Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
So I don’t completely waste this comment space, you should know that the Arizona GOP is trying to recruit Surgeon General Richard Carmona to run against Janet for governor since their candidate list is dwindling. Link is here.
Well you can color me freaken jealous right now. How wonderful for you. The closest I’ll ever get to any art gallery’s and museums is online and to troll the poster shops online. I can spend hours doing that. And a good antidote at times to reading all the political stuff that we do here and at other sources.
oops — I didn’t mean to turn you green! I’m so sorry. I actually just blurted it out because I usually don’t go to museums either and I was surprised at how bit that painting is. It’s extremely rare for someone to mention something and I’ve seen it. In fact, I don’t think it’s happened before. That’s probably the most famous painting I’ve ever clapped eyes on.
Many years ago I saw the painting, Guernica at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. I had previously only seen it in art books. I almost fell over backwards when I saw the real painting and had to choke back tears because it was so incredibly powerful.
I loved your suggestion to Boo about some kind of map. I posted to that cause I love maps. I also think if there was some sort of cool map up where we could kinda see where people are while we are reading and posting that would make us all seem closer to each other and just be fun.
Later I thought, it doesn’t really serve any purpose except for us to look at ourselves and admire ourselves….but then, after all, many of us are Americans.
Introducing Schweitzer for President a site dedicated to encouraging Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer to run for President in 2008! Come on over and see what we’re about.
I just am amazed at all that has been happening while I was awy for four days. Hey, Egee, how’s it going. Prescott sure is beautiful. Treaded water with the repub side of the family and all was well. Ususaly one of us wants to kill the other by the end but we finally have realised we cannot talk politics and it sure makes the time together much more pleasant. I did approach a table at the wedding reception and a woman I do not know was saying “and I am sick to death of those damn liberal. Bush is a great president”. Man, from another planet I swear!!! I was a good girl though and immediately turned around and walked away.
Thanks Chocolate…if I hadn’t been feeling under the weather it may have been a different story all together. Just didn’t have the strength to fight at that moment. So great to be back here amongst like minds.
Governor Napolitano appointed Democrat Scott Bales to the Arizona Supreme Court. He is replacing Republican Chief Justice Charles E. Jones. With the appointment of Bales, the balance is now tipped 3-2 for the Democrats. Details can be found here.
A 7.0 earthquake in Crescent City, CA at approx 7:50pm pst with aftershocks in Santa Rosa, CA 3.0 magnitude at approx. 7:57pm pst. Tsunami warnings were in effect but now cancelled along the Pacific Coast.
I live in Santa Rosa, and I didn’t feel a thing last night. However, when I got up this morning and turned on my computer while still half asleep, first thing I saw was an e-mail alert about tsunami. I wondered why in the hell I was getting an alert for something I assumed was happening halfway around the world, and then I see a mention of Sonoma County.
Being a coastal living person this was a little unerving. I managed an apartment complex a block from the ocean in Del Mar. I was put into the position to be ready to evacuate all the tenants. I was so happy when the warning was cancelled.
I had been through a tsunami warning once before two months after I moved to Kauai and was living in a condo right on the water that was already heavily damaged from hurricane Iniki. We were awoken to bullhorns at 7am yelling you must evacuate immediately. I didn’t even know at that point in my life what a tsunami was. All went to higher ground for the remainder of the day.
called The Immigration Crisis. I hope we can all start a conversation about border politics so we can help our elected officials move forward on a proposal that stops the death.
There is been little or no information in the press – especially the California press about the energy bill. This Bushco Bill is looking at allowing off-shore continental shelf drilling – overriding a Bush I executive order in 1990.
I’ll cross post this in the South open thread also…
Today’s Sacramento Bee has an article about Gail Kaufman, aka the Anti-Arnold.
As the chief political consultant for both Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez and the California Teachers Association, Kaufman is practicing her craft: slamming Schwarzenegger at every turn and coordinating the union-led effort to oppose ballot measures that seek to limit state spending, tighten teacher tenure and denude labor of its ability to finance political causes.
Kaufman has been at the helm of the union-heavy coalition that calls itself Alliance for a Better California since Schwarzenegger outlined his plans in January.
I found it to be an interesting read, putting a face behind the battles we are trying to stage out here to keep California a Blue State.
I don’t know what the policy is re: images around here, being new to what I find to be a very pleasant site.
If there are issues with my posting this picture, let me know — I’ll gladly comply with image posting rules (I tried to find any policy, without success).
I hope it is clear from the post that the picture belongs to the Sacramento Bee, who would own the copyright I assume.
I work as a fundraiser at the Music Center in LA and was witness to the most INCREDIBLE preparations I have ever seen in my life for an event on the Music Center plaza. They even removed an ENTIRE RESTAURANT to make room for tables to accommodate 1600 seated guests at full white linen tables. They set up a mobile stage with full backstage star accommodations and a state of the art sound system. Word on the street is that Al Gore will be there. I took pictures on my cell phone and wish I had the technology to share them.
Peeps are paying for the seats at their tables, profits will go to LAs Best. I know I should have more links and information, but just wanted to get the word out there. Staging such an event would cost well over one million dollars, so this might be one of the most spectacular fundraising events that LA has ever seen.
Stay tuned for Governor Villaraigosa.
This is a charismatic human being, I can tell you from personal experience, whatever that means.
My mother is somewhat involved in the L.A. Political Scene, and during the course of her volunteer activities has opportunity to not only meet with various politicians and prominent business leaders, but sit down for extensive periods of time to discuss and plan meetings and presentations to the public.
To her, Villaraigosa is one of the most sincere and gracious people she has come across (and easy on the eyes, she says). While many will shake hands while their eyes scan the room for opportunities, Villaraigosa really listens to what is being said, and follows-up on what he promises.
As a native Californian who ‘escaped’ So Cal to Northern California, I wish Villaraigosa all the success for the good of Los Angeles, California, and the United States. Oh, and I’m sure glad he’s on the Democratic side, because I do see a bright future.
(not my diary but is always relevant) Consider writing an op-ed the topic of your choosing for your local paper. Many local newspapers like to carry op-eds written by area residents. For tips on this, read this diary:
Ten deaths were reported over the Fourth of July weekend in Arizona’s Border Patrol sector.
A quote to make anyone with a conscience squirm: In this heat, “you can go from alive to skeleton in a week,” said Dr. Eric Peters, deputy director of the Pima County Medical Examiner’s Office. The office will perform autopsies on the dead throughout the week.
Just posted a new update on Wyoming politics over at Political State Report, if you’re interested.
Covers the Arapaho getting their casino-style gambling finally, delisting wolves and grizzly bears, Rep Barbara Cubin’s (R) minor heart attack and Gov. Dave Freudenthal’s (D) high poll numbers. (62-26, if memory serves.)
Schwarzenegger’s political arm, California Recovery Team, has a Web ad on news compendium ‘Rough and Tumble’ that seems to compare him to former Govs. Hiram Johnson and Edmund G. ‘Pat’ Brown.
Rocklin and Roseville Today quotes (in the bottom section of their web page) Todd Harris, CRT spokesman:
‘I don’t know that we’re comparing Gov. Schwarzenegger to Governors Johnson and Brown but . . . there have been important reform-minded governors in the past and that is the model Gov. Schwarzenegger looks to,’ said CRT spokesman Todd Harris.
Asked how Schwarzenegger is similar to Brown, a Democrat known for expanding California’s government, Harris said, ‘They both have ‘A’s in their names.’ ”
First, I’m outraged that they’d use Pat Brown’s image in a Schwarzenegger ad and second they don’t seem to know why they used it. That’s an actual quote about them both having “A’s” in their names. I didn’t make that up.
Americans deserve to know the truth about the circumstances under which our troops were sent to war. Was intelligence “fixed” to justify the invasion of Iraq? Was the identity of a CIA operative compromised to distract attention from evidence that Iraq’s nuclear ambition was deliberately overstated? These questions must be asked and answered.
Where: The Grand Lake Theatre
3200 Grand Ave.
Oakland, CA 94610
When: Saturday, July 23, 2005
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Who: Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Panelists: Daniel Elsberg, Author and Lecturer
Steve Cobble, After Downing Street
Bill Mitchell, Gold Star Families for Peace
Iraq Veterans against the War
MountOlympus just posted a diary announcing the relaunching of the Pacific Northwest Portal, an online community for activists at the local level. Check it out here.
I was tempted to post the whole diary over here in The West. On the afternoon drive time commute, the local Air America affiliate here in Sacramento has a local show, hosted by Christine Craft.
San Francisco media is all over this, and Ms. Craft had been on the phone all day Wednesday with nationwide media, including radio shows in Philadelphia. Also, Fox News should be covering this (they have already covered the artwork exhibit, and the conservative talk show hosts have been trying to build up national media exposure).
That is why I posted it in the General area, but thanks for the link here in the Wild West.
Hiroshima Day Rally
Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki
August 6 9-11 a.m.
Outside Davis-Monthan at the Craycroft Gate
Peace rally with speakers and entertainment by the Raging Grannies. A place to demand world nuclear disarmament, end of the war in Iraq, and spending resources on education, healthcare, and other social needs, instead of war.
Sponsored by the Tucson Peace Action Coalition and many local groups.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Democratic Headquarters
August 12 7:00 p.m.
This documentary details the story of the 2002 Coup in Venezuela against Hugo Chavez from INSIDE the palace. From one review: “Can you imagine a situation where there was a coup by extremists within America … backed by a foreign government … which overthrew George Bush successfully … for 48 hours .. and it was all caught on film from inside the White House?” The role of the American government was central to the coup. This film has not been distributed in the U.S. and was obtained from its sponsor Venezuelan Solidarity (Great Britain). Mostly in English, but partly in Spanish with subtitles.
Sponsored by the Democratic Party.
The Albuquerque City Clerk certified today the petition to approve legislation to raise the minimum wage in Albuquerque to $7.50. The law will now be passed by the Albuquerque City Council on August 15 or, more likely, be placed by the Council on the October 4 municipal ballot, allowing a majority of voters to pass the referendum into law.
So I don’t completely waste this comment space, you should know that the Arizona GOP is trying to recruit Surgeon General Richard Carmona to run against Janet for governor since their candidate list is dwindling. Link is here.
Bothered to asked this guy how he votes?
he wouldn’t be voting for Sheriff Joe, the pink boxers would be problematic with the diaper underneath.
Hallelujah! So in honor of being rolled over I posted this link to Van Gogh-a favorite of mine and particularly his painting ‘Cafe Terrace at Night’.
I happen to think that is a very romantic painting and no doubt why I have a huge print of it in my bathroom…makes sense to me.
I need to get some artwork on these plain white walls one of these days… 🙁
Yeah I’ve found that my el cheapo prints make a big difference in alleviating the whiteness of my apt. walls.
thanks for the link! I actually got to see that very painting in real life this summer. It was amazing and much bigger than I’d imagined.
Well you can color me freaken jealous right now. How wonderful for you. The closest I’ll ever get to any art gallery’s and museums is online and to troll the poster shops online. I can spend hours doing that. And a good antidote at times to reading all the political stuff that we do here and at other sources.
oops — I didn’t mean to turn you green! I’m so sorry. I actually just blurted it out because I usually don’t go to museums either and I was surprised at how bit that painting is. It’s extremely rare for someone to mention something and I’ve seen it. In fact, I don’t think it’s happened before. That’s probably the most famous painting I’ve ever clapped eyes on.
Many years ago I saw the painting, Guernica at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. I had previously only seen it in art books. I almost fell over backwards when I saw the real painting and had to choke back tears because it was so incredibly powerful.
Hello other westerners!
I loved your suggestion to Boo about some kind of map. I posted to that cause I love maps. I also think if there was some sort of cool map up where we could kinda see where people are while we are reading and posting that would make us all seem closer to each other and just be fun.
Thank you
Later I thought, it doesn’t really serve any purpose except for us to look at ourselves and admire ourselves….but then, after all, many of us are Americans.
Greetings from Lewiston, ID. I just got logged in as a member and am glad to be here.
I’m new too. Welcome!
Welcome to you both. Why not mosey on over to the Froggy Botton Cafe and have a bite to eat and meet some of the BooTibe folks. Glad you are here!!
Introducing Schweitzer for President a site dedicated to encouraging Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer to run for President in 2008! Come on over and see what we’re about.
</shameless plug>
I have troubles with punctuation i am sorry thank you very much.
I just am amazed at all that has been happening while I was awy for four days. Hey, Egee, how’s it going. Prescott sure is beautiful. Treaded water with the repub side of the family and all was well. Ususaly one of us wants to kill the other by the end but we finally have realised we cannot talk politics and it sure makes the time together much more pleasant. I did approach a table at the wedding reception and a woman I do not know was saying “and I am sick to death of those damn liberal. Bush is a great president”. Man, from another planet I swear!!! I was a good girl though and immediately turned around and walked away.
You sure get some major brownie points for that or at least eat some brownies.
Thanks Chocolate…if I hadn’t been feeling under the weather it may have been a different story all together. Just didn’t have the strength to fight at that moment. So great to be back here amongst like minds.
Governor Napolitano appointed Democrat Scott Bales to the Arizona Supreme Court. He is replacing Republican Chief Justice Charles E. Jones. With the appointment of Bales, the balance is now tipped 3-2 for the Democrats. Details can be found here.
That’s terrific news!
The more we can get on the state courts and I’m sure my friends and family in Arizona are delighted today!
A 7.0 earthquake in Crescent City, CA at approx 7:50pm pst with aftershocks in Santa Rosa, CA 3.0 magnitude at approx. 7:57pm pst. Tsunami warnings were in effect but now cancelled along the Pacific Coast.
I live in Santa Rosa, and I didn’t feel a thing last night. However, when I got up this morning and turned on my computer while still half asleep, first thing I saw was an e-mail alert about tsunami. I wondered why in the hell I was getting an alert for something I assumed was happening halfway around the world, and then I see a mention of Sonoma County.
Glad you are well.
Being a coastal living person this was a little unerving. I managed an apartment complex a block from the ocean in Del Mar. I was put into the position to be ready to evacuate all the tenants. I was so happy when the warning was cancelled.
I had been through a tsunami warning once before two months after I moved to Kauai and was living in a condo right on the water that was already heavily damaged from hurricane Iniki. We were awoken to bullhorns at 7am yelling you must evacuate immediately. I didn’t even know at that point in my life what a tsunami was. All went to higher ground for the remainder of the day.
called The Immigration Crisis. I hope we can all start a conversation about border politics so we can help our elected officials move forward on a proposal that stops the death.
has started the dialogue. Check it out and join the conversation.
Follow-up to SusanHu’s diary yesterday…
There is been little or no information in the press – especially the California press about the energy bill. This Bushco Bill is looking at allowing off-shore continental shelf drilling – overriding a Bush I executive order in 1990.
I’ll cross post this in the South open thread also…
Contact your senators…for me it’s California
Senator Boxer:
Senator Feinstein:
reach a grim milestone of 100. It is a 27% increase from last year (as of 6/25/05). Full story here.
Today’s Sacramento Bee has an article about Gail Kaufman, aka the Anti-Arnold.
I found it to be an interesting read, putting a face behind the battles we are trying to stage out here to keep California a Blue State.
I don’t know what the policy is re: images around here, being new to what I find to be a very pleasant site.
If there are issues with my posting this picture, let me know — I’ll gladly comply with image posting rules (I tried to find any policy, without success).
I hope it is clear from the post that the picture belongs to the Sacramento Bee, who would own the copyright I assume.
Cool article, on that woman.
As for picture posting, I think as long as the width is not more than 200 or 400 or something like that (someone will know) it’s okay.
I don’t see a picture in your post tho.
There’s a picture of Gail Kaufman, which I see on my Booman Tribune screen, linked in from my own blog’s picture hosting capability.
I’m sorry that you don’t see it, it is the same from the article at
The copyright is credited to Sacramento Bee / Brian Baer, with the caption:
I work as a fundraiser at the Music Center in LA and was witness to the most INCREDIBLE preparations I have ever seen in my life for an event on the Music Center plaza. They even removed an ENTIRE RESTAURANT to make room for tables to accommodate 1600 seated guests at full white linen tables. They set up a mobile stage with full backstage star accommodations and a state of the art sound system. Word on the street is that Al Gore will be there. I took pictures on my cell phone and wish I had the technology to share them.
Peeps are paying for the seats at their tables, profits will go to LAs Best. I know I should have more links and information, but just wanted to get the word out there. Staging such an event would cost well over one million dollars, so this might be one of the most spectacular fundraising events that LA has ever seen.
Stay tuned for Governor Villaraigosa.
This is a charismatic human being, I can tell you from personal experience, whatever that means.
Forgot to mention for the uninitiated that Democrat Tony Villaraigosa just unseated (fake) Democrat James Hahn as Mayor of Los Angeles.
My mother is somewhat involved in the L.A. Political Scene, and during the course of her volunteer activities has opportunity to not only meet with various politicians and prominent business leaders, but sit down for extensive periods of time to discuss and plan meetings and presentations to the public.
To her, Villaraigosa is one of the most sincere and gracious people she has come across (and easy on the eyes, she says). While many will shake hands while their eyes scan the room for opportunities, Villaraigosa really listens to what is being said, and follows-up on what he promises.
As a native Californian who ‘escaped’ So Cal to Northern California, I wish Villaraigosa all the success for the good of Los Angeles, California, and the United States. Oh, and I’m sure glad he’s on the Democratic side, because I do see a bright future.
Selection of Newsie’s Entries:
Ten deaths were reported over the Fourth of July weekend in Arizona’s Border Patrol sector.
A quote to make anyone with a conscience squirm:
In this heat, “you can go from alive to skeleton in a week,” said Dr. Eric Peters, deputy director of the Pima County Medical Examiner’s Office. The office will perform autopsies on the dead throughout the week.
Still waiting for Congress to act…
Just posted a new update on Wyoming politics over at Political State Report, if you’re interested.
Covers the Arapaho getting their casino-style gambling finally, delisting wolves and grizzly bears, Rep Barbara Cubin’s (R) minor heart attack and Gov. Dave Freudenthal’s (D) high poll numbers. (62-26, if memory serves.)
Very nice! I love wolves, but must admit I’m scared of grizzly bears.
I found this on an obscure newspaper’s web site (Rocklin and Roseville).
To access links to sources, please visit I’m not very good with html. Thanks.
Schwarzenegger’s political arm, California Recovery Team, has a Web ad on news compendium ‘Rough and Tumble’ that seems to compare him to former Govs. Hiram Johnson and Edmund G. ‘Pat’ Brown.
Rocklin and Roseville Today quotes (in the bottom section of their web page) Todd Harris, CRT spokesman:
‘I don’t know that we’re comparing Gov. Schwarzenegger to Governors Johnson and Brown but . . . there have been important reform-minded governors in the past and that is the model Gov. Schwarzenegger looks to,’ said CRT spokesman Todd Harris.
Asked how Schwarzenegger is similar to Brown, a Democrat known for expanding California’s government, Harris said, ‘They both have ‘A’s in their names.’ ”
First, I’m outraged that they’d use Pat Brown’s image in a Schwarzenegger ad and second they don’t seem to know why they used it. That’s an actual quote about them both having “A’s” in their names. I didn’t make that up.
Americans deserve to know the truth about the circumstances under which our troops were sent to war. Was intelligence “fixed” to justify the invasion of Iraq? Was the identity of a CIA operative compromised to distract attention from evidence that Iraq’s nuclear ambition was deliberately overstated? These questions must be asked and answered.
Where: The Grand Lake Theatre
3200 Grand Ave.
Oakland, CA 94610
When: Saturday, July 23, 2005
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Who: Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Panelists: Daniel Elsberg, Author and Lecturer
Steve Cobble, After Downing Street
Bill Mitchell, Gold Star Families for Peace
Iraq Veterans against the War
For more information, you may contact Miguel Bustos at 510-763-0370 or
MountOlympus just posted a diary announcing the relaunching of the Pacific Northwest Portal, an online community for activists at the local level. Check it out here.
Any San Diegans know of any rallies Sat. 23rd in regard to DSM?
Check out Intellectually Curious’ diary for info on a rally to protect your free speech rights.
I was tempted to post the whole diary over here in The West. On the afternoon drive time commute, the local Air America affiliate here in Sacramento has a local show, hosted by Christine Craft.
San Francisco media is all over this, and Ms. Craft had been on the phone all day Wednesday with nationwide media, including radio shows in Philadelphia. Also, Fox News should be covering this (they have already covered the artwork exhibit, and the conservative talk show hosts have been trying to build up national media exposure).
That is why I posted it in the General area, but thanks for the link here in the Wild West.
From an email I rec’d from DFA here in Tucson:
I just want to tell SOMEONE how fucking hot it is here in the frigging Valley.
I hear ya MSOC, we’re pushing triple-digits here in Tucson. Blech!
Hot? Nice and cool down here on the ocean in Del Mar but we haven’t really had a summer here yet…cloudy all the time. I need some sunshine!!!!!!!
Hot here too….have the damn AC on..and fans AND spent the whole day in the garage organizing (no ac in the garage.)….sigh…
Have a tall, cool one Maryscott..on me : )
Here’s some good news via U.S. Newswire: