(*Update new diary part 10 is now available to post, welcome and have fun*)

Welcome to Booman Tribune.  We have a tradition on this site of welcoming newcomers and asking them to tell us a bit about them.
With the recent large influx of DK members things are a bit hectic at the moment, but soon all will settle down and run smoothly.  
I would like to point out to new members who have brought this subject up, we already have an established family and community here, most of it built on cross over DK’zers.  So you don’t need to rebuild a DK community here, we would like to keep it a Booman Community and for you to join in that.
In the months that this site has been up, we have worked very hard to make this a very special site and I think we have succeeded.
I realize that many of you are angry and upset over Dk, and I am hoping that will subside and we can get back to the business and fun that we have here.  Since many of us were not involved in the whole DK business, please, enough of the rehashing.  We are a mellow site and get along very well.  We are equally passionate about the issues as any site on the internet, but we discuss issues with respect to each other and without attacking each other.  Problems have come up and we have resolved them as individuals and as a group without hostility for the most part.
Now back to getting to know you and us, please tell us about you, and we will tell you about us.
Shirlstars and Zander are cohosts of this diary with me as we want to make all newcomers welcome here with a personal note whenever possible.  Lately it has just been too much for one person, (me) to do.  I do appreciate all their help.
To oldsters on this site, you too can wade in here and give a hand and tell newbies about you as well.
Relax, have some fun, talk to each other….
Here are the most recent Tell Us Diaries if you care to check them out.


