The recent poll on who we voted for in the primary was kind of interesting, but hard to draw a lot of conclusions from. Candidates are chosen for a lot of reasons, often conflicting, and are almost always a compromise of one kind or another. So I got to wondering what folks here would say about their deeper and more stable political preferences.

I’m hoping the answers will be the “heart of hearts” basic druthers. If somebody said “I’m a liberal/republican/commie (or whatever), what are you”, what would you say if you really wanted to tell them the truth? I realize that the choices are not really comparable in some ways — Democrat versus liberal, for example. OTOH, some people feel “Democrat” is really what they’re about, while others identify themselves as “libertarian” first, but vote Democrat as the best pragmatic alternative.

The poll choices as usual will be frustratingly lacking, so I expect the “other” category might turn out to be the most interesting one if people post comments to explain what and why that other is.