A significant majority of spiritually practicing Native Americans do not view their path as a religion, as Christians, Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus, view theirs. These belief’s provide us with a seamless practice that makes our environment, our culture and our lives an integral part of our very being.
These are some of the guiding principles of the spirituality that I have found. It has released me from the horrorific life I once had and has brought me through that abyss as a far better human being and man.
For those of you who haven’t read my dairies, I am a recovering Heroin addict, abuser of women and other human beings, a lost soul in the dark abyss of self destruction and committing suicide on the installment plan. I will be celebrating 18 years in recovery, in a few short months and continue to be a practicing member of a thriving 12 step communtiy.
I have offered myself in volunteering in hospitals, walking crack, meth and heroin addicted babies, HIV prevention among homosexual adolescent prostitutes and providing a sounding board for women who were unable to confront their abusers. I did none of these things for any reason other than, they helped me heal and bring about closure for many of my own demons. I am neither noble nor crass, I am a human being, that wanted more from my life than I was experiencing.
I know that sounds selfish and self centered, yet I understand that if I don’t help others, I will never be able to help myself heal from the insanity that I grew up in and the insanity that I inflicted on others.
My spiritual awakening was facilitated by a stroke at the age of 33, caused by a combination of drugs, alcohol, insufficient weight (145 lbs, I am 6 ft tall) and lack of proper diet and liquid intake. Great Spirit came to me in a vision, as I was lying in that doorway many years ago, in my own bodily fluids, and deemed that enough was enough. That vision showed me that where I was and what I was doing were the anti-thesis of what my spirit wanted for me in this life.
As I was recovering in the hospital from the stroke, I was introduced to many forms of spiritual pathways and none of them seemed appropriate for me. I was invited to a sweat lodge 12 step meeting on one of the local reservations and there I found what I have sought all these years. A path to enlightenment that energized me, that opened my heart, mind and soul to the magnificence of being. I found a way of life that makes it possible for me to fulfill my essence of life without having to take anything from any one else without their permission. This path showers me in grace each day, bringing new opportunities for growth in all aspects of my life, but most importantly, my spiritual well being.
I hope that everyone who reads about this spiritual path finds something to take away, that brings joy, happiness, spiritual grace and a desire to live their lives more fully for themselves and their families. I can only share with you what I know from living on this planet for 50+ years and for the last 17+ allowing myself to become open to all the wonders that are granted to me each and every day.
There are many newcomers here, who I believe feel betrayed and minimized by their experience at Dkos. I would offer you an opportunity to grow from that experience, set aside bitterness, open your heart to the path of peace and know the contentment of self discovery. I have a wonderful teacher, who offered me this simple way to take positive out of a negative. I married that wonderful teacher. She said to me, do you still love me, do you still love your children, are you alive to enjoy your family. I answered yes to each question. Her response was “then all is right with the world”
There are many difficult and tumultuous roads ahead of us, in this fight to regain our country and bring it back to a path that will show the world that America really does care about the rest of world. Not for what can exploited from them, but what we can offer to the world to make it a better place. I don’t know what will happen in the future, I only know that I will fight with all that I am to insure that my children have a world to live in that carries these virtues.
1.Respect Mother Earth
2.Respect the Great Spirit
3.Respect our fellow man and woman
4.Respect for individual freedom
Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect!
Remain close to the Great Spirit
Show great respect for your fellow beings
Work together for the benefit of all mankind!
Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
Do what you know to be right
Look after the well-being of mind and body
Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good
Be truthful and honest at all times
Take full responsiblity for your actions…..
If I can instill these in my children and they share them with others in a meaningful way, then others will know the value that is placed upon them.
“The culture, values and traditions of native people amount to more than crafts and carvings. Their respect for the wisdom of their elders, their concept of family responsibilities extending beyond the nuclear family to embrace a whole village, their respect for the environment, their willingness to share – all of these values persist within their own culture even though they have been under unremitting pressure to abandon them.” Mr. Justice Thomas Berger, Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, (aka the Berger Inquiry).
“Rather than going to church, I attend a sweat lodge; rather than accepting bread and toast [sic] from the Holy Priest, I smoke a ceremonial pipe to come into Communion with the Great Spirit; and rather than kneeling with my hands placed together in prayer, I let sweetgrass be feathered over my entire being for spiritual cleansing and allow the smoke to carry my prayers into the heavens. I am a Mi’kmaq, and this is how we pray.” Noah Augustine, from his article “Grandfather was a knowing Christian,” Toronto Star, Toronto ON Canada, 2000-AUG-9.
“If you take [a copy of] the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. Our bible IS the wind.” Statement by an anonymous Native woman.
Here are few links to show you more about Native American spiritualism.
recommended reading list
As with any spiritual enligtenment, there will be frauds and those that will try to benefit from those that are seeking the path of truth, honor and justice. Here are few suggestions that are offered, please follow the link.
I am not a full blood, was not raised within my own culture and have received my spirituality through the openness of other Native Americans who, through their own spiritual desire to bring enlightenment to others, have granted me this great gift. I am not a teacher, I am a seeker, there are many great teachers in our world, both Native and Non-Native. I am truly blessed that I have had the benefit of both worlds.
I’ve been a frequent visitor to BMT, but only joined three days ago. I’ve read two or three of your recent diaries, and have stored them.
My Cherokee mother would, upon reading this diary, have thrown her arms around you, teary-eyed, and hugged you tight.
I hear her words and see her lessons in what I read here. In fact, I wrote a recent comment on another blog about how she raised us to be human beings, not male/female, Indian/white, etc. How that reply, when asked “What are you”? would just stop conversation while people pondered. They didn’t quite know how to respond.
I am going to turn 58 in August, and live in San Diego. Two of my five brothers work for the Cherokee Nation. http://www.cherokeenation.org
I am honored to know you, and look forward to what you share in the future.
Wa doh
Great Spirit is a wonderous and noble spirit, I found my recovery and spirituality in San Diego. lol The joy I feel from having been blessed by the members of the tribe that allowed me to find and encapsulate the recovery from active addiction and the message of Great Spirit. I moved from SD more than 4 yrs ago to Kansas, work related stuff and miss the mountains, surfing and the food. I do not however miss the traffic, smog, reichwing politics of that county, though I seemed to have jumped from the frying pan into the fire, here in kansas. I do live within 20 minutes of the only Blue region in the state, Lawrence, Ks. An oasis of reason in an otherwise red state. Glad you are here and welcome to Booman’s.
Welcome…ghost to me is a particularly powerful diarist with a distinctive voice uniquely his own..one that I’m grateful for and always read and glad to see you here and hear a bit of your story.
Thank you chocolate ink. I feel so welcome here. I have read many of your comments and find them also enlightening. My circle of friends continues to expand.
thanks…since I don’t do diaries I tend to think people don’t know me and am always surprised when someone mentions my comments in particular.
That’s because you are insightful! You have a pretty decent-sized fan club. š
I’m honestly amazed…and not fishing for compliments really so don’t anyone do any ok…just am amazed but it is nice to know.
Your posts mean a lot to me too. My family is part Cherokee and because my grandmother was orphaned at the age of 12 and had to live with her white grandparents many ways were lost.
My mother and father (whose Irish) tried to piece together what they could of some of the old traditions. For instance that the Earth is alive and is not ours to destroy – “God” is the Earth and everything in it (how can people not see this?) and btw I hate it when people call it “animism” that’s not what it is. The plants and animals are my brothers and sisters to be equally loved and respected as human family. And everything, everything needed can be provided by the Earth. These things were the tenets of my childhood.
I appreciate my athiestic father trying get involved in a culture he didn’t belong to. I took more away from these lessons than the countless state ordered Indian Ed classes as a child.
Interesting that you happened to mention your father being an atheist as I was just thinking that while I am an atheist also I feel a very strong connection and pull to this culture.
Each time I read these diaries they touch my heart. I have read and bookmarked each of these diaries and re-read them almost daily. You always touch my heart with caring and hope and peace.
The path I have chosen to walk, in being one with the earth is the same, with a different name only. Thank you for sharing your journey…you are a teacher to me…and I seek your wisdom in these diaries.
Blessed Be
ghostdancers way,
Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful story. My life also has been deeply affected by Native American Spirituality, even though I come from the Wasichu culture.
It started as a child in Germany (where I’m from) when I found some books about Native Americans in my stepfather’s library. I immediately fell in love, as a child sees the truth more clearly than adults.
I then spent a lot of time in the Bavarian meadows and forests by myself. I was an abused child and very shy. But the warm sunrays in the forests that were like cathedrals, caressing me, the sound of birds echoing through the pines, the smells of earth and cedars, the babbling brooks talking to me and the soft green meadows to lay on, were my actual mother.
That bond saw me through very trying times in following years: reform school, streetlife, and so on. But I always knew I could find refuge with my true mother, nature.
I married a GI stationed in Germany when I was seventeen, and moved to the US. The marriage was a disaster. and I next apprenticed as an actress/dancer with a theatre company. “The Ensemble” operated out of the American Indian Center in Uptown Chicago.
Later on I met met my husband Jim when I moved to Bolinas, CA, and eventually we ended up in his hometown of Santa Barbara where we still live. We have two sons, now 25 and 27 years old
I naturally gravitated towards Native American Spirituality, and have gotten involved in Native American Rights issues for many years. Jim and I work full-time in educating others about and helping out wild relatives in trouble:
I have a small book at my bedside called Native American Wisdom by Ken Nerburn that I refer to every morning for inspiration, and in particulary Ohiyesa’s writings “The Soul of an Indian”. I cannot get enough of it. It is so beautifully written, so much content such clarity of speech. I’ve actually been meaning to do a diary or two on Ohyiesa, and might do it once I figure out all the html to format more comprehensively.
I know we can’t go back in time, but every bit of the spirituality that transfers into my life is a gift brought to me by, IMHO, the greatest culture there ever was, Native American Culture, where truth, religion, respect, intelligence and intuition merge into one.
“I was born in Nature’s wide domain! The trees were all that sheltered my infant limbs, the blue heavens all that covered me. I am one of Nature’s children. I have always admired her. She shall be my glory: her features, her robes, and the wreath about her brow, the seasons, her stately oaks, and the evergreen – her hair, ringlets over the earth – all contribute to my enduring love of her. Kahgegagahbowh – Ojibwe
Lovely story
Nothing heals the soul like being out in nature
“…where truth, religion, respect, intelligence, intuition AND THE PRESENT all merge into one.”
You are not only a seeker but a teacher as well as you have shown us that on this site and in your life. Your diary today brought me chills as I read it, a sure sign to me of spirituality contained therein.
You may not be a full blooded native, as you say, but to me you are. I would say you are a full blooded spiritual native American.
We on this site are so grateful that the Great Spirit shines through you and onto us.
Thanks to you ghostdancer for all your contributions to the Welcome Wagon diaries.
Wonderful, heartlifting post!
Around 10 years ago, I was in a stage where I was actively seeking something to fill what I felt was a spiritual gap in my life. I studied the ‘Medicine Wheel’ for a while, and felt comfortable with everything in it. However, I am an englishwoman – and it felt fake, to me, to actively pick a spiritual path that I could have no real connection to.
Much of NA spirituality is the same as my personal spirituality, which is individual but firmly nature based. It made more sense to me to delve into the folklore and custom of my own region, and I have found strength and solace there.
Another great diary ghost-dam you just keep them coming and I’ll keep putting them on recommend.
I particularly like the tag end of the bible quote with ‘our bible IS the wind’..that’s wonderful and so evocative of the difference between the christian religion/sensibility and Human Being culture. Those links are great also except for the fact it’s too many books and too little time and money for all. I did see that if you order books from that site that Amazon credits them-so that’s cool also.
Thank you for another beautiful diary. I was on my way out, but when I saw you had written I wanted to stick around for awhile. And I feel blessed that I did.
If anyone knows about betrayal and being minimized, it’s you – and I appreciate the thoughtful words you’ve shared to support those in need.
I recently lost a brother to those same demons you conquered, and there isn’t a day that goes by where my heart doesn’t ache in sadness over that loss. But reading your words brings comfort, and reading your words brings hope that others will learn from your experiences and eliminate the toxins from their lives. (Whether the toxins be in the form of chemicals or other humans)
While you may be a seeker, you are a wonderful teacher as well. I wish you the best of everything, and I look forward to additional chapters from your powerful story.
My own feeling is that the best kind of teacher is one who doesn’t have all the answers but who is seeking for themselves and thus simply teaches others by their own example.
writer ghost, always a pleasure to read you.
I have been drawn to Native American/American Indian spirituality since I was a child. I recognized it as such only after reaching advanced adulthood and began to read the writings of some of the greats such as Fool’s Crow and Dan Evehema. I look back and I realize that the simplicity and beauty, natural reason and depth of NA Spirituality has been what I’ve been following out of instinct all my life. I have been thrilled to find many books recommended by Native American friends of mine that have answered so many of my questions and have filled many gaps in my spiritual yearning.
My cathedral is a forest of towering trees and a windswept meadow and the sea caressing the land. My God is too big to be understood by me or to have humans put words into His mouth.
I look forward to following the links you have offered for continued good readings.
Thank you for writing your diaries,Ghostdancers Way. You make me feel like perhaps there is room for a white woman to learn and to follow. Please write more and often.