(*Update new diary part 10 is now available to post, welcome and have fun*)
Welcome to Booman Tribune. We have a tradition on this site of welcoming newcomers and asking them to tell us a bit about them.
With the recent large influx of DK members things are a bit hectic at the moment, but soon all will settle down and run smoothly.
I would like to point out to new members who have brought this subject up, we already have an established family and community here, most of it built on cross over DK’zers. So you don’t need to rebuild a DK community here, we would like to keep it a Booman Community and for you to join in that.
In the months that this site has been up, we have worked very hard to make this a very special site and I think we have succeeded.
I realize that many of you are angry and upset over Dk, and I am hoping that will subside and we can get back to the business and fun that we have here. Since many of us were not involved in the whole DK business, please, enough of the rehashing. We are a mellow site and get along very well. We are equally passionate about the issues as any site on the internet, but we discuss issues with respect to each other and without attacking each other. Problems have come up and we have resolved them as individuals and as a group without hostility for the most part.
Now back to getting to know you and us, please tell us about you, and we will tell you about us.
Shirlstars and Zander are cohosts of this diary with me as we want to make all newcomers welcome here with a personal note whenever possible. Lately it has just been too much for one person, (me) to do. I do appreciate all their help.
To oldsters on this site, you too can wade in here and give a hand and tell newbies about you as well.
Relax, have some fun, talk to each other….
Here are the most recent Tell Us Diaries if you care to check them out.
Since many of us were not involved in the whole DK business, please, enough of the rehashing.
I think this is dismissive of some newcomers’ comments. BT can easily end up being the same old, same old, because it is situated in the larger field of power. It’s very easy to fall into the same old traps, even or especially among progressive minds. An analysis of what went wrong in another forum is useful in preventing such occurrences in the future.
I will introduce myself in another post.
Sorry if you think I was being a bit dismissive to you or anyone, the point of fact is that we are all quite aware of the DK fracas as many are dual posters to that site.
Perhaps there is a danger of Booman ending up the way of DK but if you will check out our site a bit more you will see the we have pretty much all come here from DK at some point and full well know the situation there, then and now and therefore have worked hard to build this site on the basis of respect and joining together.
I am sure after spending some time on this site you will see what a great site this is already.
BooTrib isn’t going “to fall into the same old traps” because Booman, Susanhu, Diana101, and the rest of us who have been here won’t allow it.
We don’t need “An analysis of what went wrong in another forum.” We know what went wrong. (If anyone is still clueless there are about 20 diaries available – Educate Thyself.)
BooTrib has a number of strong powerful women posting here and I can’t imagine they are going to accept the jejune posting common to other sites.
Which is fine as far as it goes, but rehashing the dKos problems over here isn’t going to help anything.
Maybe I should do my introduction: I’m Colman, I’m in Dublin, Ireland, and I really only just got here … I’ve been lurking for a while. Mostly I live on Moon of Alabama. I read dKos occasionally, mostly following Jerome’s diaries and a few of the others that crosspost. I’m a techie, a scientist and a sceptic. I don’t like conspiracy theories much. I’m a pragmatic lefty. I don’t like -isms much: I just want to see a society that is fair and allows people as much freedom as is consistent with fairness. I’m married with two dogs and a garden.
To be honest, I’m considering simply leaving here again rather than reading a site which today appears to be dedicated to talking about the problems of some other site. If I was more established here, I would feel very annoyed at this site being hijacked by people moving a fight over from some other site. As is it, I’m just depressed by the whole thing.
The issues are no longer truly important to the participants as far as I can see: this is now more about the fight than the issues, and I’m tired of it.
Oh, and you, you out there about to hit me with a brilliant and withering flame. Ask yourself what positive result you aim to achieve.
“you out there about to hit me with a brilliant and withering flame.“
We don’t do that.
Welcome Colman, a math major, my favorite course in high school, however I did choose an engineering profession. In college I started freshman year with a C and ended 3 semesters later with an A for calculus, I’m still surprised.
You signed up at BooTrib just before the rush. Give the newbies a few days to settle down. The bloggers (300+) are emotionally attached to a great blog dKos was and undoubtedly will become again. Their dismissal was very nerve wrecking, and the blaze within has to simmer down to a pleasant fire, sufficient for political activism. It will take a few days – it doesn’t matter. It’s a great bunch, talented, and as busy as bees in springtime.
The site meter left its scale and went off to an undetermined limit. BooMan from a commercial view point, certainly won’t mind, although I know his concern lies with the well being of the newbies and locals of his community. There are still diaries being posted on political issues, especially on the HOME tab by SusanHu.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
I am a bit warn out today from all the posting I did in the last several days but I did want to welcome you to this site and answer some of your concerns.
First of all on this site we do not flame, we rarely give anthing but 4’s and we love to dole those out. So don’t worry about that.
I am annoyed that this fight is going on here, but I think we the oldsters are handling it the way we always do (with respect) and it will work itself out. Oldsters are speaking up all over the place to state our views and attitudes of this site. We are granting much leeway for those who feel they have a need to express their pain or hurts, but we do wish those pains would quickly heal and we can get back to doing our usual business.
Seems like we have to keep saying over and over, this site is different, and I guess we will have to in future, but if you stick around you will see and you can become a part of it.
Two dogs and a garden? I’m in awe; I have to spend so much time keeping my dogs out of the garden, I’ve resorted to planting in containers only!
I think I may have posted on one of the very early “introduce yourself” threads way back when – but I’ve been pretty MIA on blogging as of late. My last Booman Tribune post, before today, was waaaaaay back in April.
So: 31, female, scientist-turned-journalist/magazine editor. I swear a lot. Just to give fair warning. I gots 2 cats and one boyfriend. I speak a few languages, all of them badly. I live in Brooklyn.
And I love cheese.
Glad to have you back here in the frog pond. Don’t worry about the language bit, I’m Mexican-American and tell everyone that I speak bad spanish fluently. 🙂 Keep on the lookout for one of Booman’s Cheesesteak Threads. Peace.
Hi Xray,
Good to have you here (again).
You know the drill of the place already – caution when flipping the bird.
Going to the next NYC meet-up? Was it settled for the 23rd?
June 23rd? Am I latching on to a rumor or can I show up someplace and meet you fabulous people in the flesh?
Well, it’s actually a dKos-gathering, but several who were there last are posting/registered here as well.
There have been 2 already. Our intrepid organizer has been JaneKnowles, while lipris has provided support.
Here’s Jane’s diary from the last one (2 weeks ago), with poll for next meet-up (some subsequent discussion on actual date). Check Jane’s profile/e-mail and get on the mailing-list for updates.
Hey! My peeps! Thanks for the love.
And to answer ask’s question – I’ll most likely go to the meet. But there’s a chance I’ll be outta the country, reporting a story (about sexual cannibalism and male sacrifice in arachnids…I love it when my mag gives me the crazy shit to write).
Another tough editing assignment..;)
Sounds like a fun trip, so absence is understandable.
If not then – next time.
Hello to everyone here! I discovered DK a few months ago and have seen Booman mentioned so many times that I thought I’d better come and see what all the fuss is about. I’ve never diaried over there, just commented, but have immersed myself in the overwhelming volume of information there for the taking, and hope that this community will provide the same.
Female, married, two little ones. In my BK life (before kids), I was a molecular biologist for 14 years, doing basic research in, among other things, breast cancer.
I am on permanent outrage overload now, and find blog communities and listening to progressive talk radio to be excellent outlets, as well as conduits to online activism which basically keep me sane in Bushworld.
Looking forward to many good discussions!
I hear ya about the outrage mode, we have alot of important work to do here in the blogs–even if it’s just to get the message out to our side. Welcome to the BMT and also looking forward to future dialogue. Have a great day.
A RECOMMEND for these super diaries run by our ambassador Diane101.
It’s the BooTrib tradition …
to welcome old friends and new guests of BooMan!
As I learned here from Alohaleezy, Diane101 and shirlstars.
PS I complained 3 days ago about those lonely, European hours in the morning, when the BooTrib community sleeps – well check the site meter – those lonely hours are gone! It’s 24/7 busy as can be.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
Oui – WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
might have, it’s been a while.
I’m a newly-wed 40s white lady who works in social services for state civil service. I like gardening, jazz, and playing the piano.
I also do the occasional book diary. Let me know if y’all want them over here.
welcome to the site. Diane101 does an occasional gardening diary so hopefully you’ll check them out. I would love to see book diaries from you, as I am an avid reader. I stick my nose in hugely diverse genres, from fantasy to HTML textbooks. Looking forward to seeing them!
Gosh, having a welcome wagon feels sooo foreign but I love it.
Thanks for having a post dedicated to welcome those who are new to the community.
I’ve lurked at dkos for a long time, mostly for information since I am a news geek. I’m a mom to a firstgrader in a CA public school, so, not surprisingly, I have a huge interest in education.
Hope to post and comment more often here…
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. We can’t say that enough to everyone–and it’s sincere. There are great diaries from time-to-time on the education system here in the U.S. Teacher Ken comes to mind.
About me: 24 year old male who just moved back to the St. Louis area from San Francisco. I never really posted that much at dKos, but I have been more and more disturbed by some of the views expressed there.
This community seems very friendly, respectful, and thoughtful, and I’m glad to be here. I’m currently looking for work (seems like I always am now). Graduated college with a computer science degree 2 years ago but I can’t really see myself working in the IT field anymore. Things sure looked different when I started college in ’99 though (heh). I really wish I could get a job with a progressive cause or candidate, though it seems like most lefty organizations don’t or can’t hire folks like me.
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Some decades ago, but nevertheless. Spent many years of my youth in Creve Coeur, at the time a village of 1,501 souls. Always gave a pleasant feeling, #01 felt like: “That’s me!”
Aren’t the large corporations McDonnell Douglas and Emerson offering job openings? St. Louis is tough for employment, seems like in the IT sector there should always be openings. You could try a Monsanto or GANNON in Creve Coeur. Depends on what position is to your liking.
St. Louis and SF, a sport fan perhaps? Soccer?
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
I do appreciate your suggestions (in fact, I’ll check out monsanto’s jobs in a bit). I think I’m just discouraged by the bush economy and the whole process. I’m lucky that my family is giving me some help to get by though.
I’m not a huge sports fan, but I do appreciate some baseball. I actually went to the Cards game last night and enjoyed watching them stomp on the Red Sox. 🙂
Too bad it ain’t the World Series 0-4! Ouch.
During my college years, the Arch and Busch Stadium were under construction. This implies that I visited Cards games at Bush Stadium on Grand Blvd. with Stan the Man Musial, a great personality.
In 1964 outstanding line-up with Bob Gibson, Bill White, Julio Javier, Ken Boyer, Curt Flood, et al.
Best pitching duo was LA Dodgers Don Drysdale and Sandy Koufax.
Success with job hunt!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Hope you enjoy St. Louis as much as I did. I lived there 1975-95 and saw lots of changes. I’m sure there are more by now! That whole time I worked for SLU full-time (so they gave me free tuition!), and met wonderful people there … caveats apply, of course.
For me, it was like a small town where you had an extra nice choice of friends. They usually have openings. Washingotn U, too, of course. Interesting people, good benefits (at least then), lots of activities to meet like-minded people. I just like the people I find at universities, I guess.
I was so fortunate to get to go to the post-season Cards games in the ’80s, including the ’82 series. Woo! That was a high point of my life. I now live in “my natural habitat,” the Ozarks, and Whitey Herzog (’80s manager) came to a fundraiser for lights on the little league field here (town of 921). My memories of the ’80s were so precious to me, I did not go! As Simon and Garfunkel sang: “Preserve your memories. They’re all that’s left you.”
The people here at Booman are great, too. Uplifting rather than demeaning, if I may speak so strongly!
Here’s wishing you the best. Let us know how it goes.
about this period in St. Louis. I didn’t know all of this, yes you did mention SLU and your employment. Twenty years is indeed a long period, in the eighties it was a tough economic period, especially for Greater St. Louis.
I am glad to hear SLU was a good environment to work, I have a warm feeling about the people I met at the University. The staff and ADMIN were all very engaged, and a great bunch of students during those years. In the sixties, the Engineering was located in new development area and new building Institute of Technology. For Engineering it was tough to compete with Washington U., a great engineering faculty.
I do hope all works out nicely and a job will be found soon.
Cotterperson, I wish I was in the neighborhood this time of year. The beauty before the heat of summer and the tourists start flocking to the Ozarks. How are you doing? Great impulse with excellent group who joined these past days, I am delighted.
All the best – enjoy.
PS New member splashy from the Ozarks – Arkansas.
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
I have pulled the big D lever since 1976. I am seriously considering the need for a new party since democrats have decided that I have to accept anti-choice democrats as my only choice in many races.
It’s seems my party has gotten very stupid. They can’t win and they can’t figure out why they can’t win. Or they simply prefer to take their secound place piece of the pie and run with it for fun and profit.
I am a singer, spent many years in Prof theater. I am a happy Presbyterian. I believe that mission is about helping people not converting them. To that end I spent 10 days in Haiti in 2001, helping to build a medical clinic for people too far from the town to get medical care.
Here is me singing the music of Bortniansky..It’s a long download. I am the contralto you hear singing solo throughout the whole concerto (11 minutes long). It was as bad day for all of the solosists and not our best work. But it is a beautiful piece and music is a big part of who I am.
“I believe that mission is about helping people not converting them”. What an great statement. I’m a practicing Catholic and that is my mode of operation as well, I would love to hear more about your Haiti work in a diary someday. Welcome and I loved the Bortniansky performance. 🙂
Hi, thank you for your kind suggestion. I will do a diary about Haiti one day soon. It was an amazing experience.
I would like to go to Ghana, where we have a sister church. But right now my back problems prevent it. Maybe in two years I will be able to go. I would also love to go back to Haiti.
Thanks for listening to the Bortniansky. There are all these brilliant classical composers from Eastern Europe, but we only know Tchiakovsky and Rachmaninoff. There are so many others Arkangelsky, Gretchininov, Tchesnikov. Much of what they did disapeared with the Russian revolution.
I don’t know what to say! Being in the military and knowing soldiers who were there, it takes my breath away that you were there! God, it’s astonishing and a testament to kind of human being that you are. I’m truly sitting here stupified right now.
I will do a diary on it soon. I really never felt in danger except one day when there was a demonstration on the street outside of where I was staying.
The people were beautiful and strong. I would go again if I could.
And will circulate it to interested individuals. My husband works closely with a soldier who was there right now.
It’s nice to be welcome, and I do like the tone over here. Respect is an important word in any language.
I’m 53, married to an outstanding human being. We both have devoted our lives to the environment, working as Wildlife Rehabilitators/educators in Santa Barbara, CA.
I got involved with politics for the first time in my life in 2003 when I joined the Wes Clark campaign (yes, I’m a dedicated Clarkie, so be forewarned), and have learned more than I ever wanted to know since then. I do not partake in belittling or demeaning other Democratic candidates, but support them in their efforts as well.
I currently care for 2 young orphaned Barn owls, 1 Western Screech owl, 3 Red-tailed hawks, 1 Great Horned owl, 1 Peregrine Falcon, one orphaned American Kestrel chick, and two Parrots (one Moluccan Cockatoo and a male Eclectus – both rescued from abusive situations).
Really glad to be here, and I love Susan Hu’s diaries.
I could have done a diary on Wesley Clarke, a great fan of his speaking from Europe. He speaks the International language of getting things done with more countries pitching in on the job.
Like I said, instead of Wesley I chose the Ivory Billed Woodpecker. You must see diary, although I’m sure you have been on top of the story yourself.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Hi Oui,
that’s truly a great diary. Thanks for writing it. The discovery of this beautiful being was the good news of the year for me!
I forgot to mention that I’m also European, still a German citizen although I’ve lived in the States since 1971. And yes, Clark would be able to steer us away from the global abyss this administration is leading us into at an ever-accellerating pace.
A great friend – Hausfrau
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
from over in the Central Valley! Your work looks and sounds marvelous–nice website.
Kern County could certainly use some of your group’s information and expertise: do you recall the story several months ago about some jackasses here who shot and killed a California condor? Argh. Just argh.
I hope this’ll be my new home henceforth, and that I’ll actually someday work up the nerve to post a diary (something I never did in over six months at DK).
I’m a mid-30s female living in the San Joaquin Valley of California–yeah, THAT valley, home to Rep. Bill Thomas, a scary reactionary Baptist population, and Big Oil. ackgag I’m an educator, football fan, skier (well, a bad one), music/movie/book lover, and dog freak. My longtime boyfriend and I are proud parents to a badassed mixed-breed and an Australian Shepherd disc dog.
Oh, and I’ve voted Democratic my whole darn life, I’m happy to say.
Glad you’re feeling better. I’m also a dog person, have always had one around since I was a young kid. We currently have an American Eskimo and a Basset Hound with an identity crisis (he thinks he’s an Am. Eskimo too). Welcome to the frog pond and hopefully we’ll see some news items in the West Thread on the comings & goings in the San Joaquin Valley. I’m next door in Arizona so I know how you feel regarding Red Territory.
Ah, hounds–my first dog was a beagle, so I know where you’re at! I actually know someone whose Basset was a nationally-ranked flyball dog before she died at 17 years old, if you can believe that. A fast Basset?!
I’ll definitely be watching the West thread with interest. Politics is so weird out here!
Glad to hear there are a few fighters in the Red part of California.
There was a big article in one of the Bay Area papers (can’t remember which one now) that Pombo up in Tracy may be vulnerable — any skeletons in Thomas’ closet? I’ve issued a “call to action” to my own spouse to help as much as possible Central Valley Dems, since our own area is firmly Democratic (though I’m disappointed with Eshoo for not backing Conyers’ efforts…).
as a “fighter,” although lately I feel less like an activist and more like a weary, jaded, utterly pissed off resident just hoping for a huge load of money to fall into my lap so I could pack up and move away from this place. We’d love to live in Portland or Vancouver, truth be told! I hate my city…and come to think of it, I’ve become less fond of my country lately too. <big sigh>
Skeletons in Thomas’s closet? I fervently wish for this, although–after what, like 20 years in Congress?–if the guy hasn’t had the dirt dug up on him yet it probably ain’t happening. Perhaps our city’s 7th-rate journalists have something to do with that apathy, or perhaps it’s that the city’s actually proud to have one of the highest-ranking assholes in DC representing us. I doubt he’s going anywhere, unfortunately.
Votes Democratic. Loves to cook. Takes photos with my D70 for fun. Computer geek for money. Lives in NYC. 39. I use a Mac. Still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Same uid on dkos.
Hi back! This site is not opposed to sharing recipes, so hopefully we’ll see some from you. I’m a PC user myself but have been considering the return to Mac given all the security issues with Windows…but that’s for another day. Bienvenidos from a random guy in Tucson, Arizona!
Well, I do computer security for a living, and that’s why I use a mac. Take a look at the mac mini’s. Great for a PC user.
Looking forward to the recipes!
Although I’m a bit confused over the switch to Intel — I was planning on getting a 20″ iMac this summer, but wonder if I should wait…then again, I could go ahead and get the computer (we really need the second machine anyway), then by the time the rollout is complete in a couple of years, we’ll be ready to upgrade. 😉
I don’t know what to make of the move to Intel either. From what I read, it was mostly about the IBM chips being too hot, esp. in laptops. It will affect software developers, too, so we’ll have to see how good Jobs is at convincing people it’s a good idea.
Hey everybody,
A few labels for me: Middle-aged, mostly-white, spiritually-aware agnostic, sorta kinda socialist-libertarian, bisexual, gender-vague male, poly/mono switch, underpaid geek. Used to hang out on Plastic, got tired of that, recently mostly on dKos, really tired of that, now checking out Boomania.
it IS about you. 🙂 Welcome to the BMT, loved the list of labels although I suspect that there are alot more great things lurking within the commas. The tone of this site is set by everyone, so welcome and looking forward to having you around to grow the community.
24, female, work as a graphic designer. raised by political parents and was able to attend an very liberal semi-private art school since I was 5, so liberal ideals are well ingrained and important to me.
I’m getting married 8/27/05 to my high school sweetheart. He is getting his double major in polysci and philosophy and he wants to work in international relations (we’ve thought about working for Amnesty International)He considers himself a “centerist” but wants to help refugees in Africa.
We have two cats/babies Oy and Thorne
First of all, here’s a warm welcome from Arizona. (pun intended). Secondly, your user name cracks me up to no end. I actually laughed out loud, thanks for bringing me a smile. Congrats on the upcoming wedding, I’m also 24 but still trying to figure out what I’m going to do with myself.
My sister calls my cat oyburger so she gets credit for the name.
btw at least in AZ you don’t have to deal w/ humidity. I’m in AL and the humidity is unbearable and it’s only June. I’ve never been out west though. I’ve heard dry heat can be as bad as wet heat
as being fried in a pan instead of steamed. Good thing I have a built-in tan. 🙂
Thought I’d say hi (since it’s tradition, apparently :). I never visited here before the “pie” fiasco, but I knew I had to when I saw so many posters that I admire vowing never to return to dKos.
I’m 24, a grad student in fiction studying in NY and originally from CA (specifically, the sadly deep red and much maligned Orange County).
Looking forward to meeting everyone here — I’m still at dKos as well, same name. Thanks for the hospitality!
Thanks for stopping by! It’s a great tradition isn’t it? I am noticing a lot of Orange County people so check out the Welcome diaries to find some friends (diane101, the usual host for these Welcome Mats is one for example). Glad to have another “youngin'” around (i’m also 24). See you around the pond.
Thanks for the welcome — it really is a great tradition. And thanks for the tip, too.
Thanks for the good job you are doing. So you are 24, I thought you were then I thought the other day you said something about being older, or it may have been someone else.
I know you did put your bio here at some point, but I have so many bios running around my brain right now, so want to refresh me/us on you.
Keep up the good work, I am still in recovery, trying not to post too much.
Since this diary has now slid down the chart, maybe you could drop some links here and there if you don’t mind.
It would help if folks would rec. this diary so it can go on rec. list and stay up longer, but then I will prob. need to do another one soon, so I guess it won’t matter. Members still pouring in I see.
glad you’re taking somewhat of a break. 🙂
Great job, lots of fun. Blog expansion of 3 months concentrated in 3 days – WOW. Outstanding group of very talented persons, busy as bees in spring time.
Hey Diane – check that European clock – I’m calling it a day. Take care.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Get some rest and then see you tonight/tomorrow and thanks for all the good work today.
This is probably a good time to reintroduce myself, as I think we may have caused a little confusion and I’m guessing there will be more in the future. I think diane101 may have been thinking about me – she’s done such an incredible amount of work here lately, and here we are – 2 newbies with similar names. Oy.
So about me, for anyone who has a desire to try to get this straight…
I’m a 30 year old Canadian chick, single, no kids, with a bunch of friends, family, history, etc. in the states. I’ve traveled a bunch, tend to read obsessively and as I’ve learned over the last couple of days, I’m really more of a lover than a fighter. I’ve been awed and inspired by the ambient attitude of patience, acceptance, kindness and support that I’ve seen over here – and in totally uncharacteristic fashion, have just hopped right in and tried to make myself useful during this difficult transition we’re all going through.
Thanks for stopping by to say hi — I have to admit I was curious what you might be like after seeing your name elsewhere. Glad to finally meet you over here and hope to see you around (when more confusing hijinks will no doubt ensue)… 🙂
I’ll probably be one to start the confusion… Diane101 was obviously talking to Man Eegee upthread. I’m so hopeless.
Isn’t the Welcome Wagon the coolest thing though? Just by this simple act of saying ‘hey’ to each other – we’re already on top of one potential misunderstanding in the future. It’s a tiny little individual thing, but it does seem indicative….
Hi Zander I finally caught up with you. Thanks for your great work and keep it up please. Man Egree offered to help with the thread today as shirl and I are in recovery (almost over) and I said yes. I want everyone who cares to, to comment on these thread to the newbies.
You are not hopeless you have done just fine and I much appreciate it.
Thanks for posting your bio again, as I was already trying to remember all about you and I swear I am just swimming in names and bios so it’s hard to remember them all.
You are a great addition to this site, you sure have fit right in and I love your enthusiasm.
So please continue if you don’t mind.
I’ve been positively baffled trying to figure out how you’ve done it. I popped in a little last night to add a couple of welcomes, and hunted down a new arrival or 2 today (I noticed that TravlnWmyn just showed up downthread <wave>) but really… the pace! I’m worn out just guessing how much kindness and personal attention you’ve poured out during all of this.
I’m going to have to tear myself away in a bit to go engage in RL, but truly – you’re all stuck with me now. This has been amazing to watch.
Thanks zander so much for chipping in around here. Enjoy that RL time!
Ex-radio newscaster, ex-lawyer, ex-college instructor, ex-resident of various places in the Midwest.
Current status: cog in the wheel of a massive multinational infotech conglomerate (but I get to work at home doing fairly harmless stuff). Denver resident, Wiccan, sometime poet, servant of cats. Known for my sense of humor, although I can get strident when dealing with injustice, all the -isms, and other forms of human idiocy.
Used to like pie, but now, not so much.
On behalf of the Welcome Mat Society here at the BMT, a hearty welcome to the site. Love the Joss Whedon quote, he’s one of my heroes with his ability to mesh mythology and drama in the storylines of his shows. Major Buffy addict here when the show was still going.
Thanks for the welcome!
Fellow Buffy addict here, as you no doubt guessed. Among the uncountable sins attributable to Fox is the unconscionable treatment of “Firefly,” which should have run for many years.
Hmmmm – must be a big nutshell! Lots of interesting stuff hidden in those few words!
Welcome to a Wiccan – from a Celtic Pagan!
There are several of us here that follow paths outside of organized relgions.
Although a good Buffy diary could be fun, and count me as one of the fans.
Blessed Be
I am 25 year old homemaker, with one son. I am just learning about this whole “politics thing”. Lived down south for most of my existence. Moved in the last year to my husband’s hometown of Portland, Maine. I had no idea how different and wonderful it is to live in such a refreshing place! (although I am dead sure I hate the snow!)
I don’t normally post much, mainly lurk and asborb as much info as I possibly can. I do have feeling that I may be posting here alot more than I may think. 😉 Didn’t really feel like I could post much over at DK…here it is a quite a bit different. 😉
Thanks for such warm welcome!
Hi there! Welcome to the frog pond, glad to see a good number of Twenty-somethings around here. If you don’t mind me asking, what reeled you into the political world? Mine was a trip to DC in junior high.
Actually, I was looking up Magaret Cho sites (cause i just love me some Cho!) and i found her blog. Checked it out and found a few links to Atrios and DK just to name 2. Clicked on them and found a whole new world. been horrible obssessed since. 😉
and yeah speaking of the 20 somethings, i know i am in the minority here. But that’s fine with me…i play better with the grownups anyway. 🙂 i know i still have a whole lot to learn, but always looking forward to different perspectives.
I know what you mean about getting hooked. I am such a sponge around places like this. Paz!
It was almost instantaneous..i was a news junkie before that. and it only got worse after i found out i wasn’t even really getting the actual news! 😀
I’m one of the folks who left “that other site.” I was plenty mad, and in the spirit of truth, still am.
But here’s the thing: One door closes, another one opens. To stay there in that environment was toxic; to keep rehashing it here is unfair to the long-standing community. It’s self-defeating, too. Gotta keep it movin’.
I do believe, however, that almost everything happens for a reason, and that there is almost always a silver lining to be found in less than ideal situations. I’ve found my silver lining in 3 blogs–of course, I don’t know if that’s entirely good–3 blogs! I barely have time for one!
These blogs are THAT good and I would have never known had it not been for “that site.” So for that, I’m thankful.
My interest is finding information and reading and engaging debate within a smart, yet fun community. I can find that here. And that there are people here whose writing and perspective I find funny, invigorating, challenging, engaging and insightful? Even better. And maybe I’ll stop being so lazy and start writing some diaries, too.
What I like most, however, is that there’s a real commitment to an international perspective and the mix of issues on the front page. Army of One, sharia law, farm fishing–different types of important stories.
So I would like to again thank everyone for the warm welcome. But just because you invite me into the house doesn’t mean I get to just run all over it and make a mess. I am committed to being the best member I can be–we just can’t have too many sites like this one.
Thanks for the honesty, it is most welcome here at BMT. This site does offer a diversity of voices, and hopefully you will add to that mix with some diaries of your own and in the Regional Threads. I made my home here several months ago and have found it to be very open and respectful. Welcome!
This was my first post:
As for me: 32, married 9 years last Wed. to the best husband on the planet and what’s more–I have 2 nieces, 10 & 8, who are da bomb because I learn so much from them. I want them to be able to while learning how to handle the BS of race/gender…or is that gender/race?? LOL!
Oh, did I mention our two cats? We’ll be working on the human children soon.
And now for the stuff I left out: I live in the DC area. Most of my work is in politics (talk about political junkie–is this like crack? I can’t leave it alone! LOL!). I’m re-learning my Spanish and I’d like to go to law school.
I love to read, travel (when I can), write (trying to be more focused) and cook. I’m a bit of a foodie and love to dress up familiar dishes, pare down the more gourmet, and generally explore culture. Luckily, you can explore culture free in this area, so I try to take in musuems and plays. I also love shoes and am addicted to MAC lipstick and lip glosses.
Alcohol: Red wine, of course. When I have time, I’d like to host and participate in wine tastings. For now, I’ll just have to enjoy them as an amateur. :<D I also like beer but b/c I’m a beer snob, that means Heineken, Corona, Dos Equis, Negra Modela, and Red Stripe. Locally brewed beers are welcome, too. Not much of a mixed drink person, but a particularly hard day will warrant a vodka tonic. And B. Smith’s has the best original takes off Cosmopolitans to go with the amazing food.<p>
Sports: Not much of an athlete, sorry to say. I love to bowl, though I suck at it. Just makes it more fun. I like football, college basketball (I’m serious about NCAA brackets), women’s tennis, track and field events, volleyball, and soccer.
And finally: I have the best husband, parents, brother (and soon to be SIL) and nieces on the face of the planet. I am richly blessed because of them.
And a female one at that! 🙂 I’m in love with Grolsch, Bass ale, and assorted regional microbrews. The only time you’ll find a Miller Lite in our house is if we’re making beer bread or the mate’s taken leave of his senses!
I remember your work from over on Dkos, and I’m glad you’re here now. Cheers!
I didn’t realize how much I’d love a nice, cold Warsteiner until I saw this. <whimper>
OK, I had to say it…er, type it. I just couldn’t resist.
You’re here! (big grin)
That’s it. I’m stayin.
(Even bigger grin)
I’m so glad you’re here, too! And I’m so glad you’re staying.
Ah the joys of beer. My nephew introduced me to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale when he visited for a week that turned into two months last year. I’ve never looked back!
To all the new people. I see Man Eegee and Oui have the Welcome Wagon handles today, and what a great job they are doing too.
I love this tradition, I think it adds such a lot to the site and I hope after everyone has been here a day or so (and thus, in internet time, gone from a “newbie” to an “oldie”) that they’ll also join in in welcoming newcomers. Okay, okay… so maybe we’ll let you have a week to get settled first ;).
Welcome to the Trib!
Hi all
New here, very grateful for the site and the community feeling.
I’m fifty something, living on the coast of Texas for the last 2 years, San Antonio for 10 years prior to this, Hawaii for 10 years…. what is it with the ten year thing? Well Pohnpei for two years before all that so I guess that breaks it up 🙂
educated as a lawyer but never went to law school for that. mostly worked in non-profits. Now I am just opening up a bed and breakfast sort of place, so something totally different for me.
I have two dogs that share and sometimes run my life–a red heeler and a very old shephard. (I finally got the heeler to stop, er, heeling me)
good to be here
Hi there! It may get old to read on these threads, but everyone deserves their very own ‘Welcome!’. So Welcome to you and good luck with the bed & breakfast, would love to hear how it goes as you get things rolling. (seriously)
Thanks, I will keep you posted. maybe I should do a diary on 50 year old women doing construction work. heh, just kidding
I ended up here from DailyKos, and ended up there from Datalounge which is a gay-oriented celebrity gossip and politics site. Datalounge is a brutal place (though often funny as hell) and, while it’s helped me to grow a thicker skin and a bit more equanimity, I am mellowing out more and more… and seeking places online that are both engaging and true to my values.
I’m male, late 30s, single, gay, live in the Northeast corner of Massachusetts. I’m a lifelong Unitarian-Universalist and enjoy camping/hiking, diverse genres of music (with a special fondness for Brazilian), and extensive volunteer work up here and down in Boston.
I’m also an information junkie, could easily spend 24/7 online! I keep a baker’s timer by the monitor, the big plastic kind that you wind up for X minutes, and it softly goes tick.. tick.. tick.. eventually ringing that bell. Otherwise I’d still be here (and at other favorite sites) at 3 am.
Hi Torta, and welcome to this site and I think you will sure find a 24/7 group of bloggers here as well. I try to pry myself off the interenet constantly, but there is always one more comment to check, on more diary to read, one more comment to make, I always tell myself and then hours later I am still on.
I’ll have to try the timer thing…..
on the Tell me About You thread…(someone had asked me if I lived in a cabin)…
Yeah, I have a log cabin in Southeastern PA. Built in 1947 (I had to restore the exterior when I bought it).
I actually live on the same road that I lived on growing up, and was always fascinated by the “Hansel and Gretel” cabin on down the way. So when the old man who lived there died a few years ago, I bought it. I live there with my 2 sons, 2 Australian Shepherds, my son’s Shih Tzu, and 5 chickens. I do scientific writing here in my office at home, and I’m in grad school in Philly.
Hi everybody. I’m a single forty something trial consultant in the Southeast, work out of my house with the help of two sweet and very fat cats. I’m on the road a good bit and the rest of my time is catching up on life in between. I’m a news junkie AND a political cynic.
doing my best to take over from Man Egee and Diane101, our irreplaceable ambassador of this thread.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands. The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. All are very welcome.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
This is the long time poster on DKos known as colleen. Some posts on NYCO’s blog talked about this place and I thought I would check it out.
I recognise with considerable fondness a good many names I’ve read at DK and so this does not seem like an strange place at all. I’ve been looking for a place to make myself helpful, talk with folks about politics and do what I do most of on blogs which is listen carefully.
I live on a Lagoon in Washington state in a semi-rural swing district. I worry endlessly about social conservatism and the poor and the disastrous ways in which these combine. I’m 57. Hope I can be of some help.
just jump right in, no one will give you a start sign. We’re all very new, as BooMan Trib got started just mid March. Therefore there are no thresholds for newbies, just mix in and say hi.
doing my best to take over from Man Egee and Diane101, our irreplaceable ambassador of this thread.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands.
The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. All are very welcome. Washington State has a lot to offer, I am very fond and admirer of
Rachel Corrie – a diary
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
I posted over on WW part 8 because I couldn’t find you but the party seems to have moved over here so here’s a rehash:
53, blue-collar union gardener. I’ve been disrupting the gender status quo all my life-I define the gender, it doesn’t define me. I can sew, drive heavy equipment, amuse children, speak Japanese (badly)and sing opera (badly).
I left the Democratic party and registered socialist when Clinton started the process of selling out progressives. Nowadays I mostly run around with anarchists 20 years younger than me because they are so refreshing-farming in vacant lots, making documentaries for alternate media sources, running food co-ops.
I’ve been studying Buddhism for decades: Zen for 15 years in the Pacific NW (or Cascadia as the a-kids call it) and Japan including three years of seminary but defected to the Jodo Shin sect a couple years ago-no meditation, democratically run, all laypeople and not much vegetarianism. Also a hell of a lot less intellectual posturing and it’s not trendy.
I’ve lurked at dkos since the election but never felt like I’d fit well and I’m following some of my favorite diarists to this site. I haven’t much liked the dissing people have done to each other on many computer-based communication forums like chat groups, blogs and email so am proceeding with caution. Probably won’t have much time to visit here but best wishes to all. My signature is an approximate pronounciation of my (former) Dharma name.
With your qualifications and curriculum vitae you could make a great contribution and make BooMan Trib a livier place to be.
A massive move of very bright people is just great, and with backbone to add.
Just trying my best to take over from Man Egee and Diane101, our irreplaceable ambassador of this thread.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands.
The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. Japanese is just what BMT needs, check out recent diary by Diane101 on Asian Welcome, some new members from China and Hong Kong. All are very welcome.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Another refugee from D.Kos! 😀 Ironically, I missed the fight–had not been on line for a week–and came back in in time to peruse the smoke and the wreckage. I have not committed myself to leaving. Yet for months already I had been visiting less and posting less. The exhibition of “Democrat” disease–the betrayal of underlying values for what seems to be expediencey–just accelerates a process. I will probably become a casual visitor.
I have been on line about two years now, and started visiting Daily.kos early on. I had given up on following the media for years, so it was ironic that I found Daily.kos from an article in USA Today. Pretty soon I was roaming around the net, happy with the discovery that there were still places to find actual news information.
Not all of that information was happy to read. It certainly appears that the United States made some fundamental decisions around 1980, and those decisions were not for national well-being and survival. And yet fate was not sealed. A lot of writing on the internet is based on the assumption that it can shape, and thus alter, events.
But a lot has changed in two years. Billmon quit posting and shut his blog down before the 2004 election. Re-opening it, he described why he quit: He understood (before most of us) the coming debacle. We now know our fate, it is not good, and there is not much that can be done to make it better.
Daily.kos continues to follow the events of the day, and to worry about elections that–in the case of 2008–will (except as theater) surely never be held. What do I worry about? The coming collapse, and what form survival might take. And what of value or merit may be nutured and carried into that afterworld.
I am not sure how to introduce myself. My virtual life is quite separate from–though not at odds with–my real life. I am not sure what to say either, though I am happy to be here. It seems to me that the coming times are going to require real thought, and I am not sure where that is going to happen. I visit The Blogging of the President 2004 a lot, and Melanie is good for health news.
As I understood from the other refugees, you didn’t really miss anything. Please don’t consider yourself and others as refugees, more likely closer to the three wise men coming from the East following scientifically based considerations the need to travel to Jerusalem.
Gaianne posts on AuFeminin.com is that you? How did you choose your sig name.
As far as refugees are concerned, one of the many talented Dutch citizens who arrived as refugee is Hersi Ali. A remarkable story and hero for many to oppose the flaws in Islamic teachings. She has done great work, joined the political arena, but needs to moderate her approach to be more effective.
Just doing my part to take over from Man Egee and Diane101, our irreplaceable ambassador of this thread.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands. The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. All are very welcome.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
My French is barely adequate for reading that blog, let alone writing on it. As it happens, Gaianne is a name, not a handle. There seem to be four gaiannes on the web (last I looked). The other two are a teacher in Australia, and an American posting while traveling in Asia. I live in Connecticut USA, about 110 km northeast of New York.
The refugees just keep a’coming! I was a lurker on dKos for about 2 years. Mostly casual stuff. Lurking heavily in the election and then finally started doing comments about a month ago. What a difference it made to comment on a thread instead of just scan! I felt increasingly at odds with the site I’d come to love. It was getting so addictive that last week I was on about 24/7 and realized I needed a break – also needed to get some work done!
I went back to dKos today and read all the stuff that had happened since last Friday. I seriously hope they will be able to pull through at some point, but I felt the discussion, at this point in time, was getting nowhere. So finally I came by and registered at what I hope is my new home. I spent about half an hour here before doing so. I can’t believe all the people I see here that I recognize names of… and Catnip!!
The welcome wagon is really cool. Thanks! – oh, I changed my username. I was formerly known as oysterface. Silly name.
Hi jes, I know you made the right decision, as I migrated slowly from dKos at the end of March after a blog death threat. Figured that crossed the line for me, although I don’t put blame on the vast majority of kossacks, because it’s the first blog community I logged onto last November 3rd. I love the many good writers, but it became increasingly difficult just to launch your own diary. No problems with that here at BooTrib in the foreseeable future.
Looking forward to your first diary here, just pick a favorite topic to make it easier. Especially in the weekends the topics are more for community spirit than highly crafted political insight. We can leave that to BooMan and SusanHu, they are just excellent on the Home Tab.
Just doing what I can to take over from Man Egee and Diane101, our irreplaceable ambassador of this thread.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands.
The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. All are very welcome.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Hi everyone, sorry I’m getting behind on the welcome msgs. I’ll get to you soon, I promise! Here’s alittle bit about me:
I’m a 24 year old, 7th-generation Arizonan, who is a Mexican-American only child, lover of travel, resident of Tucson and speaker of fluent bad spanish. <deep breath>
I work for a non-profit that serves the Latino population both out in the community and through our two charter schools. When I’m not here procrastinating, I’m doing bookkeeping and human resources work. I have a Bachelors in Religious Studies, am an active Catholic, and love to talk to people about spirituality. I am a pretty loyal Democrat and worked hard to get friends to register to vote and pull the lever for Kerry. My city voted for him but my state, unfortunately, did not. Okay, enough rambling.
I’m happy to see you all here and feel free to join in and welcome others (hat tip to zander for helping with this)
Wanted to say “hi” to everyone. Thanks for all the patiience for all of us newcomers!
I post as Nicky, from Davis,Calif. Love politics, love digging into issues, but most of all, love learning. Thanks again for the great welcome at this site and I’ll do my part to add something positive here!
We are glad to have you here and will be watching for your publications. I have traveled through California just on holidays, a wonderful experience. Traveled Highway #1 on three different occasions from SF to LA and on to San Diego.
I find the Californians very close in lifestyle to Europeans, they have a broad horizon. Texas is just too big to believe any other state is needed for survival. No wonder the foreign nations, Europe and UN are placed dead last by false Texans like GWB, Cheney and Karl Rove.
A true Texan would never offer such an opinion, they are satisfied with life and its pace as it is, and do not look beyond the Texan border.
I am just covering the quiet hours, USA asleep, to take over from Man Egee and Diane101, our irreplaceable ambassador of this thread.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands.
The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. All are very welcome.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Because you have welcomed me before, I just changed my user id to differ from..well, another blog…:-)
Same stuff applies, I read more on here than I post, due to limited time (we know how that goes).
I enjoy all of your writings. Thanks, and peace karma ladies and gentlemen.
Community are its readers @ BooMan Trib (BMT), or writers would be out of luck! Your choice of handle Devils Blue? All I found with Google —
Z’s Blue House…
…is now something I find I must write with capitalized letters. It’s that Blue. Revel Blue, actually, is the name of the paint color, although I was far from reveling in it when it was first applied.
doing my best to take over from Man Egee and Diane101, our irreplaceable ambassador of this thread.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands. The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. All are very welcome.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
I guess I shouldn’t take it for granted you know who I am…(I really am not an egoist..:-))
This is Revel…I was revel on here, but I didn’t care for the little r for some reason. (And no, I am not a size queen…lol)
Greetings from antipodea – lovely tradition.
I am an environmental scientist by trade, with additional tertiary studies in Asian Studies, political science, the biological sciences. I have a burning passion about just about every issue, and am a ‘big picture’ Virgo gal with an eye for detail – hence the handle. Currently I am a policy wonk by day (federal public servant in the Australian dept. of environment & dept. of Agriculture Fisheries & Policy, responsible for facilitating Federal water policy in my state), radical feminist by day & night.
The love of my life is a 42 year old third generation Californian, whom I met on the ‘net, lived with for 6 months in Northern Cal., and who followed me home to Tasmania. She’s older, smarter, and more talented than me, yet somehow she boosts my self-esteem more than anyone else I know, and we adore each other. We both choose justice over mercy, because only with the former can you achieve compassion and equality for all.
We have 14.5 acres of dry eucalyptus bushland, several muscovy ducks, a 1 year old pyrnean mountain dog called Luna, and two mini-lop bunnies, Henry & Albert.
I welcome the more international focus here, and feel more confident & inspired than I ever did at Kos to try and diary what is happening in Australia right now. Thank you.
UID #1207 – in lower 80 percentile, so nearly 20% newbies followed you. Yet the oldest BooTribber cannot have been here before early March 2005.
You have a great curriculum vitae to offer the community and the International Watch of where global politics is moving. Canberra boy has broken ground for Australians on the blog and recently Diane101 had an Asian Welcome diary up because of new members from mainland China and Hong Kong. We surely can use your talent for some translations!
It would be lovely to have a publication on any of the topics you listed above, in the weekend you will find a number of diaries on the cultural and community spirit at BooMan’s Tribune. Will look forward to your contribution. Glad you are part of the family here.
Just doing my part to take over from Man Egee and Diane101, our irreplaceable ambassador of this thread.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands. The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. All are very welcome.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
alas, my asian studies didn’t include a language – although I’ve done a little basic Bahasa Indonesia.
will look forward to the topics you talk of.
thanks again for welcome
Boomer (b1948), attended seminary to be a priest, joined the army, went to Vietnam, survived, joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War, became National Coordinator, indicted for conspiracy to incite a riot at the Republican Convention in 1972 (Gainesville 8), had best friend turn out to be FBI informer who testified against me, acquitted, spent rest of 70s in drug-induced haze, dabbling in the sexual revolution, became Executive Director of NYC Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission, raised $ to build memorial, became investment banker, fired from Wall Street, went to live in Russia for ten years, now pot-bellied, middle-class non-profit bureaucrat living in Boston, father of a son, 10, and a daughter, 8.
What a long, strange trip it’s been!
Right! The worst place to be .. BooMan Tribune (BMT), looks you will see a lot of competitors here and I suspect you’ll be about average. There are always persons who outdo each other, but it’s true all with a distinction in pattern or time table. Looks like you have lots of experience and wisdom to share and exchange in the community. Glad you are over here, we will certainly concentrate all extraordinary persons on a single blog. Consider that the charm of BMT today.
But apart for your tour of duty in Vietnam, you didn’t have other stays overseas?
Welcome, you want to contribute here or just hang around and read the stuff that’s flying around. It’s normally a peaceful and tranquil website, the boss is around, however lots is happening. So don’t waste any time and join in.
Just doing my part to take over from Man Egee and Diane101, our irreplaceable ambassador of this thread.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands. The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. All are very welcome.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
I’m not here to compete, I’m here to contribute, in small ways, when I can.
Lived in Russia for ten years, Ukraine for one.
I think I’m glad to be here, but it’s only my second day. I’ll let you know in a little while.
I’ll be galldarnedgotohell.
I was in NYC at the same time working in the Peace Movement, the Appleseed group, and had a minor role in the street counseling storefronts that were set-up for homeless Nam vets (right before the bastards shut it down.)
“What a long, strange trip it’s been!”
It has been, indeed.
Hello all.
I’m Ordinary Vanity, a twenty-something on again/off again student in Florida. I’m a bit of a “personality putty” in that I tend to emulate the personalities that I’m around, so a calm and laid-back site will usually produce a calm and laid-back me (maybe something like a cat who will be generally lazy and docile until you pull its tail) 😀
I’m a bit unconventional, and tend to have more in common with my male peers than I do my female peers (when I bother with peer interaction at all). Women’s issues are a big deal for me, and though I try not to be the dreaded “single issue” voter, I just don’t see myself ever voting for an anti-choice candidate (I’d vote third party or abstain first). I’m also a Secular Humanist, and my ability to cope with religious talk ebbs and flows with my current level of outrage over whatever nefarious plot the Religious Right may currently be engaging in.
I had been at DKos for quite a while until recent events. Politics is something of a new area of interest for me (though I always vote, I never worked for a campaign or went to political blogs until the last election) and sometimes it seems that both sides of the aisle are just different faces of the same evils. I very much think people should vote based on what matters to them (and donate to/work for the candidates they support) but I abhor the concept of voting for a party over a person. I’ll probably still monitor DKos from time to time, as they are a useful source of news, but it is clear that the group there is not what I’m looking for as far as a sense of community and encouragement of discussion.
That’s pretty much it I guess 😀
Roots in Florida or elsewhere? Ordinary is clearly a cover, gives you more freedom to be yourself.
Resumé almost would lead me to understand some relating to New Orleans or French influence! Laissez-faire — Mardi Gras, you call it putty, I pick up more blending in, but setting your own standards. Must be friendly atmosphere, appreciation and it must just be fun to be present. You come with backbone: “I’d vote third party or abstain first”.
Your choice of the moment to become active in politics, is also mine. In the months leading up to Election 2004, I finally made my first steps on the internet and at that time the Kerry blog, migrating to Daily Kos on the 3rd of November.
It’s the BooTrib tradition … as I learned here from Alohaleezy, Diane101 and shirlstars.
Offering some help from across the pond, the Netherlands. The World diaries are a wonderful part of BooMan Trib [BMT].
Check out some of the earlier diaries to get acquainted, the influx of new life feels just great. All are very welcome.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Thanks for the welcome.
Roots not in Florida…rather rootless due to moving around too much, actually (I bonded with John Kerry over this *sniffle)
I’m as Ordinary as everyone else is **wink
Wow, did I screw up the bold print or what? My bad <_<
Thanks for giving people a chance to introduce themselves. I’m a Wellstone Democrat from Minnesota, worked hard for Kerry, and can’t remember the last time I voted for anyone who wasn’t a Democrat.
I prefer to be ageless in cyberspace, but I’ll give you a clue and tell you my first vote for president was for Lyndon Johnson. That was a long time ago! Four years later I fell in love with Gene McCarthy, the last politician I really loved before Paul Wellstone.
I’m Presbyterian, a progressive Christian, a member of the religious left. After many years working as a writer, I went to seminary and got an M.Div. degree. I’m not ordained but work part-time at a church in downtown St. Paul.
I’m a feminist, but not a refugee from the pie wars at the Daily Kos because I read selectively and wasn’t paying attention. I was and will probably continue to be a lurker at Kos, a lurker not by choice but because of a technological glitch that made me unable to post. I’m glad I can do it here.
I love baseball (I’m a Twins fan), movies, books, jazz, and international travel. In April I took a fabulous trip to India and Nepal.
I was inspired by the speech someone posted at Kos from the director of Amnesty International and have been taking his words to heart: We always have another move.
Hi Maureen – you sure are welcome here. Age being more a state of mind than a fact of days on the calendar, you should fit right in. My first vote was for Kennedy in 1960. . .You have a very interesting background and we would really love to hear more about any of it that you might want to share with us. Your trip to India and Nepal sounds very intriguing, maybe you will post a diary to tell us of your travels.
Glad to have you at our Frog Pond.
From a “newbie plus 2 months”
Hi, I’m Duke1676. I came here about two months ago looking for a place to hang when dK would get too frenetic. I was familiar with many of the main posters and head honchos here from their excellent work cross- posted over at dK. From the first day lurking I realized that this site had something special that the “big board” didn’t offer. It offered a quality of discourse and a pace that allowed ideas develop that is frequently missing at the other site.
After lurking a few weeks, getting a feel for the community, I cross-posted my first diary over here. This is where the difference between the two sites became most evident. Here at BT the comments were numerous, insightful and thought provoking, the diary bumped up the list and stayed active for days. Over the course of its run, it was visited and commented on by many of the “big boys” (and girls) from the site.
On the big board the story was different. Although it received many more comments and recommends over there, the quality of conversation just wasn’t the same. A lot of the activity was generated by what I call “4 whores” (those looking to make a comment that would generate 4 ratings, but not necessarily add anything productive to the conversation). As usual the diary floated off the board, replaced with the usual mix polls, rants, and news link diaries.
So my advice to all the newbies is; sit back and relax, spend a few weeks reading the excellent work your fellow members are doing here. Get a feel for the place, and enjoy the level discourse and insight that is norm over here. I know you’ll feel welcome and love your new home as much as I do.
Glad you posted here. I read your diary and even directed traffic that way on an Open Thread. You are a great writer and hope to see more from you in the future.
Brenda here. Soon to be 60 [ next month] Nurse in acute setting of hemodialysis. Have been in nursing for 43 years. In the medical field 1963. veteran of navy and air force, both of enlisted and officer corps. A mother, grandmother and a citizen of the great country of America. Language is American, and some French. Divorced, and happy. Detest what our country has become, under the republican admin. Am basically independent, leaning democrat.
I have read here but did not join till reacently, cuz I hate the
infighting/ego inflation at the kos.
From Tn. now but originally from Illinois.
NOw that you know me, do I fit in here? Hope so, for I see so many of whom I respect here.
How fabulous it is to see so many from my generation that want to hang out here and participate. I’m a WAC vetern, viet nam era, so it might be fun to swap “war stories” sometime, not the awful, painful ones so much as those other moments. I’ll bet you have some great ones to share with us.
How is Tn these days? A darn beautiful place, Tn is. So glad to welcome you here and look forward to your participation.
but I’m in an odd corner of the arts that has a lot of right wing participation, so I need to keep my politics and work separated.
My blogging interest is the direction of the nation, because the forces we’re opposing have a track record of pushing themselves literally into my personal life for over 30 years. They’ve done a lot of damage to my situation and they’ve made the world a measurably worse place than we’d have made it, for millions of others here and abroad, so that’s the direction I want to help change.
I love interesting ideas, don’t do flame wars.
Gooserock, we respect your need to CYA, and want you to know how welcome you are here. Your interests and goals seem to fit right in here at BMT. And we never do flame wars at the frog pond, so take your ease.
Look forward to your participation. . .and love your signature line.
Hi everyone, please go to Part 10 of the Welcome Wagon Diaries and Recommend. Thanks for sharing and glad to see more people joining in the community.
This is a frog pond? So we’re frogs? Froggers? Frogger was my favorite! Or maybe it was Space Invaders. I remember when there were Pong games in bars, talk about easily entertained. I’ve checked out a few blogs since fleeing from DK and I like the familiar names and format here. The comments made in DK brought back memories of the anti-war (Vietnam) days when anyone I didn’t want to have casual sex with started ranting about how frigid and uptight I was. Guess some things never change. I work for Social Services in Northern Colorado (In spite of what you may have heard we really are trying to help people) but am originally from San Diego. Best news I’ve heard lately is that Angie Paccione may challenge Marilyn Musgrave!
Welcome from one of your state’s corners (i’m in Arizona). I still have my Atari and will indulge in a game of Frogger here and there to clear my mind. Check out the FAQ for BooMan’s explanation of Darwin the Frog. Have a good day and I’ll see you around the site.