I know that many new users migrated here out of anger at what they view as an unwelcome atmosphere at dKos. I won’t talk about the bigger issues, which I barely perceive. I’ve been concentrating almost all my time and energies on the Downing Street Memo campaign. The last  five days have been pretty revolutionary in getting DSM at least a long way toward the center of political debate. You may have noticed that DSM was even discussed at the Bush/Blair press conference. Bush’s response is sure to come back to haunt him and will help our cause–Bush claimed his conversations with Blair had all been about finding a peaceful solution!

So please don’t turn your back on the Awaken the MSM campaign I’ve headquartered at dKos. Many in the Kos diaspora were strong supporters of that campaign last week. But today the diary really foundered without you. Here is the link, if you care to go over and write some more letters to the media:  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/6/7/8421/73358

You’ll also find the daily trio of media contacts at downingstreetmemo.com/takeaction.html

Thanks for all your support. We are really gaining traction for DSM now.