Where to start with the fucking outrage?
On September 11th, 2001 I was working at the Sarnoff Corporation in Princeton, NJ. I had a nine o’clock meeting, so at approximately 8:45 am, I got up from my desk and went outside to the smoking patio. I remember sitting in the sun and looking at the amazingly blue sky. The air was almost soft. It might have been the most beautiful morning I have ever experienced.
I chatted with some friends about how badly the Giants had played on Monday Night Football the night before. Little did I know that one of those friend’s brothers would be burned alive in Tower One. Little did I know that a second plane was flying directly over our heads and would soon plough into tower two. It would kill the nephew of one of our secretaries.
A few days later people started dying of anthrax poisoning. Some of the letters had been mailed from the Palmer Square mailbox. It was a mailbox I sometimes used. My mail sorting center in Hamilton, NJ was closed down and didn’t reopen for over two years.
Soon I was laid off. I had the honor, but also the stress of being the best man in a wedding during this period. I suffered an emotional collapse.
Things had not improved much by January 2002, when the President gave his infamous ‘axis-of-evil’ speech. I was still seething with anger over the 9/11 attacks. I definitely thought our Iraq policy (sanctions, no-fly zones, basing in Arabia) was responsible for pissing off bin-Laden. I wanted the sanctions lifted, our military pulled from Arabia, a comprehensive energy plan, and a real effort to work for a Palestinian state. But I also was still freaked from having my mail contaminated. I had no reason to think Saddam had given up his WMD programs after he kicked out the inspectors. It made no sense. I didn’t feel comfortable lifting the sanctions and leaving him in power.
So, I wasn’t surprised to hear Bush say:
And he knew how to appeal to the victims of the anthrax scare:
But I was appalled at his rhetoric. Why was he threatening North Korea and Iran? I could see he was declaring war on Iraq. From that moment forward I never doubted we would invade Iraq in early 2003. But that was a year away? Why telegraph your punches? Why threaten countries that you weren’t going to invade?
If Saddam had lots of poisons and he was given a year to prepare, what would that mean for our troops? Would he take advantage of the time to attack American civilians at home?
To be honest, the night he gave the axis-of-evil speech, I was less concerned with the news that we would be going to war with Iraq than I was with how long it was going to take to get fricking started.
It was all a clever hoax, wasn’t it? The anthrax was traced back to our own military labs, most likely to a lab in Maryland. Someone in our military had sent anthrax to Senators Leahy and Daschle, to Tom Brokaw and the editor of the New York Post. That’s a fact.
Saddam never had any anthrax. None. Nada.
And now we learn the real story. Bush wanted to go to war with Iraq from the moment he came into office. “It was all about finding a way to do it,” (Paul) O’Neill would explain. “That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this.’” He wanted Richard Clarke to pin 9/11 on Saddam on 9/12.
[Washington Post, 3/22/2004]
By April, 2002 he had received the assurances of Tony Blair that we could use their bases. There was no thought for what kind of government would replace Saddam. There was no thought for how much the war would cost. There was no thought for whether or not an invasion could be legally justified. Instead we have this:
And this:
We got full coverage alright. We got the fucking full monty. Drones, yellowcake, mobile chem/bio labs, mushroom clouds, anthrax, sarin, VX, Scuds, Curveball, Chalabi, Allawi, Safire, Krauthammer, Judith Miller, the editorial staffs of the New York Times and Washington Post.
You think I was pissed back when anthrax was in my mail? Back then I thought Islamic militants put it there. Now I know better. You think that’s a tin-foil hat thing to say? How many more lies do we need to hear? The anthrax was our anthrax.
Some hold-outs will undoubtedly say that it is all a big coincidence. They will say that it was just some disgruntled scientist that was spurred by 9/11 to send a warning about the dangers of WMD. It just so happened to fit right into the mass campaign of lies that would precede the invasion of Iraq, and the fixing of intelligence around the policy. Perhaps, they’re right. But even if that is the case, where is the investigation of the anthrax mailer? And what are we to make of the astounding cynicism with which our emotions and fears were manipulated to gain our support for a war based on a pack of lies.
And what are we to make of the total lack of planning? And what are we to make of the torture and the campaign of religious humiliation? And what about the staggering cost?
How much more inept does our leadership have to become before we rise up and demand they leave office?
Nothing tinfoil hat about it.
The whole anthrac thing never rang true with me, I just never put it together with the Iraq war excuse thing because I was so angry over what was obviously a pack of lies being sold to the American public to depose Hussein for his oil.
What a start to the day…please let this be the day our press finally realizes that it’s their reputations on the line too, and the Bushco isn’t worth protecting any longer.
Apologies for all those typos. Must get coffee. Now.
Boo writes this: you think I was pissed back when anthrax was in my mail? Back then I thought Islamic militants put it there.
Just like, when the news of the Oklahoma City bombing came out, the auto-assumption was that it was Mid-East terrorists.
Yet, today, we still have the gov’t failing to prioritize the containment of right extremist / militia groups while going after animal rights people letting minks out of cages. Jesus.
OR (!), more egregiously, Ashcroft refused to let the FBI use federal gun records to go after even suspected terrorists with Al Qaeda ties.
(I wish I had my old info on that . lost on old computer . but could find if anyone wants.)
WTF? Yikes – that’s a new one by me. But you needn’t take the time to find it on my account, because nothing would surprise me coming from that man. Let the eagle soar, baby.
And it makes perfect sense when you align it with Colleen Rowley’s frustration with higher ups in the FBI who wouldn’t permit her to review the contents of Zak Moussoai’s computer. (please forgive my spelling)
And that, of course, was ultimately blamed on those pesky civil libertarians, rather than FBI “leadership”.
Just wait until that soaring eagle gets nominated for the supreme court. Ugh.
That’s certainly a buzzkill thought on a (previously) glorious Sunday morning. ewwww
I’m sorry…return to your gloriousness, and forget I said it. :^)
The government hasn’t prioritized anything designed to help prevent another terror attack here, to my way of thinking. I think they’ve just used their “anti-terror” platorm to scare people away from dissenting too oudly, for fear they will be whisked away in the night.
And we have money to continue arresting and/or locking people away for petty drug offenses (or letting minks out of cages, or protesting at the RNC, etc), but none to protect ports and nuclear power plants, and the funding for first repsonders (who would be critically needed in the event of an attacke here).
The only terror BushCo is really interested in is the terrorizing of the American public.
That was a mighty fine rant!
To be honest, I knew the anthrax came from our labs, but it never even occurred to me that our own military or whatever would send it. I assumed it was stolen or lost. Damn naive of me.
What kind of proof do we need? You can’t tell me a blow job is worse than fabricating a war. Sure, Saddam was an evil dictator…ok, I’ll grant that, but does that mean we have the right to invade a country? What about the far more evil dictators in this world? Why are we letting them off?
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, etc. must be brought to trial for war crimes. We cannot let this regime continue its mission of blood for oil and power.
could have been stolen. But it was stolen from a military lab.
Seems to me this story took a left turn. It started out “on-message”, then they turn around and pin the whole thing on Steven J. Hatfill, the weapons-lab guy – but no one gets charged.
I agree. And I am sure the families and friends of those postal workers who died as a result of this act would like to find something to give them closure. These are the worst criminals I have ever seen. And we seem powerless to do anything about it.
“What are we to make of the total lack of planning?”
It is actually worse than that. There was a plan, some sixteen huge volumes of a plan produced by State. This was flushed down the toilet. There were people, such as the first governor we installed and some of the people who had worked on the plan, who knew what they were doing. They were fired.
Even after all this there was still a chance that the invasion could be made to work. That’s when the order to disband the Iraqi Army was issued and now the war is unwinnable in the short and medium term and perhaps even long term.
If we judge the Administration’s actions by their actions and not their words, the intent must have been to break Iraq.
I don’t think they are inept. I think they do have a plan. It is a plan to “starve the beast” and simultaneously keep all other powers down. It is a dark and evil vision and its two prongs are mutually incompatible.
As for when the American people will rise up and demand they leave office, I am not hopeful. The population is kept distracted by the modern equivalent of bread and circuses (only without the bread) and seems oblivious.
It’s great that you take recent evidence and go back to unearth the relationships with what happened earlier. In the speed of change and update we often focus only on current networks of connections.
I remember following the anthrax happenings with alarm, especially thinking about the Unibomber syndrome.
But you hint here at one of the most shocking possibilities ever – that the whole anthrax sequence could fit into a pattern of deceit created to ‘fix the facts’. A year or so ago that would have seemed an outrageous suggestion. Now, the fact that I’m even pondering whether it could be true or not, fills me with the rage that you clearly felt with your personal experience of those events.
Were it to be true, it would be one of the most heinous crimes of the last 100 years. Impeachment would be a slap on the wrist. Only perhaps the ICC could provide a world forum cathartic enough to erase and eradicate the cancer in American society.
But I feel my blood boil…
Hey, and wasn’t DeLay’s office also a faux victim?
I haven’t been able to rant as well. I have been furious by the lies since 2000. If I had a gun…
I do not understand this world anymore and my anger is coming out all over the place, in my home, on the road, shopping.. I have less and less tolerance for trivial things.
My only enjoyment in life right now is playing with my grandson and kayaking.
I do not understand the lack of rising up either. But with my tin-foil hat I believe we are being HARPed and controlled to not acting. I just cannot prove it…yet.
I would like to see Bushs’ worthless daughters on the front lines in Iraq. I would like to see Bush and all his henchmen sentenced, tried and convicted for war crimes. My anger has receded from the foreground to the background but it will never disappear. And it shouldn’t.
And to Booman, I’m so sorry for what you have endured. My husband often had business meetings in one of the towers, but thank heavens not that day. Many of his colleagues weren’t so fortunate.
I love a good rant. I have to agree with athenian.
I don’t think bushco wanted a stable iraq. If it was
stable, then there would not be the need for so many
soldiers. All those reconstruction contracts could have
been bid on by other companies, and iraq might have
decided to manage its own oil.
As for anthrax, all the govt did was to destroy the
career/life of a man. He became a person of interest to
Asscroft, but he was never charged. The story just kind
of faded away.
Oh well, maybe after they investigate bushco, someone will
try to find out what happened to the 9billion in
iraqi funds that the CPA misplaced. lol
That moment was the first inkling I had that, yes, members of our own society, and, govt, most likely (or “friendlies”) were either clever opportunists, or someone had foreknowledge to put this anthrax scare into action.
And oh, so coincidentally the anthrax was sent to enemies of the repukes.
And Ashcroft never much of anything to say about it.
And now elf, etc. is the number 1 terrorist group in the US? I’d like to know who sent that anthrax, especially since, immediately after, people in the govt tried to tie it to Saddam. (remember that?)
That was the point at which I stopped believing anything I heard from the govt or the media.
It is not surprising, considering this (pdf).
Uh, about that “kicked out the inspectors” thingy…
Why U.N. inspectors left Iraq–then and now
“The U.N. orders its weapons inspectors to leave Iraq after the chief inspector reports Baghdad is not fully cooperating with them.”
— Sheila MacVicar, ABC World News This Morning, 12/16/98
“To bolster its claim, Iraq let reporters see one laboratory U.N. inspectors once visited before they were kicked out four years ago.”
–John McWethy, ABC World News Tonight, 8/12/02
“The Iraq story boiled over last night when the chief U.N. weapons inspector, Richard Butler, said that Iraq had not fully cooperated with inspectors and–as they had promised to do. As a result, the U.N. ordered its inspectors to leave Iraq this morning”
–Katie Couric, NBC’s Today, 12/16/98
“As Washington debates when and how to attack Iraq, a surprise offer from Baghdad. It is ready to talk about re-admitting U.N. weapons inspectors after kicking them out four years ago.”
–Maurice DuBois, NBC’s Saturday Today, 8/3/02
“The chief U.N. weapons inspector ordered his monitors to leave Baghdad today after saying that Iraq had once again reneged on its promise to cooperate–a report that renewed the threat of U.S. and British airstrikes.”
—AP, 12/16/98
“Information on Iraq’s programs has been spotty since Saddam expelled U.N. weapons inspectors in 1998.”
—AP, 9/7/02…..
Yep, there’s more.
If I recall correctly, in 1998 the U.N. pulled its Iraq weapons program inspectors in anticipation of U.S. and British air strikes.
perhaps I shouldn’t have repeated that misleading phrasing. Nevertheless, Saddam was fully aware at the time that the UN inspectors might leave and bombing commence.
He made a decision to risk it.
It’s mostly a semantic difference.
The infrastructure inherent in creating, managing, deploying, and attempting to hide a nuclear weapon, for instance, (program related activities?) is massive. The mere presence of inspectors makes it that much more impossible to conceal.
Did Iraq make the inspections difficult? You bet.
The question was one of an “imminent threat”.
It wasn’t credible. It never was.
Chemical and biological weapons? Not an imminent threat (and not very practical) given the real difficulties of delivery and the reality of massive retaliation if they were used in a manner to actually constitute a threat to us.
February 10, 2003
QUESTION: What about NATO’s role? Belgium now says it will veto any attempt to provide help to Turkey to defend itself. Is this something the administration can live with, or is it a major obstacle?
MR. McCLELLAN: Two points. We support the request under Article IV of Turkey. And I think it’s important to note that the request from a country under Article IV that faces an imminent threat goes to the very core of the NATO alliance and its purpose.
QUESTION: What can you do about this veto threat?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, again, I think what’s important to remind NATO members, remind the international community is that this type of request under Article IV goes to the core of the NATO alliance.
QUESTION: Is this some kind of ultimate test of the alliance?
MR. McCLELLAN: This is about an imminent threat….
June 17, 2003
MR. FLEISCHER: No, it’s just as the President described it, based on the judgment and the information that he has received. And the reason I think you’re seeing it play out in the manner it is, is exactly because of the lengths that Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi officials went to hide the weapons of mass destruction that they had.
After all, it was the United Nations, when they left Iraq, when they were thrown out of Iraq in 1998, that concluded and told the world that Iraq had failed to account for the thousands of liters of botulin, of VX, of sarin gas. It was the United Nations who put it on the record and reported they had it….
dubya, his cronies and their media enablers played a game and suckered a lot of people into this mess.
Was Saddam Hussein an evil low life scum sucking thug? You bet. Was he ever a cridible threat? No. The overwhelming evidence for that was clearly there at the time if we had just bothered to look at it.
It was never about reality. It was about “introducing a new product” and marketing.
That was the necessity for Saddam to get rid of the CIA agents within the group of UN Inspectors. Easy decision to make. Intelligence was used for planning future bombing raids by US and UK military Command.
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
This is a great rant-it’s hard to keep in mind all the cynical manipulation that went into this invasion, but you’ve pulled it all together well.
I do think that it’s not that they are inept though, just have a different plan than the one they stated publicly. A stable Iraq would make it harder to continue to occupy the country, or at least harder to sell it to the public.
And keeping the hatred and death at a boil leaves them a lot of options to hang around and destabilize / blame other countries in the area.
But the current mess won’t let them occupy the country either. They’re really not all that far away from having to leave in disarray. I don’t think they even have an evil plan that makes any sense. I think they believe their own propaganda.
And that makes them inept. Their true evil is in the cynical exercise of their ability to cover up most of the incompetence – and then continuing to behave in the same incompetent manner, as if nothing bad ever happened as a result of their grotesque failures.
I was just having a Sunday afternoon nap (a result of trying to manage my diary over time zones and staying up too late)
I woke up from the nap with a start. It’s ridiculous I know, but….
The vision I saw was of Bush et Co eliminating the Judiciary and Congress, declaring an American Empire with all powers vested in the WH.
Then I thought ‘My God, the only thing that could stop that would be the military, and where are they?’
Oh dear, oh dear. I must have a cup of tea and sit in the garden for a while 😉
Too late for me, I saw it last night…no wonder I couldn’t sleep well!
Dammit – so that’s where the idea that has been hiding in my subconscious came from. I saw the movie at a press show some time ago.
Didn’t like it – Lucas is maybe the worst judge of dialogue and delivery of dialogue. You’d think that English wasn’t his first language.
But the vistas were compelling – it took me back to my childhood comics and Dan Dare in the Eagle.
I got no answer for your tinfoil hatter about the military involvement, but to say in my life, I am forever astounded by the powers of coincidence and random chance… we really have a poor concept of this and often resort to tinfoil in an effort to understand it and deal with our emotions… Sherlock Holmes said,”It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Our problem is that we do a poor job in diligence in excluding many obvious things, much less impossible things, before trumpeting the improbable… the unibomber is a darned good example… he virtually tried for years psychologically and behaviorally to be caught, but we just didn’t see it… it will be interesting to see how the Anthrax thing pans out… (BTW, Sarnoff Corp wouldn’t by any chance have access to weaponized anthrax, would it?) ; )
The irony to me is that FBI et. al. have failed on this tough case for what. 3-4 years, and yet they have volumes of information about corporate/executive branch misdeeds and shenanigans from Bu$hCo,representing a backboard shattering slam dunk if you will, yet we see nothing… Tom Delay, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld… they not only live, but proliferate! By all appearances domestic law enforcement has become a lapdog… the Third Right is succeeding thus far in redacting Vietnam… Nixon is grinning from ear to ear in his grave, and it’s probably not just from rigor…
I’ve said it before, and sorry to gross people out, but I feel like this pustule of cognitive dissonance in America is ripe and ready to explode… and when it does we’re all going to get some on us and it will be ugly and smelly… but it will be real…
This is your personal story that should be published far and wide in our country.
My favorite part about the anthrax scares: Congress will shut down its own mailroom because of a threat. No mention of the postal workers who will be exposed. As I recall, it was only a postal worker (or two) who died from this little scam. Nobody wants to count the number of journalists who have been murdered for doing their jobs since this evil cabal took over our government.
These are wicked people and they will destroy everything and everyone in their path. Most people want to live in peace, but comes a time when you stop worrying about talking nice to the enemy. I’m sure that’s what we can expect from them in the future.
Rant on!
I remember that there were two very strange cases, reported on by the NY Times because they were local. #1 was a 90 year old woman in Connecticut who died of anthrax and the other was a middle-aged Vietnamese woman who worked, I think in a hospital, in midtown Manhattan. No one could understand how they got exposed to anthrax. Anthrax is found naturally in the soil. But I don’t see how that explains these cases.
Where the anthrax came from and how it was spread is still a HUGE mystery. How can we work to bring it to people’s attention again? E-mailing the press or contacting politicians?
Not to mention, and seriously, where is Bin Laden?
HERE ; )
Hey, Bood, you left out an essential ingredient of the Dudehisattva! Sense of humor.
needed a good laugh. thanks
oh that was just heeeeeelerious….you should put that out to cnn and msnbc…let them see if they can follow up on that interview…bs What a hoot….
straight from our Dear Leader’s mouth:
No shit, George.
How in the effin’ world did this pathetic excuse of a batch of cells come to be the President of this country??
Booman, your recollection of that day is poignant. I too have friends who lost friends and relatives that day. Living on Long Island, I feel very close to it all. In fact, on a clear day, you can, sorry, could see the towers from the bay near the town I grew up in. I am aware of what the towers represented to the third world. American power, dominance, and wealth built in large part on the backs of the poor around the world, but on that day as an American under attack, I felt an anger and outrage at the perpetrators that was almost frightening. One of the guys I worked with at the time was a retired NYC cop, and as we all huddled around the tv and watched the first tower fall, I remember looking at him, actually seeking out his face in our group, and seeing the tears roll down and seeing the pain and the anger in his eyes. I think it may be the most powerful moment of my life, aside from watching my children coming into this world.
Skip to 2005. It is by firm belief that the crimes of 911 were if not directly caused by our own government, were certainly allowed to proceed as the first step in garnering support for pnac’s American Empire, of which Iraq is but one part of. It didn’t take me long to understand that Bush was lying to us when he bagan pushing for the overthrow of Hussein. It is all very clear as far as I’m concerned. Knowing it however doesn’t lessen the feeling of disbelief though when I ponder the thought that our government could actually be capable of this . I understand how hard it is for the average American to make this leap. Who could imagine such a thing? This is America.
I fear that we still have many dangerous days ahead of us unfortunately, and I am losing faith in the ability of the American people to recognize when their leaders need to be removed. Still, I have not yet lost all hope. These memo’s and documents may be the key. The democrats fighting to get the list of Bolton’s intercepts leads me to have hope that they finally understand what they are dealing with. I just hope they don’t back down. I’m so fucking sick of democrats who back down.
Anyway, this is my little rant, and recognition of your rant. We are all struggling with enormous questions that go to the heart of who we always thought we were.
If the few facts we know about the anthrax attacks make government complicity a viable hypothesis, then what about the many facts as reported in mainstream media that make 911 itself highly fishy? It may never be possible for a large enough portion of the American public to entertain the idea that our own government could be complicit in an an attack on its own citizens (though I hear it’s pretty widely entertained in NYC).
I resisted the idea myself for years, mostly based on the assumption that no U.S. government could be so evil. But after years of seeing the evil of Bushco — cynical self-serving manipulation to the point of violence, and cold indifference to death and suffering, even of its own people, then I had to put on the 911 tin foil hat. Reading about all the glaring inconsistencies of the known facts that were not even considered by the 911 Commission pretty much confirmed for me that there was a lot more to the story. The weird way Bush acted vis a vis the Commission should have touched off a lot of alarms: Why would he so vigorously resist an investigation into 911? Why would he refuse to testify under oath or alone?
And for those of you out there also wearing tin foil hats: Why has it taken until now to hear so much detail about the FBI’s FIVE missed chances to catch some of the 911 conspirators? Why did it take until after the election to learn of the 52 explicit warnings about hijack threats? How did the 911 Commission miss those things?
The U.S. government did kill hundreds of thousands of native americans in its time. That’s kinda evil. They were, after all, the first non-white “other” ever scapegoated on this continent.
hearings before the invasion. That is on the record, although it may be more difficult to access now. I remember looking it up in horror when I heard things out of Washington, like “The train has left the station” and I knew there was no stopping the masters of war. The point is, no one in the higher levels of government paid much attention to them.
So your entire government did not fail you, but you are right, it was the leadership.
I believe also it was a mistake to bomb Afghanistan so carelessly. Yes, destroy the training camps, yes, depose the Taliban. It could have been done in a better way through the Northern Alliance. The revenge for that is active now. But that is another story.
These plans were envisioned even before Bush was elected on the PNAC website by the neo-cons.
Great Diary and good rant…
On the anthrax issue specifically, it wasn’t the military. I mean it came from a mil lab but it wasn’t the military…
You need to see who was pushing that it was Hatfill and you need to see who that woman works for. And you need to see why a certain country’s name was written on those crude notes. It’s pretty darn obvious who took the damned anthrax (hello it’s on VIDEOTAPE) and it’s pretty darn obvious whose interests it served…
Nothing tinfoil hat about it. It’s just the way PR gets done when someone’s interest in knocking over Saddam needs a little boost in the opinion polls in the USA.
Hey, Soj — do you have some links for us on this? Or place on your blog where they’re posted? I’d like to add them to my collection. Thanks.
It’s pretty darn obvious who took the damned anthrax (hello it’s on VIDEOTAPE)
Please elaborate.
What do you know that we don’t?
I haven’t looked at anthrax in over 2 years. I don’t remember the details of the woman accusing Hatfill or any videotape.
But as for your insinuation, it is sometimes difficult to find the dividing line between our military and theirs.
What I mean is this: while there is a chance that the anthrax was obtained by a subcontractor, the greater likelihood, due to its sophistication and weaponization, is that the anthrax came directly out Ft. Detrick and was released by an active duty person that works there and has security clearance.
Thus, our military. Whether it was a normal reaction (on 9/11) to turn off CNN and drive from Maryland to Princeton NJ to mail anthrax all over the place…
I can’t touch this story because of my policy of not messing with a certain group. But if you’re interested I can tell you where to begin your investigation and that’s by reading this.
I’m not going to say her name for Google reasons but it’s the female molecular biologist named in the article who has been pushing the feebs for years into hounding the wrong guy (even drained the pond outside his house for goodness sakes). And it’s the guy on videotape who has a very interesting past history.
I don’t know if it’s time for the ePluribus crew or anyone else to do it but it’s about high time someone put the heat on the Bush administration to solve this case once and for all.. because Boo whether you were just ranting or not, you are right that the white powder letters played a significant political role. Look at the timing of the passing of the PATRIOT Act specifically in correlation with these letters.
And whomever was behind it and for whatever reason, five Americans died from those letters. And someone needs to pay for that.
I read the article and I see where you’re going.
Hadn’t thought of that.
SusanG is over at EuroTrib, so we can chat her up. Yet, this is inside baseball, and not easily unwoven.
I don’t know if it’s time for the ePluribus crew or anyone else to do it but it’s about high time someone put the heat on the Bush administration to solve this case once and for all..
If ever a case cried out for netroots investigative journalism, this is it. Could make the Gannon/Guckert farce look like a corner grocery stick-up.
Yes it could.. but I say proceed with caution. There’s a lot of heavyweights involved here. And you’ll have to do it with my help. I’m a little fish in a sea full of big sharks and they’d eat me for breakfast.
But perhaps the sharks would be rendered powerless if it were a large school of fish swimming together… that’s my dream anyway.
I agree with the poster above in that this is less of a rant and more of an expression of justifiable personal outrage. And once again – you did so in another excellent display of connecting the dots.
My own outrage increased well over a year ago when a friend presented a connect the dots session for me. And the discussion caused me extra reason for alarm, given that my friend’s son, a die-hard Republican, chose to quit his job at the Pentagon, and change his political affiliation. He did so because he had never before witnessed such levels of deceit from an administration, and he felt if the public at large knew of the “fixing” that was going on behind the scenes we’d do everything in our power to rid ourselves of this dangerous administration.
Needless to say, he was not in a position to expand on the details of his concerns. Yet. . . he shared something that much later was reported through Sy Hersch – that yes, in fact, plans were already in place to invade Iran (likely using the same tactics the administration had used to enter Iraq).
Connecting that dot to a PNAC memo from January 28th, 2005 (portions of which are quoted below) and the plea for increased ground forces to fulfill the “generational commitment” in the greater Middle East, I wondered how many more military actions the administration would have engaged in if Dick and Don had more troops to “play with”. Don himself said he was opposed to sending more troops to Iraq, lest they just create more “sitting ducks”. So – where then, did they plan to use the additional troops they requested?
“promotion of freedom in the post-9/11 world” To what lengths will this administration go in meeting that initiative?
“Demand(ing) they leave office” clearly translates to impeachment. Is that what you want? If so there are enough open seats in the House and Senate that an opposition sweep would make a trial possible. But be careful what you wish for.
bood’s right: everyone gets splattered when that thing pops.
This could be dangerous. That splatter even eats through tinfoil too. We should all tread carefully.
Except Dr. Dean. He can wear all the stompin’ boots he wants.
to the roots of Bushco’s evil performances in office and this did it beautifully.
Well done Booman, sometimes I get so bogged down with specifics I forget to look at the whole picture.
About the anthrax connection, I don’t think you are out of line at all in mentioning that there may be a connection there. I thought of one other way of looking at that. When a friend of mine who is really conservative was talking to my father about some terrible comments made by a top military official, my father was saying that it would have been prudent if the administration made a public statement about how awful these comments were and showed the world that the US was accountable. My friend explained that the administration doesn’t do this, and that the guy actually was told to resign or was fired, and their policy is to keep things quiet and move on. I don’t remember the official’s name or statement, but this may be a possibility.
Nice rant, Booman, but I don’t think this is about ineptitude, nor was there a lack of planning. A short invasion and “victory” would have given Bush a short boost, but it would also have revealed that it had nothing to do with the “war on terrorism”. Protecting Americans was never a priority. The priority was turning Americans into a frightened, cowering herd that was willing to give up everything they claimed their country stood for in return for having their silly wish — “I just want to feel safe again” — indulged.
Bush and his gang are about the power madness that is the definition of evil, but their sustenance comes from twin cesspools of delusion called patriotism and religion. If you want to change our direction, we need to first dump Bush and prosecute him for his crimes. After that we need to remove our energy feed from the delusions that fed him.
Excellent rant. At first glance, it’s puzzling that the whole anthrax scare — a major bit of domestic terrorism — has essentially disappeared down the memory hole, despite the fact that it remains entirely unsolved. As far as I can recall, the Bush Administration’s failure to solve these crimes was not even mentioned once during last year’s presidential campaign. It might as well be the McKinley assassination for all the attention it gets these days.
Yet I think the anthrax attacks are important. Even if the connections you plausibly drew aren’t true, someone endangered thousands of lives and is still, as far as we know, at large and able to repeat his (or her) deed. And of course the situation is infinitely worse if your suggestions (plausible though of course unproven) are correct, Boo.
But I suppose the memory holing of the anthrax attacks have everything to do with the MSM, which completely sets the agenda of public memory these days. Once it was clear that the attacks were domestic, they no longer fit the narrative, and they simply disappeared.
Yes absolutely. The silence in the past 4 years on the anthrax episode is totally not understandable to me .
Thanks to Booman for reminding us of it. This should be mentioned again and again.
Aside from the editor for the National Enquirer-Star, the targets were are identified by the right-wing Republicans as “liberal”.
Patrick Leahy
Tom Daschle
Tom Brokaw
Dan Rather
New York Times
Pardon my cynicism, but I don’t think Ashcroft’s Justice Department tried to find the attacker. I think that named a name, appeared to have made a mistake like they did about the Atlanta Olympic bombings, and then dropped the case. I don’t know whether the researcher singled out was really a suspect or just a foil for dropping the investigation. The problem with becoming cynical. Events are reflected like a hall of mirrors.
For some reason, yesterday, apropos of nothing, I started to relive the events of 9/11. Because I am originally a New York area person, too, the loss of those towers was deeply personal — a thing not shared by those around me, where I was. I was in a hospital in the San Diego area, nursing my newborn and watching it happen, moment by moment, in real time, on the television. Those towers were so much a part of the backdrop of my life, that to this day, I cannot watch that footage without it feeling like a sock to the groin.
At first I was relieved to hear the initial rhetoric of restraint — military action is only one part of the war on terror, stuff — and nursed a hope that this would not escalate into the nightmare it has. However, my first sense of dread that we would head back to Iraq came when Dubya seized the presidency. I never had a moment’s doubt that those oil whores wanted to maintain the status quo in Iraq. I knew it was only a matter of time before they trumped up some excuse. I just hoped cooler heads would prevail. There are no cool heads in that administration. A cool head and steady hand is reason for dismissal.
Because my husband is in the military, I knew full well that plans were being set in motion, long before the media got their press releases. Watching the build-up to that war, for me, was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I watched one obvious lie after another spun like a crazy top, and could not believe just what you could convince people of when they were frightened. Anthrax from Iraq, my ass. Preposterous! And when the coolest head in that administration had went before the UN with a vial of salt and said “If this were anthrax…” I knew the cool heads had all exploded and we were doomed.
So why are we reliving 9/11 at this moment. Maybe it’s in the ether. Maybe all over this nation, people are connecting the dots that took us from this fateful day to our current nightmare. Perhaps the hundredth monkey will get it — “I have been exploited and lied to! — and the wheels of the gods will find grind this administration down to a fine powder we can all pretend is anthrax.
Thanks BooMan for telling your story.
I think with the new things we know with the passage of time, it may be time for us all to review to ourselves or to retell our stories.
My own case is surely off-beat. In 2001 I never followed the news at all, so when a friend called me up in the early evening and insisted I come over to watch the news on her TV that night, I complied with some reluctance. I was already half prepared for what I would see, and I did not think I would like it.
My reactions were off-beat too. My friend was distraught, and–as I found out later–all my friends were too. But as I watched the obsessively repeating video clips, I felt none of that: What I felt was cold fear. I knew that Bush would seek to use the attacks to eliminate America’s civil liberties, and that he would be successful.
In a sense I was wrong though, because even though the PATRIOT Act was pushed through within a month, and American democracy is under attack in every way, I thought the trappings of democratic government would be shed within a year. It’s happening, but not nearly as fast as I thought on that September night.
In my cold fear, I thought something else: I thought we were facing a clever and resourceful enemy. Through the following winter I waited for what–in any coherent war strategy–would have come next. I won’t go into all the ways that America was, and is, vulnerable to serious devastation. At the very least I thought the Northeast power grid would be knocked down before the winter was out, if for no other reason than because it is so easy. It didn’t happen. Nothing happened, except the anthrax attacks, which, after 9/11, seemed more ludicrous than anything. Anthrax is a clumsy choice for a biological weapon of terror. Its intended use is on moderately concentrated deployments of troops. It does not spread. Infection is somewhat uncertain. People died, and other people became fearful, but the clever enemy of 9/11 could not be the buffoon that was responsible for the anthrax.
And then we learned that the anthrax came out of a US Army lab. That had only one meaning: Breaking into a secret biological warfare site is not like knocking over your local convenience store. The anthrax was an inside job.
It took me a full year to realize that there was no enemy. Whoever committed the attack of 9/11, and whatever the reason they did it, it was not the act of an enemy waging war on the Unites States.
Three and a half years later, we know more.
We know the Air Force stood down that day, though we don’t know who gave the order for the stand-down.
We know that Arab terrorist groups routinely claim credit for their actions, only on this day, the biggest action ever, somehow no one did.
We know that three-and-a-half years after the public murder of 3000 people, there is still no criminal investigation.
All of these points, in themselves, are telling.
But now consider–not the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2–but WTC 7, an ordinary high-rise office building. No planes struck it, just some debris that may have started a fire. The structures of high-rises are fireproof: The furnishings can burn, sometimes with great vigor, but not the structure. It should not have collapsed. But even that is not the point. Look at how it collapsed–all at once, into its own footprint. There is just one way to do that that I am aware of, and it has a name. It’s called professional demolition.
Nine/11 was an inside job, planned with deep complicity high inside the US Government.
Can we really still think that the Bush administration was not behind the whole thing?
is an interesting case.
One thing I would have been interested in is a more public investigation into what happened to the foundation of the WTC when those building collapsed? How much water seeped in under there? What happened to the soil density. WTC7 shouldn’t have collapsed from fire, but it could have collapsed from serious undermining of its foundation. But we will never know.
I would very much love to see an investigation of WTC7.
But there are some things we already know. Manhattan is bedrock. I mean even in Midtown, where the bedrock lies deepest, it does not lie very far below the surface, and in both Lower and Upper Manhattan, the bedrock is very close to the surface indeed. The foundations for high-rise buildings are driven right down into solid stone.
It’s not like Houston TX, or even Long Island.
So I don’t see how water could have anything to do with it–let alone do it perfectly and symmetrically.
I thought that too, actually. Oh sure, there was empathy and sadness for everyone who died, but my immediate, first reaction was “the president will be able to do whatever he wants now- they’re all legitimized by this and will endanger us all”.
And lo and behold they have.
The axis of evil speech didn’t help. “Hating freedom” was such a ludicrous thing to say, but enough people believed it.
I realize that reaction sounds exceedingly cold and calculating, but that’s what it was.
I remember what I was doing the exact moment in time when shock and awe started…I was doing a patient in hemodialysis..he was my only pt that day at that time. He was an old 101st airborne vrom VN and here was I vet of same said war and we both cried like babies…we know it was wrong..
Now back to Boos story, remember after 9/11 and all that bush could say is go shoping and go to disney land and etc etc…well, I had a feeling right then he was complicit in all of this shit. As time wore on and things kept growing, I kept getting madder and madder. You will never know how angry I have been for over 5 years now. putting 2=2 together and coming upwith 4 is easy if you have a clear mind..but who has one of those nowadays…it is total confusion from one thing to another to another…always confusion…fear…fear all the time… The color coded thing kept ppl so on the edge…that is how they wanted it…Oh hell yes I understand your rant…I REALLY do. My rant has been going on for over 5 years now. By not paying iny mind to the daily pdb and other things, this administration is in my book held for the most responsible hanious act of our times. They are all liers and players in thsi whole thing. Non of them are to be set free and let go with no return to public office as did the Nixon WH. They are all very evil ppl…get me they are all evil…Look at the players in all of this mess….same old shit as back then but a bit smarter and older…they had time to refine their motives and such…I remember hearing wolffie say one time they had decided on WMDS as the best thing to tellus out here…I remember that….
Man I can give you a telephone number of a friend of mine who has listened to me day in and day out on my ranting on a daily basis. Man I hear you loud an dclearly!!!!