Yesterday Susan Hu posted here on the front page

about the very shaky political situation in Bolivia. Today, according to the BBC World News, it sounds like things have taken a turn for the better:

President Carlos Mesa has resigned, and the next in line of succession, Senate Speaker Hormando Vaca Diez, has also declined the post, which is significant, since he was claiming the post yesterday.

So the head of Bolivia’s Supreme Court, Eduardo Rodriguez, has now accepted the Presidency: “His inauguration and the prospect of an election was hailed by protesters, who have been holding daily demonstrations and blockades since last month. “Bolivia deserves better days,” Mr Rodriguez told deputies. “I am convinced that one of my tasks will be to begin an electoral process to renew and continue building a democratic system that is more just.” Under the constitution, an election must be held be held by the end of the year.”

This sounds like good news to me…anyone else know the details of this development?