From Democracy Now!: “U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan reported to the Security Council yesterday that many of the 6,000 prisoners detained by U.S.-led forces in Iraq are being held in violation of the Geneva Conventions.”

Meanwhile, PEEK spots this from Christian blog Slacktivist:

Nabobs of NABA
   As in Not As Bad As. “We’ve heard a lot of this lately from the nabobs of NABA in the Bush administration. The American abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison, we are reminded, was Not As Bad As the abuses committed there by Saddam Hussein back in the day … [I]s this what America is now reduced to? Do we really have to go all the way over to Stalin or Saddam to find an example of someone whose behavior is reassuringly worse than our own?

More from Democracy Now!:

Annan’s report read in part, “Prolonged detention without access to lawyers and courts is prohibited under international law including during states of emergency.” While the Fourth Geneva Convention allows occupying forces to detain individuals, there is no provision allowing internment after an occupation has officially ended.