Okay, folks. The Republicans are wallowing deeper and deeper into corruption. First, I ask you to review my previous work compiling a list of the five most corrupt Republicans (or, at least, the 5 Republicans I could most easily find information on their corruption). You can find this information here.
I ask you to do this because it is the clear context in which the Republican leadership would introduce H.R. 1316, which can be thought of as the “Make Congress More Corrupt” bill, which was approved along party lines, with six Republicans supporting and three Democrats opposing it. See below…
From the Public Campaign Action Fund:
But legislation passed by a congressional committee on a 6-3 straight party line vote (chaired by Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH), a member being investigated for his connections to lobbyists) would remove that total limit on donations from individuals so that someone could funnel as much as $1 million to federal candidates.
It should come as no surprise that Tom DeLay supports this bill.
Wealthy donors have too much influence, not too little. Congress shouldn’t be weakening campaign finance laws, they should be strengthening them by adopting comprehensive public financing like what is working well in several states around the country.
In other words, the already massively corrupt Republicans (if you didn’t already read the previous information I mentioned, please do!) are trying to increase the scope of their corruption. And the Democrats are opposing them. Do we need any further evidence for the difference between the parties? Do we need further evidence for the disgusting corruption of the Republicans?
First, write your Congresscritter and ask him or her to oppose this disgusting piece of Republican legislation.
Second, using this bill (H.R. 1316) as ammunition, and using the evidence of base corruption among Republicans that I mention in my previous work, write a letter to the media complaining angrily at the INCREASING corruption of the Republican Party. My advice is to pick two or so of the Corrupt Republicans I mention and use them as examples of what the Republican Party is like. Then bring in their support of HR 1316 as further evidence that the Republicans are, at best, soft on corruption and, at worst, embracing corruption.
And while we’re at it, PLEASE keep the pressure up on DeLay: (from last week)
Call Ethics Chairman Doc Hastings in his district office in Pasco, WA at 509-543-9396, or his Washington, DC office at 202-225-5816.
Call Ranking Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan at his district office in Wheeling, WV at 304-232-5390, or his Washington, DC office at 202-225-4172.
When you call, be firm and respectful. Tell the person who answers the phone that you want the Ethics Committee to appoint a highly-qualified, independent-minded outside counsel to investigate Tom DeLay.
Recently it seems that the name of Tom DeLay (R-TX) has become synonymous with corruption. But now it seems that rather than weed out corruption, the Republicans want to encourage it while the Democrats, once a party not unfamiliar with corruption, now is standing firm against corruption. Recently legislation passed by a congressional committee on a straight party line vote (6 Republicans voting for, 3 Democrats voting against) would remove that total limit on donations from individuals so that someone could funnel as much as $1 million to federal candidates. That goes against all the campaign reform the Democrats and a handful of honest Republicans, like John McCain, have been pushing for. The ranking Republican on the committee, Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH), is himself being investigated for his connections to wealthy lobbyists.
So as the likes of Tom DeLay and Mike Oxley (R-OH) are being accused of corrupton, rather than purging their party of corruption, Republicans are now trying to legislate their corrupt practices into law. Well, I for one am disgusted by their corruption. If they want to keep the Democrats from using Republican corruption as a weapon they had better look hard at their practices and purge their own party of corruption. If they don’t they will go down in American History as the most criminal government America has ever seen.