The war in Iraq has produced some insane events, but this one is making my head explode:
Marine Lt. Col. Dave Lapan said Marines reported seeing gunmen in several late-model trucks fire ”near civilian cars” and on military positions.
”Three hours later, another Marine observation post was fired on by gunmen from vehicles matching the description of those involved in the earlier attack,” the spokesman said.
U.S. forces said they detained the contractors without incident and held them for three days, but no charges were filed.
Now the contractors are making serious allegations about their treatment by the Marines. More below….
The contractors allege they were beaten by the Marines after they were taken into custody:
“I never in my career have treated anybody so inhumane,” one of the contractors, Rick Blanchard, a former Florida state trooper, wrote in an email quoted in the Los Angeles Times. “They treated us like insurgents, roughed us up, took photos, hazed [bullied] us, called us names.”
A Marine Corps spokesman denied that abuse had taken place and said an investigation was continuing. According to the marines, 19 employees of Zapata Engineering, including 16 Americans, were detained after a marine patrol in Falluja reportedbeing fired on by a convoy of trucks and sports utility vehicles. The marines also claim to have seen gunmen in the convoy fire at civilians.
Mark Schopper, a lawyer for two of the contractors, told the newspaper that his clients, both former marines, were subjected to “physical and psychological abuse”. He said they had told him that marines had “slammed around” several con tractors, stripped them to their underwear and placed a loaded weapon near their heads.
“How does it feel to be a big, rich contractor now?” one of the marines is alleged to have shouted at the men, in an apparent reference to the large sums of money private contractors can make in Iraq.
From the LA Times:
He also said that during their detention, the workers’ relatives in the United States received phone calls from people with American accents threatening to kill their loved ones if they talked about the incident.
From the Boston Globe:
”Marines put their knees on the backs of their necks and ripped off religious medallions,” Schopper said. ”They asked for attorneys, they asked for Amnesty International, they asked for the American Red Cross. All three requests were denied.”
The contractors are fools for being in Iraq. They certainly don’t merit abuse at the hands of our soldiers though. If that Marine actually made that “rich contractor” statement, what does that say about how our soldiers feel about the compensation they receive for endangering their lives following foolish Buschco orders? Just another layer of bizarre sadness to add to this war insanity.
The Marines deny any wrongdoing:
On May 18, he said, a Marine patrol in Fallouja reported receiving fire from a convoy of late-model trucks and sport utility vehicles. The Marines also saw gunmen in the convoy fire at civilians in the streets of Fallouja, where reconstruction was taking place.
Three hours later, a second set of Marines at an observation post reported receiving fire from vehicles matching the description of the convoy involved in the earlier incident, Lapan said.
The Marines stopped the convoy using spiked strips in the road and took 16 Americans and three Iraqi translators into custody. Of the Americans, 14 were armed security personnel, according to the Corps of Engineers.
“The Americans were segregated from the rest of the detainee population and, like all security detainees, were treated humanely and respectfully,” Lt. Col. David Lapan said Tuesday in an e-mail confirming the incident.
How could that LT Col say that with a straight face?
That’s an interesting way of putting it.
Yeah, buddy, you were (allegedly, at least) shooting at Iraqi civilians and at U.S. Marines. And then you complain about those Marines treating you “like insurgents”?
To say nothing of the clear implication that it’d be okey-dokey to treat insurgent captives inhumanely …
Previous diary by susan is here. Original title was:
“Contractor Abuse in Iraq”
Damnit! I did a search and everything! My bad Susan, sorry for the repetition.
it bears repeating.
I would like to leave this up.
So I guess we can fairly read into this what these contractors think about the relative value of an Iraqi life to there’s. And what the hell were these jokers doing driving around shooting at passers by? Where they drunk?
I don’t condone brutality towards detainees, but if anyone deserved it, it was these guys.
(P.S. this is my first post since I decided to go wading in the frog pound. Hopfully, they’ll be many more to come. See ya’ all around :-).
– a very fair-minded quality poster swimming over to the Frog Pond from dKos.
Thanks for the warn introduction, I’ll try to live up to the high standards that have just been set for me.
I’m going to stop by the welcom wagon a little later. I just spent the better part of three hours going through the latest NARAL/Chafee story on Kos, and I’m mentally drained. Time for food me thinks.
get any nuttier:
Apparently the civil war that’s brewing in the Iraqi population is spreading to the US forces. Folks forced to kill and be killed for $25,000 per year against folks invited to serve when it’s convenient for $200,000 per year.
All’s well though. The President told me.
Hard to empathize with any of these asshats (or, as they say in Yiddish, “dogs’ livers”), but this is certainly an eye-opening story nonetheless. Let’s see: American contractors can take potshots at Iraqi civilians and U.S. marines and just get held for three days as “punishment”? And even Americans with incomes of $150,000 a year and ready access to lawyers and Rethuglican officials are subjected to Abu Ghraib-style abuse? Almost two years after all the “bad apples” were supposedly ripped off the rotting trees?
As much sympathy as I have for the Iraqi people, I have to admit that, selfishly, what worries me most is that all these thugs and perverts will one day come back to the United States. G-D help their girlfriends, wives and children.
… and/or their boyfriends and husbands. (And neighbors and fellow employees and …)
Or when she was at LAX and saw a family who looked like Iraqis.
“I about lost it,” Gilliam said.
These thoughts are common to those with PTSD, Key said.
“It’s where you’re driving down to the store to pick up a quart of milk and a loaf of bread, and you see someone appears to be of Arab descent, and you think all kinds of horrible thoughts and wonder, `Where in the world is this coming from?'” Key said.
It could be directed at anyone, anytime; all that’s needed is the right trigger.
Well, yes, but it’s simple realism — not sexism — to admit that men are more apt to be violent and abusive than women.
Here’s a test: if you were a family court judge and had to decide to whom to award custody of Lyndie England’s baby, would you (if you had no other choices) pick Lyndie or Granger (the father)?
of those primarily male soldiers, not in any way. They are on the PTSD frontlines, no doubt. War is such a corrosive force that almost every member of the society involved in it is adversely affected in some way. We will be hearing the echoes of this war for decades.
And while I don’t normally answer loaded questions like that, I will in this case, since the answer is crystal clear. They’re both unfit, the child should be a ward of the state until a suitable guardian (like someone from one of the parants’ familes).
Why on earth would you think England would be a more fit parant then Granger?
on so many levels that there’s no way to even comment on it all. The stories give no hint as to the motivation of the shooters: were they pissed? On a drunken spree? To stupid to know marines from the “enemy”? What?
And if they really did try to kill US soldiers, why were they held and then let go? Trying to kill US soldiers is not considered serious if you fail? So are the marines or the gov spinners just pumping out more lies for some reason? Or did it happen as claimed, but any investigation would open yet another scandal involving US forces in Iraq?
Like Ed suggested above, how the hell can Bushies think they’re going to bring peace to Iraq when their own troops are having a little civil war among themselves, and the “authorities” can’t or won’t do anything about it? This war has passed beyond insanity and into demonic territory.
This is not the first time contractors have been accused of random acts of violence in Iraq. Remember the allegations of the former military, former Custer Battles employees? I think these companies pay top dollar not only for the danger, but for literally providing a license to kill. There simply are no repercussions. When the situation becomes that out of control, I doubt the contractors or the military involved gave a shit one way or the other. “You shot at us!” “Oh yeah? Well you treated us ‘like insurgents’!” The irony is both disturbing and absurd.
Lord of the Flies.
I don’t remember that. Were they accused of intentional attacks on their own side in that case, too?
Hard to imagine the military not giving a shit about their own troops being attacked, but maybe they don’t want to open up their own “friendly fire” record again.
No, of attacking Iraqi civilians. Here’s the crucial part of the description “sprayed small-arms fire at Iraqi civilians and U.S. forces from their cars in Fallujah on May 28. No one was hurt.”
My guess is that rather than report this to the chain of command which frowns on reporting the shooting of Iraqi civilians, the military involved decided to settle the score with some personal revenge.
Everything looks all Lord-of-the-Flies to me lately. I need to re-read it again.
I saw Susan’s earlier post and went, …wow. It didn’t go as much into the contractor’s part in this. Call me sick, but my first thought on reading this one was,
When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way
From your first cigarette
To your last dying day
They’re splitting off into teams, or gangs. Aren’t most of these guys ex-military anyway? You’d think they might have some compassion for the soldiers. Are we joining the Iraqis in having a civil war?
The other, more sinister, reading is that they were ordered to “stir up the locals” some. Can’t let the war end, ya know. It’s makin’ too much money.
Reading the newsrags is becoming more and more like a screening of Apocalypse Now, only more absurd.
I’m wondering if this may be indicative of a deeper issue, that of tension between the mercenary forces and volunteer military in Iraq. If I was an ill-equipped grunt, I might be more than a little pissed when potshots are taken at me by my supposed countryfolk who are making triple my salary and are properly equipped.
this is the only logical outcome of using hired soldiers.
Even Machiavelli warned against the use of hired soldiers, which goes to show this administration will cherry-pick anything and anyone
Heard this story on NPR this morning, not the alleged abuse, only the “contractors shot at troops” scenario. My radar went up. The spin is starting already and on NPR. Hmmmmm…..Who is the target audience for this one and who and why are the talking heads/talking points getting a jump on this with the most liberal(my own perspective) of media organizations? Curioser and curioser…
How could that LT Col say that with a straight face?
Since when is straight talk rewarded by this administration, except when used as an excuse to attack opposition?
I think Lt. Col. Lapan deserves credit for speaking the truth, even if it was in code:
I parse that as saying: “We treated them like the human garbage we think they are, but, you know, gave them credit for being Americans”
Not likely a Lt. Col. could keep his job and phrase it that way, tho.
I heard this story on the local news today, since I’m in Charlotte. You know I wonder who fired the first shot at whom…?
The Marine Corp called my house yesterday, I know they must have wanted to talk to my 16 year old son. I found out about the NCLB waiver too late (no matter my son has absolutely no interest in killing people and would enlist/be drafted into the military over my dead body) Caller ID said Marine Corps Rec…I assumed that meant a recorded message, I did not answer, if a person had been on the line they would have got an earful…
I have to wonder where the truth lies, with the mercenaries or the Marines, my bet, neither one and we’ll never know.
Why has no-one picked up on what I presume is the location of this despite the multiple transliterations of the name? Is this not the same city where four US contractors from Blackwater Security were killed in April last year and their bodies mistreated? Is this the same city that was the subject of a major assault by US forces in November last year when most of the population fled, vast tracts of the buildings suffered “colateral damage” and the people were only allowed back after the fighting stopped and they had been vetted?
Seen in that context the alleged actions of these Zapatistas is either incredibly stupid or more sinister. Stupid if they thought they were acting out of bravado. More worrying if they were just emulating their lower paid countrymen and firing potshots at the locals who “were complicit in the killing of US contractors”.