I just wanted to let everybody know that the “We’ve Got Dean’s Back Campaign” is alive and kicking. I setup a donations page called We’ve got Dean’s back last Wednesday there have been 134 contributors and $3,457.01 collected so far. As you may also know, glynis has set up a Dean speaks for me petition. Special thanks goes to sgilman for posting the diary here on Booman Tribune.
I just want to inform you that there are also other donation pages set up. ACTBLUE has a donations page that was setup last February by Kos to show our support for Howard Dean as the DNC party chairman. In the last several days, they have had 12 contributors donate $321.07. Atrios also has a donations page setup right here.
If you are tapped for money, please sign on the petition lised above. If not, please send a small contribution on payday to one of the above links.
I am working with ACTBLUE to get a donations page setup with a bat. I would like to get something more sophisticated setup like a “Dunk a Dope” page where we can choose an idiot of our choice and have Howard Dean hit a dunking machine target and have the idiot fall into the water. It would be fun and non-violent and the money would go to a great cause.
I signed the petition last night. Thanks for posting this here.
Thanks for putting all of the links in one diary!
Let us no as soon as the ‘Dunk a Dope’ is up – it sounds like fun.
The Democratic Party of Oregon sent this out in it’s email newsletter this week:
Heads-up to all the curious Republicans and savvy reporters who regularly read this gem of a publication, today’s top story is a bit of a twist from our usual fare. Today we are compelled to use our sliver of cyberspace to dish out a little dissin’ to some fellow Democrats.
And no, this isn’t a maverick suck-up play–John McCain-style–to woo disaffected partisans in Salem. Quite the contrary actually. Rather than pining for some non-partisan utopia (have you been to Nebraska?) or senselessly piling on a very capable Howard Dean, it’s time for an overdue embrace of party loyalty and message discipline. It’s the ONLY way to break the death grip that Republicans currently hold on setting the policy agenda in this country.
The good news is that this won’t even be that hard. The majority of Americans already disagree strongly with the Republican agenda from Iraq to Social Security privatization to perennial cuts to Oregon schools.
So what will it take for Democrats to get their game on? Some might argue a good ol’ fashioned trip to the woodshed. Our better angels suggest that a little primer in Message 101 might just do the trick.
Have you ever noticed that the only time RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman agrees with Democrats is when he’s reiterating one of our quotes to criticize another one of us? They love this stuff.
Don’t Take The Bait
Rule #1: Every reporter’s question, no matter how critical or incendiary, is an opportunity to talk positively about Democratic values and/or to contrast with the failed, destructive Republican agenda.
Now we unveil the secret decoder ring and show you how to win friends and influence people:
Reporter: Is Governor Dean hurting Democrats? Is his rhetoric too harsh?
Answer: Look, Governor Dean calls things as he sees them. However, he’s a great leader for the party and I have every confidence he will lead Democrats back into the majority. We all misspeak occasionally, but the point that Governor Dean was making was a serious one. Republican leadership and their extreme policies have been bad for working people in this country.
The fact is Republicans don’t like is that there is a new sheriff in town that is holding them accountable. That’s why they want to divert attention to Howard Dean. But let’s look at the Bush record: record deficits, oil industry lobbyists writing environmental policy, and a debacle in Iraq. Of course, they want to divert attention from anything they are doing.
See, isn’t that easy?
Look folks, Republicans have the White House and both chambers of Congress. Now they are going after the judiciary. Republicans know no limit when it comes to seizing authority to advance their narrow ideological goals. If we are serious about restoring democracy in this country, we can’t be patsies.
Governor Dean excites people because he is candid and direct. He does not suffer from the oh-so-very-safe but usually muddled “Washington speak.” He is not infected with Potomac Fever. He is unequivocally the right man at the right time to lead this party. Let’s have the political courage to give Howard Dean a break and let him do his job. More importantly, let’s do ours as citizens, activists, donors and legislators.
I know that its (the possessive) doesn’t have an apostrophe. I wonder why my fingers typed one?
I’m giving you another 4 because that was an excellent post!