The BIG SURPRISE has been leaked, it has been alluded to, people have used deductive and inductive reasoning and breached our operational security. The secret is spilling out like water through a sieve. We’ll have an official announcement sometime this weekend, so don’t forget to check in.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
to be entirely clueless.
Only surprise I would be interested in would be a live chat session with the Chimpotus… probably the only person in the world that I can type faster than…
you could probably create a better faux chat with Chimpie than the real thing.
The chimp can type?
Not sure about typing.
But I do remember that, back in his guv days, he played Solitaire all morning while watching ESPN2.
That’s evidence that he can point and click.
Frightening thought.
my recollection is that he played simulated golf while watching ESPN2. Solitaire might be too complicated for him.
for an infinite amount of time eventually he would type “Gone With the Wind”…
More likely, that pet goat book.
This, of course, is the norm for my life.
Clueless? How about this? I was trying to give you a “4” for that and was freaking out because I couldn’t find any of the buttons…and then realized I wasn’t even logged on! Duh! 😀
BooMan! Is this a taunt? You’re so cruel!! Gossip is running like water on this site and I’m completely oblivious? Shit. I thought I was paying attention. I feel so uninformed…
to tell you what it is:)
Unless Boo doesn’t wan’t anyone else to know.
I have but one 4 to give you here, but I’m willing to follow you from thread to thread. 😉
To keep from being the spoiler, I sent it to your email.
rom wyo spills the beans down thread.
Sorry about that. Did I say something wrong?
No. The answer has been posted multiple times by other users.
Hey, I’ve got a 4 for you and I’ve got email… 😉
But rom wyo ruined my mojo scam by posting the answer below:)
I must be dense b/c I read that post below but still don’t get it. Oh, well!
And I am equally dense. (if not more so.)
Didn’t you get the email?
I don’t expect mojo but I’m pretty good at opening oysters.
Our Japanese chapter will be suppling fresh Kobe beef for the tartare and live shrimp from Fukui for the sashimi.
Potatoes are strictly Idaho spuds.
Markos will put in an appearance to sign his new book on troll recipes.
Check out this diary if you would like to help with the Welcome Wagon Diaries.
Also, please Recommend Part 13 of the series and Unrecommend Part 12 so we don’t have them both on the Rec. list at the same time.
(don’t forget to splash some mojo in the direction of the newbies)
This news on the G8 global debt deal seems too good to be true. I was waiting for an open thread because I didn’t want to write a diary on not knowing something, but I’d appreciate it if someone more knowledgeable would explain this debt deal to me.
This is the big surprise:
This is a “Toast Doll.”
More dolls here.
OK Susan,

I have to bring out the ugly ones again then.
THIS is what BOOMAN WEARS when he’s blogging. Why, I dont know. Maybe it has to do wtih BOO DOG?
Soviet-era Gas Mask
Susan , I really laughed out loud when I saw your comment especially when I remembered Boo’s story the other day about his dog’s drool.
the real Boo Dog
A big hit last holiday season. I think I got 4 for small and not so small critters in the extended family.
I LOVE the Ugly Dolls. My little one has Babo.
According to “The Omen,” if you turn that piece of toast over, you’ll see the 666.
Didn’t someone recently calculate or discover somehow that “666” isn’t the right number after all?
Ah, yes, now I’ve found it: it’s 616!
So far 65 volumes of transcripts and translations have been published by the London-based Egypt Exploration Society, which owns the collection.
The latest volume includes details of fragments showing third- and fourth-century versions of the Book of Revelations. Intriguingly, the number assigned to “the Beast” of Revelations isn’t the usual 666, but 616.
Professor David Parker, Professor of New Testament Textual Criticism and Paleography at the University of Birmingham, thinks that 616, although less memorable than 666, is the original. He said: “This is an example of gematria, where numbers are based on the numerical values of letters in people’s names. Early Christians would use numbers to hide the identity of people who they were attacking: 616 refers to the Emperor Caligula.”
Sigh, another universal belief bites the dust! Next they’ll be telling us it’s not black cats that bring bad luck, but white ones!
And that the Republicans are a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious party.
or 20500.
According to our ex-Attorney General, it’s calicos.
An aside, I made mention of that to a friend, and she said, of course, that’s because they’re female. One more facet of misogyny rearing its ugly head.
Dag. I named my cat Typo, because the day we brought him home as a kitten he jumped on the keyboard and typed 6666666666666. He’s still an evil bunny murderer.
but I read or heard recently that whatever original text the 666 came up in was “retranslated” and the number is acutally 616.
kinda disappointing it sounds so much like an area code.
donna beat me to it.
that makes me laugh hysterically.
There is a play by Sam Shepherd, “True West” – “Far West” (?) starring John Malkowitz with a long rant about toast, useless, un-nourishing, sliced white bread toast that millions have to have every morning.
Thanks for the hearty laugh.
Is this your way of telling us that . . .
Bush is toast?!!
He’s importing kitty cream puffs from Jerome and Melanchthon in France! The voices told me! :^)
We are exporting frog’s legs
what’s his name now. I just cannot remember.;-)
Still think you’re goin’ global.
That works for me. I think the small bit of international perspective here is incredibly valuable.
I also think BooMan is playing me like a master puppeteer. I haven’t seen any leaks, have no idea what’s really going on, and I’m mildly frantic to join those supposedly in the know.
Well done, BooMan!
You weren’t around at three in the morning when Jerome screwed up with a post.
Or was it a teaser?
It was bright daylight here in Europe and it was pretty easy to connect the dots.
I still don’t know where the line is to sign up. There should be oysters from Marenne (alas, the Bassin d’Arcachon is toxic this year!), good red Medoc and some rillettes de canard to wash it down. It’s partying all night til well in to broad daylight.
Bring along friends and plenty of french fries (something to accompany the tartare.)
Last analyses showed no trace of dinophysis (toxic micro-alga) in the Arcachon oysters.
You can gulp down a whole lot without taking any risk.
But instead of red Medoc, you’d better drink some Macon Clessé white wine with them…
Glad to hear that!
Red or white, whatever Bordeaux produces is fine with me. We could break the red sometime with Chateau Ducla Experience (in honour of the one and only).
Would you agree with a 25 year old Armagnac towards dawn?
Yes, provided it’s from a good maker like Laberdolive…
And Macon Clessé is from south of Burgundy, not Bordeaux.
BTW, where are you located in Italy?
Pleasantly Rome.
I love the city! I seize every opportunity to go to Rome. In fact, I might visit Rome soon…
I live in Lyon, France
Here’s a little good news:
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Citigroup Inc. (NYSE:C – news) said on Friday it will pay $2 billion to Enron Corp. investors who accused it of helping the energy trader in a massive accounting fraud, a move that cleans up one of the bank’s top legal problems and could pressure others to settle the case.
The class-action settlement with stock and bond holders is the biggest in the long-running Enron debacle and one of the largest in corporate history, though less than the $2.58 billion Citigroup agreed to pay WorldCom Inc. investors in 2004.
Analysts said the agreement with Citigroup, the world’s largest financial services company, could prompt settlements from other banks facing claims for their roles in Enron’s December 2001 collapse.
Sent to me by Boogal: CNN covers Pie War
OMG! But they didn’t mention the refugee camps!
I’ve debated satirizing this spat… do you think the wounds are still too fresh?
Good snark is always ripe.
Time for letters to the media about the refugee camps..
Or the reprogramming camps!
I was just reading AOL NEWs…and there it was…Once in aol…click news…then click Entertainment..then click TV and there it is…even quoting a Kossack and promoting Dkos…
Under Entertainment? Good Godde! We have reached a new low…entertainment::::muttering to self:::::
It was because it was an ad for a tv least that was their spin on it. TBS..i guess..but they were thrilled…I guess we fell into another one of their traps. There are so many Karl Roves around the world, just setting traps for any and everybody to fall in to.
Ductape hasn’t updated his blogsince June 1st. I am worried that he has finally been rendered to Guantanamo. Especially in light of the testimonial on his site:
IMO – terrorist plain and simple. He is an Al queda operative who should be put in a cage on gitmo
My favorite…”In Defense of Holocaust Deniers”
I always thought that “The Enemy Within” was just a metaphore for liberalism, that is, until I encountered Ductape Fatwa. He should be in an orange jumpsuit for sure.
ductape is either a commie, al queda, or a deep cover mole
Tells you something about this asshole doesn’t it. He’s really serious.
Ductape is a commie, a terrorist, and he drinks blood too. He drinks Capitalist blood. He eats unborn babies too
A terrorist with a sense of humor!
He ain’t nuthin’ but shit
Jim Sagle
You are a dumbass. Fuck you and your condescension about us “benighted sheeple.”
Untruthful, damaging bullshit
John Locke
no better than the neocons and no different than Timothy McVeigh space
a turd in the punchbowl…if DF were Joe Hill he probably would have killed himself rather than get put to death.
A compost pile of fecundity
despicable and literally mentally ill
I was thinking last night that I miss Ductape’s comments.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, "I love Ductape".
Does his absence mean the insurgency has been defeated? </snark>
And I can just imagine the Ductape take on the pie debacle…do you hear us, ‘Tape? Come in, Ductape…
Oh no! I’m worried ;(
I was going to ask about him too, as he’s been gone for a while. I certainly hope he’s not been dragged off somewhere, although from those “testimonials” it sure looks like some would like to make sure he was.
Maybe he is visiting family or something.
Heh heh heh.
A little bit of a distorted quote — I said that anyone (in general) who sympathized with the insurgents and called them “freedom fighters” was despicable and literally mentally ill. Which I stand by 100%.
But I had nothing to do with his blog disappearance! And I hope he’s alright. I’m sure he is.
I have been wondering what he is doing and why he not posting. ARe those comments for real, has this been going on and we did not know it. Tell us what you know Booman. I gotta go and check his blog.
but DF relishes these testimonials and collects them.
Yes, after I provided him with one he mocked another poster for not being able to come up with a good one himself! Haha.
he is an admirable quality of getting under people’s skin and making them think outside the box. He sometimes makes me squirm, but I need the incitement.
I’ve been worried too.
Of late, he updated almost weekly.
But I did a search and its only 5 days since he last posted.
Let’s hope he is simply on a voluntary trip..
I must admit, I’ve been on the concerned side too. Has anyone heard from him lately via email?
More bad news: We were had, it appears. MSNBC just reported this and I found this story. Damn.
“Police say whistleblower struck pedestrian before beating”
They do not believe the beating of Tommy Hook had anything to do with his status as a whistleblower.
Deputy Police Chief Eric Johnson says the investigation is leaning toward a fight in the parking lot leading to the beating Sunday.
Johnson says Santa Fe police do not plan any immediate arrests. He says the department is turning the case over to the district attorney. He says the district attorney’s office will have to figure out who should be charged.
Hook suffered a broken jaw, a herniated disc and missing teeth when he was attacked early Sunday outside a topless bar.
He and his supporters have said they believe the beating was meant to keep him from talking about alleged financial irregularities at Los Alamos National Laboratory. KOBTV
If I may engage in a bit of self back-patting, I posted a comment at dKos when the story first broke stating that I didn’t buy Hook’s story (I won’t bother linking it; dKos is down again, anyway).
That Hook snuck off to a titty bar while his wife was out of town, got himself beat up, and made up a cover story, made a lot more sense to me than the powers-that-be employing the crude technique of a parking-lot beating to shut the guy up. If they wanted to do that, he’d have been found dead in his bed of “natural causes,” and no one would ever have known anything.
But sadly, there’s a recommended diary over there asking for help battling the “police coverup.” Seriously.
May I take the temperature here? Are there folks here who still believe Hook’s story, and think there’s now a police cover-up? I’m curious. I promise I won’t turn it into an argument; after all, I’m still speculating, too.
I meant to speculate on this a day or few ago. The persecution story didn’t feel right for me, and I have wondered if that angle was cooked up to cover for something much more mundane that might be his fault.
Still keeping an open mind of course.
Booman is Armando.
When Booman just can’t keep being so nice, he assumes his Armando persona and gets it out of his system.
Just as my evil twin is . . . thank you forever, Fanny Flagg for Fried Green Tomatoes . . . TOWANDA!
TOWANDA! the Avenger, the Righter of Wrongs, the Queen Beyond Compare!
“Well, I got mad and it felt terrific! I felt like I could beat the shit outta all those punks! Excuse my language, just beat them to a pulp! Beat them ’til they begged for mercy. Towanda, the Avenger! After I wipe out all the punks of this world I’ll take on the wife beaters, like Frank Bennett, and machine gun their genitals. And I’ll put tiny little bombs in Penthouse and Playboy, so they’ll explode when you open ’em. And I’ll ban all fashion models who weigh less then 130 pounds. I’ll give half the military budget to people over 65 and declare wrinkles sexully desirable. Towanda, righter of wrongs, Queen beyond compare!”
Poor BooMan! A fate worse than being transformed into a Repug!
you all are trying to keep the heat on. Armando is my buddy, and we fight and make up like buddies do. Everyone is free to comment and be critical, but I wish I had Armando as an alter-ego, it would improve my talent level immensely.
BTW- Armando relays that he was highly amused by Cream City’s post.
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Well deserved Martin ◊ Susan and all buddies and friends involved to make this site work. Kudos.
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Or as your alternate persona says:
Today’s Financial Times has this news from Baghdad –
The new export figures imply an export volumne of 1.45 million barrels a day, or 250,000 b/d below the contracts offered in the first half.
Before the war, Iraq was producing 2.5 million b/d.
Like ductape, where is Infidelpig, Mindmouth, Aloha, others that haven’t been heard from for awhile.
Add my name to the list of ductape admirers.
Alohaleezy has commented a couple of times, but I haven’t seen MM in ages. Dunno about infidelpig, seems to me I’ve seen his nickname over the past few days, but I could be wrong.
Tom Kertes has been MIA for a while as well.
Last I heard, he was moving to Canada. Of course, Canada is not the Great Wilderness or anything, so hopefully he’ll be back in touch soonish.
What happened to venice ca?
posted on my ‘Thoughts’ diary that she would be away until late Sunday. She’s attending a wedding in Prescott (Arizona, I’m assuming). I thought I saw infidel lurking in the diaries, and Ductape…well, count me in with the search party.
Do you think he could be (gasp) hanging out on other sites than this one. Oh, the horror is too much to contemplate.
I hope he hears our calls and cries and checks in to let us know he is ok. Do I recall him being the one who was helping his mother with her house, etc. perhaps that is where he is, or was that someone else.
Oh boy, Oh boy!! I just joined and now I’m here for the big surprise! I love surprises!!
There’s the grapevine, and then there are the rest of us. . .
What a tease!
Is it that the White House is telling Syria to butt out of Lebannon? Talk about calling the kettle black
$0.10 a word to all of us to blog and comment.
I was about to do a line-by-line interpretation of “Crime and Punishment” comparing the Bush Admin. to Raskolnikov.
I guess I’ll just have to wait for the funding to kick in! 🙂
For all you newbies on the site, and for all the oldbies who never noticed, I wanted to point out that Sunday Griot, the recurring weekly diary of stories with a progressive bent, will be up on Bootrib at or around 8 AM PDT Sunday (that’s 1500 GMT).
I wanted to mention this because I normally only get about ten people a week reading it, and am sort of curious whether everyone sees it on Daily Kos, or in my blog (ha! — link below if you’re interested, the top story right now is about Howard Dean), or whether the Frogpond just attracts the kind of people who sleep all day Sunday.
See you there!
This has happened a couple of times when I open diaries.. the diary will load entirely, and then the page goes blank again, and the little bar at the bottom says “loading http://www.booman….” but it never loads back. I have to hit “back” and then stop real quick to get it to stay on the diary I’m trying to open.
Is this happening to anyone else?
I posted this as a comment on my diary but thought I would share here as well.
I’ve been toiling around with the Comment Preferences so the diaries will load faster for me when they get to be rather large (like this one). I’ll share the steps I took in case you are interested in trying them out.
1. Click on Comment Preferences at the top-right menu bar.
2. Put the number 40 in the ‘Nested up to’ box.
3. Put a plus (+) sign in the ‘Dynamic Minimal up to’ box.
4. Click Save and you’re set.
What does this do? It allows any diary under 40 comments to have the default setting of Nested view. Diaries with over 40 comments will have the Dynamic Minimal view and will show only the comment headlines until you open them individually.
Play around, I barely started using this option on Wednesday and have found it to be a lifesaver.