Hey ya’ll.
I don’t care about pie either way and right now the only naked girl I’m seeing is when I’m changing her diapers so I missed all the fun. I’m here to help Susan Hu’s group and am way behind on my part in that (that relates back to the diaper changing-I had no idea how much time infants took). I just wanted to voice one huge concern of mine.
One of the coolest things about Kos was that someone would post ACTION and just seeing that, you knew that thousands upon thousands of people would see it in a couple of hours and many would even act on it! Rep. Conyers says I need signatures, and it becomes a mass push for signatures.
I would hate to see any of that netroots power lost or diluted. We have seen it in action and it is powerful. How do we keep from losing that? How do we insure info on Actions from Kos get here so people can get busy with it?
Actually, wouldn’t it be really cool if there were some way of having an Action item instantly disseminated over Booman, Kos, Atrios, TPM Cafe, and so on and so forth… Maybe a moderated place you post to and once the information is verified as not being a troll causing trouble, the action item gets out to the whole progressive blogosphere rather than getting mentioned on Atrios and never reaching Kos’ audience or dying on Kos before folks on Booman know about it…
I wonder how that could be done?
An instantly distributed [ACTION] feed could easily be done with a central RSS feed. That’d be just super incredibly easy to do, so easy I’m shocked and surprised it hasn’t been done yet. We’d need a few top echelon blogrunners to sign on to the idea in theory before the idea caught on though. BooMan?
We’d also need the top echelon folks to decide on moderation/consensus guidelines vis-a-vis what gets on to the list and what doesn’t.
I”ve proposed something like this a few times, and I think it would be a great idea (obviously). To me, RSS is still just letters on a page, but I know the technology is there and I can’t for the life of me understand why it’s not been taken advantage of in this manner yet.
Maybe because of your last sentence… dunno.
I agree it’s likely because either the top echelon folks never heard or thought of the idea, or that the coordination simply didn’t happen.
However, BT, LSF, and TNH are all small enough and have sufficient top level crosspollination that this coordination would be relatively easy. Also they’d provide a good test bed to test it, and grow it into something that Daily Kos, TPCafe, and Eschaton would be stupid to do without.
Kind of like an Amber Alert! I Like That!
Thank you. I was actually hoping the title would get the diary some attention… but this site does not have the Kos blink and the diary is gone problem.
oops. meant to reply elsewhere.
What if we proposed that the top ten trafficked liberal/progressive blogs each ask for five volunteers to monitor proposed action items… as they retire it is their responsibility to recruit someone to replace them.
So, Josh Marshall picks five of his regular correspondents he trusts, Atrios picks five commenters, Kos picks five and so on. Then the volunteers set up a blog and work out a schedule. Whoever is on duty agrees to check the submit box at least once every two hours during daylight hours? They don’t have to worry about the nighttime hours?
Then we set up requirements. A submission must be a nationwide item (no calls to bombard the city council over zoning), must fit into a progressive agenda, and must be verifiable by the volunteer. That way no winger could submit a hoax and get it on there and we all bombard lieberman with calls over something he did not do…
We solicit progressive blogs to run the ticker tape of what actions are going on, so if you are on TPM Cafe and click to Booman, they have the same information.
How does that sound?
Also, you might want to change your diary to something like “Action RSS idea” or “How do we collaborate across blogs” or “Action Alerts: Technical advice needed.” Something like those, anyway.
The title as it stands now implies that this diary is about how the choice to leave Daily Kos weakened the blogosphere. People already have their minds made up on that, and so they may come into this diary revving for that debate, or may simply not click on the diary because the don’t WANT to have that debate.
But the diary is really about a fantastic new idea to cooperate on action items instantly across blogs. That’s the idea that should be pushed. It’s great and, like I suggested, is actually really simple to design AND implement if you use a RSS feed.
What is happening to dKos?
I think the pie throwing pie diaries busted the dKos, bursting through the limits of BANDWIDTH !! Some of the diaries had 1,000 comments !!
Kos should copy the diaries, copy the comments, put them on a word file, and
I have been doing this kind of housecleaning for quite some time.
I care more that dKos is out of action, than anyone’ take on the Pie Fight.
Kos could start a whole nother site and call it Pie
I would be over at Kos getting resources left there on Conyers’ diary, and my own right now except that the site is down.
By the way, I don’t mind the pie fight and I’m a woman. It takes more than that to offend me.
In answer to the question in your title, no I don’t think so, info does get around the net pretty quickly.
But in response to your suggestion, I think it a great idea, and share with Addison the surpise that it hasn’t been done before!
This would take human moderators I think (so that not just any old thing with ACTION in the tile would get spread like wildfire) and it would take a collaborative effort on the part of the ‘arbiters’ of what gets included and what does not. Otherwise, we have the same exclusion/inclusion issue all over again.
One more time (with emphasis).
Kos is not powerful (he might like to perceive that he is)…same w/Armando.
Both of them brought on their own misery this week, and are 100% responsible for “owning” it.
This lack of boundaries, humility, and maturity might be awkward to explain in such a boundary-less decentralized milieu.
Stop putting these two misogynists on a some sort of a warped heroic pedestal (it certainly isn’t earned)!
Re: RSS–there’s already a feed (scroll below, please), and I already have enough progressive clutter choking my inbox (as well as RSS feeds on my desktop).
Those of us who are immigrants “owe” Kos (or his so-called “community”) zilch…zip…nada.
I abhor blame-shifting and projection, BTW.
The netroots is anything but weakened.
I’ve yet to check two inboxes today to refer oodles of femininst progressives over here!
Well that was pointlessly nasty. This diary was about how the consolidation of Daily Kos — if it breaks up — can be retained via a technological solution. NOT about how if Kos’ kingdom goes so shall we all, or something.
Additionally you completely missed the point of the RSS script being talked about. We’re NOT talking about an RSS script for BooMan, we’re talking about one that would be for a currently non-existant site and would be purely ACTION oriented. As for your “progressive clutter,” you wouldn’t be force to subscribe.
And yeah, their pedestal WAS earned, with a lot of hard work and a lot of time it was earned. By BOTH of them, and by SusanHu, Plutonium Page, Kid Oakland, Meteor Blades and everyone else who’s put time and effort into that site. They all have pedestals well above us “ordinary” posters because they’ve performed and instructed and moderated and led. And you shouldn’t forget it.
Armando and Kos’ pedestals are a little tarnished now and lower (b/c of the BT diary and Pie post, respectively), but they were certainly “earned.”
I so agree Addison. If I had thought this way every time I disagreed with my hubby, our 30 year marriage which keeps getting better and better every year (and it was good to start with) would have ended during its first year.
We really need to start practicing what we preach: tolerance and forgiveness. I didn’t like Kos’s attitude or the attitude of quite a few male posters, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let that get in the way of the more important things, namely, our planet is going to hell.
I’ll be spending more time over here and less time over there, but I still support Kos and will look for news and action items I can participate in. It takes more than a bruised ego to back me into a corner.
Ummm. Sorry, poor title choice there, did not convey my intent well. I do agree with Addison though about Kos.
there are enough cross-posters that the information will get disseminated. If Conyers posts on Kos, somebody here will see it and link to it appropriately.. I’m assuming the TPM Cafe and other community sites will do the same.
Also, many people regularly check either the DNC or emails they get from various groups (I got BoxerMail sitting in my inbox right now), so think that’s still the primary way people will continue to be informed.