I missed the first half of Russert. Did he mention it?
CNN just mentioned it at the top of the hour — about 20 seconds coverage. Reliable Sources is up at :30 … let’s see if Kurtz covers it, given it’s in his own f–kin’ paper.
It’s important to remember that there was a lot of good reporting leading up to the war by people such as Pincus. But their reporting was buried by editors and not integrated into the overall narrative about the war. Such news reports were treated by the Russerts and Matthews and Kurtzes of the world, those who sift and shape the news narrative, as nasty smelly farts in their otherwise cheerful cocktail party.
Cover, yes, that’s what I’m afraid of….I think they’ll all “cover” it, in that other sense of the word. I want to be wrong, I have never wanted to be wrong more, but the past 5 years have worn me down.
Thanks to everyone who is staying on top of this, I can’t bear to watch!
At this point, I wouldn’t believe Howie Kurtz if he said the sun rose in the east.
I think the number of pickups on this story is encouraging. Even better is that some of them are opinion columns, as noted by a diary over at The Other Place about one in the St. Pete Times.
People may skim the reporting and remember it or not, but if they read a columnist regularly, they tend to think of him or her as personal contacts and to believe what’s said.
Enough columns about this, and we’ll start to see real front-page reporting and even mention from the talking hairdos (said she, optimistically).
As of noon Eastern Time, it’s up to over 228 news outlets running with the WaPo/Pincus story. We’ll see what happens over time with this, but I certainly hope this is a positive sign.
My presumption is that this is getting blasted all over the U.S. media, in contrast to the Downing Street Memo, for a very parochial reason: the DSM story broke only in the British press, and the American media is always reluctant to give major play to stories where they were totally scooped by foreigners. Since the reports on this memo broke in both the UK and US on the same date (even though the memo was obtained by the Sunday Times of London — a Murdoch paper!), other American sources feel more free to push the story. (Not to mention that many newspapers here have republishing rights with the WaPo, and not with any British papers.)
Our ability to keep attention on this in the electronic media is unfortunately going to be limited by any impending verdict in the Michael Jackson trial or further developments with the Alabama teen in Aruba.
A side note: How odd is it that the picture of Blair that was running on Google News was credited to Al Jazeera? That’s what happens when one deals with a news aggregator algorithm.
The coverage of that Alabama teen is INSANE. So pathetic, I can’t begin to describe it. I guess the media know that pretty white women wiill always sell tickets.
Oh gawd, when the jury comes back on Jackson. It’ll be endless. Thank god I can watch Free SpeechTV, LINKTV, and UCSB TV.
I wish Google had put up Chimp’s photo though.
Do you think Blair will be the one who pays the price (perhaps in the ICC), while the Chimperor continues his “march to freedom”?
God, I hope not, but I wouldn’t be surprised at this point.
I doubt either will pay a price 🙁
I missed the first half of Russert. Did he mention it?
CNN just mentioned it at the top of the hour — about 20 seconds coverage. Reliable Sources is up at :30 … let’s see if Kurtz covers it, given it’s in his own f–kin’ paper.
I haven’t heard anyone mention anything yet.. but im not surprised. They wont until they have to, I’m sure.
Pincus Gets A Promotion
Post puts him on page 1.
It’s important to remember that there was a lot of good reporting leading up to the war by people such as Pincus. But their reporting was buried by editors and not integrated into the overall narrative about the war. Such news reports were treated by the Russerts and Matthews and Kurtzes of the world, those who sift and shape the news narrative, as nasty smelly farts in their otherwise cheerful cocktail party.
for “prose”. <grin>
said so in promo … “and we’ll cover” the D St. memo
Cover, yes, that’s what I’m afraid of….I think they’ll all “cover” it, in that other sense of the word. I want to be wrong, I have never wanted to be wrong more, but the past 5 years have worn me down.
Thanks to everyone who is staying on top of this, I can’t bear to watch!
At this point, I wouldn’t believe Howie Kurtz if he said the sun rose in the east.
I think the number of pickups on this story is encouraging. Even better is that some of them are opinion columns, as noted by a diary over at The Other Place about one in the St. Pete Times.
People may skim the reporting and remember it or not, but if they read a columnist regularly, they tend to think of him or her as personal contacts and to believe what’s said.
Enough columns about this, and we’ll start to see real front-page reporting and even mention from the talking hairdos (said she, optimistically).
Katrina is giving Kurtz hell on Downing St. !
As of noon Eastern Time, it’s up to over 228 news outlets running with the WaPo/Pincus story. We’ll see what happens over time with this, but I certainly hope this is a positive sign.
My presumption is that this is getting blasted all over the U.S. media, in contrast to the Downing Street Memo, for a very parochial reason: the DSM story broke only in the British press, and the American media is always reluctant to give major play to stories where they were totally scooped by foreigners. Since the reports on this memo broke in both the UK and US on the same date (even though the memo was obtained by the Sunday Times of London — a Murdoch paper!), other American sources feel more free to push the story. (Not to mention that many newspapers here have republishing rights with the WaPo, and not with any British papers.)
Our ability to keep attention on this in the electronic media is unfortunately going to be limited by any impending verdict in the Michael Jackson trial or further developments with the Alabama teen in Aruba.
A side note: How odd is it that the picture of Blair that was running on Google News was credited to Al Jazeera? That’s what happens when one deals with a news aggregator algorithm.
AWESOME. Thanks for checking.
The coverage of that Alabama teen is INSANE. So pathetic, I can’t begin to describe it. I guess the media know that pretty white women wiill always sell tickets.
Oh gawd, when the jury comes back on Jackson. It’ll be endless. Thank god I can watch Free SpeechTV, LINKTV, and UCSB TV.
you lucky devil you. I have to shut the tv off or watch reruns of things I could not stand weeks ago.