The UK Times has another bombshell revelation about the run-up to the Chimpy War in Iraq.
I am not sure if anyone has already done this here, but I think it should be posted.
Bush Knew in advance about having a little war in Iraq. Time lines are given, and these timelines render recent statements from Bush’s press flacks as complete falsehoods.
Story is right in the bigheadline, click headline to link to the Times.
NOTE! Times direct link is a bit creaky and prone to a 404 failure.
This new memo is now on Page 1 of the Washington post!
Looks like they don’t want to be caught with their pants around their ankles again.
he’s been cheneyed. hehe
From the WaPo article
MSNBC is talking about it online:
Nothing yet on CNN or Fox frontpages.
NYT and LA Times don’t seem to have it either. You snooze, you lose!
If this doesn’t bring him down…nothing will. Now we know why Conyers has been pushing so hard with the signatures. This is surely going to be the “Tipping Point” for Bush and his evil lies. Are we really ready for a President Cheney? or Hastert? I say Impeach all the Republican Liars. Throw all their Asses out of Washington. This is looking really big to me. Looks like there is stuff in the NY Times also. He’s goin down, down, down. Let’s change the name of FrenchToast to BushToast
What do you have against French Toast?
or even more so. I say we have his and her’s impeachments for Cheney and his bitch, Bush.
During an interview, Sy Hersch (I believe) said that Mrs. Cheney was complicit as well. I understand that she and her husband conduct monthly “think tank” type dinners at their residence, which makes me wonder what role she plays in the scheme of things.
I found a really good article the other day
about the Cheney/Bolton connection, so there we go with Cheney.
I have been saying for weeks now, he is going down. No doubt about it. It will still take awhile yet, but it will happen.
We really need to push impeachment. sign petitions, push senators, congress, media.
The answer to the problems lie at the top of the heap….Bush.
Bolton and Perle were the two “outers”, who exposed the UK’s commitment to go to war with the U.S. Bolton called a UK talk show, most likely an attempt on behalf of the Administration to stiffen the UK’s resolve. We know that Jack Straw was pissed.
“The Foreign Secretary flew to America to interrupt the holiday of the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell. ‘We understand’ Jack Straw complained ‘you’ve outed us.’ He said: “The British government had yet to prepare public opinion.”
At this point I’ll be euphoric if only Bush gets Cheneyed. The others will be impotent by then. How could they NOT have predicted the shit would eventually hit the fan? Arrogance, middle name of them all.
I teach, therefore am off soon. I’m looking for
DSM/Impeach Bush activities for the summer. (Way to relax, GC:)
Pretty decent coverage by Walter Pincus. And that “U.S. Fatalities” box on the side… darn Librul press! Fairly nasty shot of Mr. Blair, i might add. “enlarge photo”? Er, no thanks.
I really hate it when i read stuff like: Bush said he had read “characterizations of the memo…” Characterizations my ass. They just want to leave an out so they don’t get pinned down on anything specific. And i saw that shitbag ‘answering’ a question about the minutes by whining about the leaker (oh, and that the press would stoop to printing it).
What’s really sad is that i read “containment of Hussein the previous 12 years had cost slightly over $30 billion,” as $300 billion and thought, ‘hmm, that’s a lot’ and prepared to move on. What is it they’re spending a week again?
A much fuller version of the document is available now on the Sunday Times site at,,2089-1648758_1,00.html
Note this ia not the full version as they have ommitted the last page and transcribed the document to protect the source. Such documents invatiably have coded “watermarks” to identify the recipient of the document even from photcopies by encoding spaces differently for each copy. A .pdf version would similarly identify the Sunday Times’ source.
I just read the whole thing and this is good/bad depending on your perspective. It’s all in there, all the evidence I think…..
That ‘coding’ info is very interesting – hadn’t heard of it before.
Do I understand correctly when you say that it is the recipient who is identified by the coding – and thus it is a method of tracking leaks?
Is it an automated encoding process?
What these systems do is encode each copy with a unique “signature” so you can tell which copy has been leaked. Once you identify the signature you can see who was sent that particular copy.
There are various methods of doing this and they all depend on producing subtly different print-outs. You may have a clear code like “4/25” in the header or footer of each page but also the coding extends through the document. Often this may involve a tiny offset of a character. If I give an example of five copies you will get the idea.
This is number one in a run of five.
This is number one in a run of five.
This is number one in a run of five.
This is number one in a run of five.
This is number one in a run of five.
So if you allocate numbers 1-5 to the vowels in alphabetical order you will see you can uniquely identify each row. Obviously the real thing is less obtrusive than boldening the code letters.
Thanks for the info.
Obviously Cut & Paste might not remove the encoding without going to plain text or some other format stripping filetype.
And even so, the use of certain ‘innocent’ phrase variations would not be detectable unless you had two copies to compare.
Thus the publishing of visual copies of original leaked documents as evidence carries risks for the leaker. This clearly raises the threshold for leakers – which explains the paraphrasing one sees.
in Slate, October 2002.
Cheney, the Dove, lists the reasons for not going into
Baghdad after Gulf War I.
He was right when he was a Dove, what made him change?