issues.
Do they still have a Navy with a submarine? Many decades ago, it was the single nation in the world, where its citizens would have a place to survive in case of a nuclear attack in Europe.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Thank you, Yiasemi, for sharing. Makes no real sense…especially with so many children who need loving parents in this world. I think it boils down to fear…which is at the root of prejudice. But…nonetheless, it is an important first step to establish that rights of partnership exist. Period. Build from there. Sorry it has to be this way, but a start.
Yes of course you’re both right. I didn’t want to criticise the Swiss. They must be a lot of alright people to have done this in a referendum!! Much better than Greece (πατριδα μου)<sigh>.
ORANGE are part of Schengen treaty
YELLOW do not meet standards yet.
Dutch TV News — Schengen Vote
Staunchly neutral country to join passport-free zone. Scrapping passport checks on the border runs counter to Switzerland’s strong independence streak.
For 400 years, Switzerland’s Alpine peaks and strict neutrality have kept the rest of Europe at bay. The Swiss have prided themselves on not being a member of the bloc, and they do not use the European currency, the euro.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité