Oh my!  the numbers are still climbing and the diaries are filling up so here goes part 10.
A big giant welcome to all new members and all old members that have never posted.
It seems that its gotten entirely too hard for me to welcome all of you so I have deputized several other members, shirlstars, Oui, Man Egree and Zander to serve on this committee and welcome you.
Oldsters on this site are welcome to jump in and post their own info or help to welcome newbies.  This is how we get to know each other and it is a tradition on this site.
Just to let you know; visit this diary and you will find a lot about how we function:

And this diary from shirlstars:
Just to let you know we are a real community here with a lot of love and caring for each other.  All are respected who live in this town and all newcomers are treated with the respect we have for our family.
Well that’s enough for me, must get this diary up so you can start commenting.
Even if you have posted before don’t be shy, others may have not seen it so post again.  
Lets have fun and let’s party….
Bring pics and food and drinks, Ok..

Previous welcome diaries can be found on my info page.
Go on, start posting!!!!!Hugs to all!!!!!