MSNBC ( reports that the military is in need of medical personnel, and they’re approaching paramedics in some pretty gritty areas (in this case, Newark):
A few months ago, Wheat and several of his colleagues here were approached by a Navy recruiter who promised a “tax-free $120,000 bonus” if they agreed to sign on as medical consultants with a Marine Corps unit in Iraq.
“I knew what they were asking, and don’t get me wrong, I was tempted,” says Wheat. “That’s a lot of money, and I really want to help. But I worried that I wouldn’t be accepted by the Marines, as an outsider, and I won’t kid you – I thought about getting killed or injured. And I decided. Hey, I’m already doing a job that’s dangerous that no one else wants right here. So I said no.”
So, how long until it’s no longer an “offer”?
I could be wrongn on this one, but considering the mindset of medical ppl onthe whole, I doubt that they take the bait. I do know, however, that medical ppl on a whole want to help ppl is it their cause their being in that field inthe first place. We will soon see and I hope I can see even them, the medical groups, saying no thank you…I learned one thing right off the bat while in flight school for nurses at Brooks many years ago. The question was handed out to us new ones, what is the first thingn you would do if you lost pressure, o2 that is, in your aircraft. As a nurse the first thing I was to say is see that the patient had his o2 and get it to him quickly….well, no it wasn’t the correct answer…The correct answer was see you had the o2 first, for if you wer downed by hypoxia and not able to do your job for the pt. then no one will be saved…That is a valuable lesson I never have forgotten…It applys to many of my questions about life in general..
I think if given the medical draft, it will be very hard for the government to make, to their unsensability to do what is right in the first place for everyone.
What I want to know is, if they draft the first-responder medical personnel for Iraq/Afghanistan/WhoEversNextistan, who will pick up the pieces if we have a natural or man-made disaster herein the US?
Just another step forward in the War on Terra, I suppose.