The new members seem to be pouring in and time for another diary.
I have been trouble even loading this site, anyone else.
So maybe by now you know we have a custom on this site of this tell us diary. If you want to look at any of the old ones they can be found on my info page.
The diaries from yesterday and today are at:
Shirlstars is cohosting these welcome diaries with me as I simply cannot keep up with them, clicking all the 4’s alone has been hard.
We are trying to give everyone we can a personal welcome, but if we don’t I’m really sorry, but we will catch up with you all at some point.
Shirl usually brings refreshments to these parties, but she has been a little tied up lately with all the commenting, but maybe she will bring some champagne and snacks. If not feel free to bring you own.
Oldsters post here to, newbies may not know you. Also I would appreciate any help welcoming newbies.
Have fun on this dairy, and above all tell us about you.
Hi folks, good to see you, refreshments are on the way….I hope.
You must be exhausted. I just saw user #1219 on the last welcome thread. Wow – you’ve been busy. Amazing – that’s all I can say.
Me too! Amazing!
Sticking a note in to say Hi to all our new tribe members…I’ll try to get through all the comments tomorrow…on overload here.
Diane101 and Shirlstars you 2 are amazing! There is so much positive energy from the two of you!
So welcome all!
Hi all:
Dkos lurker since 2003, user since the election. Not quite sure to make of what is going on over there. I hope it’s not falling apart, but thought I should go ahead and register here – many of the diarists I like have migrated. I can never give up on MSOC though :).
I’m a 33 year old white guy, musician, sound engineer and recording studio owner in Brooklyn. I also do accounting work to help pay the bills. Masters degree in Philosophy, was working on dissertation on fascism and ontology when I quit [fancy that, for political reasons]. Lifelong leftist who seems to get lefter by the year, and deeply committed first and foremost to the principle of equality. I’m also a bit of a conspiracy nutter – I like folks like Mike Ruppert and Peter Dale Scott. Also pretty into alternative health issues [though I am myself unfortunately still a smoker].
Don’t know how often I’ll post, but maybe I’ll see ya’ll around.
Another smoker, I did a poll on one of my diaries and the number of smokers on this site is high. Masters degree in Philosophy, I think Booman has the same degree and his friend Cicero as well.
Booman tends to do diaries on that subject so you will feel at home I am sure.
I hope you post a lot and often.
Welcome to the Bootribe.
(reposted from the previous welcome diary b/c I posted after this one went up)
Lurked here for a while (It was the Deadwood diaries – but then that creep killed three women and I couldn’t watch or talk about Deadwood for a while)…anyway, finally registered and have had it with Kos. As many others have posted, I just haven’t felt comfortable there for a while.
I was JenInOK on Kos – only wrote a few diaries over the past year, but posted a decent number of comments, although I’d be amazed if any remembered me. It is a big place.
I’m 34, married with a little boy who is about to turn 1. I am also a professor (well, was until a few weeks ago) – I am about to become the primary caregiver for our son. We are moving to be closer to family, but also to escape the hellhole that is OK. To make it work, one of us had to give up our job for a year or two and it made the most sense for me to do so. It’s scary as hell and it’s really bringing gender issues to the forefront for my husband and I, but we’re both feminists so I think it will turn out okay…
I think these circumstances really amped up the kicked in the gut feeling I had when the whole pie fight started.
I look forward to contributing to this site and am glad to see so many familiar folks!
Sorry I’m late. . .there was so much dust on the road back there, I thought there was a twister comin or somethin. .
But looky there, it is just all our old and new firiends come over to visit the Frog pond from down the road a piece! Would you just look at that. . .why there must be a couple o’hundred of them at least
Whooo, when word gets out Diane is throwing a party, they sure do come a runnin
Have some resfreshment everyone:
I think I’ll have some of that champagne after I go cook myself a chicken breast! Been sitting here cursing at my computer screen for the last 3 hours about what’s happening over at ‘that other blog’, that I plum forgot to eat.
Dig in lucid. . .or would that be lucidly. . .
Isn’t that the name of Charlie Brown’s girlfirend. .lucid?
I’m not too sure how lucidly I’ll be posting after some of those party favors, but thanks for the good cheer :).
..I think. I promise I’ll help with the dishes when the party is over.
Wow, that’s an offer we won’t turn down!
I rode my broom in tonight so we can use that, eh?
Hey all,
I’ve been mostly lurking on dKos for the last couple months (same username). I’ll still stick around there, I dig the play-by-play diaries on Senate activities [though I hear rumor that Catnip is here now? What about lesliet? My 2 favorite transcribers 🙂 ] I didn’t get involved in the pie fights directly, but since all my favorite diarists have up and moved over here (or are crossposting), I figured I should give it a whirl.
So about me. I’m a 26 year old guy. I like to do a lot of different things…I’m a software engineer by trade, graduated from U of M Ann Arbor in 2000. If you’ve heard of ultimate frisbee, I play that, on a Nationals level team. I also play guitar, like reading books (even these type! gasp!), hiking, traveling, and all kinds of other fun stuff. I constantly re-evaluate myself and my views to make sure I don’t start to think that I’m smarter than I am. I guess I’d qualify (quantify?) myself as agnostic. I’m not going to tell someone else what to believe though (regarding faith, or anything else). Heck, none of us really know for sure, right?
Most of all, I like it when people get along with each other, and try to do my best to facilitate that. I’m the guy stepping in the middle of fights, acting as mediator in arguments, and providing a shoulder for friends to cry on. Despite my manly-man exterior, I’m very empathic, and think that the one absolute truth is that no one person is more important than any other one, and we should treat each other as equal, dignified human beings.
Hi there, noticed your comment about how you don’t like fighting. Well you will see very little of that here. We have had a few tussels, but then we act like adults and resolve the issue.
Most of all on this site, we allow others to have their opinion.
Good to see you here and yes I think Catnip is a member but rarely posts.
We do sometimes do a play by play of congressional hearings. For the important ones, like Bolton and Rice.
Wesley: You mean, you’ll put down your rock, and I’ll put down my sword, and we’ll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Sorry, just watched Princess Bride the other night, and that just popped into my head 🙂
Thanks for the hearty welcome. I’m settling down into my new butt-groove as we speak.
I’m personally not familiar with lesliet, but concerning Catnip – many, many here have asked about her and wondered if she would show up. I don’t know the answer to that, but if she arrived – you’d have to elbow your way through the crowd waiting to give her hugs.
Hi ejmw! I play on two Ultimate teams myself – though not at the National level! They’re both coed, different tier levels, twice a week. We have a pretty good league here in Ottawa, Canada (OCUA). I love playing, and find that more and more people are talking about it, playing. Good luck with your season, and keep us updated if anything exciting happens.
My sister’s BF plays Ultimate in Ottawa. Small world.
Hey olivia! I’ve heard Ottawa has a fine Ultimate scene. I’ve never made it over there myself, though I do head to the Toronto area once or twice a year for tournaments (in fact I was just over near Guelph last weekend for a co-ed tournament!).
The sport is definitely growing quickly, it’s really exciting to see. Have fun out there!
I write poetry, love gardening, have a BS degree in Networks and Applications, enjoy my family, collect stamps, work on computers and oh did I say I write poetry.
Magic has entered here.
Something mystical yet true.
A window to the world has
Opened through you.
Mystery has entered here.
For who knows of what’s to be
And time can only bring answers
For why you’ve come to me.
Music has entered here.
A pathway to my heart.
A passion driving us both
And has been from the start.
Love has entered here
It contains the other three.
Magic, Mystery and Music….
All parts of life’s beauty.
copyright 6/7/2005
Ghostdancers way
I’m Barbara, yet another of the dusty tired refugees fleeing beautiful war-torn dKos.
I’m fifty, feminist and fed up. I’m tired of explaining over and over that issues that affect the lives and health of over 50% of the human race aren’t ‘special interests’ to be tossed overboard the first time the waves get rough.
Married. Mother. Grandmother. Dog owner. Cat slave. Learning every day how much I love my new town, moved here to Oregon a year ago. Reader, writer, dancer, crafter. Irish/Hawaiian. Progressive.
Marched for civil rights. Marched against VietNam and Iraq1 and Iraq2. Marched for reproductive rights. Marched for gay rights.
Done making political alliances with sneering frat boys, whatever their age or gender. Tired of big tents with women pushed to the fringes, one political compromise from being out in the cold again.
Glad as all hell to be here.
Whoa, hey now! I’m a frat boy (though not a sneering one). We’re not all bad 🙂 Though it is admittedly one of the more accurate stereotypes in general, and one that does a great job of perpetuating itself.
I embrace in progressive solidarity all non-sneering frat boys and I hope you are giving those jerks plenty to think about!
One of the Elder Stateswomen of this site will be along any minute now to welcome you, but in the meantime, I’d like to say that I’m glad as all hell to be in your company. It’s an honor.
Thank you kindly. The atmosphere over at That Other Place just got too toxic, you know?
Hi Saoba/Barbera, I would be one of the elder stateswomen Zander referred to and I come bearing a nice warm welcome to you, a glass of champagne and strawberries fresh picked from my garden.
Women we must stand shoulder to shoulder, the song of the great women who brought us our voting rights.
Glad to have more west coasters here, I am a Californian, from socal.
Glad as all hell to have you here.
This sure is a very nice refugee camp. The snacks are top rate and I’ve been here for hours and no one has called me shrill or joyless or hysterical yet.
I could get to like this.
Male, 25, law student, hate pie, living in Washington D.C. I’ve lurked here for quite awhile and have always been so impressed by the quality of the discourse. Just having Booman and SusanHu here is enough to get me checking in multiple times a day.
Okay, so why did I finally register? I wanted to secure myself a nice low uid before things really pick up. Is that wrong of me? 🙂
I have had a few topics I’ve always wanted to diary at Dkos, but always feared my efforts going to waste as they slipped down the new diaries list. Maybe, I’ll give them a chance here soon. My primary interests of late are the Bolton nomination and post-9/11 changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
No not wrong of you to pick up a low uid. I picked up one myself only earlier.
No need to fear diaring here.
We, are very interested in the Bolton thing also here, myself in particular.
So welcome and post to be sure.
I’m one of those longtime blog readers who posts rarely. A lifelong Democrat and Arizonan, I should just get used to being on the losing side in the world of politics, but it does feel good when I can side with the winners.
As an early Kos devotee (ca. 2002) I don’t think I’ll be leaving it any time soon – I don’t think I can break the addiction, though I do get upset at some people’s attitudes. I’d been too busy with other things to pay much attention to the pie debacle, but was catching up on it today (what was Markos thinking with his comment?).
Hey, looking on the bright side, at least a lot of us have discovered this place (I have to find a bright side – remember, I’m a lifelong Arizonan Democrat).
Another Az Dem in the pond! Welcome Erin, I’m here in Tucson. Welcome to the site.
You have certainly found the Bright Side here, or at least it sure seems so to me.
And if you are one who looks for the bright side of things, I think you are really going to like it here. Quite a few here post at both sites, so no one expects that anyone would have to leave kos to find a nice place to stay a spell down by the Frog Pond here at booman.
You are sure as heck welcome here!
I’m fifty-one, feminist, and fed-up! (All together now, “Hi, Fifty-one!”) I’ve been lurking for the last year or so, on Daily Kos and AmericaBlog, but never felt the need to comment. I joined up and post occasionally on Democratic Underground because I could speak directly with other West Virginians about West Virginia issues.
The pie ad, for me, was business as usual. You see that sort of thing everywhere — it has become background noise. But when the boys starting talking about keeping quiet and waiting your turn and we’ll get to your petty concerns after we take care of the important things, little lady . . . . Well, it was time to find a place where I would feel comfortable. I think I have found that place.
And the snacks look yummy!
Hi Fifty-One!
Your views are very important to us here and we are eager to hear what you have to share with us.
It is a very comfortable place here, pull up one of those deck chairs by the Frog Pond and stay as long as you like. Fill a plate of snacks and grab a glass of champagne.
Welcome, we are mighty glad to have you here
Hi, everyone. I’ve been lurking here for a while (hence my lowish number). Same doofus name as on kos, where I commented after a long time lurking, but did not get into diaries.
I’m a prof in psychology, I do research on emotional development and psychopathology, mostly in kids. Horribly absent-minded, addicted to teaching, or enslaved to it by genetics, IDK.
Also maker of world’s greatest pecan pie (my husband will testify). Cat wrangler, frustrated singer, old house addict.
Fierce Scots-Irish defender of children, mental health and civil rights advocate. Southerner by birth and culture, now living in Detroit. Female, and really tired of some of the recent blathericious stuff on kos.
This isn’t really a HWW (Hello, wonderful world), as there was no GBCW, but I do like Booman and it’s community a lot.
Well, we are sure glad you like us here at booman, and we are truly glad that you decided to join our Welcome Party tonight.
Okay then, worlds greatest pecan pie maker.
Psych professor.
Addicted to teaching.
Southerner by birth
Scots-Irish defender of Children
Okay then. . .you hit all five on my top 5 list!
Welcome and we hope you will participate here and enjoy the Frog Pond as much as we do.
Glad to see you here
Straggling in to finally make my first post here (registered some time ago and then forgot, lol).
I’m 35 in a couple weeks, queer, female, feminist since infancy, disabled, in Northern Arizona. I’ve been at dKos since the pre-Scoop days, although my participation has always been sporadic because I’m an independent progressive sort rather than a Democrat. While I’m pragmatic enough to vote for Democrats and occasionally even give them money, the party’s not really lefty enough for me to feel like I can marry it.
Anyway, I like the liberal ‘net community a great deal, and many of the dKos writers I enjoy seem to have been part of the recent mass exodus, so here I am.
:: peeks upthread–HEY ERIN! ::
Well, it’s about time you showed up here. Always like to welcome more gltb family. I think most of us here are pretty darn independent politically and other wise.
Glad to see you here, and Welcome.
I am afraid.
I am Democrat by default. I don’t know what any of these words mean any more: liberal, progressive, conservative, reactionary… And I need a community to better understand where we are, where we want to go, and how to get there.
I feel blessed to have grown up with song lyrics like, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love. No, not just for some, but for everyone.” Mr. Rogers and the muppets gave us examples of the way we could live – smiles and laughter are necessities!
Oh, I know squat about the computer and the “how-to’s,” so I apologize now for any errors.
and it goes hand in hand with one of my favorites:
“If you’re going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance.” anon.
And you can bet your boots I might as well dance!
Really glad to have you and your memory of the same old songs I have. You are very welcome here.
Wow. So many familiar names….
I’ve lurked around here for a while, off and on. I like the frog, and the slower pace of diaries and comments. And the World voices. And now the voices of a lot of women whose diaries and comments I have always found worth reading.
I missed most of the pie fight. (I ignore all the ads, especially the animated ones, as best I can). But from what I’ve seen today, I can understand the exodus. It’s not about pie. It’s not even about bad television or sex as marketing. It seems to me to be about a deep sense of betrayal — that after putting so much time and emotional energy into a creating shared space like dKos, about sharing so many common struggles and issues that many Kossacks feel so strongly about… a place where we felt safe… It’s suddenly being slammed with the message that when something bothers you, and you say something about it, your feelings aren’t considered valid or important, because in their view, you shouldn’t be feeling that way.
But you know, when someone hurts you, that person telling you he didn’t mean it, so you shouldn’t be upset doesn’t amount to a hill of beans if he doesn’t actually apologize or acknowlege your right to be upset in the first place. When someone hurts you with something they say, whether they were technically correct in what they said or not is irrelevant — what matters is it hurts. And when that comes from people you thought would understand, people you expected to at least acknowledged your right to a point of view even if they didn’t share it — then yes, you feel betrayed.
(And that in a nutshell is also why I’m still single.)
Aside from that, I’m female, 49 (looking to earn my red hat in September), a liberal and progressive who belives that individuals have souls and civil rights and corporations as legal entities have neither. I live four blocks outside Washington, DC. I’ve been an administrative assistant, security guard and alarm systems administrator, free-lance graphic artist, part-time Renfaire performer, legal secretary, technical writer, and professional game designer, and have also written, directed and helped produce children’s television shows for a local cable station. And now I edit association websites and write about vampires.
And yes, I’m a feminist. Damned straight I am.
And you have got it damn straight that we are mighty glad to have you here!
Welcome, and with all that talent and creativeness, we are happily awaiting your participation here in whatever ways you feel you would like to and whenever the urge strikes.
Thanks for joining our Party at the Pond!
My name is Heather and I’ve been on the planet for 44 years.
I was FutureThought over on dKos. I’ve been discouraged by many of the puerile and mean-spirited comments to excellent diaries over there. I also got tired of the sneering at women and women’s issues, and it starts right at the top.
I got the pie ad in the face when I clicked on it to see whether the women in the picture were real or Barbie dolls. When the music started, my two sons (ages 5 and 9) came running over to see what was up. I closed that window but fast.
I’m all for good, wholesome, finger-licking-good sex, but I am not for the kind of male-directed fake sex that is so prevalent in our media. I worked as a stripper when I was in college, and saw a lot of porn as a result. The women frequently looked like they were in pain, and the view of female sexuality presented in porn is really unrealistic. I’ve since decided that one of the reasons that so many men are lousy lovers is because they get their ideas about female sexual response from porn flicks.
I grew up in Berkeley, and my political thoughts were molded by Watergate, People’s Park, the Vietnam War, seeing the National Guard tear-gas a third grade classroom, marching on the school board whenever they enacted a policy I didn’t like, listening to the speakers in Sproul Plaza, and hanging out with my mother when she did volunteer counseling at the Berkeley Women’s Center.
I’m a grrrl geek, and I worked as a programmer and then tech writer for 20 years. I’m married to a man who learned about female sexuality from women, not films. We have four children, the aforementioned sons and two teenaged daughters. We homeschool because we want our kids to be free to grow up in their own ways. I’m 44.
I self-identified as Pagan for many years, and still feel a lot of affinity for Pagan ways of describing the Divine. About 5 years back, I started looking for a spiritual community and found the Quakers. I’m a member of Santa Cruz Friends Meeting.
Lots of issues are important to me: peace, social justice, a humane economy, the environment, a broadening of American values like liberty and equal opportunity, human rights, etc.
I’d like to see Barbara Boxer in the White House.
Come on in and fill up a plate of goodies, grab a glass of bubbly and mingle with the crowd. We are very happy you decided to join our welcome party!
Your views and issues are important to us here, and we will love to hear more from you about the things you want to share with us.
Quite a few of us connected to the “other than mainstream” spirituality here. And I for one would love to hear more about the quakers if you ever wanted to chat about that. Reading books about others is nothing like hearing it first hand.
And BARBARA BOXER in the White House!!! BE still my heart! Count me on the front line of that one.
Thanks for the laugh.
I too have a pretty good idea of the difference between men taught by experience and men taught by porn. The best sex I ever had was with a man who didn’t have any taste for porn and who refused to go to strip clubs with his friends or tell stupid sexist jokes. If he was a prude then I think all men should be.
Hi, my name is robert. Let’s see..i’m 39yrs old, gay, and
progressive. My very conservative, republican parents can’t understand how this happened.(lol)
I learned about boomantrib from one of susanhu’s diaries.
Caught part of the pie war at kos and decided to relocate.
I mostly just read the diaries and don’t post too much.
I’m rather shy. Although, i have become addicted to them.
Glad to be here!
You seem to have arrived just after the official welcome wagon finally crawled into bed. I’m new around here too, but wanted to welcome you.
I was rather shy a couple of days ago too, but…well, I’m not sure what happened exactly, but this place has been good to me.
Glad you’re here – enjoy!
thanks zander…the welcome wagon has indeed been busy.
make sure you get your share of rest too.
Hello! Well, I see by my user I.D. that I have been here a while. In the past I have visited only about once a week. I have been a lurker and just enjoy the intelligent discourse.
I have been down the hall for quite some time. I only post comments sporadically and have never written a diary there.
I found out about Booman by simply clicking on the link of a Booman comment. Although I liked the style of the place, for a while it seemed that not much was happening. A few weeks ago this changed. I have always enjoyed international news and this was definately a place to get some analysis of it.
About myself…
I am 39 years old. I am a lesbian. I live beyond an outer ring suburb of Minneapolis. O.K., I am about 45 miles west of MPLS. I live with my cat and dog. I just recently broke up with my G/F. I own my home, or rather I make payments to a bank for the honor of living here.
I normally have a really great sense of humor but was a bit put off by the shenanigans over at dkos. I stopped over here and I noticed that my favorite diarists and posters had migrated here.
I don’t have a fancy degree or anything like that. I have an associates in computer networking. Sometimes it is a bit intimidating to have all the degrees floating around on some of the progressive blogs. But I don’t let it get to me too much as I see plenty of degrees is not a guarantee of proper spelling. I am no spelling expert! My only pet peeve is if you are going to call someone a loser you might not want to spell it looser. At this point feel free to correct all of my errors.
I wish the best for Booman Tribune! I think it is a great place to get back into. As a result of the pie thing I think some of the most talented people are migrating here. I also like the international take on things…that is a plus for me.
I loved all of the comments by the posters here! The welcome diaries were great! Shirl, Diane, and all of you….Thank you! It is nice to be made welcome.
To close I ust want to say, please Minnesotans who are reading this, help me and lets help eachother to get rid of Mark Kennedy, Michelle Bachmann, and Norm Coleman. Thanks!
Welcome! I spent New Years in Minneapolis a couple of years ago and loved it, even though I have never been so cold in my life. hehehe (I’m from Arizona). Glad to have you around and hope you’ll consider posting diaries someday, that’s the only way this place will keep going–it’s all about the interaction.
Hi, everyone!
I’m 44 (almost), married and the mother of a 10-year-old daughter. I’m a paralegal and live in Iowa. I came over from DK, too. I lurked here in the past, but decided to join Booman while there was still room for me!
Welcome! Glad to see another lurker who’s posting, it brings a smile to my face. We’re trying to ignite the regional threads into places of action, so if you see Iowan issues in your local media that you would like to share, feel free to post. National-issue diaries are always welcome too, of course. See you around the frog pond!
(Is this thing still active?)
Hello all, name’s Kristian, I’m male, 31, European. Currently in the UK after five years in the Netherlands.
I’ve been reading susanhu’s and BooMan’s stuff for a long time and thought I’d sign up to add to the creative chaos. (Or just throwing peanuts, we’ll see.)
And, no, I’d never call myself a feminist, sorry. I hope “equality” is deemed sufficient. (Yes, I’m being defensive. Very uneasy with labels and tests of allegiance.)
I spent a year in the US in 1992-93 and have some great friends in KC, MO. Were it not for those people, I think I would have given up on the whole continent when W was re-elected. Still, pick yourself up and keep walking, sort of thing.
Welcome to the site Kristian, glad to have another European here in the frog pond. Equality is absolutely deemed efficient. The emotions are flowing pretty heavy again today, but know that this site is filled with people who are concerned about the state of the world and are disgusted with the policies and attitudes of the Bush Administration.
I am 44, married, mom of two teenage boys, a high school teacher, Christian, and the liberal changeling among my parents and 3 siblings. I am a very occasional poster at dkos, but a consistent reader. I am also in grad school and was too frantically busy for a couple of weeks to check in there very often. Thus, my reaction to the pie wars has been more of a “what the …?” than anything else. I wandered over here after seeing it referred to in a diary and saw many familiar names whose postings I have enjoyed at dkos. And the snacks are even better than pastordan’s cookies!
Hey there, I’m a newbie here myself, but I’m filling in while the official Welcome Wagon is getting some much needed rest. It’s been busy in here. As I’m sure you’ve guessed, there has been an exodus of sorts over the pie wars, and people are still settling in.
It seems to be a tradition over here to do a bit of sharing in the Welcome diary when you arrive – so on behalf of some of the original members of this site – thanks for letting everyone know a bit about you.
This is the very first time I’ve posted to a blog. I’ve had trouble in the past with the way people seem to think it’s OK to diss each other on computer-generated communications (blogs, email, yahoo groups) so am proceeding with caution. Also the reason I’m here instead of lurking as formerly usual at dkos.
I’m a 53 year old blue collar union member (gardener)and Buddhist; my signature is an approximation of my (former) Dharma name. I studied Zen here in the Pacific NW and Japan for 15 years including three years of seminary and then defected to the Jodo Shinshu sect. Let me tell you, those fundies are driving sane people, especially women and gay folks, into our loving arms-more Buddhists than Jews in Oregon now (not that there’s anything wrong with being Jewish-it’s just a statistic).
I’ve been questioning gender stuff for a lifetime and disrupting the status quo as often as I can. I can drive heavy equipment, sew, speak Japanese, amuse children and animals and sing opera (very badly). I define my gender-it doesn’t define me.
I left the Democratic party when Clinton started the process of selling out progressives and have become more radical as the years go by. I often run around with anarchists nearly half my age and their energy has really been a fountain of youth for me. They’re farming in vacant city lots, making documentaries for alternate media, running co-ops (Portland’s big on co-ops).I sometimes post stuff on our local indymedia site-it’s a bit rough-and-tumble but has great potential.
That’s all for now. I may not post much but will be around lurking when there’s time. Good wishes to you all
Hi there, congrats on your first post. It can be nerve-racking to put yourself out there, but I’m glad you decided to share. Welcome to the site! You’ll find a multitude of spirituality discussions around here. BooMan is a philosophy graduate, ghostdancer has amazing insight into Native American spirituality, and yours truly graduated with a Religious Studies degree–we’re always talking about something otherworldly. (I wonder if that’s in the spellcheck) 😛