Mizzkyttie points us to an incident of parents trying to screw up their gay kids:

Well today, my mother, father, and I had a very long “talk” in my room where they let me know I am to apply for a fundamentalist christian program for gays. They tell me that there is something psychologically wrong with me, and they “raised me wrong.” I’m a big screw up to them, who isn’t on the path God wants me to be on. So I’m sitting here in tears, joing the rest of those kids who complain about their parents on blogs – and I can’t help it.

Last spring, I sat in my office listening to a student tell me he might not be able to get his paper in on time because his parents had thrown him out of the house for being gay (he was actually worried about the paper).  A couple months ago, I sat at my computer screen crying as I read this diary at dKos.  What the fuck is wrong with these people?!
Over at Pandagon, Amanda takes a look at some of the surveillance involved in the programs rules  (Here’s my favorite one from the entire list: “The clients may not wear Abercrombie and Fitch or Calvin Klein brand clothing, undergarments, or accessories.”)  Ex-Gay Watch has been following the situation as well.

The whole program rests upon the assumption that homosexuality is a result of gender-inappropriate socialization.  Us queers didn’t learn the right ways to be men and women.  Thus, women in the program are required to shave their legs and armpits twice a week, and men are forbiden from wearing bikini briefs.  What they wish to creat is a world of Ward’s and June’s on valium, acting out the ideal family in a state of perpetual numbness.  And that’s for the people who aren’t destroyed by these programs.  This quote, provided by the Queer Action Coalition, shows us what the Anti-Gay Industry is really after (and make no mistake, these ex-gay “ministries” are virulently anti-gay and tightly linked to groups like AFA and FRC):

I would rather you commit suicide than have you leave Love In Action wanting to return to the gay lifestyle. In a physical death you could still have a spiritual resurrection; whereas, returning to homosexuality you are yielding yourself to a spiritual death from which there is no recovery.” –The Final Indoctrination from John Smid, Director, Love In Action (LIA)

Yup, folks, that’s what this poor kid and the rest of us are up against.