We have been having some discussion on Part 12 about others doing the welcome wagon diaries as they are getting much too big for me to handle and keep up wth so I want to start a sign up list for new one’s and I think we need to keep this up when numbers reach 100 comments, just do a new one.
So I will not say too much here but lets talk about and sign up, below and get the discussion going.
I am assuming Oui will do the next one, if not please let us know, other than than I would say you are signed up in the order you post you comment saying you are willing and you will have to check back to this diary to see what number you will have.
Willing, Ready and Able!
Now to think of some fun stuff 😉
Ok cake, you are signed up to do the next one 14 and I would like to reserve 15 for Zander to do if she can. and then so on as other post their willingness.
Any quesitons, anyone.
I’m still here :~)
But I’m trying to tear myself away, I’m nocturnal by nature, but this is still way past my bed time. The problem is – this is so, so much fun to watch happen – I don’t want to miss any of it. I’m kinda concerned that I’ll start getting goofy soon, though.
Zander thank you so much, you have been a dynamo. Get some rest. do you want to take diary 15, it will not be needed until at least tomorrow, I would think, these diaries may slow down, don’t know at this point, but that would give you a chance to rest. Let me know, k.
much deep and serious consideration (ya’ right!) – I’ve decided that I’m wired on coffee anyway, my natural inclination is to be impulsive, I hate to miss a good party, etc…
But I’d hate to commit to tending to a diary, then crash and neglect it. (kinda’ responsibility-phobic) I’ll hand out lots of mojo, and assist though…
just as soon as I get done with some feeding, watering, stretching, etc. See ya’ soon.
(yep, I’m such a freak!)
okie dokie will do!
Thanks for hopping in to help.
awww <sniffle> thanks!
I think you rock too! 😉
Diane, do you (or anyone else here) know if there’s any way to preserve and compile these posts by new –and sometimes older — users explaining who they are and what they’re all about? Ideally, I’d love to get this all into one place, sort of a “Meet Your Fellow BooTribbers” database. (Perhaps someone else has already suggested this and I’ve missed it, in which case I’m sorry for rehashing this.)
If Booman could get this to work, I would foresee a permanent link (available only to logged-in users) that would permit searching for users by name and/or sorting, say, either alphabetically or by user ID#. These entries would then link to a version of the user’s welcome wagon post, which could be modified by the user and included as part of the Bio on that person’s User Info page.
I suppose the best first step would be to encourage everyone — and this would include both old and new users — to put some meaty information into the Bio in their User Info. A quick perusal seems to indicate that most users have nothing at all listed there, and a few have a line or two, but I’ve yet to see any that include the depth of information that people are posting in the welcome wagons. It would be a pity if the only way to unearth these posts was by wading through what is now becoming an avalanche.
Am I onto something here, or am I completely off my rocker?
I totally agree with you and I have been searching for a way to do this so if anyone has the know how to do what you have outlined above, step up here and let us know.
I didn’t realize you could put more than a few lines in bio, what is the limit possibility.
But yes I would love to see a list, easy to click on and link to. We could do it on an outside blog, perhaps, but how to get it alpha I would not know that.
Techies, needed here.
I do not want to lose all this fine work in an misama of diaries.
What inspiration they have been.
Diane, you and I have talked about this a bit, and I really think it might be easier to list it by UID # than to alphabetize. Might need one of our techie nerds here to write us a little program, or instruct us about a program that might do that for us.
What if. . .we asked everyone that has posted a bio in the WW diaries would copy it and then send an email copy to the Yahoo Group Pond?, that way, we could get the extraneous comments out of the way and just have the bio information. If we can ever compile it, It would make a great document to have in the Archives under some important title or other. I think we might find there may be some numbers of members who might want to have a pdf file that they could download and print out. An e-book.
Yes you are completely off your rocker onto something.
Love you Diane
Just some thoughts.
great minds and all that
An e book, eh, that’s interesting, we still need some techies to help us here. Is there any way to make mony on a ebook harking back to my project proposal
I guess when I get a chance I will do a diary on that topic again and see where we can go with it.
I say if we are going to put a lot of work into creating something we should do it in a way to make some money and then perhaps use that money to do projects like I have proposed with Pastor Lincoln
, in Africa. Something the whole community could engage in as a project that would actually have some concrete inpact on the world.
Oh yes, Dos Kapitalist! It would be less costly than a published paper book, and we would have to see what the total pages turned out to be numbers wise in order to determine the actual price to be charged. And yes a good little $ maker or potentially so, that we could use for your fund raising project(s).
Yes again we need techie-nerd help. So if we or you can get this concept organized in your thoughts as to what it is we really want, then post a diary call out for techies to help us with the project. Once we have the technical means, then if needs be we can take sign ups to do parts of the project, if that would help.
I can envision how to do it by hand. But it would be very time consuming. And I might be able to devote a week to it, because it would take at least that amount of dedicated time. Any way, with all the tech skills floating around here, we should be able to find some suggestions at least if not someone actually able to provide us with the tech means to do this.
Just my input of wandering thoughts
programmer said something last night about doing something new, different and challenging – I tried to sell him on the idea of developing add-ons for Scoop. Of course, I have no idea if this is possible, and it certainly doesn’t help right now, but I’ve been thinking about it since diane101 mentioned it the other night…
Well, my last suggestion looks like it won’t really work (unless there’s some modification made on the User Prefs/Info page).
Having just mentioned that almost no one had any significant information listed in the Bio on their User Info, I felt obligated to no longer be guilty of the same deficiency. I wrote perhaps 100 words, only to discover that when I saved it, the entry got truncated to less than half of what I’d written (approx. 250 characters total).
So for now, at least, users can’t post all their information there. But it might still be a good idea to ask everyone to distill themselves into 250 characters or less and post what they can. Something is better than nothing.
Would it be possible to create a link from the bio page to the information in the welcome diary, if it can’t all fit in the diary? Actually, folks might want to include several links – including over to “the other nameless site?” 🙂 to diaries and comments that are particularly self-revealing.
you know that’s an idea and I think that could work. But you would have to pull it up as “your comment” too get a good link, unless there is a better way, but let’s talk more about this and waiting for techies to wade in here. Where are you all???
Diane, I will take 16, or if Zander is not able to do 15, I will do that one. Or you can asign me something different. . .you know how pushy you are. LOL
lol You take 15 and then Zander can do one later on when she feel like it, that ok zander.
Any takers for 16, how about an old, newbie. That would be anyone with a number under 1300 that has been here for 2 days. A new, newbie would be fine too.
that responsibility-phobic part? I’d hate to give anyone the impression that I can be relied upon to fulfill obligations in the future when my life really just kinda’ free-floats in a totally improvisational way – not that I ever bail on a commitment, I don’t do that, ’cause … well, I try to avoid (you can see this coming right?).. making those commi……..
Yes, actually, this does make me kind of a … huge pain in the ass for people with more.. um.. structured lives. Sorry guys.
I have to run for a bit. See everyone later.
lol at your comment, zander. I will tell you what I told my Iraqi friend when she hemmed and hawed about whether she could be a writer or not (as I had urged her), I told her to do it or not do, that is up to her, but if she really doesn’t want to do it then stop talking about it. You know what, in a few days she wrote back and said you know I decided I want to write and now I just love it and words are now pouring out of me.
Then she went on to start a blog. but has only been able to make two entries so far.
So Zander, do it or not do it as you wish….whatever you decide is fine with me. I just thought you are so dazzeling in your comments about this site that you might want to just put all those words in a welcome diary that would be dazzeling as well. Hugs to you!!!!
You know Diane and Zandor, Talented people are so often just flakes. . .like me. . .LOL I am just teasing you about your commitment statemnt zandor. And you have been just phenominal, in my opinion in the way you jumped in to help and the great comments of welcome you gave to the new ones coming in. You are a natural!
Anyway, as Diane said, yes or no, your choice and no pressures from the pushy one. (Heh)
Diane is a structure person, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Zander, you and I are free floaty flakes who would rather not be tied down to the “C” word. So don’t be afraid to just say no and then there will be no unwanted pregnancies. . .right? I use birth control myself. . .had the baby maker taken out a long time ago. Geeze, is that a bad metaphor or what!!!
We will have it covered, whatever you decide. Just thanks heaps for all your great help!!
User ID #: 452
Country: Netherlands
1904 World Fair — Meet me at St. Louis!
Netherlands City Centre of The Hague US Embassy Moves!
IMHO the most straightforward is to inform all members of possibility and to illustrate how to go about a post in bio. The link can be to a favorite comment, diary, a pet project or holiday destination. Leave it up to the creativity of the individual member. Some may not wish to publish any personal info in an easily accessible place. I usually use the signature line for a link to a recent diary. All instructions are under Preferences in User page.
Perhaps Man Eegee can add suggestion to his FAQ page. I can also mention it in my next Welcome Wagon diary.
Diane I had posted a comment to your request. Man Eegee volunteered to care for #13 I can take care of the diary near midnight PDT, that will be early Saturday morning local time.
PS I use these introduction days to copy link line – see below – to every comment I post. Link is to an earlier Welcome diary with info about Creve Coeur.
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Good info above Oui, and I am just digesting all of the ideas and waiting for more.
can you take diary no 16 instead as Cake has signed up for the next one and I think she is anxious to participate in the site, so it would be
Cake 14
Shirlstars 15
Oui 16
Let me know if that is alright or you can switch with someone if it is not.
OMgosh I just had a great idea for making money, if some get together to do an African project(with Pastor Linc.), we can document it all with the diaries, pics, progress, whatever and make a book out of that to fund more projets of that kind. Wouldn’t that be something, blog sponsors project in Africa. What do you all think of that.
and I’ve just hot-swapped the rechargeable batteries in my mouse. <tee hee> Oh, boy – think I’ll hop in for a bit….
Count me in. I’ll be around most of the weekend.
Ok then and thanks you will be #17. for diary…..
Now looking for an 18
Pastor lincoln has written a project proposal for helping people in Uganda. Please read and give feedback.
I’m going to post the diary links here and then follow up with the html code so it can be inserted in future diaries, if that’s cool with everyone. This is fun!
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/10/155223/515">Part 14</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/10/104141/628">Part 13</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/9/215719/9212">Part 12</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/9/132530/2058">Part 11</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/9/8112/56214">Part 10</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/8/8172/75386">Part 9</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/7/173735/5850">Part 8</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/7/94711/77729">Part 7</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/6/162047/9358">Part 6</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/5/31/12331/6226">1000 User Mark – Tell us about you</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/5/24/92333/7960">Asian Welcome – Part 5</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/5/10/92548/2405">Part 4</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/4/29/92453/6743">Part 3</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/4/20/9815/68529">Part 2</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/3/24/13448/6342">Part 1</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/4/20/12373/2595">Where do you live?</a> – lots of cool pics
Wow another great job by Man Eegee. I hope you saw my previous reply to you on welcome wagon diary, I really want your insights on this.
you a response. I’m sure Boo will address it if things escalate. Here’s something I wrote yesterday on one of those threads.
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/11/104833/437">Part 16</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/10/225659/300">Part 15</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/10/155223/515">Part 14</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/10/104141/628">Part 13</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/9/215719/9212">Part 12</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/9/132530/2058">Part 11</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/9/8112/56214">Part 10</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/8/8172/75386">Part 9</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/7/173735/5850">Part 8</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/7/94711/77729">Part 7</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/6/6/162047/9358">Part 6</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/5/31/12331/6226">1000 User Mark – Tell us about you</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/5/24/92333/7960">Asian Welcome – Part 5</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/5/10/92548/2405">Part 4</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/4/29/92453/6743">Part 3</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/4/20/9815/68529">Part 2</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/3/24/13448/6342">Part 1</a>
<li><a href="http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/4/20/12373/2595">Where do you live?</a> – lots of cool pics
I was thinking we might want to have two diary series, one Welcome Wagon and one Community Center, the community center could be just to chat back and forth with each other, without disrupting a thread. Also disagreements could be taken there to resolve.
Seems like we all love to chat with each other, so what do you all think of the idea.
If you agree sign up to do either diaries and let me know what you think, which I have no doubt you will do.
Also how about doing a diary just for collecting these diaries. And the info can be added in diary section, so it can be changed and added to in a easier manner.
Also man eegee, we need a gathering up diary on the United Nations stories, do you want to do it, I promised Susan but I just don’t have the time, I am working on 2 or 3 other projects right now.
When we do these gathering up diaries, we can just put at the top this is just for record keeping, so we can keep track.
Well I await your comments…..
I can do the compilation for Susanhu, no problem. I also like the idea of the Community threads, but don’t want to commit to starting one up because I’m working on several projects myself (the biggest being the compilation of the WW coments into Excel).