Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I just heard Rusty ___ for CNN report from the courthouse where the jury is deliberating.
She said that the fans are really going all out. One fan brought — get this — a live dove for every one of the charges against Jackson. Then she released all the doves.
it’s 5 in the morning over there, so she’s missed any opportunity to address most of it.
I asked her to promote her new business because I thought it was the least I could do. And she did.
But I had not looked that carefully at her site when I made the offer.
If I had I would have realized how controversial it would be. She wrote, right at the top, that she would erase the diary if people deemed it inappropriate. In any case, Soj is not into white slavery…that’s absurd.
Maryscott’s question prompted me to read through all the earlier comments, and I share her unease. And Librarian’s.
Do you know that Soj is OK now? The writing of that ad is so very unlike the quality work she’s been doing for months now that I’m having trouble believing the same person wrote both.
I’m going to put this here because as soon as I finish reading all the comments, that Diary is DELETED.
Let me address a few things here and again I appreciate EVERYONE’s opinion, even those who disagreed with me or had something against me or what I do for a living:
I do not operate a sex-trafficking site. I do not promote sex-trafficking and I do not condone it. I have a very good friend (Romanian) who works with the national police that BREAK UP sex-trafficking rings and this friend (a woman) is both aware of my website AND supportive of it.
I don’t know where some of you people get off thinking you are so high and mighty and Romanian women are some poor lambs waiting for the slaughter but I wrote Romanian women can take care of themselves and I meant it. Yes they want a better life and that includes material things and yes it’s difficult to get it here in Romania. But that doesn’t mean they will FALL PREY TO THE BIG BAD American or British or anywhere else wolf. This attitude is beyond reprehensivle in its demonstration of implied superiority.
Yes there are just a few women customers on there because the site just opened. But unlike some of you armchair generals out there, I have spoken personally to every single person registered on there. Was it a four hour interview? No. But they are real human beings and the comments being made about them SICKENS ME.
I created the website (along with partnerships from other Romanians) precisely because I believe there are true love match opportunities out there. I also heavily consulted my own American mother, who is as feminist as you can get. It’s not to her taste and she would never register there (assuming she was younger, unmarried and Romanian). I think some of the women on here are mistakenly confusing the kind of relationship some people prefer with the ones they themselves prefer. I understand this. The site is geared to a quote unquote “more traditional” relationship and that is something more Romanian women choose to freely and voluntarily engage in. While the “more traditional” (and I hate to use that phrase) elements are emphasized that does not imply Romanian women are “chained to the stove” or anything of that ilk. The average Romanian woman age 25 has a university degree and is both well-rounded educationally as well as intellectually.
I’m sorry about horror stories about Romanians in the past that any of you have known. Not only have I personally spoken to every female customer on the site but there is a Romanian telephone number they can call and email addresses for them to speak to Romanian associates of mine in their own language if they have the slightest question or concern about someone they meet there or anything else. I do not appreciate people telling me I run a “wretched” website when I have done nothing but good things for the people I have met here.
The Republic of Moldova and what has happened there in the past has nothing to do with Romania. I have exactly one customer from Chisinau and she has spent half her life in Romania (and I met her in Bucharest). I cannot speak for nor address anything that happens in RM nor do I wish to nor do I chose to.
I apologize for running an “ad” for that site but I asked Boo first and he gave me permission. I won’t do it again.
I really resent all the references to “pimping”. Pimping refers to connecting people for the purpose of exchanging money for sex. My website is about connecting people together so perhaps they may fall in love but have no other way to meet except through the internet. I’m not asking you to change your opinion of me or what I do, but I’m not running an escort service. Maybe some of you who so casually throw around the “pimping” word should try coming to Romania and see how difficult life here is and how difficult it is to meet someone from another town much less another country.
I have spoken to at least one male customer of the site (from USA) and he’s met several Romanian women in the States and is very interested in their culture and their way of life. He’s coming here to Romania soon because he wants to get to know this land better while he meets with a woman he met in the USA. He’s not interested in “enslaving” her or anything of that ilk whatsoever. He is genuinely intrigued and charmed by the little he knows and he’s flying over here just to expand that knowledge. So when you demonize the male customers of the site you’re also demonizing him and he seems to me to be a very decent and ordinary guy. It’s just a little too easy to sit there in the chair and peer through the screen and judge all these people isn’t it? And that includes me…
This one is gonna anger some people but so be it. Me myself when I lived in the USA I was overweight.. it wasn’t nice but that’s the way it is. Most Romanian women are not and its part of their appeal. Yep… sorry to say it but how someone looks is important. Is it the only thing? No. Is it the most important thing? No. But it’s part of it.. and Romanian women in general are gorgeous. I’m not saying American or other women aren’t, I’m just Romanian women are. Again, I’m not running an escort service but I’m not going to downplay one of Romanian women’s assets simply because it isn’t “politically correct” to do so. Romanian women are also extremely intelligent and that’s also mentioned on the site as well.
Again, all of you have your opinions of me, what I do for a living and everything else and you’re all entitled to them… I guess above all I’m just so shocked by the inherent arrogance and condescension implied in so many of these comments. If I were running a “American women meet Romanian MEN” site I wonder if people would have the same opinions… I really do.
As for me working for some federal or other government agency, I’m 100000% retired. I quit one year ago and I’m damned sure glad of it.
When I first read your diary, I did not focus on your site but more on your recent history and your choice to live as a writer, which I’m sure rings a bell with a number of us here or on other blogs. I saw the title of your site, saw that it was a dating site, can’t say I was thrilled, and thought, “well, I hope she knows what she’s doing (but at least it’s possible from what I know of you that you actually DO)”
Concerns – mostly valid ones, I think – were raised in the diary about that business, but as you were not around to reply quickly (don’t you know you’re supplied to respond within minutes to any post on any of your blogs/diaries?! —sigh—), things got out of hand, as your silence seems to have been interpreted as indifference to the fate of women (and as you know, tempers on that topic have been frayed after the big controversy on dKos, one of the results of which has been to have a lot of women leave kos to come to BoomanTribune).
I’m glad that you replied today, although I regret that you deleted the diary, which was about a lot more than your new site. Otherwise, I stand by what I wrote over there, if you have any recollection of it.
Jerome I appreciate the response… and from what I saw, it seemed like what you said is true. I realize there’s a whole bunch of “pie fight” refugees over here now and people are sensitive on certain issues. I deleted that Diary because I didn’t want to carry a grudge against my neighbors here who may have spoken before thinking it through… or judging me and what I do from the other side of the ocean.
To everyone: I was not on BMT last night and did not answer the concerns simply because I was at the doctor’s. For anyone who is reading this yes I was physically assaulted last week. I’m fine and I’m healing. I’m tough and I’ve survived a lot worse than this.
Needless to say waking up this morning and seeing a virtual lynch mob going on against my business wasn’t exactly bringing out my sunny side.
Let me say one final word because I’ve been talking to some Romanians about this today. If you don’t know who Romanians are or what they’re capable of, then shut your mouth. They’re not Russians, they’re not Ukrainians and they’re not anyone else. I love this country and I would never endanger or harm any of my new sisters and brothers. I never would’ve opeened my business without extensively consulting them and universally they all love it and support it.
Ok.. enough is enough. Let’s get back to talking about politics or something.
I’ve stayed out of this until now – but as a Pie War refugee, and someone who has travelled to Romania, met Romanians, and learned to love the place…well… I respect that you are working to provide good options in a place where few options exist and perfect options are impossible.
I am sorry that my question has received no response.
I cannot accept the award to Soj a four rating by Jerome a Paris as it in no way addresses the specific concerns regarding her presentation of women on her site and her subsequent comments that showed a disregard for her clients. All those who know Soj’ work have expressed surprise and disappointment but it required a forthright rejection by Booman Tribune and European Tribune of what was said on that site and I would have hoped for some recognition of this by Soj herself. Instead we have a defence of what exists and still have reference to it in her signature.
In these circumstances I have to state that was published on her Romanian Love site is the most demeaning statement about women that I have seen promulgated in the last two years on the internet. It was made worse by her comments that showed utter disregard for her clients. The failure to forthrightly reject this by the principles of Booman Tribune and European Tribune is unacceptable and my association with these two internet sites, with whom I have been closely associated and the latter even named, is something that I must now disown both privately and publicly.
This is not simply a question of women’s issues – indeed my concerns over Soj’s presentation of her work went wider than that – but also touches on the integrity of the work that we do. I believe to act otherwise is a betrayal of trust to the principles of the values in which we declare a belief.
Of course we will all differ on our interpretation of these events. In these circumstances we can only follow the best judgement that our inadequate understanding allows us to hold and to shake hands and separate with good will.
With great regret I too cannot contribute to a forum that continues to promote something like this. These are serious issues that put pies and intemperate name calling in a good light!!
You people are showing at best naivete and a lack of knowledge about what really goes on in Eastern Europe.
Ask Kosovar policemen, UN peacekeepers, if they haven’t already been indited. Ask the Serbs, ask the Moldovans, the Romanians, ask the Greeks or any other law enforcement agency in the region.
At worst you are fooled by a charlatan ,condone slavery and show an unbridled greed for money.
And the saddest thing is I really wanted as a Greek to take part, as a Chinese citizen to help bring light to debates.
You have brought the deepest darkness. I will not be a part of this.
The sound of a righteous blogging nation
The sound of the Asian Dub Foundation
I have nothing more to say on this site so I’ll let Master D say it for me.
Pagal ki na bole?
Chagal ki na khai?
Kuch bolo ke ni?
Is there nothing that a madman won’t say?
Is there nothing that a goat won’t eat? …
Common sense-
Misinformation received
By the common man
You’ve been just as deceived
An effect that was planned by the powers that be
A most effective tool for division and rule
A most effective tool for division and rule
And people of different cultural persuasions
Start to develop hindered relations
So what can be done to dissipate the friction?
Gotta seperate the facts, yes the facts from the fiction.
Ah , I , I don’t know …..
Ah , I , I don’t know …..
Ah , I , I don’t know …..
But once they get get here
There is no knowing what they’ll get up to!
A 4 for the poem. But despite having misgivings about the Love in Romania website, I have no patience with clowns who will make outrageous accusations against someone like Soj without a shred of evidence: “a walter mitty type who has fooled many for too long [and is involved in ] slavery.”
Let me add that my indictment extends to Recordkeeper, a newbie who on Soj’s now deleted thread made the following execrable statement:
Have we gone through the looking glass here? A diary that reads like the ravings of a paranoid schizophrenic, pimping a site that markets women like thoroughbred horses!!!!! Somebody, pinch me. This cannot be happening. It’s too surreal.
Hey Recordkeeper: Nothing obliges you to stay here, and I for one wouldn’t be sorry to see you go.
Welshman I have always valued your Diaries and comments on this website and others. And I will continue to do so. But on my business we’re just going to have to agree to disagree. If you’d like to email me personally we can correspond further on this if you like.
Boo’s website is about politics and other things and I’ll stick to writing about that in the future.
Oh yeah, and I’ll change my sig line too after this comment is posted.
You are targetting me specifically, which is silly in view of the fact that the reason you do, the future European Tribune, of which I am indeed part (and which, as you disassociate yourself from it, you should have no damn right to mention), does not exist yet. Sure, there have been hints, but how can something that does not exist be tainted by something that does not exist anymore (the links by Soj to her business site, which she has kindly agreed to take down)?
I am giving you a zero for (i) divulging again private information and (ii) complaining about SoJ’s non reply a mere two hours after your message.
‘They all behave the same. They all look the same. It’s pretty much a white Christian party’…
Of course, Drudge’s links don’t work. But I thought you’d be dying to know.
I’m a weather enthusiast who recently was certified through the SkyWarn program. My hometown (where i’m driving to tomorrow for the rest of the summer) has been ripe with severe weather the past two days an I’ve seen none of it! Tornado warnings, severe thunderstorm warnings, the stuff digital cameras are made for, and I’m missing it!
sorry for the weather rant. just releasing frustrations.
I’m going to be busy for the next few days, so I don’t know if I’ll get to post it later or not.
Now that I think about it, I can’t remember the recipe. Recipe? Who needs a recipe? You make black cherry Jell-O with Coca-Cola instead of water*, then add any or all of the following as filling:
Add the fillings when the Jell-O is about half set. Best if made in one of those art deco Jell-O molds, although we’ve made it in all sorts of containers from four-quart Tupperware bowls to American flag molds.
* We make this with diet Jell-O and diet Coke, although if you use diet Coke the sweetener doesn’t take well to boiling so you should use boiling water or club soda for the hot water. Yeah, I know what diet Coke does to your brain. I also know what regular Coke does to the rest of your body. Anyone worried about health when talking about pies is missing the point anyway.
** Only the cherries are non-optional. Make sure you use sweet cherries, not the tart ones used for pies.
and love seeing the BooTrib flourish. Just wondering is it going to be harder to get on the site? Can it handle all the people in this short amount of time? I am seeing new names here and comments that are making me really happy. I am also sooo sad over the passing of Anne Bancroft. I knew she was very ill last year. I was working on a film and she had to back out because of illness and be replaced by Cloris Leachman. So sad..Poor Mel Brooks..I can’t imagine. Here’s to you..Mrs. Robinson.
My girlfriends in high school and I couldn’t believe that, after watching the movie, “The Producers,” we learned who Anne Bancroft was married to: she had just gotten pregnant, too. “But she’s married to MEL BROOKS???”
According to one of Brooks’ biographies, when she met his new wife and found out her son had married a shikseh, she said something along the lines of “How nice to meet you. If you want to talk to me, I’ll be in the kitchen. I’ll be the one with my head in the oven.”
To Be Or Not To Be, a remake of an old Jack Benny vehicle (and I’m not talking about his Maxwell) is one of my favorite movies. It’s also the only movie in which they starred together; IMDB lists them as being in four movies together, but in the other three her parts were relatively minor.
what the heck does Senator Nelson (not the one from Fla., the one who is a member of the Fab 14) have on his head? After 15 years my Repug racist brother-in-law finally ditched his. It was a welcome relief. I will never understand why men feel the need to wear those things.
“The U.S. continues to suffer terrible embarrassment and a blow to our reputation … because of reports concerning abuses of prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo,” Carter said after a two-day human rights conference at his Atlanta center.
Such reports have surfaced despite President Bush’s “bold reminder that America is determined to promote freedom and democracy around the world,” Carter said.
Don’t ask me why. Computer eyes, I guess. But my reaction, when I thought you meant Clinton, was: “About damn time!” Meaning, thank god he finally spoke up against something Bush is doing instead of equivocating about whatever it is. Then I saw it was really Carter and I thought, “Well, that’s nice, but it won’t change a thing.” Not that a statement from Bill would, either, necessarily, but it might have a little shock value.
if he said something. I’m just glad to hear a growing chorus of high-profile names bringing up the human rights abuses that are being done in the name of the U.S.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JGFc in HOLLYWOOD FLORIDA. I would throw up a cake, but I suck with posing pics and links. Perhaps someone will give you a Pie/Cake. I guess you are 21.
past 21…but i’m amazed you remember that i’m from hollywood. i don’t think i’ve mentioned it in like 8 months! gold stars for your memory. (i’m not there anymore, though.)
No, but it is entirely possible that will forget i posted this message until several hours later. Anyhow, it’s 28. So at last, everyone can go about their lives. If you stop to think about my birthday, the terrorists win.
I can’t open my own diary; there are so many comments on it that every time I open it, it crashes my computer. I feel like I’m locked out a party….Waaaaahhhhhh!
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Iraq’s government backed away on Tuesday from suggestions that Saddam Hussein would be tried within weeks, admitting it was up to an independent special tribunal to decide when he appears in court.
Suicide bombers struck across Iraq, with blasts near the northern city of Kirkuk killing at least 19 people and wounding dozens, the latest in a series of suicide attacks that have killed hundreds since late April. A mortar attack west of Baghdad killed three more Iraqis, the U.S. military said.
Iraq’s president and the prime minister’s spokesman had said in the last week that Saddam could go on trial within two months, popular announcements apparently designed to show Iraqis that progress was being made in bringing him to justice.
Perhaps Bush is afraid that Saddam on trial would have to be allowed to speak freely and publicly. Some folks might suggest a tribunal for two.
We’ve been getting these Claim Jumper blackberry pies that are out of this freaking world. A little bit of cool whip and some hot strong coffee, that’s some heaven right there.
Two nights ago, bored, I was flipping channels on the TV when I found the women’s NCAA softball world series. Even better, Michigan was playing Tennessee!! I’m a Michigan grad, so this was great — a chance to see the Wolverines during the slow period when neither football nor basketball is being played.
Well, these girls can PLAY! The pitchers throw underhand, but it’s like no underhand I’ve ever seen — 50 mph, and that ball is doing things! There was one play where the Michigan outfielder made a running shoestring catch where the softball just barely stayed in the glove — that’s a highlight play for the season! The players show a lot of team spirit and support for each other, too. It’s a shame there aren’t more fans out there to watch, because these softballers deserve some attention.
Anyway, Michigan eliminated Tennessee and has gone to the finals to play UCLA in a best of 3 series. UCLA is ranked 7th, while Michigan is ranked 1st. UCLA is the defending back-to-back champ, while Michigan is trying to be the first team from the eastern time zone to win an NCAA title in this sport. To give you a sense of the advantage the western and southern teams have, Michigan played it’s first 33 games on the road, and came home with a 32-1 record.
UCLA took the first game, and Michigan just defeated UCLA in game 2. Tomorrow evening there will be the final game, a winner-takes-all for the championship. GO BLUE!
My husband, as an aging wannabe jock, is a season ticket holder to NC State basketball. Men’s that is. Man, we are waaaaay up there (when I agree to go with him) in the nosebleed section and we are surrounded by a packed house of howling, rabid Wolfpack fans eating six-dollar hot dogs and sipping three-dollar bottles of Aquafina. The games are televised, even pre-empting prime time shows.
Then the women play to a few family members sprinkled throughout the stands and their games are only rarely televised on a local cable access channel. The disparity is sad. They’re exciting to watch.
Everything likeable about men’s sports applies just as well to women’s sports, but what really sets the women apart is that they lack the jadedness that we see all too often with the men in the big-money sports. Whether it’s the Olympic soccer team, or college basketball, or swimming, or diving, I continually see a pure enjoyment of the game, with very little of the negativity, me-first, gimme my money attitude that unfortunately pervades men’s football and basketball at both the college and pro level. You can still find that enthusiasm and love of the game with the men, but you have to watch the less popular sports such as wrestling, volleyball, gymnastics, etc.
If you want to teach kids about sportsmanship, sit them down in front of a women’s sporting event.
The Guardian, bless its computerized heart, brings me a bit of good news sorely needed after the last couple of days:
[T]he discovery of a previously unknown work by the German composer and genius of the baroque era, Johann Sebastian Bach.
The work, for a soprano and harpsichord, was written in October 1713 as a birthday present for Bach’s patron, Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Saxe-Weimar.
See, Mom? There’s something to be said for not cleaning out your closets.
but I just thought I’d point out that kos felt the need to “edit” the title of anna in philly’s diary. Apparently satirically using the words “pussy” and “wet” offended the “standards” of the frat house.
I edited the title (2.75 / 12)
You guys can beat up on me or whatever, and I don’t care if people curse. But that title crossed some line. The same line that would be crossed if someone wrote “my dick is so hard”.
kos is right; if this wasn’t occurring on the heels of the pie fight crap, no one would give it a second thought. But his editing of “my pussy is so wet” only affirms his chauvinism?? Man, if some newbie posted that, they’d be getting thrashed for it.
Since people here like a little mystery I’ll let you all guess which pie I picked…with the rather obvious clue staring you in the face. The older posters may remember my talking about one of my favorite foods at various times.
seems to be “I disagree with some people”. Well, I will. I will part ways with members of the community on any number of issues. And sometimes, I won’t be diplomatic about it because, frankly, I don’t walk on egg shells.
I won’t apologize for that, nor will I censor myself to become “vanilla offend-no-one Markos”. Quite frankly, I don’t care if I offend people. When I do so unintentionally, then it bothers me (like I did by painting to broad a condemnation). Otherwise, it doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t bother me if John Kerry supporters think I’m a big meanie anti-Kerry asshole, it doesn’t bother me if some people think running that TBS ad is “non-progressive”.
We can agree to disagree, or not. Am I a big asshole? I can be. Am I PC? Hell no. Am I perfect? No. Do I apologize for any of that? No.
The apology is here: then it bothers me (like I did by painting to[sic] broad a condemnation). This post was buried in a flurry of comments under his diary stating that he cannot be all things to all people. I thought you might be interested in having this comment plucked out for you.
An “apology” might be a little strong. On the front page Kos states:
This is a site about electoral issues, the netroots, and Iraq. Period. If you have an issue you want to tackle, whether it’s environmental, Darfur, women’s rights, tax reform, education, or whatever, you can….. start your own blog on the topic.
I am not the end-all, be-all of liberal blogging. I cannot be everything to everyone.
He goes on to say:
And I’m not afraid to tell people to head elsewhere if they can’t find what they want here. Regarding the Pie controversy, people act offended I “kicked them off” when dismissing their concerns. It’s not so much kicking people out, as saying that this site isn’t everything to everyone. I am actually proud when this site spawns new sites.”
And for all the really peaceable types who have been coming here the last couple of days and saying, “Stay there, you can make a difference,” I just got myself 0-rated into oblivion this evening trying (very respectfully — well, maybe not soooo respectfully, but honest-to-God no cussing) to speak truth to power. I don’t think it’s going to work. They just don’t care.
why don’t you have ALL as a choice? Geeeesh.
I just heard Rusty ___ for CNN report from the courthouse where the jury is deliberating.
She said that the fans are really going all out. One fan brought — get this — a live dove for every one of the charges against Jackson. Then she released all the doves.
I have no idea how they came up with it.
And I take back my demand for an ALL option in the poll. I didn’t see that you’d listed kidney pie as a choice. Yeeech.
Has there been any sort of resolution to the bizarre Post from Soj yet?
I am worried.
it’s 5 in the morning over there, so she’s missed any opportunity to address most of it.
I asked her to promote her new business because I thought it was the least I could do. And she did.
But I had not looked that carefully at her site when I made the offer.
If I had I would have realized how controversial it would be. She wrote, right at the top, that she would erase the diary if people deemed it inappropriate. In any case, Soj is not into white slavery…that’s absurd.
Maryscott’s question prompted me to read through all the earlier comments, and I share her unease. And Librarian’s.
Do you know that Soj is OK now? The writing of that ad is so very unlike the quality work she’s been doing for months now that I’m having trouble believing the same person wrote both.
I didn’t even see it. I tried to find it but I think it has been erased. What is all the controversy?
I’m going to put this here because as soon as I finish reading all the comments, that Diary is DELETED.
Let me address a few things here and again I appreciate EVERYONE’s opinion, even those who disagreed with me or had something against me or what I do for a living:
Again, all of you have your opinions of me, what I do for a living and everything else and you’re all entitled to them… I guess above all I’m just so shocked by the inherent arrogance and condescension implied in so many of these comments. If I were running a “American women meet Romanian MEN” site I wonder if people would have the same opinions… I really do.
As for me working for some federal or other government agency, I’m 100000% retired. I quit one year ago and I’m damned sure glad of it.
the diary, as I found it interesting.
When I first read your diary, I did not focus on your site but more on your recent history and your choice to live as a writer, which I’m sure rings a bell with a number of us here or on other blogs. I saw the title of your site, saw that it was a dating site, can’t say I was thrilled, and thought, “well, I hope she knows what she’s doing (but at least it’s possible from what I know of you that you actually DO)”
Concerns – mostly valid ones, I think – were raised in the diary about that business, but as you were not around to reply quickly (don’t you know you’re supplied to respond within minutes to any post on any of your blogs/diaries?! —sigh—), things got out of hand, as your silence seems to have been interpreted as indifference to the fate of women (and as you know, tempers on that topic have been frayed after the big controversy on dKos, one of the results of which has been to have a lot of women leave kos to come to BoomanTribune).
I’m glad that you replied today, although I regret that you deleted the diary, which was about a lot more than your new site. Otherwise, I stand by what I wrote over there, if you have any recollection of it.
Jerome I appreciate the response… and from what I saw, it seemed like what you said is true. I realize there’s a whole bunch of “pie fight” refugees over here now and people are sensitive on certain issues. I deleted that Diary because I didn’t want to carry a grudge against my neighbors here who may have spoken before thinking it through… or judging me and what I do from the other side of the ocean.
To everyone: I was not on BMT last night and did not answer the concerns simply because I was at the doctor’s. For anyone who is reading this yes I was physically assaulted last week. I’m fine and I’m healing. I’m tough and I’ve survived a lot worse than this.
Needless to say waking up this morning and seeing a virtual lynch mob going on against my business wasn’t exactly bringing out my sunny side.
Let me say one final word because I’ve been talking to some Romanians about this today. If you don’t know who Romanians are or what they’re capable of, then shut your mouth. They’re not Russians, they’re not Ukrainians and they’re not anyone else. I love this country and I would never endanger or harm any of my new sisters and brothers. I never would’ve opeened my business without extensively consulting them and universally they all love it and support it.
Ok.. enough is enough. Let’s get back to talking about politics or something.
I’ve stayed out of this until now – but as a Pie War refugee, and someone who has travelled to Romania, met Romanians, and learned to love the place…well… I respect that you are working to provide good options in a place where few options exist and perfect options are impossible.
I’m wishing you well…
and I hope you get better very soon. I hope you press charges against the people who beat you up. I mean, they kicked you in the head with boots?!!
Has Soj just been beaten up? Please explain.
She wrote it up on her website. She was assaulted and there is damage to her eye but the doctor says it will heal by itself. The details are sparse.
My God. That’s terrible.
I’m guessing the tin-foilers among us will brush it off as another cunning invention by the shameless con artist.
Get well soon, Soj.
May I ask if this response of yours is also a response to my posts on your diary?
I am sorry that my question has received no response.
I cannot accept the award to Soj a four rating by Jerome a Paris as it in no way addresses the specific concerns regarding her presentation of women on her site and her subsequent comments that showed a disregard for her clients. All those who know Soj’ work have expressed surprise and disappointment but it required a forthright rejection by Booman Tribune and European Tribune of what was said on that site and I would have hoped for some recognition of this by Soj herself. Instead we have a defence of what exists and still have reference to it in her signature.
In these circumstances I have to state that was published on her Romanian Love site is the most demeaning statement about women that I have seen promulgated in the last two years on the internet. It was made worse by her comments that showed utter disregard for her clients. The failure to forthrightly reject this by the principles of Booman Tribune and European Tribune is unacceptable and my association with these two internet sites, with whom I have been closely associated and the latter even named, is something that I must now disown both privately and publicly.
This is not simply a question of women’s issues – indeed my concerns over Soj’s presentation of her work went wider than that – but also touches on the integrity of the work that we do. I believe to act otherwise is a betrayal of trust to the principles of the values in which we declare a belief.
Of course we will all differ on our interpretation of these events. In these circumstances we can only follow the best judgement that our inadequate understanding allows us to hold and to shake hands and separate with good will.
With great regret I too cannot contribute to a forum that continues to promote something like this. These are serious issues that put pies and intemperate name calling in a good light!!
You people are showing at best naivete and a lack of knowledge about what really goes on in Eastern Europe.
Ask Kosovar policemen, UN peacekeepers, if they haven’t already been indited. Ask the Serbs, ask the Moldovans, the Romanians, ask the Greeks or any other law enforcement agency in the region.
At worst you are fooled by a charlatan ,condone slavery and show an unbridled greed for money.
And the saddest thing is I really wanted as a Greek to take part, as a Chinese citizen to help bring light to debates.
You have brought the deepest darkness. I will not be a part of this.
I usually say such things to anyone, but in your case I’ll make an exception: Good riddance.
Edit: I usually never say such thing to anyone.
But here it comes again: good riddance.
The sound of a righteous blogging nation
The sound of the Asian Dub Foundation
I have nothing more to say on this site so I’ll let Master D say it for me.
Pagal ki na bole?
Chagal ki na khai?
Kuch bolo ke ni?
Is there nothing that a madman won’t say?
Is there nothing that a goat won’t eat? …
Common sense-
Misinformation received
By the common man
You’ve been just as deceived
An effect that was planned by the powers that be
A most effective tool for division and rule
A most effective tool for division and rule
And people of different cultural persuasions
Start to develop hindered relations
So what can be done to dissipate the friction?
Gotta seperate the facts, yes the facts from the fiction.
Ah , I , I don’t know …..
Ah , I , I don’t know …..
Ah , I , I don’t know …..
But once they get get here
There is no knowing what they’ll get up to!
And with that.. good riddance to me!! bi bi !!
A 4 for the poem. But despite having misgivings about the Love in Romania website, I have no patience with clowns who will make outrageous accusations against someone like Soj without a shred of evidence: “a walter mitty type who has fooled many for too long [and is involved in ] slavery.”
Bye bye.
Let me add that my indictment extends to Recordkeeper, a newbie who on Soj’s now deleted thread made the following execrable statement:
Hey Recordkeeper: Nothing obliges you to stay here, and I for one wouldn’t be sorry to see you go.
Welshman I have always valued your Diaries and comments on this website and others. And I will continue to do so. But on my business we’re just going to have to agree to disagree. If you’d like to email me personally we can correspond further on this if you like.
Boo’s website is about politics and other things and I’ll stick to writing about that in the future.
Oh yeah, and I’ll change my sig line too after this comment is posted.
You are targetting me specifically, which is silly in view of the fact that the reason you do, the future European Tribune, of which I am indeed part (and which, as you disassociate yourself from it, you should have no damn right to mention), does not exist yet. Sure, there have been hints, but how can something that does not exist be tainted by something that does not exist anymore (the links by Soj to her business site, which she has kindly agreed to take down)?
I am giving you a zero for (i) divulging again private information and (ii) complaining about SoJ’s non reply a mere two hours after your message.
they had him confused with Prince and his song from the 80’s ‘when doves cry’.
hot pie and cold pie…..
‘They all behave the same. They all look the same. It’s pretty much a white Christian party’…
Of course, Drudge’s links don’t work. But I thought you’d be dying to know.
Hmm…I’ll take pecan, then. Hold the whipped cream.
Yes, yes! Strawberry-rhubarb. Ummmmmm-mmm!!! It’s rhubarb season now, too.
we came home to a strawberry-rhubarb pie my mom had left waiting for us in the oven. Heaven!
Save me a piece? I’ll be right over.
Oh yeah, that would be my vote too.
I’m a weather enthusiast who recently was certified through the SkyWarn program. My hometown (where i’m driving to tomorrow for the rest of the summer) has been ripe with severe weather the past two days an I’ve seen none of it! Tornado warnings, severe thunderstorm warnings, the stuff digital cameras are made for, and I’m missing it!
sorry for the weather rant. just releasing frustrations.
My son worked as a pie man at Cascadia bakery. He has made thousands of pies. His secret for pumpkin pie was a little rum. mmm
I could not decide between apple and pumpkin.
I used to make an apple custard pie with Quebec Cortland apples. It was at least 4 inches high. It’s on the “Dr. Bobkin’s Diet.”*
*He is Dr. Atkin’s evil twin.;-) )
Okay – constructive pies…
Frederick Clarkson had some great pie recipes on dKos today, I have a 50 year old recipe for Lemon Custard, so let’s do pie recipe swapping tomorrow.
I could use a good Cherry pie recipe – no canned filling please!
I can only imagine it is some kind of catharsis to sit there and dig the pits out of 975 cherries.
Me?…no patience. But if I bring the vanilla ice cream can I sit down at your kitchen table and have a slice?
that plucks the seeds out of cherries. It is similar to a garlic press.
I gave mine away as I don’t cook much anymore.
I’m going to be busy for the next few days, so I don’t know if I’ll get to post it later or not.
Now that I think about it, I can’t remember the recipe. Recipe? Who needs a recipe? You make black cherry Jell-O with Coca-Cola instead of water*, then add any or all of the following as filling:
Canned sweet cherries**
Pineapple chunks
Walnut and/or pecan pieces
Cubed cream cheese
Add the fillings when the Jell-O is about half set. Best if made in one of those art deco Jell-O molds, although we’ve made it in all sorts of containers from four-quart Tupperware bowls to American flag molds.
* We make this with diet Jell-O and diet Coke, although if you use diet Coke the sweetener doesn’t take well to boiling so you should use boiling water or club soda for the hot water. Yeah, I know what diet Coke does to your brain. I also know what regular Coke does to the rest of your body. Anyone worried about health when talking about pies is missing the point anyway.
** Only the cherries are non-optional. Make sure you use sweet cherries, not the tart ones used for pies.
and love seeing the BooTrib flourish. Just wondering is it going to be harder to get on the site? Can it handle all the people in this short amount of time? I am seeing new names here and comments that are making me really happy. I am also sooo sad over the passing of Anne Bancroft. I knew she was very ill last year. I was working on a film and she had to back out because of illness and be replaced by Cloris Leachman. So sad..Poor Mel Brooks..I can’t imagine. Here’s to you..Mrs. Robinson.
I’m so sad too about Bancroft. And I feel so badly for Mel Brooks.
speaking of feeling bad…Has Catnip shown up over here. I hated to see her feelings hurt and leave Dkos the way she did. I hope she is around here now.
My girlfriends in high school and I couldn’t believe that, after watching the movie, “The Producers,” we learned who Anne Bancroft was married to: she had just gotten pregnant, too. “But she’s married to MEL BROOKS???”
According to one of Brooks’ biographies, when she met his new wife and found out her son had married a shikseh, she said something along the lines of “How nice to meet you. If you want to talk to me, I’ll be in the kitchen. I’ll be the one with my head in the oven.”
To Be Or Not To Be, a remake of an old Jack Benny vehicle (and I’m not talking about his Maxwell) is one of my favorite movies. It’s also the only movie in which they starred together; IMDB lists them as being in four movies together, but in the other three her parts were relatively minor.
KO is interviewing Rod Nordland, the Newsweek reporter who wrote about how bad things are in Iraq!
It reairs at 9PM PDT.
I think Rod Nordlund wears a toupee.
what the heck does Senator Nelson (not the one from Fla., the one who is a member of the Fab 14) have on his head? After 15 years my Repug racist brother-in-law finally ditched his. It was a welcome relief. I will never understand why men feel the need to wear those things.
squirrels on heads?
How many new keyboards do I have to buy in one week?
When you said KO I thought you meant Kid Oakland.
why I like Chai Tea so much until a friend of mine pointed out that it tasted exactly like pumpkin pie. What can I say, I have a thing for cinnamon.
No Blueberry!!!!!!!!!ARGHHH!!!!!!!!!!<sound of body falling to the floor>
Hot blueberry with a scoop of real vanilla icecream on top.
calls on the U.S. to close down Guantanamo.
Don’t ask me why. Computer eyes, I guess. But my reaction, when I thought you meant Clinton, was: “About damn time!” Meaning, thank god he finally spoke up against something Bush is doing instead of equivocating about whatever it is. Then I saw it was really Carter and I thought, “Well, that’s nice, but it won’t change a thing.” Not that a statement from Bill would, either, necessarily, but it might have a little shock value.
if he said something. I’m just glad to hear a growing chorus of high-profile names bringing up the human rights abuses that are being done in the name of the U.S.
on all points.
do you know how old i am?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JGFc in HOLLYWOOD FLORIDA. I would throw up a cake, but I suck with posing pics and links. Perhaps someone will give you a Pie/Cake. I guess you are 21.
past 21…but i’m amazed you remember that i’m from hollywood. i don’t think i’ve mentioned it in like 8 months! gold stars for your memory. (i’m not there anymore, though.)
Happy Birthday to you and if you are as old as I am you don’t want anyone to know!
Are you gonna leave us in suspense?
Even so, Happy Birthday from another member of the Gemini delegation.
No, but it is entirely possible that will forget i posted this message until several hours later. Anyhow, it’s 28. So at last, everyone can go about their lives. If you stop to think about my birthday, the terrorists win.
I can’t open my own diary; there are so many comments on it that every time I open it, it crashes my computer. I feel like I’m locked out a party….Waaaaahhhhhh!
I’ll give you a special dispensation to violate the two diary a day rule. Open a new thread so you can read 🙂
If you want, I can try opening it, and save it in plain text in an e-mail?
Cool. In the meantime, I’ll post something new. ‘kay? Specially since I have SPECIAL DISPENSATION. teehee
Booman for Pope!;sid=2005/6/7/18119/69852
I would come by to see if it was true that so many wonderful writers were now here. I see that it is. I guess that I just have more reading to do now.
It’s cool that I can post on my first day here.
Queer Eye For the Straight Guy is featuring Red Sox players tonight .. new show / Bravo
MaJeff posted a brilliant analysis of Queer Eye and the Red Sox over at
change of heart?
Perhaps Bush is afraid that Saddam on trial would have to be allowed to speak freely and publicly. Some folks might suggest a tribunal for two.
I don’t like sweets in general, but man, I’d kill for some key lime pie.
…because i love lemon meringue but my husband makes a mean fresh blackberry pie! yummy!!
We’ve been getting these Claim Jumper blackberry pies that are out of this freaking world. A little bit of cool whip and some hot strong coffee, that’s some heaven right there.
to Claim Jumper once and I couldn’t believe the portion size… HUGE-MONGOUS (and not in a good way!)… but I’m sure their pie is delish.
I still love it yummy, home-made and fresh out of the oven…!!
I saw this story on Americablog. Just to let you know where it’s headed, the title is ‘Noah had Dinosaurs on Ark’
Two nights ago, bored, I was flipping channels on the TV when I found the women’s NCAA softball world series. Even better, Michigan was playing Tennessee!! I’m a Michigan grad, so this was great — a chance to see the Wolverines during the slow period when neither football nor basketball is being played.
Well, these girls can PLAY! The pitchers throw underhand, but it’s like no underhand I’ve ever seen — 50 mph, and that ball is doing things! There was one play where the Michigan outfielder made a running shoestring catch where the softball just barely stayed in the glove — that’s a highlight play for the season! The players show a lot of team spirit and support for each other, too. It’s a shame there aren’t more fans out there to watch, because these softballers deserve some attention.
Anyway, Michigan eliminated Tennessee and has gone to the finals to play UCLA in a best of 3 series. UCLA is ranked 7th, while Michigan is ranked 1st. UCLA is the defending back-to-back champ, while Michigan is trying to be the first team from the eastern time zone to win an NCAA title in this sport. To give you a sense of the advantage the western and southern teams have, Michigan played it’s first 33 games on the road, and came home with a 32-1 record.
UCLA took the first game, and Michigan just defeated UCLA in game 2. Tomorrow evening there will be the final game, a winner-takes-all for the championship. GO BLUE!
My husband, as an aging wannabe jock, is a season ticket holder to NC State basketball. Men’s that is. Man, we are waaaaay up there (when I agree to go with him) in the nosebleed section and we are surrounded by a packed house of howling, rabid Wolfpack fans eating six-dollar hot dogs and sipping three-dollar bottles of Aquafina. The games are televised, even pre-empting prime time shows.
Then the women play to a few family members sprinkled throughout the stands and their games are only rarely televised on a local cable access channel. The disparity is sad. They’re exciting to watch.
Everything likeable about men’s sports applies just as well to women’s sports, but what really sets the women apart is that they lack the jadedness that we see all too often with the men in the big-money sports. Whether it’s the Olympic soccer team, or college basketball, or swimming, or diving, I continually see a pure enjoyment of the game, with very little of the negativity, me-first, gimme my money attitude that unfortunately pervades men’s football and basketball at both the college and pro level. You can still find that enthusiasm and love of the game with the men, but you have to watch the less popular sports such as wrestling, volleyball, gymnastics, etc.
If you want to teach kids about sportsmanship, sit them down in front of a women’s sporting event.
Okay, technically, Boston Cream Pie probably does not qualify as a pie…but what the hell. It has the word ‘pie’ in it. And, it is yummy.
The Guardian, bless its computerized heart, brings me a bit of good news sorely needed after the last couple of days:
The work, for a soprano and harpsichord, was written in October 1713 as a birthday present for Bach’s patron, Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Saxe-Weimar.
See, Mom? There’s something to be said for not cleaning out your closets.
but I just thought I’d point out that kos felt the need to “edit” the title of anna in philly’s diary. Apparently satirically using the words “pussy” and “wet” offended the “standards” of the frat house.
I’m just sort of pissed by the whole thing, and it just gets more and more sad.
kos is right; if this wasn’t occurring on the heels of the pie fight crap, no one would give it a second thought. But his editing of “my pussy is so wet” only affirms his chauvinism?? Man, if some newbie posted that, they’d be getting thrashed for it.
all the time … commercial speech is more important than political speech.
Since people here like a little mystery I’ll let you all guess which pie I picked…with the rather obvious clue staring you in the face. The older posters may remember my talking about one of my favorite foods at various times.
that choice just for you. Believe it.
Strawberry from Tippins in KC, MO reminds me of my younger years… but I’ll take Key Lime nowadays, please.
and the offending ad has disappeared.
seems to be “I disagree with some people”. Well, I will. I will part ways with members of the community on any number of issues. And sometimes, I won’t be diplomatic about it because, frankly, I don’t walk on egg shells.
I won’t apologize for that, nor will I censor myself to become “vanilla offend-no-one Markos”. Quite frankly, I don’t care if I offend people. When I do so unintentionally, then it bothers me (like I did by painting to broad a condemnation). Otherwise, it doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t bother me if John Kerry supporters think I’m a big meanie anti-Kerry asshole, it doesn’t bother me if some people think running that TBS ad is “non-progressive”.
We can agree to disagree, or not. Am I a big asshole? I can be. Am I PC? Hell no. Am I perfect? No. Do I apologize for any of that? No.
The apology is here:
then it bothers me (like I did by painting to[sic] broad a condemnation). This post was buried in a flurry of comments under his diary stating that he cannot be all things to all people. I thought you might be interested in having this comment plucked out for you.
An “apology” might be a little strong. On the front page Kos states:
I am not the end-all, be-all of liberal blogging. I cannot be everything to everyone.
He goes on to say:
And for all the really peaceable types who have been coming here the last couple of days and saying, “Stay there, you can make a difference,” I just got myself 0-rated into oblivion this evening trying (very respectfully — well, maybe not soooo respectfully, but honest-to-God no cussing) to speak truth to power. I don’t think it’s going to work. They just don’t care.
Just thought it might make people feel better to see
at least an attempt at an apology in the comments
I was wrong about the offending ad, apparently it is still there.
Lousiana Pecan pie, with a hot steaming cup of Cuban Coffee, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Slam dunk on the sugar high.