Yep that’s right – Mr. the insurgents are in their death throws has called Dean ‘Over the Top’
“I think Howard Dean’s over the top. I’ve never been able to understand his appeal. Maybe his mother loved him, but I’ve never met anybody who does,” Cheney told Fox News Channel.
“So far, I think he’s probably helped us more than he has them. That’s not the kind of individual you want to have representing your political party,” Cheney said.
Really? So does that mean bushes approval ratings would be at 25% without Dean’s ‘Help’?
More Below.
For the Record, Here are some of Cheney’s quotes:
“Go f*ck yourself.” – Vice President Dick Cheney to Sen. Patrick Leahy on the Senate floor
“The first time I ever met you was when you walked on the stage tonight.” – Vice President Dick Cheney
The list goes on and on.
There are currently 438 stories related to this on Google news. When are we going to get 438 articles written when a republican says something outrageous?
Hypocrisy drives me nuts, especially when it’s this blatant
I hear you!! Isn’t this the same guy who went batshit crazy because someone dared to mention that his daughter was gay? Oh, now wait, he let his wife do that….
really chaps MY ass:
“Maybe his mother loved him, but I’ve never met anybody who does.”
First off, you don’t diss someone’s realtionship to their mother. Period. Out of bounds — if I were HD’s mom, I’d be ripping Cheney a new one right about now (any one know anything about his mom??)
As to the second half of this steaming mound of verbal shit
OF COURSE you haven’t, you waste of space!! We all WORK for a living and you wouldn’t deign to mix with the hired help.
Why, oh, why, oh, why don’t we have anyone in our media with an ounce of self-respect — I wish I had been that interviewer. I would have snapped right back with:
I can see how you may have missed them, holed away in your bunker, or surrounded by sychophants, or in your PRE-SCREENED “town-hall” meetings, but if you like, I arrange for you to meet some.
Just googled her. Seems she hasn’t been shy with reporters in the past….I would love to see her blast Cheney, I would take a huge amoutn of pleasure in it, as a matter of fact!
I know, I know, I am over the top….
It would be a great idea and I’m sure it would get the media’s attention.
Thanks, sgilman — as a mom of two son’s, I just know how I would feel if someone went on national TV and said “maybe his mother loved him…”
I almost don’t even want to watch the interview (of course, I will) because I’m sure the interviewer — do you know who it is? — just responds to this with a little chuckle and moves on…
He certainly lives in his own little world doesn’t he.
That was my thought. There’s a reason the guy’s supporters are called Deaniacs. I’ve yet to see people screaming like little girls at a Beatles concert when Cheney makes an appearance.
The key thing to remember here — are you listening, Senator Biden? — is that when Cheney emerges from the bunker to say that the Democrats are doing something self-destructive, it’s because he really, really wants them to stop because it’s helping the Democrats. Is there anyone stupid enough to believe that Cheney is just giving the Democrats a little friendly, helpful advice?
Dem leaders used to say that crap about Newt Gingrich while he was busy eating their lunch. And Newt was over the top, but the movement he was largely responsible for starting put Cheney where he is today.
What I really wish is that the media would give the “honest living” quote in its full context. Dean was plainly talking about the Republican leadership, not the rank-and-file sheep.
Nope, they just have the vacuous smile and thousand yard stare of true believers and big campaign contributors. Stepford groupies…
Cheney can go Cheney himself, afaic!
As if Dick Cheney should have any credibility?
“Increasingly, we believe that the United States may well become the target of those activities,” Cheney said….
Dick Cheney’s Legislative Accomplishments… Both of Them
“Cheney’s voting record was slightly more conservative than mine. “
— Newt Gingrich, Washington Times, 7/25/2000
….Congressman John Spratt (D-SC), ranking member on the House Budget Committee, made the following remarks on a call today:
“Dick Cheney served in the Congress for 11 years. I served with him for most of these years. In that time, he only passed two bills. One was to build a flood plain on the Colorado River and the other was a bill to help a constituent….”,2933,146533,00.html
“And the answer is not very damned many. So I think we got it right, both when we decided to expel him from Kuwait, but also when the president made the decision that we’d achieved our objectives and we were not going to go get bogged down in the problems of trying to take over and govern Iraq…..”
….Last week, Cheney attacked Kerry for his alleged inconsistencies. “Senator Kerry … said that under his leadership, more of America’s friends would speak with one voice on Iraq. That seems a little odd coming from a guy who doesn’t speak with one voice himself. By his repeated efforts to recast and redefine the war on terror and our operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Senator Kerry has given every indication that he lacks the resolve, the determination and the conviction to prevail in the conflict we face.”
Cheney’s office did not respond to requests for comment about his 1992 statements, nor did the White House. The Bush-Cheney re-election campaign, also asked about the 1992 statements, did not respond….
But, of course, our incompetent and lazy media enablers have the attention span of gnats on meth – they can’t be bothered to ask the dark lord about his extensive history of making dubious statements.
Yes, Mr. Cheney, yes he is. He’s over the top like a Hong Kong action movie film star, doing the political equivalent of a kung fu dance of doom on the heads of the faceless mooks that make up your party machine. And hey, you’re even willing to play the part of the clumsy, out-of-shape old man who stands there and screams things like “He can’t DO that!”
He said:
“My view is FOX News is a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party and I don’t comment on FOX News,” Dean said. That was in response to vice president Dick Cheney calling Howard Dean “over the top” on Fox News on Sunday.
You go, Howard!
Maybe his mother loved him, but I’ve never met anybody who does…
Leave it to Mr. Manners to say something this impolitic while publicly bashing someone for being impolitic. Now I’ll just hold my breath while I wait for the wind-up dolls in the media to pick up on this glaring hypocrisy. Don’t worry. I’m sure my husband will pick me up off the floor when I turn purple and pass out.