I am getting this diary up since the numbers are climbing on the last one and next thing you know it will be even higher.
What a lot of fun we’ve had in this last week with our welcoming new members. Hope some of you have had a chance to relax and enjoy our great site here.
Gardening diary is coming this Sat. so get your stories and pics ready..
Seems we all have a lot to say to each other so keep on talking and mingling.
Oldsters on this site jump in whenever you like and post whatever you like.
I must have given out a gazillion 4’s in the last week, but I’m sure there are many more to come.
See my info page for all the past newbie diaries.
Have some strawberries from me.
Here is a poem I wrote in 1985
How I don’t know.
Out of bits of this and pieces of that perhaps!
I want to sow and I want to grow,
All the little seeds of my life,
Pull the weeds and till the soil
And in the fall reap the harvest once sowed.
Treasures past and moments gone,
Like rivers flowing to the sea,
Become one with God’s great eternity.
The sun arises and sets each day,
And my life begins and ends that way.
To light my life with living full
and leave but not a deed undone,
that is my quest,
and not to miss this moment lest,
It leaves my life with emptiness
That is why, these moments with you I treasure,
For soon they will be gone,
with the flick of a feather.
Would that I could hold them close to me,
Clutch them tightly to my breast,
But alas, I can only hold them forever,
Resting in my memory.
When the diary number 10 gets too full, use this one.
Hello all and a wonderful day to you.
Who’s in a good mood today and who is not.
I am in a great mood all rested and ready to rumble.
And now our special guest Aretha Franklin (cue the music guys. . . .
* R. E. S. P. E. C. T. * Tell you what it means to me. . .
(photo, vh1.com, Divas 2001)
YEA!!!!! thought I would never find another place like home, TOTO….but here I am…I am now free…free at last……:o)
Hi Kids. Have just gotten home about an hour and a half ago and it is raining in my part of the world. Expecting thunderstorms the rest of today and thru out the rest of the week and next till wed, I think they said..so will have to get some goats to do the lawn at this point.
Been a great day for me actually. I feel so relieved and so much at home here and I havent been here that much but watch out…here I am….;o)
I just think the welcome wagon is such a great idea. It has made ppl feel like one belongs to a REAL community. YOu will never know how that makes me feel personally.
I work so much of the time, that I never get a chance to see anyone in my real community that much. only when someone dies or has surgry or a new baby or something like that. My closest neighbors in my subdivision [ here in Tn–can be in the country, BTW] are who I see with some regularity. We all work such wierd hours. It is most usually a wave or hi across the fence and how are things going type of thing.
Now, I can come here in this part of my life and really feel good about discussing things that matter to me…
I see some new faces and some old faces here.
First off, If, by some chance, I have offended anyone over at kos, I want to sincerely say how sorry I am about it. Please except my apology and lets get on with doing that is right for America and the world.
Second, if by some chance, I say something here that offends you please as an adult just say so but in a manner of which I can understand is honorable and not trif…
Thirdly and lastly, how can we get this land of ours back into the proper hands of responsiblity and doing what is right for us all and that includes all of us no matter what party we belong to. We all inherited this earth to live on and to see that it is taken care of in so many explicit ways.
between my next door neighbor and I, we both planted a tree this last spring…to share as a reminder that we have got to place some priorities back into living together and that is protecting our earth. I am praying we did a good job and that it lives and grows to show that we just simply care and that of brotherhood/sisterhood.
I am not particulary religious with one religion, I just want to say I am a believer, and let it go at that.
I am worried about health care not just for me but for everyone. We have been straddleing the socialized medicine aspect of this for years. It just keeps getting worse as the years go by..The young are so vulernable to have this go on here in America let alone in the world….all for the sake of $$$$ that is spent on other things that do not partain to us/me…
I want to change this whole aspect of things that has gone wrong in just a decade of being noncomplacient . We as a society will not last for much longer if we do not address some of these with real impact and get it though to our goverment…I mean hit it with a hammer to nail it right down on/to them.
It seems that they are just sort of playing games in DC anymore…I am not a good game player…I play to win..not loose…and that is what is going on today inthe world of politics…it should not be like that..The men and women are elected to go and represent all of us not just a certain section of us..we all have to eat and pay our bills. We have to see the dr for preventive medicine or elective which ever you want to call it..We all have emergencies at one time or the other on something…I work in this industry and it has gotten so bad, folks, that I cringe to be a patient, myself. I have to force the primary physcian to do certain tests on/about things that should reveal the causitive matter in my patients or even for me for that matter. I know for a fact that these drs are smart and inteligent…I know they are…why do they do the things they do…is beyond me.
Now that I have tried to lay out some of the things I am concerned about…Thank you so very much for your ears/eyes tonight. This is why I think I will be happy to be here on thisi sight. I think you know and understand what I am saying..
BTW, I love ppl..all shapes and sizes and nationalities, religions, etc…I learn from them daily..
Hi there, welcome.
I avoided the worst of the pie-wars, and don’t recognize you personally, but I do want to thank you for showing up here with a great attitude, a willingness to move on, and an apology for any hurt feelings that might exist. There has been a skirmish or two over here, but much, much more focus on how to heal, be supportive and get back to work.
Thank you, Zander. I appreciate that what you said. Well, day before yesterday I htink it was I unloaded my frustrations at kos personally and I felt so bad afterwards for that. he deserved it but I should have been a better person than to say things I felt bad about later. I just felt I could stand it no longer.
I am very glad to be out of that situation and where I can possibly make a difference. Sometime, someday and soon I hope, those who do not understand women and their problems in life, not only in America but all over the world, will come to their senses. It would benefit them, as well as us, if they did. The young are my future, and I suspect yours and many others as well.
I just have a good feeling about this place. Right from the get go…I always felt I learned a lot at the kos about issues…and I did…but there is more to life than that….I suppose I will continue to read some of the diaries there…I read a lot of juan cole and others. Which gave me a bacground to understand the others diaries.
I feel like I am breathing freash air here…thanks so much
..most of us have felt the same way. I didn’t jump into the fray much, but just watching pushed me over the edge more than a few times.
The crowd that’s gathering here has been amazing – and with the support of the previous members of this site, a lot of healing is taking place. There’s still anger and frustration, but it’s being dealt with, not poked at.
I’m a newbie here myself – just wandered in a couple of days ago, and can’t begin to express how cool this place is.
This is so nice to have folks actually happy to see you. Those strawberrys look like the ones we just got out of our garden today. I went home for lunch and there was a small bowl full of them. Man I love the garden. Although it can be a pain at the end of the season putting everything up.
Such a cool name but I have to keep looking to see how you spell it.
I am about to have a nice bowl of strawberries with yogurt and honey, will you join me and for the gardening diary coming up on Sat.
And sweeterish, you really must tell us more about you.
I would love to join your gardening diary. I will be out of town this weekend (going to visit my son and grandson). but tell me how I can find it when I get back. I don’t talk much about myself I was raised in a family that considered that bragging but whatever you would like to know I will share. (Smiles)
Well tell whatever you like and I don’t think it’s bragging to talk about yourself at all. Some people have spoken of there pain and suferring in past years and can’t think that would be bragging.
You can tell us how old you are, where you live, what you do with your time, things like that.
I already know from you have a grandson so you are near my age group and a lot of on this site are of an age. Course I had my first grand child when I was about 40 so you may be way younger than me at 62.
Anyway tell whatever you feel like sharing and we won’t tell your family you did, ok. (smile)
Or you could talk about visiting your grandson. I have 2, and 2 grand daughters. ranging in age from 9 to 20.
Thank you for your kind words. I’m 48 and I had my first gradchild or should say only one so far at 43. I have 3 children 2 boys 22 & 27 and 1 girl 15. Oh and my name is Sherri. I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
for living in the belly of the beast. I’m in Boulder–I can be at your house in two hours, but we’re worlds apart. Think positive, and please get everyone you know to vote yes on Amendments C & D on November 1, or we’re all moving elsewhere.
Will do on C & D. Oh boy I made a rhyme
I love to watch other people garden but man, I am the black thumb of death when it comes to nuturing plant life – ha. I always enjoyed the Saturday garden blogging diary at DKOS and I still plan on checking that out -perhaps someone posts a similar diary here.
I love Frankenoid’s garden blog. I can’t wait until Saturday for it
Perhaps you could ask Frankenoid to cross-post here — I’d do it myself, but…… ;-(
Yes I do a gardening diary and I will post one on Sat. unfortunately it is not up to the level of Frankenoid, with all the pics, as I do not have a dig. camera, but I hope all you new members can help to fill it with wonderful pics.
Diane101, I can’t wait to see your garden blog. Is there a specific time that you get under way?
I will post it first thing Sat. morn, about 8 am pdt.
I will def check our your Saturday morning garden blogging. My landlady has turned a tiny patch of Toronto backyard into an oasis – it’s quite amazing and inspiring.
actually I have learned somethings from that kind of diary. I find it truly amazing how someone can do some of the things they do with the ground and plants..I do so wished I had a green thumb..
I’m a teacher who’s broadening her horizons. I am a sometimes poster at kos and I have yet to write my first diary, but I am just waiting for school to finish – more time.
I am 37, married and my husband and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a picture from China. Once that happens, we will travel and bring home a beautiful daughter. I teach American Literature at a “failing” inner city high school where 60-70% of my students do not speak English at home.
I live in Canada, but drive back to the Detroit area to teach, so have enjoyed have multiple points of view on the world.
Oh yea…union forever.
Ah, another one of my Heroes. Teacher is tops in my book!! Thanks for doing that most important job! And you’re talking to a 24 year Union Officer vetern here. Yes, Union forever.
We are so glad to welcome you here, we want you to feel right at home and jump in anytime you feel like presenting your views. Would dearly love to see you post a diary, if you have time, about your adoption experiences. Good Luck and Congratulations on the soon to be new addition! Adoptive Parents are very high on my list of heroes!!
And I also have a very special fondness for Canadians, and Canada. Gee that just all seems to rank you right up there near the top of any of my lists!
Glad to welcome you here.
for the warm welcome. In what kind of union were you an officer? I am currently my unions PAC chairperson (what a surprise).
I am actually a US citizen born and raised, but I married a wonderful Canadian guy and immigration to Canada was sooooooo less complicated than to the US that I moved across the Detroit River.
I would love to post a diary on the adoption and on educational issues. Exams are next week and I am done on the 16th. Don’t worry, I am a teacher and I love to hear my own voice, or see my words on screen, so I’ll jump in fairly frequently over the summer.
Man, I love the spellcheck.
I was a local, and state, and regional advisory board officer for the huge and unwieldy APWU, American Postal Workers Union. . .600,000 strong.
Well 2 out of three. . .eh? Actually you seem like a very smart American to immigrate to Canada, so doesn’t disqualify you in my book. LOL
I don’t think too many of us are in the category that would suggest we don’t like to hear our own voice, or see our words on the screen, and do backflips when we hit the recommended list.
Yep, you will find it a nice fit over here at the Frog Pond.
Welcome TT. I bet you’re quite impatient now – waiting for that envelope with a picture. One of my sisters went to China (the others accompanied her) to pick up a beautful little girl back in January.
I was recently back in Norway for a visit. What a blessing she is. You’ll soon be there!
A brief re-introduction of myself for those coming to the thread. Norwegian, but in ‘exile’ for the last 18 years – 15 of them in the US (NYC & area). Two kids living with their mother not to far away (my 10 yo son is here with me tonight – also have a daughter of 15). Girlfriend who sporadically posts here.
Came to Booman on opening day – 14 March, and immediately spent more time here than elsewhere.
your sister. I can’t wait. My students are funny, if I miss a day, they actually think that I have left for China. lol – Like I wouldn’t at least say good-bye.
How old was your niece when she arrived?
I guess you hoped for this timing – summer break coming up. Sina Xiao was 15 months when she came home. A bit above the average age, I believe. She couldn’t really walk when she arrived – now she is zooming around. She’s an inquisitive, insistent, smart little cutie.
Look for her at the Bootrib toodler blog spin-off (which must surely come, given evidence of so many parents and grandparents here 😉 ) in a couple of years.
how wonderful…congrats as well. please let us know when the big event happens…show a picture too…
certainly will.
Yay – I’ve spotted a few of us around here. Kudos for the work you do – and enormous kudos for crossing the border every day to do it. That’s commitment.
OK – it’s presumptuous to assume you’re a Canadian just because you live in the Windsor area, but still… I’m happy to see someone who has probably shared my CNN – CBC cognitive dissonance at least once or twice.
are the local Detroit stations. When I first started dating my husband, the NBC affiliate was doing a big “expose” during sweeps week. The scandal? Nudie golf. Gold outings run by strip clubs, with the dancers as caddies.
That was May 2000. I was so glad that there wasn’t a presidential campaign going on.
I think I remember that. “What really happened on the back 9?” Sheesh.
you have my admiration…I love kids too as once I did some peadiatric nursing…but to teach..well, nuf said..you are very valuable in my opinion..The teachers of my day mad a very big impression on me and I actully learnd from them…;o)
My kids had their favorite one too..My oldest graddaughter can not decide if she wants to be a dr or a lawyer…She said to me the other day she might do both..how about that one! I was bloawn away by that one…I simply admire your profession. Keep up the good work..
I was just curious, Toni (BTW, great name; my sister’s name is Toni, spelled just the same) — do you get any grief from Homeland Security when you’re crossing, or do they pretty much all recognize you and wave you across?
Second your union forever comment — the spouse is a proud member of the Amalgamated Transitworkers Union (ATU), and I’m working on being a good union spouse. 🙂 I remember riding the bus with one of his co-workers who was shop steward for the division, when we passed by a Safeway (supermarket) picket line. The driver actually stopped the bus (I was the only one on board), got off and gave his business card to the group leader, offering assistance if needed. That’s why I’m proud to be a union spouse. 🙂
I don’t get too much of a hassle. I have a special card that gets me into a special lane, so normally I skate right through.
It is dicier when I take my husband. We don’t have the same last name so Checkpoint Charlie often gives us a twisted eyebrow. I don’t look forward to my first US trip with my daughter. Needless to say, she will look nothing like me, so I will always have to have her adoption papers with me.
Great job with the Safeway people. All union members need to know that there are many of us out here.
ok color me stupid but I’m trying to rate and I can’t for some reason. Am I missing the magic button?
Sorry we are all out of the “color me stupid” crayons, I used them all up myself.
At the bottom of the post you want to rate there is a little box with the words rate all on it. Just to the left of that is a little box that says none, this box has a down arrow to the right of it, click the down arrow and then pick your rating by clicking on your choice. After that click on the “rate all” button and you’re done.
…they’re turned off – just under the poll is a ‘Rate?’ box with a pull down menu. It should say yes – if it’s not that, well, um, …. I’m not sure.
Hi everyone! I’m yet another “expat” from that other site, and I’m happy to be here.
I’m in my late 30s with a wife and 9-year-old son, who just had his last day of school today. Party!
I’m a fifth-generation Coloradan–Western Slope, since you asked–whose first time east of Denver was leaving for prep school on a scholarship when I was 14. I studied Public Policy at a great University, then ran back home to the mountains once I saw the kind of Washington DC internships that was setting me up for. I spent two years skiing, climbing, and biking.
Then I moved to Silicon Valley to shack up with my girlfriend, and this hobby I’d always had of poking at computers turned into a career. After working for internet startups for 7 years during the 90s boom days, my girlfriend and I married, had a kid, and moved back to Colorado.
I’d always been interested in politics, but it took a man named Howard Dean to get me off my ass over two years ago. Next thing I knew I was wearing an orange hat in Iowa, shaking Joe Trippi’s hand, having volunteer activities nearly every waking hour, and eventually taking over as a Meetup host.
I love to walk ‘n’ knock–really–but my computer skills seem to bring more to the table, so I’m the webmaster for two big 527 organizations and a part-time helper for several more. I’m actually writing up documentation and transition plans right now so I can step down from a lot of that and focus on the one group that I consider most important.
What else? I hike, love cats, dogs, and kids, drink about two beers a month, and I’m just a hair shy of being legally blind. I think being Dad, then a good husband, are the two most important things I can do, and I have to remind myself of this often as I’m heading off for my third or fourth consecutive volunteer evening or weekend.
I write python, PHP, Java, C++ code all day, so when I come home at night I play the banjo. It’s the anti-computer, and I’m finally getting good at it. Old-time, no picks, no speedy bluegrass, just the funky sound of my fingernails plucking strings on an open-back work of art made by luthiers who are friends of mine here in town.
And I play video games, lose my temper, forget my wife’s birthday (but make up for it, trust me), and spend too much time blogging when I should be bringing home the bacon.
Peace and human rights issues have become my overall theme, but I’m a very liberal Democrat in general. I respect everyone as my equal and emphathize with Hispanic-Americans, blacks, gays, and women as much as is possible for someone who isn’t any of those things. At least I realize I can’t presume to know what I’m talking about when I wade into those issues, so I mostly listen and learn.
I have a strong ascetic ethic. Conspicuous consumption makes me more angry than nearly anything. My parents say I was a very mellow child who would only get irate when he saw waste. I guess I took the old “there are starving children in Africa” saw to heart.
Oh yes, I have a Canadian passport thanks to my dad evading Vietnam for a few years. Yes, I’ve dusted it off several times. It is very tempting to run away from problems, and arguably that’s what I’ve done in a more trivial way with Daily Kos. But I’m here in the U.S. and at BooTrib for now, and I really appreciate the more international perspective on politics. Would that all Americans could read things by Jerome, Sven, and the others I’m just getting to know here.
And boy, can I go on and on! Thanks for reading this far.
I want to welcome you too, ubikkibu! We are really glad to have you show up here at our Frog Pond. You will fit right in here, so make yourself at home and please post comments and diaries whenever the spirit moves you.
I’m a couple of hours from Whistler, but something that has irritated me to no end is that Bush and a fortified freakin’ military border stand between me and Colorado. Yes, it’s on page 117 of things I hate Bush for, but still… sigh. I loved skiing in Colorado.
Oh yah, you sound really cool too – I’m glad you’re here.
I’ve just been INCREDIBLY long winded over in KB’s Gender diary
so I’ll be concise here
Progressive Christian, liberal Democrat in KS, and Mac user – I don’t follow the crowd… Highly recommend Marcus Borg’s writing, Cassandra Wilson’s singing, and http://www.soulforce.org, http://www.tcpc.org, & http://www.sojo.net
that’ gives you a pretty good overview. Married 13 year, age 37, 2 boys (10, and 6), baseball nut.
registered at BT a long time ago – becoming more active recently 🙂
will stop now before concise becomes a lie
Another familiar name from across the road.
Sure are glad to welcome you to our party here, and we hope you will stay as long as it feels right to you. Make yourself at home, jump right in whenever it pleases you and we look forward to hearing from you about issues of all types that are important to you
Oh It’s, I am so glad you are here. A voice of sanity and caring is so welcome. There are many here.
It’s so good to see you. I was wabegg over there, and I just can’t tell you how often you made me smile.
Never knew you were a Mac user…another reason to like you. 🙂
I’ve been here for a while (since Dk decided that party loyalty was more important than reproductive rights) but I’m mostly a lurker because of my busy schedule.
I’m 60 and I have an undergraduate degree in “Community Studies” from UC Santa Cruz and an M.L.S. from San Jose State. Currently I’m the Fishwars Woman and am responsible for one of the ads here.
My maternal grandparents were Mennonites who converted to a fundamentalist church. All their daughters were removed from school after completing the 8th grade because educating women was a waste of time and they’d just get married and have a family anyway. My mother didn’t marry until she was almost 40 and she ended up working as a cleaning person and a cook. She had a rough life and died young.
Many of my relatives are still members of that fundamentalist church and I have very little in common with them. For the past 10 years, my goal in life has been to annoy fundies and other nutjobs.
I posted occasionally at Dk under the name Fishwars and I have a Fishwars blog that I frequently neglect and when I do write there I forget to stay on topic.
Welcome to our thriving place, nona!
Great to have you join in all the fun over here. Enjoy the welcome party, take a look around if it’s been awhile since you last visited. We understand busy schedules, so if you have time or the desire, we would love to share in your concerns and interests. Import something from your own blog, if you like, and add your blog address into your sig line so we can go visit you often.
Thanks for the link to Shakespeares’s Sister. I stole my new sig line from the great post there.
I changed my mind… ah, the challenges of a good sig.
Was this quote you chose and then rejected?
With friends like these, who needs Republicans?
I guess it would have to be used in the context of the pie fight at Dk, eh?
that was the one. I wore it for about 10 minutes, but then realized that I’m almost over it, and I want to be over it. There’s no sense in bringing anger over here, if it can be avoided.
Yesterday I noticed I was feeling less angry and then I remembered what they say about the various stages of grief. I’ve moved from anger to acceptance and sadness. I thought Markos et. al were more progressive than they are. Oh well.
But I’m loving the frog pond. Who needs Dk anyway?
Well…I’m 52, female, single parent of a 16 year old son, who recently discussed with me that he is gay, which immediately got me thinking of Matthew Shepard and wishing that my son had opted to continue the karate he tried for a month back when he was 10 to stave off bullies (he was good at it, but hated it). I’m a worry wart to the core, always have been.
I was worried about him nearing draft age and the war until we made the decision that he would not go period…whatever it takes… I really feel that anyone who supports this war and is of age to serve has a MORAL OBLIGATION to enlist.
I was born and still live in NC and do transcription for the local mental health center. I thank the Maker that I work at home, traffic in this city is truly awful and I often nap during lunch.
I’ve been registered as an independent as long as I’ve voted, but have always voted Democrat. I’ve thought about changing it, but I really wonder if the Democratic party is liberal enough for me. I felt Kerry was far too conservative for me.
My family and friends are not nearly as political as I am, I keep them informed about everything (they listen patiently mostly…and endure me and have even broke news to me that I wasn’t aware of…I guess we’re teaching each other).
Reading has and always will be my first love.
Antiques and collectibles, buying and selling and gardening are tied too close to call seconds.
I really love this “neighborhood”. It seems the the quality of conversation is very high. I’ve learned a lot of different things in a short time here.
The rule I like best about being here is the “don’t be a prick”…even before piegate, I was getting a disillusioned about that at kos.
Welcome otis704
It is great to have you in our community. And we take our “don’t be a prick” rule very much to heart here. We don’t flame, and we are not disrespectful of others. We may not always agree on things, but we always respect the rights and opinions of others.
Make yourself at home and participate as much or as little as you have time and inclination to do so.
I might qualify as an oldster if you mean that I am ID #396. Hmm maybe middle-aged. But I feel young at heart.
Here is my Thursday Dog Blog to cheer you up.
Love conquers all…
And Diane I have been eating strawberries that were picked yesterday. MMMmmmmm, yours look delicious.
Thanks for the welcome. I’m trying out my new signature link.
Now I feel at home.
I’ve been signed up for a bit, mostly lurking. Not sure if I’m a refugee or just tired of the arguments – but I do like the pace and the company here.
I’m a girl-science nerd who does computers, graphic design and cranky old music. (Never could make up my mind about what I wanted to do when I grew up.) Now almost 57, I’m old and secure enough to be really troublesome. I plan on exploring that option.
Over in the other neighborhood I’d comment when I thought I could add something to the conversation, but most often would just read and digest and use what I’d learned to write letters and talk to people. The talking (in a left-brain way) about issues is something very new to me. I’ll probably continue in this pattern, but who knows. I do know that it’s important for me to continue to speak out in my oh-so-sweet-and-bifocaled-manner about the egregious wrongs this administration is perpetrating on our nation.
Welcome girl-science nerd!!
You said:
I say, Awesome, we have quite a number of us here that feel the same way, so even more so we are a force to be reckoned with. I sure as heck know a sister when I see one!
Welcome, make yourself at home here and jump in anytime the spirit moves you.
thanks shirlstars. I look forward to learning some troublemaking techniques from those who have gone before me.
Hi! I’ve been lurking here off and on, but I didn’t get around to registering until yesterday. (Bad case of slackeritis.) I’m a conservative Democrat, although slowly becoming more liberal. I majored in sociology in college, I was recently accepted to Earlham School of Religion for seminary studies, and my poorly designed and spottily updated blog is over here.
I’m really excited about meeting everyone and engaging in discussion here!
Congratulations on your acceptance to Earlham, sparrowsong. Can’t wait to get a minute to go over and explore your blog.
We are even more excited to have you here exploring the Forg Pond with us. Please make yourself right at home and jump into whatever interests you. Very much looking forward to your participation here.
another 4th century monastic wanna-be here. That post title at your blog made me laugh – yep, that’s me.
Congrats on your acceptance at Earlham. I could be wrong, but I think I spotted a Quaker somewhere in these Welcome diaries just recently. I’ll be looking forward to your posts – perspectives from seminary studies will really expand my horizons.
Ooh, a Quaker? I’ll have to see if I can find them; maybe I’ll put Earlham in my sig line and see if anyone responds. I’m not a Quaker, myself, but I’m really excited about studying with them.
Glad I could make you laugh. :o)
that there would be absolutely no way to remember or find who I was thinking of – but in fact, it was easy. I’ll attribute that to divine intervention. asterlil – just put up an introduction late last night.
I went over and said hi. :o)
Would love it if you’d diary about some of what you learn over there — I briefly considered the Quaker tradition, but I’m not sure I can keep my big mouth shut that long. 😉
Hello, everyone–
I was a lurker at DKos for over a year, and have been really surprised at the lack of understanding for women, women’s issues, and feminism. I was part of the 60s and thought that the “your issues can come later” claim was long dead. Not to mention “leftist” sexism. But I guess not.
I teach history at college, and used to teach Women’s Studies, too. (But I don’t believe I’m sanctimonious or fanatical.)
I’ve loved reading everyone’s views and bios the past few days, and my hope here at the Frogpond is that we have/ build a respectful community.
Love your screen name!
Dear unsanctimonious, unfanatical Teacher, We love Teachers over here and we are mighty proud and happy to welcome you to our little Frog Pond! This community was founded on the very respect that you mention. We don’t take it lightly and we really do require it from everyone. It is something we all have felt very strongly about since the inception of Booman Tribune. If we all do our part, it will remain our foremost rule of behavior here.
We are just really happy to have you and we hope your stay will be long and worthwhile. Make yourself at home. Jump in when it feels right to you. We value your participation here.
I was going to ask why Pie wasn’t in the poll but I think that may have been ruined forever. It’s a shame, I really like pie.
Yes, I can believe it.
This is a repeat, with some additions and deletions from part I, to wit:
Hello, blksista here.
I’m a 51 y.o. black woman, novelist (first novel coming up), got her MFA late, but better late than never. I wanted to spend a year in New York finishing the book, since it is the publishing capital of the country, but I wound up spending three crazy years here and couldn’t finish anything. Add to that I had a fire in my apartment during the Great Blackout and ended up homeless for eight months.
Got out of depression last year after the election debacle and said that I had to do something to get control of my life again, and to get the book going, so I got myself into another writing colony and then applied and won a year-long fellowship in Wisconsin. So I am back on schedule and will be relocating in a couple of months. It will be quieter and whiter, but it may be the best move since going cross-country from writing residency to writing residency during the summer of 2001. Yeah, I’ve been to Yaddo.
I participated in the Big March (a million people, I can believe, not the cop estimates) in New York against the Repub Convention. I like listening to Air America and Pacifica at times, too. I’ve been progressive since the early 1980s in the S.F. Bay Area. I’m interested in issues impacting women and people of color, books, TV/,media, history and current events.
Oh, and sushi, everyone! Gumbo on the other side there!
Great Big Boo Trib welcome, blksista!!
Wow, another writer. . . we have several of you professional writer types here! Hoorah! Because most of us are for sure avid readers. And many of us are wannabe writers. You brought Sushi and Gumbo? Wow! if you weren’t already high up there on my list of OMG women here, that would surely put you over the top. Hmmm now the question is. . .does one actually eat the sushi and gumbo at the same time? Not a combo I have ever
considered. . .
Wasabi sauce is here so start dippin.
Really looking forward to whatever you wish to share with us as you participate here. Make yourself at home and enjoy!
I’ve lost me “e”. . .
oh, there it is over there. . . . . . . . . . .>
so that would be Welcome, as I attempted to say earlier.
There is no either/or in my world. If ya wanna dip wasabi and suck on some gumbo, go right ahead.
I was just trying to imagine what the two taste combinations would be like. . .small town hick that I am, I would probably dip the sushi in the gumbo. . .just not sure if that’s the way to go. . .maybe another glass of champagne will give me a clue. . .or not.
I’m not an either/or person either (or)
No, don’t dip the sushi in the gumbo, although since gumbo contains rice anyway, the sushi would probably break apart and become part of the seafood and chicken and sausage and file and okra soup…
Sushi could be a great appetizer.
Followed by gumbo!
Do tell us about your novel, please!
It’s about a black woman, in her 60s, who is telling her life story to a black poet and historian connected with the Federal Writers Project (WPA). The current action is set in 1939 Louisiana; her story goes from the 1890s to about 1914, from when she was about 10 to when she is
There’s an enchanted bed that speaks only to its owner, voodoo, interracial love/sex, union busting, vigilantes, friendship, the Louisiana Creole language…
Sorry, I forgot to add that the story my heroine tells is from when she is ten to when she is 37, with three children. Two are twins, and part-white.
Those strawberries need a recipe (our season in ME is very backlogged this year–still catching up on sunshine).
My mother’s Strawberry Glaze Pie
(You can cheat on the single crust w/a pre-made number, or go w/homemade).
Bake single crust pie shell (9″ plate) @375 degrees, for 25 min.
Set aside to cool.
1 1/2 quart fresh strawberries (rinsed/cored/diced)
1 cup white sugar
3 Tab. cornstarch
1/2 cup H20
Mash 1 cup of the berries, & combine into a saucepan w/the sugar & cornstarch.
Bring to rolling boil on medium heat for 1 minute.
Set aside & cool.
Fill pie shell w/remaining berries, add sauce mixture (glaze) over top, & chill for 3 hrs. in fridge.
…must have homemade whipped cream on top when served (Cool Whip is a “no-no”)!
Suggestion: make two while engaged in the process, as one pie goes quickly.
Decadent stuff!
Now you’ve done it . . .you’ve gone and made my mouth all watery for fresh strawberry pie. . .Mmmmmmm
Great recipe, just gonna have to do it.
Thanks, and if you haven’t already been swarmed by the welcome team
oh good heavens, I just gained 5 lbs…sound sooooo good Thanks for the tips..
Hi…I guess you could call me a Pie War emissary, as I’ve reduced my regular participation at dKos to my weekly Torah Parshah and the only reliable audience for it (hi TeresainPa!) has moved over here. I’ll still post it there, just in case, but I suspect I’ll post it here too, for Teresa. The Pie War didn’t drive me over here, actually, though – seeing people whose prose I respected (HHG, MSO, SusanHu) deliver a polite, verbal, and (in my opinion) well-deserved middle finger to Markos and say “I’m coming over here” intrigued me.
I’m from south Mississippi, Jewish (obv), and getting more liberal every day. My poor Baptist preacher brother doesn’t know what to do.
So, anyway, I’m interested to see what happens here, and I’m looking forward to getting back into the Parshah swing (missed last week because I was studying for the LSAT – which I sat Monday).
We are just real glad to have you stop by whenever it seems appropriate or something you want to do. You are welcome here!
We hope you will feel at home and we invite you to participate in whatever ways you wish to. We really are interested in what you have to share with us.
Recognized the reference to Torah Parshah; I’ve peeked in now and then and found it fascinating.
Looking forward to having it here…
Hi Matthew, it’s nice to pick up on a fellow Mississippian here. I look forward to seeing your regular posts.
Welcome from another new BT member. I’m from Jackson (see my intro below in this diary).
I always read it but I don’t think I ever commented. My bad.
In a way I am glad I have never written a parsha diary. There would only be another series disappearing into the ether.
I was late and the party moved to the patio, so here is a repost.
Some folks from Kos might know me. Originally from South Carolina. Live in North Carolina. Did not attend UNC, so am agnostic about the main religious factions in North Carolina: the Church of Basketball of NC State, the More Holy Church of Basketball of UNC, the Lord’s Own Church of Basketball of Wake Forest, and the Full Gospel Camp in the Snow Blue Painted Church of Basketball of Saint K.
I tend to chime in on things about the South. Watch what you say because a lot of the local Republicans are from one of y’alls home states, y’know. And Democrats can win in the South and will.
Economics, where you will often see my disclaimer IANAE.
And geographical politics-50 states=3081 counties=192,480 precincts.
And what brought over is some of the best blog writers, and you know who you are.
I’m glad you made it over here from part 10, but it looks like you still might be stuck with just me. There are 5 or 6 ‘pre-pie’ members who have been working around the clock to keep these welcome diaries going, but I think… I think you just missed them.
But that’s OK, I won’t worry about you, I’m sure you feel pretty much at home here already, and recognize a lot of people. Have fun.
This originally showed up at the end of another diary at 2:00 A.M.
Hi, you can call me “Time Waits” I guess. I am 53, divorced, the mother of a 17 year old son. He is responsible for the user name. I got him to help me sign up for DKos (yes, another refugee) and he commented that it was about time that I got more politically involved. He said “time waits for no man,” but of course, as I found it hard to overlook at Kos recently, I am a woman. I am a college professor, of philosophy, and co-director of our Gender Studies program. So Kos’ comment really stung. It’s great to see all these wonderful smart people I have come to appreciate here. Even Jerome a Paris! For some reason I find diaries on economics fascinating, even though I don’t know much about it.
I just got trusted user status at Kos, so I might go back now and again. But the din there has gotten deafening.
I’m glad to see you over here, and look forward to learning from you. There was a time when I was …well, not ashamed exactly, but… embarrassed about my lack of formal education. Having Booman fill up with so many professors and wonderfully talented people, I’ve begun to wonder if maybe my debt-free life isn’t so bad after all.
You adorable pond-wader, you. Mighty glad to see you and thanks some more for all your help with the welcome “4” patrol.
I need to take a break for a little bit. . .12 hours sure flew by fast. . . if you are able, sure would appreciate you to continue the patrol for awhile.
I had some RL to attend to, but I’m here now, and will be happy to pitch in. But be warned – I don’t have your stamina … or speed … or grace, for that matter. I don’t actually stutter, but I have some kind of electronic equivalent sometimes, and just don’t know what to say without sounding like an idiot.
Go get some rest – you need it.
Hah! ROFLOL. . .I have never let not knowing something stop me from sounding like an idiot, or acting like one either.
You are doing a fabulous job and I really think you are a born meeter and greeter! A Talent so big you could become, I don’t know. . .something really BIG. . .like a Big meeter and greeter.
(see, I have no idea what I am saying any more, what it relates to, or if it makes any sense, because none of it makes any sense. . .got that? Okay, now ‘splain it to me)
Keep doing what you’re doing for a little while longer if you can, and I will be back in a flash or two.
earlier, seeing some of your posts, that you may …well, how can I say this delicately…be getting a little loopy after dealing with the deluge for this many days.
Go rest! I’ll be here – you know, dog-paddling in the pond – but I promise I won’t drown. OK – I need to run for 10 minutes, but then I’ll be here all night. I saw someone days ago mention stocking up – cigarettes, water, food – I didn’t imagine they were serious… oh, boy.
That was Diane, and oh boy was she serious. . .Heh!
Yeah, even when I’m not a little loopy, I enjoy acting a little loopy, so it’s hard to tell with me. Just been in a silly, happy mood all day.
I mean, think of it, When or where ever would we get the opportunity to meet and hear a bit about so many fabulous, talented, interesting, fun, passionate, and skilled people as we have right here in the past 3 days? Wow! I am like in pig heaven.
What an amazing and fulfilling opportunity has come our way. I am loving it!!
it’s infectious. I’ve laughed and smiled more in the last couple of hours in this diary…. it’s a nice gig you’ve got here. I’m still just blown away by all of this –
K- out the door, back in 10, then you can put me to work.
and stocked up. I’ll be here all night.
Have a bunch of 4’s for doing a great job ya’all.
Me – I’m on MAJeff’s Gender forum enjoying a good discussion.
I teach undergraduates at an inner city university and one reason I like my job is that my students teach me so much. One thing I have learned is that if you can’t explain your thoughts clearly to a relatively intelligent 20 year old, then maybe you don’t understand them yourself.
hey Girl. I am very happy that you came here. I am not a teacher or anything like what you are..but I intend on hearing you and learing from you…so speek up…I want to hear you..I am sure we have a lot in common…as a woman or as a peer, I just want to learn from you if you will permit.
Thanks for the warm welcome! I’ve been here two days and it’s already starting to feel like a real blog-home!
I’m male, 42, married, with one 17 year old son. I am a seventh generation Mississippian on both sides of my family, the great-grandson of a sharecropper, the son of two public school teachers (retired), a Harvard graduate (geology), and I’ve made my living up to this point as a computer network specialist and custom programmer running my own consulting service. I’m transitioning my career (mid-life and all that) to photography, something I’ve always loved and I’m considering some other options as well.
My life has been greatly influenced by growing up in this state, with all my family roots so deep here. Mississippi is one crazy place to try to get along as a “Harvard liberal”, but I do my best to fight the good fight. The amazing thing about living in Jackson, Mississippi is that there is really a core group of “creative class” members who are second to none. If you hang with the right crowd, there is no better place to find and hang on to good friends.
My interests run the gamut. I love the sciences and do my best to keep up with advances in as many different fields as I can. I went to Harvard for many reasons, but was primarily attracted by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, where I worked as an undergrad research assistant looking for planets around other stars. I’m an amateur musician, I play the guitar, saxophone and violin/fiddle and sing legit with a local choral group from time to time.
While the endpoints of my philosophy of life are best characterized as “very liberal”, I often tell people around here that “I’m so conservative, even you wouldn’t agree with me.” As time goes by, I’ll try to share some more of how I think that works, but suffice it to say that I’ve read the Bible as much or more than anyone around here. My dad was a Baptist preacher before becoming a school teacher and I’m a dunked in the water southern baptist (not currently active, though). I’m not sure how to characterize my religious beliefs but I think I’m somewhere between a Bahai, an agnostic and a “doubting Thomas” Christian. And, you will probably recognize my sig from the Unitarian Universalist name generator.
I’m a huge fan of Emerson and Thoreau. I read voraciously, and I KNOW I’m the only one in my neighborhood who subscribes to the New Yorker magazine.
I’m not easily offended except by willful ignorance or a lack of respect for one’s fellow humans or the planet we live on.
I’m currently starting up a “river group” here in Jackson, because we are having major problems with the Pearl River, the largest river in the interior of Mississippi.
I am also considering using some of my career transition opportunity at mid-life to explore a career in some type of political consulting. I have some contacts in the Democratic Party here in the state – two former governors and a former gubernatorial candidate with lots of money. I don’t know where that will go, but it’s one of my summer projects to look them up and see where I might be useful.
Again, thank you all so very much for the opportunity to join the gang here. I’m a disc golfer, so I’ve definitely been clicking on the disc golf ad every time I come here to try to generate some revenue for the site. Any other disc golfers out there?
Hi there,
Each and every paragraph of your introduction made me smile. You are so interesting, I just don’t even know where to start.
I have no doubt that you’ll have many unique and wonderful contributions to make around here, and on behalf of everyone who will benefit from them – Welcome!
I need the props down here. I just know I’m going to feel comfortable posting here. I was always worried at that other site that I would be ripped to shreds for some minor inconsistency or some minor rules infraction. I’ve always been a little shy, but now that the stakes are so high in the world, I’m opening up quite a bit. I hope you are right that I can contribute, and I will do my best to live up to your kind expectations.
believe how many times I’ve seen that same thought expressed here over the last couple of days. There are so many people who have found themselves opening up in this ‘kinder, gentler’ place. Myself included – I came over here intending to lurk… and here I am running around the party saying hello to everyone.
living up to those expectations. Welcome to the site and hope to see more from you.
Thanks Man Eegee, you will see more of me here. Same back to you, too.
Just a little about me, then to my issue,
I write poetry, love gardening, have a BS degree in Networks and Applications, enjoy my family, collect stamps, work on computers and oh did I say I write poetry.
Magic has entered here.
Something mystical yet true.
A window to the world has
Opened through you.
Mystery has entered here.
For who knows of what’s to be
And time can only bring answers
For why you’ve come to me.
Music has entered here.
A pathway to my heart.
A passion driving us both
And has been from the start.
Love has entered here
It contains the other three.
Magic, Mystery and Music….
All parts of life’s beauty.
copyright 6/7/2005
Ghostdancers way
Oh, you know that one issue, it is called human rights, you know the one issue that affects, women, men, gays, males, females, blacks, whites, browns, yellows, reds, you know that one issue that has been the center piece of progressives forever. The one that is being sold off by the corporate Democrats, for a larger piece of the pie. To hell with the pie, I don’t, no I won’t support shredding off, women’s issues, gay rights issues, so some corporate asshole who claims to be democrat, but actually is a repuglican in disguise, can win a freaking election to sell out my beliefs. When I heard about the clamoring about so many people being one issue oriented, I cringed, I have never been one issue, or maybe I have because it has always been about human rights, the right to be respected, honored and provided dignity because I am a human being, regardless of my race, color, gender, sexual orientation or my religion or lack of religion. If you really want to know how I feel, please feel free to ask me.
What a wonderful poem. If I could say something so well, I would, but that’s why we need poets like you in this world.
For a single-issue person, you really hit that nail square on the head. Everything really does flow from that one doesn’t it?
Welcome from another new BT member. I am sooo happy to be here with folks like you!
Ghostdancer, as soon as I wipe the tears from my cheeks, I want to tell you how much I love you. Great Spirit or as I say it, All That Is, truly abides in you.
How fortunate we are to spend a little time with you here in the midst of our day to days.
Walk in the Light, brother, walk in the Light.
I’ve been lurking around, there is some amazing stuff happening in the diaries. Any word if Diane101 will be available to start #12? If not, we should get one going soon since we’re hitting 100 comments here. WOW!
I will contact her and see if she is available and wants to do it, or wants us to. Hang on for a couple. . .
<s>Superwoman</s>Diane is on it right now!
I’m a moderately left-wing casualty of the pie wars at dKos (my first BMT diary is here). Hoping to find a better signal/noise ratio as well as keep contact with others who have left.
I’m a consulting physicist, married, no kids. Most of my work these days centers around fuel cells. I’ll be posting sometime soon a few diaries on energy issues.
Looks like a nice place so far! Where’s my fruit basket? 🙂
As someone with an interest in energy issues, and the tendency to be clueless about most of them – I’m really glad you showed up. I’ll be looking forward to your diaries.
; )
We’re taking the Welcome Wagon on the Road to Part 12! Don’t forget to Recommend it, and unrecommend this thread. As always, mojo flows freely on our little tour!