Okay. Booman Tribune has been inundated with new users this week, so I say it’s time for a MOJO FEST! Have at it. And, in a tribute to Carnacki, who posted “Got a Happy Story” diaries every Friday night at dKos, I’m asking that you earn your mojo by posting something happy. It can be about absolutely anything (no nudie pics though – okay??). If you’re happy along those lines, we don’t need to know about it. 🙂
I’m going to sleep off this kidney pain, so I expect this diary to be filled with stories and mojo while I’m gone. (Yes, I know most of you really, really care about me and your support has helped me get through this week – which is my happy story for today – but, don’t make this diary about me and my struggles. This is about you. Thanks!)
On with the happy stories…
Update [2005-6-12 17:34:26 by catnip]: Well, you certainly haven’t let me down! …yawn and very big stretch… I’m up from my nap and you’ve shared some great stories. Carnacki has posted a link to his See You All Soon diary on dKos – may he fare well in his journeys. Thanks guys and gals!
I like mojo and I really should have added an “all of the above” answer to the poll because I love Brad Pitt and I’d kill for something sweet to munch on right now (including him). 🙂
Have fun!
What makes me happy is the release of endorphins in my brain. Endorphins form part of the opioidergic system, which is the evolution of a pain suppression system.
Some of the things that cause endorphins to be released are chili, sex, chocolate, sweets, alcohol, and jogging past the pain barrier.
Endorphins floating around enter receptors on neurons. The receptor takes only molecules with a particular shape – like a lock awaiting a key.
When a receptor on a firing neuron is stimulated, it reinforces the building of connections to the other neighbouring neurons in its own network if they were firing at the same time
That is how behaviour gets hardwired. And why with each drink, chili meal, sex and bar of chocolate, you make it more likely that you will repeat the behaviour if some of the same stimulii are present.
Heroin (and it’s derivatives) are like a master key that opens all receptors – making behaviour modification so rapid.
Now doesn’t all this information make you feel happy 😉
Your username is very clever, Sven, and the cleverness of my fellow bloggers makes me happy.
Wow.. I’ve been looking at that name for months, and I never got it.. Triloqvist seemed like a completely normal last name to me 🙂
Now we know who the slow one is around here!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one… I didn’t get it either, until djinniya’s post.
<sob> nobody loves a smart alec <sob>
thanks! or, as we say in Finland, ‘Kiitos’
We just love you more now that we get the joke. As Americans we have an international reputation to live down to, you know – D’oh! 😉
That’s the problem..who has whose hand up whose back.
Now did you see my lips move?
thanks for the love
at all. Why do people think that he is attractive. I remember watching him in 7 Years in Tibet (was that the actual title, or was that just how long the movie seemed to last?) and thinking that is one BAD dye job he had. He was good in Fight Club, I mean it was a great job of acting. The character he played was repellent, though. So he did a great job of playing a repellent character.
My weakness is caramel. But I am not going to drive down to the local Carvel’s and get a caramel sundae. I’m not!
I’ll take Colin Farrell in movie called Tigerland anyday. Great little movie that no one saw.
William Peterson in CSI…
in anything, or next to nothing. Plus he’s has a feud going with O’Reilly.
but for me, it’s all about Guy Pierce….one of the things that kept running through my head during Memento was, “he’s so pretty it hurts”…
Wasn’t that a great fucken movie!
I made my parents watch…for the first half they were like, “what’s going on?”…then it was “cooooool.” I need to find a class to use that movie in (I’ve already managed to get Run Lola Run into Research Methods)
There is a living actor that I think is great looking: Guy Pierce. (Didn’t want to show my age again by mentioning Cary Grant.) And Memento is a great movie. You can definitely show it in philosophy classes. I watched it once three times in three different classes, and still liked it
but i teach sociology…i’m doing dissertation work in narrative, and the narrative structure is what was so innovative about the film. It’s going to be a couple years before I do any teaching on this particular topic, though, so I’ll have to let it stew for a while (I’d also like to use Capturing the Friedman’s in such a class.)
the new Batman movie is directed by Christopher Nolan so I’m hoping the new Batman will be great. The buzz is extremely good on it so I’m hoping.
Hubby calls “7 years in Tibet” “Seven years on a Bidet”.
I thought he was really good in “12 Monkeys”, but haven’t been able to take him seriously since his brain-dead Death in “Meet Joe Black.”
So agree with you about Mr. Pitt. I think Colin Farrell’s a wannabe Brad. No offense intended.
As the Great God Cthulu slumbers through the centuries, the legendary scholar of things ancient and dark, Carnacki, makes ready for the Horrid One’s Second Coming. It’s almost Spawning Season!
This has been a pretty happy couple of weeks over here in the outback or small town Idaho.
I managed to negotiate my way into a better than hoped for sale of my property. I got more than I was asking for in the price (WHEE YIPEE YESSIREE), and I also got a life estate, and for those who may not know the term, it means I can live here for the rest of my life, rent free. No ownership responisbilities or liabilities!!!!
Even better than that, This past week on Booman Trib has been less sleep and more fun than anything I can remember for just years and years. The influx of so many talented and beautiful, smart, thoughtful new members has charged the atmosphere with a sense of potential to accomplish any of the tasks we focus on. Very, Very exciting indeed!
Very happy Idaho-chic with large dog and lazy cats.
Well, I did it.
Huge hugs, Carnacki. I didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag, even though I did use the word “posted” instead of “posts” in my entry.
You’re a fabulous person with a very huge heart and you will be missed! But, life gets in the way of blogging sometimes (don’t I know it) and life must be attended to. You know how I feel about you and that I wish you the absolute best. Promise to keep in touch.
You’ll be missed terribly. I might even get depressed about it. 😉 Return to us — sooner.
Here’s my happy story: I just returned from spending three days with my son and his family. I was helping them pack to move 3000 miles away from me but, hey, I enjoy being useful even when it’s going to hurt me.
The first night, my 2-1/2 year old grandson was acting up, being cranky and verging on a tantrum, when I suggested tickling his back. Well, that doesn’t sound pleasant, does it?
My son assured him, “You don’t want to pass up this opportunity. Your Gramma gives the finest back tickles ever.” So, reluctantly, he pulls up his shirt and I start my magic fingers routine. Just the lightest strokes from my finger nails in swirls from the nape of the neck out to the shoulder blades, down and around. In moments, he’s lying down with his head on my knee, totally relaxed and zoned into bliss.
After a few minutes, he rolls onto his back, looks up into my face and whispers, “I love you, Gramma.” Tears of joy sprang into my eyes as I whispered back, “I love you, too.”
But wait! There’s a bonus story: The grandson is coming down the stairs from his bath with a towel wrapped about him. My son calls out, “Here comes naked boy!” The child ruffles his brow and declares, “I not naked boy; I towel wrapped boy.” Then, he comes to the middle of the living room floor, picks up his wooden sword, drops the towel and announces, “Now I naked pirate boy!” He then performs a series of jabs and thrusts that could only be a past life memory — or maybe he saw Tom Cruise in the “Last Samarai” — while my son and I are reduced to hysterical laughter. We’re now trying to figure out how we can do a line of Naked Pirate Boy(TM) products without being accused of child porn…
That’s a great happy story.
We’re going to miss you around here! And we’re looking forward to seeing all of the Carnacki’s at the next meet-up later this summer. Have a wonderful summer-
We’ll be looking for pictures of that treehouse when you come back!
I’m looking forward. Hopefully people will remember me and shoot me an email with the details.
I’ll make sure you do!
Where are you going, where have you been?
Take care of yourself and your family. We’ll be here when you are ready to come back. But you will be greatly missed.
Hope to see you at Pastor Dan’s shindig in Lancaster Labor Day weekend.
Meredith (aka mlk on dKos)
Hmm – this is your second (?) big goodbye in a couple of weeks. I’m happy for you – sounds like you’ve been in a whirl of activity, and have more to come. And I’m suppressing my small inner shrink’s worry voice about departures, since some people know where to find you. You have shared a lot of joy here and in the Kos community and likely elsewhere as well – and work, whew, more than a great deal.
Don’t stay away. Take a rest regularly. Ask for help. Enjoy your gorgeous state before all the mountain tops get shaved off, as Redman warns us may happen. Eat some real pie – if you were coming to Detroit, I’d fix you your choice of pecan, cherry, chocolate, lemon, Apple, mincemeat, coconut cream, peach. . . .that is, if you eat pie. Wouldn’t waste your time otherwise.
Buena Suerte,
Just cutting back on things in my life so it’s not so crowded. First it was the Carnacki Chiller Theater. Then DailyKos. Next will be GBCW to sleeping because who has time for it, really?
Wherever you go Carnacki may you walk in peace and harmony. May you have the energy and the heart to keep you on whatever path you choose.
I’ll check out your website more often…and maybe get to finally finish the book. You will always be a bright star for me to observe from afar.
Blessed Be to you and your family
Thanks Sally.
I’ll always remember that one because it brought us Maura in VA‘s story.
But of all of the happy stories in that diary, I think I like the one you told the best.
Have a wonderful summer.
because I finally got some Me-time this weekend. I moved three weeks ago and have not had time to get settled in my new place. I finally got to do that yesterday and today. I’m also happy because I’m meeting so many great people here at the BMT. I knew the site would start hopping, the circumstances aside, I’m glad to see all the new members here. That’s about all on this perfect Sunday in Tucson. E-Smiles to you all!
Me and hubby and fat cat are finally moving into our ‘dream’ house – two weeks to go! That makes me deliriously happy … and chocolate too (as per poll)!
that really does it for me. I don’t have a sweet tooth and while I like Brad as an actor I’m a straight male so…
If there had been a choice of, say a single malt whisky or a fine pinot noir or soft-shelled crabs sautéed in clarified butter with garlic, umm!
Great food is one of those things that makes me happy and fortunately both my parents were great cooks and I’m pretty good myself. : )
Unfortunately we don’t get soft-shelled crabs here. : (
But we do have fantastic pork. If you’ve only ever eaten US commercial pork, you don’t know what you’re missing. (Yes, Infidel Pig, I remember that you have access to the real thing.)
I’m planning on going on a long hike on a part of the Greek section of the E4 European hiking trail soon and that has me pretty excited.
Cheers, Catnip. Hope the pain eases. Oneira glyka (sweet dreams).
LMAO…good ; )
I won’t tell you about having a fresh tenderloin on the smoker last weekend ; )
Remind me next May, and I’ll send you some soft-shelled crabs, we have plenty ; ) might even find some gator tale to toss in…KUDOS
enjoy the hike, and take along a camera, so you can share some of the beautiful countryside with us.
Oh, I will. Should take a couple of weeks to cross the Peloponnese across its back. I’ll have to buy an extra-large memory card to fit them all in.
What does gator taste like? Chicken?
nope, not chicken, mostly reminds me of Gator Tale ; )
have a great trip, and be safe.
LMAO…I know it’s supposed to be “tail” but the tale works in with the snark ; )
OK, how do you cook it then?
I’ll post pre- and post-hike diaries when were finally ready to go. Should be very early July.
What’s Making Me Happy Today:
I’m happy because the BT-community is getting together. Our systems were stressed over the last week, but it held up beautifully. A big cheers to the committee of the Welcoming Wagon – diane101, shirlstars, Man Eegee, Oui and recent additions such as Cake or Death and zander (and a big sorry to anyone forgotten). Their efforts have really been a major contribution to maitaining cohesion on the site. And so many great contributors have been added to the rolls in just less than a week.
And now – Euro Tribune! Who plans to check it out/register?
because what makes me happy (and frustrated at the same time) is my spouse.
This is vacation week for him, plus he took a floating holiday on the 20th and the 21st is his birthday holiday, so we have 10 days together to (hopefully) accomplish things, have some fun, and recharge the marital batteries.
(Chocolate is a close second, however…)
As for happy stories, I just had an email from my oldest sister: I and my siblings should be receiving communication from my mom’s lawyer along with a waiver form; once the forms are received in the lawyer’s hands, she’ll be able to do the preliminary distribution of the monetary assets from Mom’s estate (mainly the house sale proceeds) — she’ll hang onto about $50K to cover any outstanding bills (medical, legal, etc.), but once everything is zeroed out, what’s left will be divided between the four of us kids.
What this means: by the end of next month, we’ll have enough money to be completely debt free, to invest in our second computer, to do some traveling, and still have plenty in the credit union to invest towards his retirement in 9 years (!!!). Technically not financially independent…but at the very least financially content. With less financial worries, we can turn our attention to serious business…electing Democrats to Congress so the impeachment trial of the Bush/Cheney Administration can begin…
Life is good… 🙂
how to post a picture. Well, maybe I did. Here goes (please give me feedback if its not good to post pictures, or I did it wrong.)
This is my wonderful cat. Unfortunately he doesn’t look too happy. Maybe I should send this photo to mycathates you.com. Ah, another technical challenge.
He looks like a much bigger and fiercer version of one of mine!
And I love, love, love mycathatesyou.com.
he is a very contented cat..look at his tail…i like the pix….
Here’s my baby, Harriet
She’s been very unhappy the last couple days, with the heat. All she’s wanted to do is lay around on the bathroom tiles.
Hey MAJeff – my fat cat (ironically named Noodle b/c he was thin originally) looks exactly like Harriet only fatter and male. AND! He’s got the same black spot on his right pad. Now that’s freaky.
And he’s finding the heat here quite intolerable, lying about in the most unusual places (like stretched full out on the middle of the wood floor – which is bad news when walking late at night w/ no lights).
Harriet looks quite content on her perch.
I wonder if mine is related?

Here she is with her friend.
I love this picture! He looks like a wild animal searching for prey!!
Is that your yard? It’s so pretty and lush and green!
Hey TW – I’m happy you shared that great picture of your kitty, along with the “my cat hates you” site. What a hoot! My friends don’t get it – they think my dear, sweet Buddy is a mean, vindictive, fiesty little critter. But they’re not around to see our cuddle & purr fests, as she lightly reaches up and taps me on the cheek in a lovely gesture of affection.
Here’s a smile-provoker for you. One night, as Buddy was hanging out on one of her cat posts, keeping a watchful eye on the neighborhood, I started to give her a massage. She enjoyed it so much she entered into another world. . .stretching and purring and not knowing quite what to do about these new-found pleasures she was feeling. But then, tragedy struck, as that world of cat relaxation landed one big kitten fart square in my face. Massage over. Thanks Buddy.
It is BBC radio and they are having a free Beethoven download week. So far 1-5 are available and someone introduces them with a bit of history first.
Plus John Hurt reading Beethoven’s letters in his brittish accent.
Thanks for this, Teresa — I’m downloading them right now, and will flag my computer to let me know to check for the other three. Will probably burn them to CD as well, if I can get them into iTunes unscathed. 🙂
Gotta love the community… 🙂
was an absolute breeze — merely dragged the icon for each file into the iTunes window and they landed there beautifully.
Gotta say it again…Apple totally rocks… 🙂
(Steve Jobs was the commencement speaker over at Stanford…ironic since he never graduated from college. Hope the speech ends up on the Stanford web site…)
I have everything saved in itunes now. It is so easy to use and I am looking forward to making my first CD with the program.
There’s an old episode of Cheers in which Lilith is cooing to Frederick and Frasier asks her why she doesn’t speak to him that way, and she says, “because your breath doesn’t smell like cookies.”
Heh you guys…I just spent four days with the mostly Republican family and they are all still alive. I didn’t even talk politics once. Otherwise they would have been goners i am sure.
Am I too late for the mojo fest? After all, it’s all about me right? Catch up to you all later.
I came undisputably later than anybody, and that made me very happy, because it meant I could give 4’s to everybody! 🙂
Carnacki, you’re just about as good as it gets. We’ll all miss you, but seeing you take care of yourself makes me happy, too. We’ll look forward to seeing you when you’re ready to come back.
This is the life we have ~ so enjoy!
I love movies so every Tuesday my sister takes me down to the video store to check out the new movies. Kevin Spacey has always been a favorite of mine and I loved Bobby Darin so I rented the movie ‘Beyond the Sea’.
Kevin Spacey stars/wrote/directed this movie and I while I thought he was too old to play Darin I have to say that this movie is incredible and not your usual bio in any way shape or form. Screenplay is exquisite blending of fact/fantasy and 3 honest to god dance numbers. Oh yeah, Kevin Spacey is an incredible singer also-he does the singing in this-just amazing.
So I’ve been playing the movie over and over while I do stuff around here just to hear those great songs like Mack the Knife/Beyond the Sea/Sing a Song of Freedom-forgot what a great war protest song that was.
Well I certainly have gushed over this movie, huh..but it has made me happy all week. Has to go back today and I’m hoping my sister will show up with a copy she said she was going to buy for me..more happy happy.
Food makes me happy; love to cook, love my partner’s cooking. We are both a wee bit overweight, but a little fatliness equals happiness.
We just got a new mini-lop bunnie to keep our boy Albert happy. Henry is very curious and fast and a very happy-go-lucky character. Along with our dog Luna, and our new fish, animals are making me very happy this week.
I watched one of our muscovy ducks out the window, fossicking for insects with her whole body waddling/wagging back and forth, and it made me grin.
We woke up to the sound of the local flock of sulfur-crested cockatoos making their way across our valley (screech, squawk, Dean-like Eeeeaaaaarrrgggh!). It’s a lovely slear winter’s day, it’s a public holiday here, and I’m darn happy.
Life is good.
That’s good myriad – I like that.
I love cooking too, and always make a mess: spill or drop something, which is commonly known as appeasing the floor gods around my place. It’s also been termed a condition, spillitis … of which I am the only human afflicted.
And I’ve always thought that an interesting relationship exists between the cleanliness of the kitchen and the results of the dish, because it seems that the bigger a mess I make, the better the finale will be.
She’s a fabulous cook; people gather for miles for her pie & Mexican in particular. but yeah, the state of the kitchen afterwards is sometimes shall we say, ‘spectactular’? LOL
I first got the ‘fatliness’ phrase from a vet who said of a pet rabbit ‘fatliness is happiness in a bunny’. And seeing that the number of people I know in happy relationships who’ve put on a few comfortable pounds, I think it can be a pretty good measure of content with humans too.
Related in spirit-of-messy-cooking for sure!
The hardest part about the joy of cooking when there are only two people in the house, is that there are only two to eat it all…
Have a four!
So far I’m the only one who voted for Brad Pitt. I don’t know if he could really make me happy. I’d sure as hell be happy to find out, though.
First, my proudest salute to Carnacki, a man I’m proud to call “Chief.”
Second, my happiness for just seeing my kid sister graduate from Oak Park-River Forest HS (Illinois). And y’know, sitting through the speeches of 16 (sixteen!) valedictorians and the roll-call of 724 (seven-hundred twenty-four!) graduates really wasn’t all that bad!
Third, the satisfaction of being able to participate in another Tribal Love-In.
because school end on Thursday and I am not ages behind in grading!!!!
woohoo – Thank God for for sick days (which helped me to catch up), ice cream, and a wonderful hubby or irons!!!!
a wonderful hubby who irons!
I’m happy because I had dinner with a friend I made during The Dean Days and I got to tell her about this place. And I’m happy because just as we were leaving the restaurant the heavens opened and poured on us and we both ran in the torrential rain to our cars and it felt great. And I’m happy because I just read on Paul Rosenberg’s diary that there’s a brand new tv show with a relationship to the people who did Buffy and Angel! And I’m happy because I finally have a sig line, thanks to Shadowthief.
carnacki, your hiatus will be known as our loss, but your gain. we will be here if God is willing and the creeks don’t rise, when you come back..take great care and stay well and safe. HUGS
and that always makes me happy. In this one, Selma wants to adopt a Chinese baby, but has to have a husband–she names Homer on the form. As their flying to China, she asks Marge when they should tell Homer, and Marge has one of my favorite quotes ever: “Just wait until the Drambuie and sleeping pills kick in.”
I’m happy today because my daughter just bought her first car and she is so happy.
I have to put everyone to bed, but here’s my happy story…http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2005/4/15/163448/437
Big responsibilities – I was just granted TU status. Wow! I hope I can handle it.
I live out in the country in a heavily forested hilly area. I can step out my door and go hiking for several miles in the woods which are gorgeous any time of year.
spring and summer
I’m so green with envy. I live in Dallas, which is flat, hot, and covered with concrete and a disturbing number of wingers.
Those pictures are simply breathtaking.
Thank you. And my sympathy for living in Texas (although since I live in Indiana which isn’t that big a step up as far as wingers go, maybe I should offer my empathy instead.)
I can give you at least one consolation — I’m sure you have all kinds of choices for broadband while I am still stuck with dial-up.
Well, I do have high-speed. 🙂
Do you do much photography? Those shots are quite nice. If you have an online gallery or such, I would love the chance to see more. (And to drool over your trees)
My husband is the better photographer. My stuff is pretty much in the snapshot category. The only galleries he has put are from our two vacations. Last years was in northern california so there are some very nice trees even if they aren’t local. Here’s the link if you want to go look.
This dogwood in bloom is my favorite tree picture.
BTW, if you’d really like to drool over trees, I’d suggest a visit to the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Thank you very much!
I can procrastinate just a little bit longer this morning….
feel like adopting a middle aged women?
I have woods like that here….but not out my back door.
Do you have a hammock set up by that stream in the spring and summer?
feel like adopting a middle aged women?
Well, my usual behavior is adopt whatever shows up at the mailbox looking pathetic and abandoned so …..
We’re very lucky. We’ve go 40 acres of woods and we share most of our property line with an 800 acre camp. A hammock by the creek would, unfortunately, be a major invitation to mosquitos, gnats and deerflies.
We have a new kitten in the house here, named India Letifa:
(that’s my girlfreind holding her)
She’s been a very affectionate, playful kitten since I took her home. Right now she is trying to attack my feet as I type this!
Just knowing you’re around, doing your stuff, is enough for me.
Cheers: good health, good friends, good food and good memories to the both of you.
Here’s a toast to a long, restorative summer.
Hope I’m not too late for two of the things that make me happy.
You know, I’ve never participated in a mojo-fest before. I’m rather braindead and feeling unoriginal, so I’ll post a slightly off-color link:
Shel Silverstein’s adult lyrics and poetry
Here’s one of my owners: Joey. She’s 13.
And a furball picture:

Wow! what really makes me happy is when I find another MP3 of Jeff Beck, Stevie Ray Vaughan, or Johnny Winter to download.<g>
I will miss Carnacki’s Happy Diaries. They were an island of positivity (is that a real word?) in an ocean of some very weird tense times. They never failed to bring a smile.
Enjoy your time off and take good care of yourself.
Bright blessings to you and your family.
Here’s to little wobblies! 11 months tomorrow!
I got off my lazy butt and expanded my horizons.
Joined ‘bTrib’ and ‘eTrib’ this evening!
Now I’ve got three things I MUST DO before I leave the house… <g> no one said it would be easy </g>
I don’t usually do these mojo things but the highlight of my life right now is my grandson Denzel- an adopted South Korean little boy.
I am babysitting him for a few months until he’s old enough to go to daycare.
When I walk into my daughter’s home every morning his face lights up and he claps. He smacks his lips for kisses from his grammy. It is the best feeling in the world 🙂
Our favorite game is soccer- He’s almost walking so I have to hold his two little hands and we chase the ball and kick it and he squeals with delight when he makes contact.
We drove back from Ft. Wayne to Detroit today, dead tired, and there in the fields, my husband noticed them first, wild turkeys! Many! In their gorgeous wildness, out in the fields in the mist, they walked along, some scratching like the big chickens they are, a couple keeping beady eyes on us. Then one took off and flew right at us. Big – not like those over-grown breasted out grocery birds, but big. It certainly drew our attention away from the others.
Its our last Carnaki happy story for a while, and it made us so pleased to see the wild birds in such a large group so near the highway.
My son turns one tomorrow and that’s a very happy occasion!!
I was gone only 2 weeks and got back to find the “pie wars” had broken out…
My happy story is that after my wife recently graduated from veterinary school, the four of us (including sons in high school and college) went on a family vacation for the first time in years and actually didn’t kill each other despite all that time together in the car.
We had lots of fun together, except for my sprained ankle and broken hand from a fall in Toronto, my son’s minor surgery in Vermont, getting lost on dirt roads on a rainy day in New Hampshire, and trying to drive in Boston (that was the worst mistake of all!)
Of course, the heat and humidity were a shock once we got back to Tennessee…
And my wife’s new job is going well after the first week; we actually had a full 48-hour weekend together like normal people do, now that she’s out of vet school! I’m trying to convince her to get a user ID over here of her own, dangling out the possibility that she might be the one to get lucky user ID #1500.
I also told her that I posted a picture of Sam (my dog) over here, but if she wanted a picture of Sprite (her dog) to get posted she’d have to get her own user ID! Now that’s serious arm-twisting in our household!
MAY 10: Members of Baghdad softball team read a book before practice May 10, 2005 in Baghdad, Iraq. The Iraqi national baseball and softball federation was established after the fall of Saddam Hussein. Hussein considered baseball a product of U.S. imperialism. The Baghdad softball team has been invited to travel to the U.S. in July 2005.