Am I wrong, or do many of us displaced Kossacks think of the community we just left (or strayed from, as the case may be) as family?
You know, the more I think about this (at 3 AM), the more I think we Kossack refugees need to rebuild over here the sense of community, of family, that was just shattered for us. This shouldn’t necessarily be just for the refugees, but also for longtime Booman posters and anyone else who just wants to get in on the action.
So I want to reserve this thread for people to suggest and/or implement ideas for how we can rebuild this community. It won’t be the same structure from whence we just came — it’s smaller now, tighter, drained from the rupture of dissent. But that may make it an even better community for us.
Off the top of my head, here are some ideas:
- a conference call. We could simply all call each other at once and chat.
- a “virtual Meetup.” We could start a thread here on Booman at a pre-scheduled time and all do something together at that time, like write letters to the editor to our local papers on some issue of national importance.
- a virtual tea. Same as #2, except that we’d just drink tea and chat online in a thread rather than taking any concrete action.
There are probably infinitely more ideas. Basically, I think we need to move beyond the conflagration we just witnessed and from which we just fled, and come together in love and support of each other. Booman is obviously the place to do that, thanks to the beneficence of our host (despite the fact that he and I often disagreed over at Kos); now we need to find the method.
Remember, we are all here for each other. And we’re here to help. Let’s make ourselves a new community in this oasis of tolerance and welcome.
I’ll be back tomorrow (probably at night) to monitor this thread, and the one below it (with a different perspective).
I’m determined that we do something CONSTRUCTIVE with all this anger and bitterness we feel now, that we channel it into something that will help Democrats everywhere.
And I do think you’re right too, there are conscious things we can do to build communjty — I like the way BooMan has set this place up so that it is at once more local and more global!
Conference calls sound good, so do “synchronous: “meet-ups” and brainstorming sessions — I look forward to it!
Thank you for bringing this up. I’m also new here and still trying to find my groove, but I’ve gotten a strong sense that ‘family’ is already a very important concept here. I hope diane101 doesn’t mind, but to quote her from last night:
In the beginning of the site there were not many of us so we just started to talk among ourselves both on site and off site. I think that pattern is firmly set on this site at this time so I feel it’s very important to show new members the family feel here.
Focusing always on the bad side of things brings everyone down and we need all of our positive energies to fight the big fight we have ahead.
and also shirlstars
I think that’s a large part of why the Welcome diaries have played such an important role these last few days. Even before the tempo of the exodus exploded, some of the original site members were already in Welcome Wagon mode, and engaging every newbie. The ground they covered as the pace picked up was truly astonishing, and many have already contributed an introduction and a hello.
I think this is an important thing to keep up in the days that follow, and at the risk of being presumptuous (hey, who else is awake at this hour?) I’d like to invite everyone just arriving to take a minute and hunt down the latest Welcome diary – it should be the 8th or 9th by now, and offer a little blurb about yourself as a way saying ‘hi there’.