When I first heard about this, I thought it was an elaborate hoax. But the more I looked into it, the more real it became to me. United American Technologies is a telecom provider selling long distance phone and ISP services (you can sign up for their One Nation Under God calling plan at their site). They have a unique, and I say evil, marketing strategy.
Operator: Did you press 1 to oppose same sex marriages?
Mr. Mirman: Oh, I pressed it, yes.
Operator: Okay, that’s great to hear. And are you against same sex marriages?
Mr. Mirman: Well, I want to destroy it, yes.
Operator: Okay. That’s great to hear… –
Mr. Mirman: Like the fist of God we will smash them!
Operator: Exactly.
Eugene Mirman is a comedian who recorded the telemarketing calls he received from a Faith, Family, and Freedom, a non profit 527 that has acted as a marketer for United American Technologies. Mirman recorded two calls from Faith, Family, and Freedom. You can listen to the calls here and here. They are both hilarious and scary.
That’s certainly one word for it. A call to United American Technologies shed further light on the fund-raising scheme. I spoke to Carl Thomspon, a senior consultant whose son-in-law Tom Anderson is CEO of the year-old company. He told me that 2,000 people a month were switching as a result of the calls and was forthright in admitting that “our main thing is calling against the gay and lesbian lifestyle.” “We’re not concerned about offending people who don’t agree with us on these issues,” he said.
John P. Avlon also cites the relationship between Faith, Family, and Freedom and Lance Cargill, the Oklahoma State House Republican floor leader:
Mr. Thompson said that both parties agreed to the script, a charge that Mr. Cargill denies. Mr. Cargill stated that the calls had been recently stopped because of complaints from folks who “didn’t appreciate the phone calls,” but other organizations continue to place calls on United American Technologies’ behalf. This is a rare glimpse into the divide-to-conquer world of grassroots political activists in an age of poisonous partisanship.
Mr. Cargill
Apparently, Mr. Cargill is a world class jerk in multiple ways.
Good as You also has two recordings of telemarketing calls from Christian long distance providers here and here.
The telemarketers portray AT&T, MCI, Sprint, & Verizon as sinful, due to their “support” of the pornography, pedophilia, gay marraige, abortion, and liberal candidates for elected office. Blessed Hope Communications offers a handy guide to the sinful ways of long distance providers here. How long before wingnuts in the congress begin the attack on GayT&T?
Tactics such as these are disgusting to me. They extend the conflation of gays with pedophilia, pedophilia with liberal elected representatives. This only affirms to me that we progressives need to stand with gays and any other minority group under attack by the facists. Christians have the right to choose any phone company they want, but marketing tactics like these need to be dragged out into the full light of day, exposed for all to see. I think it could further blunt the momentum of fundamentalists in their hijacking of the Republican Party and,by extension, our country.
yesterday to be a judge on the Fed Bench on the 11th circuit. PRYOR condemned any constitutional right protecting “The choice of ones partner” as “Logically extend(ing) to activities like Prostution, Adultry, Necrophilia, bestiality, possion of child pornography, even incest & Pedophilia”.
PRYOR also said..“States have a prerogative to recognize that “Homosexual activity” is harmful and exposes both the Individual and public to deleterious Spiritual & Physical Consequences”
That’s the role of Pryor, Janice Rogers Brown, and the rest of the far right. Plutocrats are using them as a tool to keep the masses warring with one another. If we are too busy fighting amongst ourselves, how can we organize to fight for better wages, environmental protections, civil rights. Divide and conquer. It’s working.
But we also can’t compromise on gay marriage or women’s rights. Because the instant that we do, we’ve opened the door to an even more serious assault – making the idea that some humans are less deserving of equal rights than others acceptable.
This is complicated. The “Blessed” website refers to, in order:
So “Blessed Rope Comm” is (in part) a telemarketing company that contracts for all services through the above telecom companies. And “Faith, Family, and Fuckme” has the same scam going with United American. Someplace in FCC regs it seems to me that discrimination comes into this, but how? What’s actionable here?
‘Course the part they leave out is that none of those companies owns one damn piece of equipment outside an office. So they’re using the same telecom infrastructure as those “bad old porno cos”. You’re right. Laughable if it wasn’t so dangerous.
[FCC has a good search engine. In the telecom world these people are slime personified.]
to make a buck. Almost an Amway like situation where they are using church affiliations to make a buck. Pharisees indeed.
Understood. How to stop them?
It may find its way into the hands of people who care and when presented with the chance to participate in this despicable scheme, turn it down.
NPR Story Proves That Same-Sex Marriage and Civil Unions are Unconstitutional
by David R. Usher, May 26, 2005
It’s the 3rd in a series of articles. The earlier articles (links in the 3rd) are “Why Gay Marriage is Unconstitutional” and “Why Civil Unions Are Unconstitutional, Too” … and his opinin is that Roe v Wade made GM unconstitutional because it made children chattel possessions of women. It’s the feminists fault, feminists are/have taking/taken over. (Er, how can that be if all the presidents have been white & male?)
The author doesn’t like the idea of families that don’t include men. To summarized what I think is his bottom: the traditional family is necessary because women are inherantly the more powerful sex and the
traditional system must be preserved or there will be unacceptable discrimination against men. No-fault divorce, single mothers (& the government programs that support them), and gay marriage are all trends that unfairly deprive men of participation (& resources) of reproduction.
I got pointed to this with a Google Alert. How influencial is Usher/Mens News Daily? It has the look that it’s funded by one of the usual suspects.
Don’t know a whole lot about them. Do remember seeing them use Talon News/Jeff Gannon quite a bit as a source. Here’s an interesting discussion about Men’s News Daily.
Thanks. snark
Gannon. Oh my, oh my.
I was going to post a comment on the Open Thread today about I bumper sticker I just saw, but it seems like it might fit in loosely with this latest anti-human rights endeavor. I hope I am not out of place.
When I took my break at work today, I saw a truck covered with Vietnam Vet stickers and gun rights stickers, but one sticker totally stood out from the rest. It read simply, “Heterosexuals have rights too.” I’ve been pondering this ridiculous sentiment all morning. Name one “right” that is unavailable to hets, but is available to gays? Name one right that would be taken away from hets if gays were treated equally? For the life of me, I can’t think of one.
This endless gay bashing is really getting to me, just as is the continual assault on abortion rights. I long for the days when conservatives really were proponents of small government, individual freedom and states rights. Argh.
Yuck. The owner of the car probably has much in common with Usher (see above). I think the owner wants to be a bigot and not be called a bigot and wants to preserve Status Quo.
Gay bashing is getting to me, too. Especially Nov 3, when I saw how large the voting margins were on all the anti-gay initatives. Then it got worse when “democrats” piled on also, saying it was gays trying to go “too fast” that let Bush win. Insult to injury. Grr, the election was stolen. And I resent pragmatic advice about discrimination against gays and discrimination against women that includes “wait”.
is one of the things that scares me most about the current climate. As I commented a couple of days ago – I was having a bad day that was not improved by someone screaming out their car window at me as I drove, “Fucking LIBERAL!!!!”
Now it wasn’t that I was personally wounded by being screamed at thusly.
It was just so depressing to be reminded of how, once again, we are seeing demagogues use the tried and true tactic of gaining power by spreading outrageous lies about some group and inciting hatred of that group to create an evil “them” in order to unite their followers, and further their destructive agenda.
It’s not even that I’m a member of the “evil them” group this time, though I can see how it could get personally threatening – it could easily go beyond screaming, and of course, that is not a pleasant thought.
But even if the “them” is confined to blacks, or gays, or Jews, or Arabs or all or some of the preceding- none of which groups I personally fit into, once this kind of demonizing demagoguery starts spreading past a small minority of nutcases and becomes common . . . Well, we know where that goes.
That’s why we have to stand strong against any form of discrimination.
We are all in this together. Even those who don’t know it yet. See Pastor Niemoeller.
I noted that in that article the author says that Mr Mirmon is no left wing activist with an axe to grind… there’s that categorization and stereotyping again (although unintended, perhaps). We’re not people who fervently and sensibly believe in specific causes but a vast competing monolith who mindlessly rails against the right.
BTW I do think that the article had a valid point. Yes, what that Telecom is doing in unethical in the extreme.
I just had to bring out my own particular axe and grind a bit 😉
Ah, Cargill…just another reason Oklahoma is the low of lows of US politics – as if Coburn, Inhofe and Cole weren’ enough…
Oh, am I glad I leave this state for good in 8 days…
I don’t know what to say.
On the one hand, the recorded phone calls are very funny. My kids and I listened to them all, alternately laughing our heads off and staring with our jaws hanging open. My 15 year old said “is this for real? Do people really believe this stuff?”
The sad part is: YES
The part that gets me the most is that churches are promoting this. Whatever happened to helping the poor, and loving your neighbor? This is what they have chosen to focus on now…spreading hate. So sad.
Jesus is pissed.
played the recordings yesterday afternoon. The spouse and I were cracking up laughing…
then I read the following quote in the paper:
“Strip away their titles, and those churches are all talking about the same big lie,” Phelps-Roper said, “that God loves anyone.”
…and I wept, along with Jesus.
There are several people on the Right who, when they reach the afterlife, are going to be surprised to find that Heaven is not the exclusive country club that they envisioned…